The Blood Wardens


Some random dude on the Internet
Character sheet:




Race ((The races available are Elves, Humans, Orcs, Goblins, and lizard men)):

Appearance ((Anime please!)):



Magic (you can't wield a sword and still use magic, magic requires a lot of concentration but you can wield a staff and only use light armor.)):


Bio ((Tell me who you were before you joined the Blood Wardens and how exactly did you become a warden?)):

Rank ((This is your rank in the Blood Wardens, there will only be three veterans and an infinite amount of newbies, the leader is taken by me, and my lieutenant is open, there is only one lieutenant)):

Extra ((Anything else I should know about your character?))
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He uses and Elvish Scimitar. He received from his late sister



Light armor with a purple and black dye entwined with it. (The armor is on him in the pic minus the skulls)

Magic (you can't wield a sword and still use magic, magic requires a lot of concentration but you can wield a staff and only use light armor.)):

He knows almost no magic


He is a caring guy who wants to make sure everyone he cares about live, But he is like a coin when he wants to he can flip himself to a hard emotionless person who only seems concerned if someone is in distress. He gets embarrassed easily if he is put with the right people though or if someone brings up his crush.

Bio ((Tell me who you were before you joined the Blood Wardens)):

Before joining the Blood Wardens he was just a wandering elf. He would go town to town to see if anyone needed help. He would go the the houses where women of a certain profession dwelled to protect them from any unruly customer. The only kink he had was he always had a deep regret for not saving his family especially his sister.

He met the Blood Wardens by chance when he was asked to go and kill a creature out in the forest. He was on his way back and travelling down the road when he met them and he asked them if he could join them. After he received his money from his quest he went to the place that he was supposed to and joined them. Ever since then his mind has been set and goals laid out for him even if it meant he had to cut someone or something down he would try to accomplish it.

Rank ((This is your rank in the Blood Wardens, there will only be three veterans and an infinite amount of newbies, the leader is taken by me, and my lieutenant is open, there is only one lieutenant)):


Extra ((Anything else I should know about your character?))

He gets extremely defensive and sometimes violent if you bring his deceased family up.
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ScaraByte said:











He uses and Elvish Scimitar. He received from his late sister



Light armor with a purple and black dye entwined with it. (The armor is on him in the pic minus the skulls)

Magic (you can't wield a sword and still use magic, magic requires a lot of concentration but you can wield a staff and only use light armor.)):

He knows almost no magic


He is a caring guy who wants to make sure everyone he cares about live, But he is like a coin when he wants to he can flip himself to a hard emotionless person who only seems concerned if someone is in distress. He gets embarrassed easily if he is put with the right people though or if someone brings up his crush.

Bio ((Tell me who you were before you joined the Blood Wardens)):

Before joining the Blood Wardens he was just a wandering elf. He would go town to town to see if anyone needed help. He would go the the houses where women of a certain profession dwelled to protect them from any unruly customer. The only kink he had was he always had a deep regret for not saving his family especially his sister.

He met the Blood Wardens by chance when he was asked to go and kill a creature out in the forest. He was on his way back and travelling down the road when he met them and he asked them if he could join them. After he received his money from his quest he went to the place that he was supposed to and joined them. Ever since then his mind has been set and goals laid out for him even if it meant he had to cut someone or something down he would try to accomplish it.

Rank ((This is your rank in the Blood Wardens, there will only be three veterans and an infinite amount of newbies, the leader is taken by me, and my lieutenant is open, there is only one lieutenant)):


Extra ((Anything else I should know about your character?))

He gets extremely defensive and sometimes violent if you bring his deceased family up.


Name: Zalia

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Human



Weapon: Dual Sai-Daggers (see appearance)

Armor: Monk robes and an armored chestpiece (see appearance)


None, but can manipulate Ki to perform impressive feats of agility, strength and endurance which the layman might consider magic.


On jobs and during other serious times, Zalia has a no-nonsense, get the job done attitude, and doesn't like when fellow Wardens slack off or fool around when they're needed at their best. Despite this, she is a very outgoing individual and is always up for a chat or some friendly sparring during downtime. She has rather strict morals she adheres to, and has vowed to never kill a downed or defenseless opponent, no matter what they've done. She has a soft spot for the suffering, and a deep-seated hared for the cruel and merciless.


Zalia was born into an order of monks, so her early life was dedicated to training as tradition dictates. She showed great promise in martial arts, and has always strived to be the best warrior she can be. As she grew older, she started to feel bored with the role she was born into, almost trapped. She was expected to serve the order her whole life, marry one of the men of the order, become a teacher at a certain age to pass on the teachings of the order, and so on and so on. It felt too restrictive to her. She wanted to make her own path. Luckily for her, she ran into the blood wardens when she was fighting some rioters that had become far too violent, and ended up fighting alongside them. One of the wardens said she could really make a name for herself with them, so at the age of eighteen she was able to convince her parents that this was the right path for her. Two years later, she is now a veteran, and is fully dedicated to her life as a Blood Warden.

Rank: Veteran

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(Her last name won't be revealed)







(I would say witch but it isn't in the list of races)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/ffx_yuna___summoner_by_matsuki_ringo-d7as8an.png.4dff79312bec968a5aed00cf37db60b3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/ffx_yuna___summoner_by_matsuki_ringo-d7as8an.png.4dff79312bec968a5aed00cf37db60b3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She has a staff that reduces the amount of magic her summons takes.

(The staff she has in the picture)


A black cloak and the normal clothes she wears.


