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Fantasy The Blue Caravan - Open/Not Accepting

He had not been keeping track of how long he had been running. The minute the dragon showed up, he made for the tree line, preferring to let the more abled and combat capable members of their little traveling party handle the heavy lifting on this one.

Upon reaching the tree line, he thought taking his chances with the dragon may have been a better choice. With the dragon, he at least could hide behind a wagon or dive into a ditch, but with the forest, he felt way out of his element. He was a minstrel, a troubadour, a simple bard whose only form of combat would have been strategic retreating, or fisticuffs if the situation demanded it.

No torches to light their path or give at least some illumination. Now, Alcred was not a believer in the supernatural, but when investigating the clearing he had found himself in, he saw that the moonlight was creating a path through the trees, as if they want to lead any adventures down that path.

β€œWell...Forget that.”
Talia 2.jpg
[Location: Forest]
Talia turned not really paying much attention to the others as she slowly wandered towards the gentle moonlight that showed through the trees. She clutched to the mauve headscarf that she lazily tossed over her head hiding the hellish spires that jutted from her skull. Golden eyes quivered, her cheeks stained with tears of pain and horror much like a frightened fawn searching for its mother alone in the woods. The violence in her mind slowly faded as the smell of fire and the sound of shouting receded in the eerie quiet of the forest. Talia looked upward at the sky seeing the dark leaves blow in the wind ominously, however, the moonlight seemed calming. Her head tilted upward to stare at the moon that seemed to glow in the darkness, everything seemed to have faded around her as her steps move forward; slowly, quietly. Something drew her to go further into the forest as she moved away from the orange and red hues that glowed behind them.

[As per the DM]

As her steps continued the atmosphere of the forest shifted from the terrifying orange glow of the fire to the cool purples and blues of the ethereal light of the moon. A white blur dipped between the foliage almost as if keeping pace with Talia.

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