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Fantasy The Blood Wardens

"Don't worry about them, they're fine but did not think for a moment when grabbing the stone? What if it was a trap? You do realize that curiosity killed the cat? No matter what the cat does it'll always find trouble and soon it will perish in the jaws of something bigger, you still have weakness! Your weakness is that of caring for others, if you let this weakness take hold of you, you will break into pieces and you won't be able to be put back together. Do not let the memories of the past interfere, I've had my share of death but I do not cry and whine now.... Follow me back to camp." Harbinger sighed for he was getting tired of training out weakness in people.

Harua let out a quiet growl it irritated him that their leader would think this way. "I understand your way of thinking sir, but in my opinion. It is the weakness that we have which compels us to be stronger if we were all made perfect and I didn't care what good would I be to others. If it comes to me breaking then put me into the feilds by myself with a sword and i'll fight until I join the dead. There is no sense in not grieving over death, it is simply the inability to care enough on the loss of someone close" He said slightly angry. "If you want to kill me or something for speaking my mind then go ahead, they won't grieve long under not caring. Just remember that care is a unity that was meant and is built to a powerful empire beyond our belief" He said making a bold statement as he stood his ground, he would have but few regrets, but he would rejoin his fallen family in the better place.

Zalia sighed as Harbinger disappeared into thin air, yet again. She was used to it now, but it always gave her a feeling that something was wrong. She listened to Cyrei's answer and raised an eyebrow, giving a thoughtful look. "You don't? It's quite alright, but that's still quite strange... how did you summon her at first if you knew nothing about her to begin with? Forgive me, I know very little about magic." All of a sudden, Lila jumped on her shoulder and she gave a smile, stroking the adorable creature's fur whilst waiting for Cyrei's response whilst the two made thier way back to camp.

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Harbinger shook his head "You people are all the same, thinking that love and kindness can overpower anything.... It only makes you hesitate and get stuck down by those you thought loved you...... Caring gets you into situations that are impossible to get out of, but you'll never understand my point until you actually feel it, how weak one can be just by caring not able to do a thing about it." He turned his head "I grow tired of this conversation, believe what you will but eventually you'll truly understand my view." They soon reach the camp where the cloaked figure stood holding a bag of gold "It's done...." Harbinger told the man as he was given the go,d which went into a chest inside the leaders tent. It was about sunset and everyone was preparing for night watches and sleep. Harbinger just sat in his tent reading a letter.

Lila let out a purring sound. Cyrei smiled a little. "Well... I was eight years old when I summoned her. I guess that I created her from my childish mind I had back then. I do know that she does seem ageless since she haven't grown at all since nine years..." She said. She then added: "Lila is full of mysteries and I like her that way." Lila looked happy when she heard that. Cyrei noticed this and smiled again.

Zalia digested Cyrei's words with a thoughtful look on her face. "huh. I guess I like her that way too." She patted the cute, curious creature some more and smiled a little. At about this point, they had gotten back to camp, and Zalia looked around to see if any of the others are around.

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