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Fantasy The Cirque de Monstres (1965) - Neutral Characters

Name: Ignis Fatuus Lagrange

Age: 48. Appears 28

Country of Origin: France

Years with circus: many

Species: Now full demon

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d021c4c_AnimeGuy14.jpg.37338f75abdaa2ea80542c215f68f0aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d021c4c_AnimeGuy14.jpg.37338f75abdaa2ea80542c215f68f0aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other: 5' 9" Dark Mahogany hair. Midnight blue eyes. Nasty burn scars on his back, shoulders and parts of his arms and legs that he always hides.

Personality:Ignus is a very laid back and calm man who often speaks in an almost monotone voice. You can never tell what he's thinking. Most of that time because his face is either behind a mask or his eyes are closed.

Currently, he is having bouts of anger and violent behavior. Which he refuses to acknowledge completely or talk about.

Background: It was rough. He was abused and put down for his abilities. They saw him as a freak and kept him locked up tight. His only friends being the shadows on the walls and illusions that he could spawn. They even tried to rid him of them many times through exorcisms and experimental procedures. He was freed from all of that though......in a way he doesn't really like to talk about.

Abilities: Psychic abilities:

Illusions that are very complex and hyper realistic. He hasn't been able to bring anything into reality yet, but he has a feeling that he is very close to it. He can catch glimpses of the future. He claims that he can never rely on it though due to the ever changing nature of it.

He's trying to learn how to move things with his mind...so far all he can do is make wind chimes spin wildly and make little puppets and other such toys and gadgets move. Not all that impressive, but if his emotions get too out of hand things do tend to go awry.

What do you do in the circus:He was the Illusionist

Other: He smokes like a chimney, suffers from insomnia, has some heart problems and is deathly afraid of fire.

He is now married to the lovely Nanami. The two moved away from the cirque to raise their growing family, but are back to try and reconnect with each other and hopefully their children as well.

Elephant man.



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