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Fantasy The Cirque de Monstres (1965)

@Lady Luna Ravenswood, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.

please read all rules before posting your CS Cirque members


1. Mera Ravenswood- snake charmer/belly dancer- succubus/seducer-
@Lady Luna Ravenswood










1. Paul Kruger- owner/ringmaster- demon/life sucker-
@Lady Luna Ravenswood















1. Sebastian Carr -exorsist-
@Lady Luna Ravenswood











Cirque member CS


Show Name or nick-name:

Age: (over 18.Put real age and age appears if that applies to your character.)

Country of Origin:

Years with circus:



Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality:(don't give away everything)

Background: (does not need to be detailed.)

Abilities:(don't go overboard.)

What do you do in the circus:(You can do multiple things but, try to use ones that someone else has not been taken. I do not want 7 people that only do fire stuff. Mix it up!)

What does the inside of their trailer look like? (optional)


Investigator CS


nick name:

Age: (over 18.)

country of origin:


Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

Appearance other:(whatever you would like to add)

Personality:(don't give away everything)

Background: (does not need to be detailed. can be one sentence.)

What you specialize in: (paranormal wise, exorcist, demonologist, folklore expert etc)

How long have you been a member of Interpol:


Name: Mera Ravenswood

Show Name or nick-name: Lady Snake

Age: 20

Country of Origin: Germany

Years with circus: 20 years

Species: half succubus/ half demon



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/rachel_brice_by_jaimeibarra-d577lnr.jpg.020a8d7a77835961ff451406c7b548f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/rachel_brice_by_jaimeibarra-d577lnr.jpg.020a8d7a77835961ff451406c7b548f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_m149qfyJjk1qag5sbo1_500.jpg.c4ec99e89f541320d1078fcfc988c9e8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_m149qfyJjk1qag5sbo1_500.jpg.c4ec99e89f541320d1078fcfc988c9e8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other: she is 5'6 and has a floral tattoo that runs from the right side of her belly button to her back.

Personality: Nora is very reserved and quite, which makes her seem mysterious. She is also very alluring, known for mesmerizing her snake as well as the audience. behinds the scenes she is a mischievous little demon who clings to Paul or Papa Bones (Mr. Bones, no one can all him papa bones but her. if you call him that she gets mad.) when there is trouble.

Background: abandoned by her mother Nora when she was just hours old. Mera was raised by Nanami, Ignis, Paul, and Papa Bones. She spent her teenage years traveling with a renn fair as a gypsy dancer while still being in the cirque. She joined cirque full time last year when she was kicked out the renn fair

Abilities: she can get any person she wants but, she uses this power to charm snakes instead.

What do you do in the circus: Snake charmer/belly dancer

What does the inside of their trailer look like?


Name: Paul Kruger

Show Name or nick-name: Mr. Kite

Age: appears 47 actually 265

Country of Origin: germany

Years with circus: 25

Species: demon

Sexuality: straight



Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality: Paul is a rather strange man. He is very eccentric and known for being into odd things. He rarely gets angry but, when he does run for the hills. He loves running the cirque and is very protective of all the performers.

Background: he doesn't talk about it. mainly because of the dark times and loosing Nora.

Abilities: he can suck the life out of someone and also can cause things to spontaneously combust.

What do you do in the circus: ringmaster/owner of the cirque

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

Name: Sebastian Carr-Lentra

nick name:

Age: 20

country of origin: germany

sexuality: straight


Appearance other:(whatever you would like to add)

Personality: don't get in Sebastian's way, he takes everything seriously. Sometimes too seriously and it causes him to yell at the nearest person. he takes things too seriously and acts way older than he is. Earning him the nickname of 'old man' don't call him that or he will yell at you. Somewhere under that tough interior is a different man and deep secret.

Background: doesn't talk about it,

What you specialize in: he specializes in exorcisms

How long have you been a member of Interpol: 4 years




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Xaivier Nýchta Lee

Show Name or nick-name:

Jack of all trades



Country of Origin:


Years with circus:



Shadow demon




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Anime-guy-vagos-club-29810419-329-352.jpg.5156fb044a4000f9695ec1bfc02addb1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64746" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Anime-guy-vagos-club-29810419-329-352.jpg.5156fb044a4000f9695ec1bfc02addb1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:

Hair as black as raven feathers. 5’ 4” tall(wears boots with 2inch heels though to make himself appear taller.) Amethyst eyes. Blackish tint on his lips. Pale skin.


