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Fandom The Blue Moon Cafe

Oh my goodness are you okay? Seizures are a big deal! Are you recovering alright despite being so busy directly after it? You poor thing!
I'm trying to recover. Lol
I've just been really tired and sore. Doctors increased my medication today so I should be good in a few.
Okay I have... two up. I don't think I'm going to edit Soheil's post into Tsuya and Machi's since Nico and I are discussing maybe comboing them again since there's still more conversation between those two that has to go down in regards to that phonecall so. No more editing for me, a real full two posts.

I am so so sorry for the long break there, guys.
Okay I have... two up. I don't think I'm going to edit Soheil's post into Tsuya and Machi's since Nico and I are discussing maybe comboing them again since there's still more conversation between those two that has to go down in regards to that phonecall so. No more editing for me, a real full two posts.

I am so so sorry for the long break there, guys.
It's okay, Renn! We still love youuu! Kitty hugs!!*
I know it's been quiet lately. There has been a little bit of chatter on the chat, so I know this project isn't abandoned, just that a number of people are quite busy these past few and upcoming weeks.
As unfortunate as a slow down of a story is, I am at least happy to be able to say that this RP has not yet died. Hopefully it won't at all :D

For the ones that play the senshi, I would like to ask of you to move your characters out of the palace as soon as you can. In my next post I want to wrap up everything with Setsuna, and introduce our first main villain! Yay! I already lifted the veil a little in my last post, but we'll get to see more of her soon and I'm really looking forward to it.

For the ones playing the guardians, if you can find a way for your character to arrive on the scene with the shipment, great! If you can't find a way (yet) that makes sense to have your character be in that street, no worries. There's plenty of room to arrive on the scene later.

Really looking forward to getting into the action of the story :D
Would anyone here be interested in a roleplay revolving around reborn gods (multiple mythologies)? Bunch of humans turn out to be reincarnations of gods and goddesses, and a threat is on the horizon, wanting to wipe them all out.

For full info please go here
(I'm blatantly making use of the fact that this is my RP XD Yay for shameless self promoting lol..)
I am SO sorry that I have been invisible. The day after my last post I ended up having to go back into the hospital and got to have my gallbladder removed, everything was going well and I was starting to feel better and come back and then Thursday I went to work and a guy not paying attention slammed a table into my stomach and busted a stitch and I had to go back. Hopefully I'm back to stay and post.
The sooner we have them all out on the street the better. And they'll be able to transform soon! So exciting :D
I thought I left Asami waiting in the alley for everyone. I'll double check that and fix it if I need to. I think it's my turn to post anyway.
In Asami's case I think she walked back into the palace. To tell everyone the coast was clear and then stepped aside for the others to go through. At least that is what I recall.
In Asami's case I think she walked back into the palace. To tell everyone the coast was clear and then stepped aside for the others to go through. At least that is what I recall.
Oh shoot I shot a message to the discord group, but I'll echo it here right quick:

Did you want to move Hisako before I moved Tamiko? I know both Miko and Tsu spoke to Hisako, and I know I was hoping Hisako might reply to them before the three moved. Maybe the three of us players can write up a quick collab post that moves the Outer trio into the alley?
As replied there, I'm wanting to have Hisako go out the portal last, then I can wrap everything up nicely with a bow. Or not. Technically they have two bows when they are transformed but I digress.

I'll see what she has to reply to and let you know what she'd do/say so you can incorporate that if you want. Is that an idea?

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