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Fantasy The Blood Wardens


Some random dude on the Internet
In the land of Agremon, a civil war has broken out in the human Kingdom to the north. The so called "Revolutionaries" are trying to overthrow the king because of his tyranny, they're correct that the king should be stopped but their methods are just as bad, so the correct term to call them is terrorists. In the Orcish lands to the south, peace and prosperity reign as the new liege has declared that the orcs will be friends to all. To the elvish lands to the east, the queen has recently died without an heir so the council is having a troubling time about deciding who is the best successor to the queen. The western lands are unexplored and filled with monsters and with the recent neglect to these lands contain sentient races with their own towns and cities though they live in union with each other but have a terrible opinion of all the races. This has then become the era of mercenaries because of the large amount of bandits and monsters who aren't intelligent. You are one of the members of this group, The Blood Wardens who wander the lands hoping to gain fame and honor. You could be a recent recruit or a standalone veteran.
The Blood Wardens had made camp, it was still daylight outside. Everyone was off doing their own things from talking to cleaning the equipment. Harbinger walked up to a cloaked man and began talking soon he nodded as he received a letter from him as they departed ways. Harbinger was quietly reading it as he sighed for the letter was from a merchant saying if the wardens would kindly take care of some bandits who were blocking some trade route. Harbinger sighed as he stood up and yelled to his soldiers "All Right Men and women! We've got a job to kill some bandits on the Ascaru trade route between the human kingdom of Androla and the orcish kingdom of Barlacos! I'm going to personally come on this mission and whoever wants to come then seek me in my tent!" And when that was done he went back to his tent to gather his things.

@LyraDark @DergTheDergon @ScaraByte
A young lady with a staff sighed silently. She was wearing her black cloak as usual with the hood up. Her pet, a mix of a cat and a fox with purple fur, came out of her hood and sat on her shoulder. The lady was looking at her staff, thinking about the past as always. Lila, her pet, licked her cheek. Cyrei picked Lila up and put her on her lap. She started petting her. Lila's ears perked up when she heard the leader's announcement. She jumped away from Cyrei's lap and ran off to the man's tent. Cyrei decided to let her go. She pulled her hood down. She went back in her thoughts.

Lila stopped running when she got in front of the leader's tent. She often did that, and for her, it was like she forced Cyrei to go on a mission. She then let out a loud meow/bark. People often said that she was one odd animal, but she didn't cared. Being Cyrei's pet was so fun and full of adventures, and Lila liked this.

Cyrei was still staring at her staff and she was thinking. Thinking about that night when she left everything she knew. Soon enough she decided to go for a walk around the camp. She stood up and started walking. She hummed silently. She had her staff with her.

Of course, she was young to be part of this group, but it's not like people cared. Her magic abilities could become handy in battle, as skilled sumonners were a pretty rare sight. Most of sumonners have to draw sumonning circles, which makes them vulnerable during the time they draw, which isn't Cyrei's case.
Within one of the tents in The Blood Warden's camp, a thin. muscular dark-skinned woman sat cross-legged, eyes closed and hands folded in her lap, long brown hair falling neatly over her shoulders. Zalia focused on her breathing, going through her daily ritual of meditation since she had finished her camp-setting duties for the day. Her concentration was broken by Harbinger's announcement, and she opened her eyes, stood up and left her tent. Bandits... I've been waiting for a chance to hone my skills on some ne'er do wells, she thought.

She strode through camp at a leisurely pace, weapons sheathed at her hips, casually glancing about at the goings-on around her. She spotted a small, purple fox-like creature skittering about and stopping in front of harbinger's tent, which brought a smile to her face. Some of the other Blood Wardens seemed bothered by the Summoner girl's pet, but not Zalia. Exotic animals had always been a fascination for her, and before Cyrei arrived, she hadn't seen anything like Lila. Speaking of Cyrei, she didn't seem to be with Lila at the moment. Perhaps she was just idly wandering about as she seemed to often do.

Zalia stepped into Harbinger's tent, and addressed him with a Salute before speaking. "I heard your announcement, Sir. I am ready and willing to accompany you on the mission."
Harua moved into the open towards the commander his blade resting against his hip. "We have a new mission sir?" He asked in a strong but still respectful manner as he strode towards them. He saw a few other people within the tented place a few he knew of and to his best knowledge a newbie or at least she was young enough to be one. He didn't know for sure but further abilities being tested would prove her worth to them or rather to him. People are weak no matter how they put themselves somewhere inside or out they are weak. He put a hand to his chest, we all are weak. "I would like to Pursue you and whatever goals we may have at the moment, if that is acceptable. Sir" He said with a firm tone and an edge to his eyes showing dedication and devotion but at the same time it showed weakness.
Harbinger looked at the purple animal and sighed "If you want your master on this mission then I'll speak with her." He turned to his other companions "Good..... I'll need to see if you've improved Zalia." He turned to Harua "Harua...... It's good to see that you are happy to come along." He then finished putting his armor on though it's the first time anyone has seen him wear it, actually it's the first time he had actually had companions on a mission so nobody really has any clue to how powerful he really is. "Let us move." He said as he went over to Cyrei "Young Summoner, it's time we put your skills to the test! You're coming with us on this mission and I won't have any excuses." He soon left waiting by the edge of the camp for his party.