He is a very kind and gentle young man. A true sweetheart it takes a lot to anger him. He tends to be shy and quiet at first, but as soon as you earn his trust he is a very loyal friend and will not hesitate to put the safety and wellness of others before his own. This often leads him into getting harmed or in distress


He has no memory of where he really came from. As far as he knows he was born to a human family but he is far from it. His parents cared and raised for him as normally as possible. Gave him a good life and education. Ever since he ran off and joined the cirque without warning their relationship seems to be strained.


Can manipulate shadows. Make things with them and phase through things with them.

What do you do in the circus: performer assistant. Keeps the audience entertained during transitions and aids in other performances when needed.


He has a pet raven named Faust. Elephant man.



Markus Finch

nick name:

Marky or Mark

Age: 24

country of origin:

United States




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3990e865_photo3.PNG.a74f46b281159825c45d25488e97345a.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64747" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3990e865_photo3.PNG.a74f46b281159825c45d25488e97345a.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:

Markus stands at 5' 11". Has dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He also has several tattoo's on his arms. A chain that wraps around his right bicep and a few crows down his left arm.


Laid back and cocky this guy thinks he's got it all figured out. Not often listening to the advice of his superiors and going head first into things without thinking.

He's also quite the tail chaser, but underneath it all, he does have a pretty good heart.


An ex-con man and gang member he somehow found out about Interpol and, much to his older brother's relief, decided to make a career change. Thus, joining the agency and making a more honest living.

What you specialize in:

'Taking care of' supernatural beings'.

How long have you been a member of Interpol:

3 years


He keeps his gun and booze in a hollowed out bible.

Elephant man.​



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Merida Cotter​

Nick Name:




Country of Origin:





Merida is stubborn, hard working, and at times a little to rude and sarcastic. She can be sweet and caring, but she dislikes people trying to get to her, to avoid this she is highly defensive and keeps her personal life to herself.​


Merida grew up a normal life, aspiring to become a cop or security agent, but having a passion for the unknown, she found herself working with the paranormal before long.

What you specialize in:


How long have you been a member of Interpol:

Two years.


Name: "The Name is Jack. Jack of the Black Pearl"

Show Name: The Fearless Pirate

Age: 24

Country of Origin: England, but has been traveling the seas for a few years

Years with circus: 5 years

Species: Pyromancer/Elementalist

Sexuality: Completely Open Homosexual

Appearance other: 6'4", he has a large tattoo on his back, and a scar running along his chest that he shows when he is preforming. During his performance he is completely shirtless, and he wears nothing but swashbuckler pants with jewels hanging down from his pants, and other things he had collected from his travels over the seas.


Personality: Jack is always charismatic, charming, and a big flirt. He tends to be a charmer with anyone, but mostly men. Unfortunately he is also a loose cannon. Jack is defensive of himself, and his friends, though sometimes his old habits get to him and he just flees himself instead of saving others. Even though he doesn't like to admit it, he is actually kind of a softie, and wants nothing more than to find someone to hold in his arms, and tease all he wants.

Background: Jack grew up in England, but as a young child, he left his home to sail on a ship. When the captain died, Jack took over at the age of 13. Only six years later, Jack landed back in England, only to join the Cirque.

Abilities: Jack can control fire at his own will, and is said to have the spirit of a dragon. He can use his abilities to summon fire and use them at different moves, though he usually uses it for his sword fighting and swallowing. If he get's mad enough, or concentrated enough, he can summon his inner dragon.

What do you do in the circus: Sword Swallowing, Knife Throwing, Jumping though flaming hoops.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?:


other: "Oh I almost forgot. I meet an elephant man"


Giovanna (Geo) Cordilia Ross

Show Name or nick-name: Galaxy

Age: 23

Country of Origin: Norway

Years with circus: 5 years

Species: Unknown (Suspected to be an Extra terrestrial, or an Enlightened one)

Sexuality: Unknown

Appearance other: Geo is 5'6", which is pretty tall for most girls, and she has long blue hair that almost reaches the floor when she doesn't have it put up, which she always does. She has small bust for most women, and is considered more lanky limbed than broad and muscular, and is quite a dainty and almost frail creature.

