The Brothers Grimm International Circus

Odessa Grantham

Junior Member
-Meet the Cast-

•Ruby Olivia DeVeaux- Little Red Riding Hood- Trick Horseback Rider- Me

•Annette Mari Faber- Gretel- Escape Artist- @The Magnificent Marley

•Thomas Aldrich Faber- Hansel- Escape Artist- @The Magnificent Marley

•Alexander Wolfe Knight- The Big Bad Wolf- Animal/Beast Tamer- @Shadow Alpha

•Rosette 'Rose' Vermeil- Rosenrot/Rose Red- Animal Tamer- @Renn Skye

•Samantha Alina Jones- The Water Nixie- Contortionist/acro dancer- @Behind The Mask

•Dawn Butcher- Ariel/The Little Mermaid- Elephant Act- @Karma200

•Doré Vergoldet Borste- Rapunzel- Areal Silk Dancer- @Renn Skye

•Alexander Casimir Baudouin- Prince Charming- Ringmaster- @Renn Skye

•Ahdia Rae Kendya- Princess Jasmine- Bellydancer- @Bella Rose

•Glen Bourbon- The Frog Prince- Sword Swallower- @sleeplessCartoonist

• Haven Rozarius Hallock- Briar Rose (Gender Bend)- Assorted Stunt Actor- @Behind The Mask

•Victoria Maleficent Crow- The Evil Queen- Fire Breather- @TheLovelyDead

•Edmund Knave Woods- The Huntsman- Dog Trainer/Tamer- @TheLovelyDead

•Snow White- Reserved for: @Misunderstood Hero


Ruby O'Reilly tugged a red, rain jacket on over her black tank top as she slipped out of her dressing trailer. Both the circus' cargo and passenger flights had arrived in Pennsylvania the previous afternoon and the caravan had managed to move two hours down the road to set up the main tents before dark. The Brothers Grimm International Circus had managed to book yet another tour across the U.S., making this their third. To Ruby, this was the most exciting part; the travel. Being able to explore outside of France was a treat, let alone outside of Europe.

She inhaled deeply, letting the breeze of the cool, grey morning rush into her lungs. Today was going to be a great opening day, she could feel it. It would go pretty closely to how the majority of the first days of week-long stops went. Once everything was in its place, the circus grounds would open to the public in the early afternoon. During this time every performer would be in the smaller, colorful, one or two person tents surrounding the big top or simply wandering the crowd. They would stand but their animals, so simple tricks, nothing too fancy by enough to want people to come back. That would all close up around dinner time and the cast would have a solid two hours to prepare for the big, opening night show. This time around, there was a new element added on top of their usual duties as well; this tour was intended to have a spooky, Halloween-ish theme.

Ruby hopped down the two, metal steps that folded out from the trailer and headed straight for the trucks. When they were in Europe, the show would frequently travel by train but in America the picturesque idea just wasn't quite feasible. Here, her 'noble steed' had to stay in a horse trailer connected to one of the vehicles unless they could get a temporary corral put up rather quickly.

Her black, riding boots squished against the dew covered grass with each step. Still a good ten or fifteen yards away, she could already spot the beautiful, grey ears of 'Napoleon' pointed in her direction.
She passed by another dressing trailer, which, she recalled, was usually filled with the croaking of amphibians. However, it was oddly silent. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a brightly-coloured umbrella. The man holding in was bent over, digging through the mud for something, cursing to himself in French.

Glen immediately straightened up at the sight of someone else. His face heated up a little -- this wasn't a noble position to be spotted in. One of his frogs caught his eye, and he suddenly dived for it, forgetting about the presence of the horseback rider. Scooping it up, he grinned, thankful that he was at least wearing gloves. He glanced over at the woman again, lowering the frog slightly and approaching.

"Excuse me, madame, would you like an umbrella?"
Victoria awoke in her trailer with the sound of a crow by her window. She tilted her head slightly and shrugged her imagination away. She sat up and stretched looking at her torches and matches for her act. She stood up, a little wobbly, and leaned down to see the window. "Its raining." she said to herself. She yawned and walked over to her chest of clothes. She didn't care much for a dressing trailer, just one she could sleep in. She took out a long lace black coat, a violet silk shirt, black leather pants, and black lace up boots. Honestly, she always imagined herself as an evil queen in any story, and the fact she was in a circus that was based upon those stories, she seemed to feel the need to dress the part. She smiled slightly at her little thoughts and turned to get her black parasol. She stepped out to the silver steps of the trailer and took in a deep long breath. She smirked a bit in a somewhat devilish way as she started to walk to her friends, or, well, co-workers.

