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Fantasy The Cirque de Monstres (1965)

Welcome young and old to the Cirque de Monstres! We open at nightfall and feature a carnival and circus entertainment. Be sure to check out the side show and our famous hall of mirrors. And to the wonderful members of Interpol, we proved our innocence! Please leave us be.

RP takes place in the spring of 1965 outside of the town of Manchester, England. The cirque has a forest on one side of it.

note for the humans: when the rp starts you do not know that the members of the cirque are behind everything. You just think they are a traveling band of non-humans who are most likely guilty.

WARNING!: This is a mature role play that deals with kidnappings, horror related scenarios, strong emotions, murder, and violence. If any of these make you uncomfortable do not join. This a PG-13 site but, just a heads up that this is not a sunshine and rainbows circus rp.

When the RP starts it will be nighttime and the cirque will have just opened for the night

Please read the rules before posting a character!

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