Personality: Geo is a kind and friendly soul who enjoys talking to people. Her very personality is very sweet, and she is often seen as fragile due to the fact that she avoids conflict with her own body. However, when she is forced to fight, another side of Geo comes out, which is more violent and is willing to fight without a doubt. But when she is most in tune with her inner self, she is often depressed and lonely.

Abilities: Geo can summon various creatures at will, and is found to be able to summon two max at once. She connects to her spirits though a link to another dimension, where they live. If her spirit is seriously injured, it also affects herself, which is why she summons one and then takes away another, it makes things easier on her.


Clara is Geo's main spirit. Clara has the ability to manipulate sound, and release energy blasts, or power screams at anyone who get's close to Geo. Clara is extremely flexible, and is more of a combat person then a passive spirit. Clara is a stone cold spirit in personality, and only follows the orders of her master, who is the only one she opens up to.


Ariana is a siren. As a passive spirit, she doesn't take much energy to summon or keep in the real world. Her powers work a such. She floats to a specific spot, and sings, drawing people into her location. She can either be used as a distraction so that Geo can summon another spirit, or she can be used as a reason to draw her opponents over to her passively. Ariana herself is quite high and mighty, and can be a little bit snobbish towards Geo when she summons her.


Corona is a physical attacking spirit, and is found to be using a hailbard (A staff with a sword on one end). Corona herself is loyal, and confident, always obeying orders, like a real soldier.

What do you do in the circus: Arealist Tricks, with spirits as her partners/ helpers

What does the inside of their trailer look like?


Geo has a little friend who is always following her around. This little friend of hers is her way of finding out what is happening in the other dimension.

"Oh yeah, the Elephant man here tells great jokes~"





"Well, I would tell you, if you can catch me."

Nanami Rose Lunago


"It's rude to ask a lady her age!"

In terms of appearance, Nanami looks young, around 28 almost, but in terms of literal age,

she was born on the 17 of May, 1678


"Well, judging by my voice and appearance that one should be a no brainier."



"Doesn't it look like I could just take to the sky at any minute"

Nanami, in the simplest way possible, is an angel. But according to the lore put in this rp Nanami is the child of one of the 8 Divine Eyes, and has been graced with special

summoning powers based on this fact.

~:Country of Origin:~


~:Years with circus:~

52- Appears 22




"Well, take a picture it will last longer."

Nanami stands around 5'7", which is average for angels, as they have a higher height average

among them. Angels by nature tend to be quite beautiful, which has graced her with her looks as she is today.

Though she is technically a fallen angel, Nanami still carries the signature white color which is usually

replaced when an angel falls. She has stark white hair of the purest color, though the texture is

somewhat thick and sticks up around her head. Since her hair is naturally unruly,

she has a hard time taming it for performances, which requires diligence.

On a regular day, with no maintenance, Nanami's hair sticks out all over the place, and is similar to a lions

mane or a yeti. After a few brushes, her mane can be tamed down to a little bit of a poofy hairdo with

two longer locks in the front to frame her face. If she goes as much to prep her hair, she

curls her longer strands of hair, and teases her hair to make it the perfect

texture to make the look almost feather like, which takes a part of

her act.

Aside from her hair, Nanami's face is smooth and pale, her skin fare, but has a few scars here an there.

From her many years alive, Nanami has gathered a few scars. There is a clean scar underneath

her ear, which was from a small accident with a knife, and has a fairly clean shape.

The second is long and jagged, and it runs from just under her bra line

on her back down to her hip on the front on the right side.

The last scar is a small clean one on her left

arm, which is also jagged and irregular.

On her back, close to the long jagged scar is a pair of slits, that form small marks. To most, it is curiously out

of place. But to those who come see the act can see the slits become part of a small pair of wings.

Her wings are small when she preforms, and she keeps them hidden. She very rarely

takes out her full wingspan, which is about 39 ft. but when she does, it is

a sight to behold. Most angels have a slight tint to the edges

of their wings, but Nanami's are a pure white that

match her hair.