Edmund tried to get the one trick he'd been working on done, and obviously, that wasn't working. Edmund shook his head and started mumbling to himself. He couldn't help but think about the others. He smiled slightly and got up from his seat towards the tent opening. It was a gloomy day, perfect for his little hobbies. He wiped his hands and walked over to the silvery trailers. He walked over to the little group of characters until he slid by them with a small smile and a wave. He tried to ignore people when he wanted to do something that he missed doing for over, 2 months. He shook his head at the passing time, it seemed irrelevant to think of such things.

It was raining, but unlike most people Sam loved it. She went about frolicking in the rain. As she did, if one were to watch her and notice, she was practicing one of her routines. She turned flips, did cartwheels and of course twisted her body into the most impossible of forms. Humming to herself she did an elbow stand and then bent her body as to turn it into a summersault like flip so she was back on her feet again. Sam couldn't wait to perform in tonights show, especially now that she had her new routine perfected.


Haven woke up early that morning, already preparing for the show later that night. He went about checking his materials. First thing he needed to do was sharpen the knives. It made him sigh thinking about how long it had been since he had. "I really need to take better care of these." He muttered as he began sharpening them. Once every one was up to standard he smiled twirling them about. Haven didn't know yet what routine he was going to do. Of course he'd love to start of with something amazing, but it couldn't be the absolute best since they would have more shows to come and the other acts he did then would seem boring. It had to be enough so they got a taste for it but not too much where his other acts were dull in comparison. He decided just to figure it out later. For now he would just practice a bit outside his tent and maybe talk to some of the others.
Alexander spent the majority of his time in the enclosure of his own animals that would he would performing with later. He loved them all and their different personalities but he did have a soft spot for one of them. Beside the rest of the Big Cats was a special enclosure for his own personal friend, a solid white wolf that shared Alex's red eyes. The wolf that he had when he was little had a lot of pups and this was the one that he connected with the most. He walked over to the 2 year olds cage and brushed his hand against it while the wolf rubbed his face on it. "Hey Claus, how have you been boy?" The wolf barked happily and wagged its tail. Alex was excited for tonight's show because he was given the chance to use his friend in the show as the main attraction. He's also gets to wear a certain outfit for it that would show him as The Big Bad Wolf. A feral grin came onto his face when he remembered that Ruby would be his Little Red. He swiftly turned and left the animals with a wave and began to walk around without his shirt or shoes.
One of the twins, Annette, stood in her dressing trailer. For some reason, she couldn't find her dress that she was supposed to wear for the show, and that caused great frustration to the girl. Eventually she found it, sighing in relief as she pulled it on. All it was was a tight-fitting, sleeveless black dress. Quite simple. But nobody would be seeing her attire very well, anyways—especially because of the fact that she'd be chained up all around. Taking one last look in the mirror, she made sure her make-up was alright, and then she grabbed an umbrella and stepped out. Her eyes scanned everyone, searching for her brother. Then she spotted him, standing under an awning, lacking an umbrella. Of course. However, right now she wasn't to be concerned about that.

Thomas was in a simple suit—black, like his sister's dress. Usually they'd wear more interesting clothing for these shows, but today black seemed fitting enough. Besides, they were going to have to go to an extra feat tonight. So he watched the rain, regretting the fact that he didn't bring an umbrella outside with him—unlike his sister, who stood opposite him right outside her dressing room door. No smile crossed her face, though, and he assumed she was nervous about the act tonight. That was perfectly normal, of course. Thomas was a bit nervous himself—but his sister had different nerves than him.
Victoria walked amongst the performers. Her devilish smile crept longer upon her face. She looked up at the grey sky and closed her eyes. The cold rain gently fell upon her face. She touched her blood red lips on which rain fell upon the most. She gave a warm smile, a smile she hasn't given in a long time, and looked back down where she could see the rest of her co-workers. She shook her head a little and saw Edmund wondering about. Her evil smile crept back upon her face as she walked towards him. "What does thou do so early, Huntsman." She winked and but her lower lip. It was no question she liked him, but she tried to keep it calm.