Sumonning magic. This magic allows her to summon various creatures that fight in her place. The more powerful she grows, the more the creatures she summons are strong.


Cyrei has a great sense of honor, and is a mature person even with her young age. She barely shows emotions unless you get to know her well, and she doesn't talks a lot. This makes it look like she is hard to approach at first, but she isn't. She keeps thinking about the past and for her, the future means nothing. She doesnt feels the need to have friends since she was isolated from the outside world for 17 years.


Cyrei was born in a family of summoners, and started her training to become one herself at the age of four since her parents forced her into it. All she would do during her days was study the art of sumonning. Her skills rose quickly. In one year she learnt the sumonning through circles drawn on the ground, and she soon learnt to summon without those circles. Her parents kept pushing her to learn more and more. She never went outside of the walls of the place in which she lived, she never saw people of her age. She was all alone with her studies of the sumonning magic.

On her 16th birthday her parents offered her a staff that stores her magic powers and by doing this, it also makes so that her summons take less of her powers.

On the night her 17th birthday, Cyrei decided to leave. She was tired. She was wondering why she was learning sumonning magic if she couldn't even go outside to try it. Without even looking back to her home, she left and started travelling. Soon after she met the Blood Wardens. She decided to join them for various reasons.



(I would say member for about 4-5 months but it's either newbie or veteran soo...)


When she was young she sumonned a creature by accident and that creature became her pet. It's name is Lila.​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Espeon-pokemon-32537711-500-473.jpg.72a76cfaf9d8f764bb395f8cd5417f32.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61483" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Espeon-pokemon-32537711-500-473.jpg.72a76cfaf9d8f764bb395f8cd5417f32.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((Sorry for the big pictures. If anything is wrong just tell me and I will edit my Character Sheet))​



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Race ((The races available are Elves, Humans, Orcs, Goblins, and lizard men)):

Half Elf

Appearance ((Anime please!)):



Bow and Arrow


She uses her light brown cloak and some green leather armor

Magic (you can't wield a sword and still use magic, magic requires a lot of concentration but you can wield a staff and only use light armor.)): Nope


She is a calm caring person who only looks out for people she knows how it is to have feelings for other people. She loves having friends and is usually over-protective of them. Her trust is high with people she's close to but if you break it you'll almost never gain it back.

Bio ((Tell me who you were before you joined the Blood Wardens and how exactly did you become a warden?)):

She used to be working at a bar but many men were attempting things to her. She decided to quit but when she had to live on the streets she got a job at a diner and then joined other people to get better and have money. Over time though about a month a man approached her and told her she was good enough with her bow so he offered her a position. She gladly accepted it and then joined The Blood Wardens.

Rank ((This is your rank in the Blood Wardens, there will only be three veterans and an infinite amount of newbies, the leader is taken by me, and my lieutenant is open, there is only one lieutenant)):


Extra ((Anything else I should know about your character?)):

She has a strong tie to people she knows as friends or as allies in general.
Character sheet:

Name: Harbinger, Real name unknown

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race ((The races available are Elves, Humans, Orcs, Goblins, and lizard men)): Human

Appearance ((Anime please!)): ((Minus the wings and gauntlets))



Armor: usually when in camp he wears his Picture outfit but in battle he usually wears his distinctive armor

Battle armor:

Magic (you can't wield a sword and still use magic, magic requires a lot of concentration but you can wield a staff and only use light armor.)): No magic

Personality: Harbinger is the person who makes sure his soldiers and warriors are in line and is very strict about his rules. He has an disciplinary attitude to him and makes sure that his soldiers expect whatever and are prepared for whatever. He does care for his men and wish to see them live but he won't shed a tear if they die for what's the life of a mercenary without facing death. You make a mistake and Harbinger will make sure you remember never to make it again. He's a force not to be reckoned with.

Bio ((Tell me who you were before you joined the Blood Wardens and how exactly did you become a warden?)):

Harbinger wasn't always the way he is now.... He was once a child of a famous and well known healer. His father was usually too busy to spend time with his son since he had a lot of people asking for his special healing powers. His mother was often working around the house and his siblings were off playing with their friends. Life was good until the village was raided by bandits when he was 16, they murdered his father and brother and used his sister and mother for their pleasure and then slit their throats. Once the bandits left he went to the blacksmith who made him a sword and taught him the ways to wield it in combat. Gathering any able man to fight they set off to get revenge but it didn't go as planned. As they led a charge off on the bandits Harbinger was shot with an arrow to the eye and yet he trudged onwards. Rage exploded out of him and the last thing he remembered was bodies of both the villagers and bandits littered the field where he stood as he was covered in blood. He soon washed up in the nearest stream and went back to the village with the news, it was another sad tragedy but the blacksmith made a scythe. Harbinger then created a new group, he deemed that he would never return to the normal life he had once lived for the nightmares would haunt him forever, he soon became a mercenary looking to hire for his new group The Blood Wardens. It was a simple idea of a bunch of seasoned warriors being known as wandering wardens looking to help deal with problems in the world and how they solved it was by killing enemies in a pool of their own blood.

Rank ((This is your rank in the Blood Wardens, there will only be three veterans and an infinite amount of newbies, the leader is taken by me, and my lieutenant is open, there is only one lieutenant)): Leader

Extra ((Anything else I should know about your character?))

He's really agile and powerful in combat since he has mastered the way of the scythe. Even in fisticuffs you'd better not hope for a second that you would win.

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