Nanami herself has a muscular structure, due to her background in fighting, and her experience with

performing as an aerialist. As for what she wears on it, when she is in her sleepware she often wears a baggy t shirt

and her bottom underwear. In a casual outfit, she is usually seen loose sweaters and ripped jeans, often with

glasses on or her hair tied back away from her face. In a less casual outfit, something she would most

likely go into town with is with a small amount of makeup on, and her hair done slightly,

with a shirt and some jeans. Her fanciest clothes are dresses or her costume,

and they are accompanied by a thicker set of makeup to

highlight her features.

Her appearance, however, can change. Since she is of a powerful position, she can summon 8 other

appearances that draw on different powers..


Before leaving the Cirque for a while, Nanami was


(Your character's past! As we won't necessarily be reading up on the RP the character is from, you may wish to describe the general story of their RP too.)


Nanami has abilities she has been trained in since birth for her position. In the simplest words, Nanami

has a connection to the angelic dimension from earth, and can summon weapons to use to her aid.

The weapons she can summon are a sword, a bow, a sheild, and a spear. All of the weapons are not from earth, and

though they posses more power than regular weapons, only Nanami can weild them. She is the link between the angelic

realm, and the human one. Unless another angel arrives that has not fallen yet, there is no phisical way

anyone can hold the same weapons that she summons. However, holding more than one weapon

of a different type at a time is physically impossible, though she can hold two of one item.

When Nanami let's go of a weapon, it seems to brighten and then break into tiny little

piece and disappear all together.

Besides her simple weapon summoning, she has a more advanced technique that often comes of it's own will

when her friends or loved ones are threatened. She can summon it on will, but she avoids using it because

it is taxing on her regular body. When she is using it, the gods choose a form that they deem

useful in that situation.


Nanami's first form is dubbed Angelica, and is the guardian of family, and marrige. Her weapons

include a circular halo. She is the easiest to summon, and is usually more kind. She fights to

protect, never to harm. She plays defensively, and doesn't deal much damage, but has a

lot of emotional power over her enemies.

The Specific Angel herself is known for being wise, and kind. She guards peace and

prosperity with families and friends. She is gentle, and promotes using words instead of violence.

She is a healer, someone who often rules over the earth as a keeper of peace.

The second form is known as Dracona, or The Queen Of Dragons. She has been known throughout the

ages to be one of the most blunt angels, and she delivers explosive attacks. She welds a staff that she can use to summon fire, or her dragon, who can storm anyone in her path.

Even though Dracona and her dragon Boras are strong and tough to beat, the use of her is extremely taxing on

Nanami, thus why she avoids using it too much. It takes a lot of will and courage to summon, and

even with that she can only fight for 10 minutes before her energy level runs out.

The third form is Bonara, the Guardian of Justice. Bonara guards the justice over the world, and works closely with

Angelica, though they do not get along. Bonara is more abrasive than her counterpart, and does not take

only the side of the family, she takes the side of reason. Bonara's weapon is a longsword that she

uses to exact her justice. She wears heavy armor, and is much like a warrior class who uses

melee weapons and no magical attacks to do justice.

Bonara is slightly more taxing than Angelica to summon, but she can still be used for longer than the others.

She is summoned when Nanami's justice or position in the council, even though she has been banned

calls for her to exact justice against demons threatening her power, or the angelic


The Fourth form Nanami takes is Megara. Megara is the guardian of religion and magical practices of the

world. Megara is taxing to use, and hard to channel because she is such a holy spirit. She protects

the practice of all religions, but mostly Christianity, and magical uses.

Megara's temperment is quite holy. In fact, she rarely raises her voice at anyone. She is calm,

collected, though she can get slightly irritated with the more energetic bunch, she never snaps at anyone.

She is a fighter that uses a small staff or a holy book to summon spells that help her.

The Fifth Form is the Guardian of Springtime, and the earth. She is named Rosaline or Rosy because of her love

for the pink and red flowers. By nature, she uses completely earth related attacks, and has no weapon but her own hands. She loves playing in the feilds, and just like a flower, her personality is honey sweet.

Rosy is somewhat difficult to summon, but is usually happening when she feels like toying with or annoying

someone. She is also summoned in matters considering a threaten of nature or the order

of the angels. In a sense, she protects all life that is not a creature.


(Any other details about your character you wish to share with us!)

WIP (I posted before I finishes X( )
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