Edmund smiled when Victoria came across his view. "What does thou not do so early?"

he saw Victoria smile upon the remark. "You look lovely today. Bit of evil? Hm, no, to vague, more of a dark appearance?" "Well how smart, you know me so well." Victoria replied. He stopped in his footsteps and turned to her. "A little fiery this evening?" He watched Victoria's ember eyes flicker with a spark. "I take that as a yes." he said and walked off to his trailer.

Victoria stood in her place and slowly turned. She bit her lower lip and watched everyone go there business. She walked towards an open tent and went in without a question. As she walked towards the center she spun her lacy coat around and took a torch; she blew against the fire making the sparks dance in the cold crisp air.
Ahdia was extremely excited for tonight's show. She was really jumpy and always smiling. Even though she was one of the older performers she still had a small portion of her childish nature, in which she usually showed anyhow; and freely. She was in her tiny - yet comfortable - dressing trailor. Of course, the colors were a bit of the normal. Blue this, blue that... Ahdia had a few things that weren't blue, but they were either black or white. It would be an exaggeration to say that she loved the beautiful color; Ahdia almost seemed to worship it, in a way. She was sitting in a chair next to a mannequin with her blue - obviously - belly dancing outfit. She sighed peacefully as she studied like she always did, finding comfort and memorable.

Her mind returned to the day's events and she stood, walking over to the shaded window she had in the back of her trailor. She could see the rain slowly pattering on the muddy earth and she smiled again, catching sight of the Frog a prince for tonight - in other words, Glenn. She had had a crush on him for a while now, but it wasn't so big that she would die if he got a girlfriend besides her. It was minor, but she still liked him none the less. She found his unmistakable French accent most desirable. He was holding a multi-colored umbrella in one hand and a frog in the other. Ahdia let out a small chuckle and shook her head. Of course, he was messing with his cute, little frogs again. It'll be a while before she let him hold her hand, if he did.

Ahdia pulled her long, dark hair over her shoulder, snatched a blue jacket from her chair and opened her trailor door. She waved to Edmund as he walked to her trailor and smiled, then went on her way. She was approaching Ruby and Glen with a wide smile and she stopped next to Ruby. "Hey, Glen! Hey, Ruby!" she said cheerfully. Ahdia glanced upward then resumed to watch the two other circus performers with her famous smile, and added,"I wish it were sunnier. But it seems your frogs like the mud." She giggled slightly and stuck her hands in her pockets.
Ruby desperately tried to stifle her laugh behind a hand as Glen dove after his precious amphibian. Managing to maintain her composure, she shook her head slightly. "No, merci." Her voice was laced with it's own French accent as she flashed a polite smile and pulled the hood of her raincoat over her hair. "You seem to have quite the handful there." She added, nodding towards the frog just as she felt Ahdia step up beside her.

"Good morning." Ruby returned Ahdia's smile, taking a small step back. "I hate to run off but I have a certain four-legged herbivore waiting for me. I'm going to have to get him all cleaned up again after this mess." She gestured towards the sky, letting a few raindrops catch in her palm. "If it doesn't dry up, the turnout for the sideshow exhibits won't be anything phenomenal."

With that she gave a small wave and turned back in the direction of the horse trailer, jogging the rest of the way. She slid to a stop a few steps away from it, her boots kicking up mud. "And good morning to you too, handsome." Ruby cooed as she stuck a hand through the metal bars to stroke Napoleon's neck.
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Dawn squealed as she felt the air underneath her for a second before her body slammed off the bed and onto the floor of her trailer, her red hair lay out as her hazel eyes were squeezed shut as she reveled in the slight pain put on her sleepy body.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow," She whined as she held the back of her head with her hands and rolled up into a sitting position, maybe next time she should try not to think about all the scary eyes starring at her... man that was a weird dream. Getting up she looked at the clothes on her counter that she had prepared for the day; picking up the red dress that wasn't nearly as red as her hair she put it on and looked at herself in the mirror and liked the dress even though it showed her long legs and cleavage from the see through cloth on the chest area.

With a yawn she put on the comfortable red flats before leaving her trailer and going toward the other performers she works with everyday, she got along with them perfectly fine and way better then with the people she knew in the past.

"Hey everyone," She smiled as she pulled out a strawberry lollipop and put it into her mouth, a bad habit of hers was to eat candy instead of actual food but she could careless about that.
Alex had stopped walking to look around and put hair into a low ponytail because the rain had caused it to stick to his face. He shook his head like that of an animal to get rid of most of the water. Once that was done he heard Dawn greeting everyone and waved as hard as he could in her direction before taking off to stand in front of her. Alex's chest shone under the light of tent and a big grin shone brighter. "How're you doing today Dawn?"
"Ah, I fell off my bed again," She groaned as she put her hand to the back of her head in the memory, why does she always fall off the bed? Its probably either because of her dreams or because of the fact that... well she tends to move around a lot in her dreams.

"I think I should probably get a few extra pillows and put it on the floor or something because that isn't a fun way to wake up," Dawn grinned at Alex as she looked up at him and smiled when she looked at his eyes, she liked looking at their uniqueness.

"How have you been doing, Alex?" Dawn asked with a little tilt of her head as she pulled her dress down a bit when she felt it was up a bit too high but it was still a pretty dress. Maybe she should wear some tights tomorrow if she could find any in the trunk she kept in her trailer, she doubted it they would be in there though... probably in her dirty clothes pile... she should probably clean that soon.
((Oh man, I forgot to watch the thread. Whoops.))

Glen had spent a while digging through the mud for his pets; by the eighth and last one, his pants and sleeves were soiled and wet. He returned to his trailer, placing the recent catches in their tank. Changing quickly into new clothes, which were equally formal, he took his umbrella and headed back out. He decided to wander around the grounds a bit, mulling over the possible outcomes of tonights performance. He was to wear a dark suit and face paint resembling that of a skull, though he didn't mind that part. However, he didn't like the fact that he was going to be on stilts. It would give him a bit of an eerie look, sure, but it certainly wasn't safe for a sword swallowing act, despite the practice he had.

Glen stopped by a few other performers; a beast tamer, and the woman who performed in the elephant act. 'Alexander' and 'Dawn', he recalled. He tilted his head slightly, watching them for a brief moment before smiling.

"Bon- er, hello," he nodded to the two, spinning the umbrella in his hands.
Alex laughed at Dawn and patted her on the head lightly, "If I were you I'd probably start sleeping on the floor. That sounds a little easier to me compared to building a bed of pillows." He moved the hair that had fallen out of his eyes again before answering Dawn. "We'll I'm hot and soaking wet but besides that I'm excited for the show tonight!" His eyes were shining brightly when he saw Glen stop by. "Hey Glen, are the two of you excited tonight for our show and costumes?"
He frowned slightly. "The costumes, I've no problem with. Though the stilts..." Glen shifted, moving the umbrella to his other shoulder. "Well, I've practiced with them, at least." he nodded, forcing a smile. "And you? Are you having any big changes to your act?"
Dawn smirked at Alex before turning around and looked at Glen with a smile on her face, she was always happy to see the performers knowing they each had a talent.

"Hello there Glen," She smiled and listened to their conversation as she twirled the lollipop around in her mouth, man she couldn't wait for the performance so she could do tricks on Elly the elephant whose she's been working with since she got here.
Alex nodded his head and fist pumped the air, "Yea! I get to focus most of my attention on Claus and I like my outfit for tonight. There is a vest lined with white fur the same color as my hair and my pants have the same fur at the ends." Alex took a thinking position and snapped his fingers when he realized what he forgot. "I also have a pair of clip-on wolf ears and a tail to match my Bad Wolf persona," he finished with a satisfied smirk.
Glen nodded, watching the two quietly. "A skeleton. That's what they've decided to make me," he said, almost with a sigh. "but I'm sure the show'll be exciting. The audience will love it." a small smile grew, though he almost looked tired. He glanced over at Dawn, tilting his head. "And you, madame?"
"Hm, I'll be wearing a sort of a green mermaid/dress thingy that I'll be having to do some small tricks with since its more difficult to do that with a dress on, since I'm Ariel and all," Dawn answered him with a smile at his question, even though it wasn't much for her to do this performance she was always excited to be able to work with the elephant and the other performers.

"So, have you guys been practicing a lot lately?" She asked them with a raised eyebrow, she had been working with the elephant in practice a few times yesterday and was already impressed that the Elly the elephant was able to learn so fast, proving that elephants are smart and making Dawn proud.

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