Harua ran his hand over the hilt of his blade before nodding to the other companions "If things get shaky in there get away if I die more can take my place. I don't want to have any unnecessary causalities so be prepared for whatever happens and death isn't an option for either of you" He said before leaving and going to catch up with their Leader. If someone dies it should be me... since I could be with my family then He thought shamefully about his words as he found Harbinger. He quickly nodded to the leader and stood beside him burying his emotions inside him so no one would see them. His eyes keeping a solemn tone instead of one with any weakness even thought it was just weakness within him.

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Lila ran off to find Cyrei as soon she heard the man. She was an odd one, just like her master itself. When she found Cyrei, she let out that meowing/barking sound of her's and Cyrei picked her up and petted her. She closed her eyes.

Put my skills to the test... It has been a while since I last heard that... Cyrei thought. She kept silent as always. Since she already had everything she needed, she started walking towards where the leader went. Lila climbed up to her hood and hid in it. Cyrei had the ghost of a smile on her face. The young sumonner left everything behind her except Lily and her staff, since she thought it could get useful. She was right. She quickly went back to her emotionless face.
Zalia nodded towards Harbinger, and listened to Harua's words, before speaking up. "With all due respect Lieutenant, I have no intention of running if my comrades are in danger. I doubt a few bandits will be all that much trouble for us anyway." She smiled slightly trying to lighten the mood, which then turned to a frown when she realized it was no use... not on Harua anyway. She went back to her tent to grab everything she'd need, then slung her backpack over her shoulder and heading to the rendezvous point, looking over her companions and waiting for further instruction.
Harbinger looked at his team "I will stay back to watch each of your progress especially you Summoner, do not disappoint me." He led the team to where the bandits would be sulking about, it seems like they were waiting for something, there was no carts, bodies, blood, and they were better equipped then most bandits..... They kept to the bushes and stayed hidden "Alright summoner, summon something to fight the bandits." He kept his eyes on them making sure his hand was on the Scythe.



Cyrei closed her eyes and twirled her staff. "Hear my call..." She whispered in a voice that almost couldn't be heard. A chimera appeared and attacked the closest bandit to it. Lila came out of Cyrei's hood since she felt the magic power from Cyrei's staff and it worried her. She saw the chimera and went back to hide in Cyrei's hood. She never really liked when other creatures where being called by Cyrei.
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Harua smiled at the chimera "Reminds me of home" He said remembering how his friend had been a magic user. He walked out near the chimera and looked for more bandits listening to them. "So you have control over this beast right Cyrei?" He asked her smirking and his eyes shifting into another state. He felt it inside him the desire boiling as he felt his blood lust in carnage to begin.
Once the Chimera was summoned, Zalia climbed the nearest tree with relative ease, as silently as she could, and unsheathed her blades, poised on bent knees to jump down and ambush the first bandit that came near.
Cyrei just nodded. She kept her eyes locked on the chimera. The creature was still attacking the bandits. At some point it roared and turned it's eyes to Cyrei who just nodded. It pounced on one of the bandits and growled. Cyrei again had the ghost of a smile on her face. She had only made a contract with that creature recently and was glad to see that it was already listening to her. This meant that she was a good master.

In her type of magic, making a contract with a creature is the most important part. If the creature isn't linked to the master by a contract, this creature has no strenght.
"That's good then, do you mind if we feed these bandits to the chimera then?" Harua asked as he sliced into a bush dismembering an arm from a bandit. The blood lust had some power even though he wasn't usually like this he loved watching as the blood seemed to shred from the body. He grabbed the man and held the bandit having chopped off his weapon arm. He held the man before him as he put the blade into the mans body and pulled hard left slicing through his torso. "Otherwise this could attract somethings we don't want here" He said still smirking as he flicked the bade splattering the blood from it to the ground. He was expecting to have at least been stabbed by now but luck and lust were two different things.

((If this is to graphic please alert me @Archdemon ))
As the chimera wreaked havoc on the bandits, a couple of them snuck out of the bushes near the tree Zalia was crouching in, one with a bow and arrow aiming at Cyrei. Upon noticing this, Zalia immediately threw one of her Sai-Daggers- attached to a cord around her wrist- straight at the archer's neck, which he'd left wide-open. The rouge next to the archer jumped in panic as he saw this, then looked up towards Zalia in fear before throwing a dagger, but he reacted far too late, and she was jumping down as the dagger flew at her, flying over her head and grazing her hair slightly. She pulled her sai-dagger out of the archer's body and flipped it into her hand, and lunged for the rouge with the other blade. He dodged the first strike but didn't see the blade Zalia had just retrieved coming right for his chest. One strike, one kill, times two. Zalia sprinted for the other bandits as they made their way towards her comrades.
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Harbinger looked at the summoner "Enough! I've seen enough...." He then walked out of the bushes and looked at his team "Do not interfere with my Fight." As he said this he pulled out his long scythe and twirled it between his fingers and in a flash he began killing all the bandits in a flurry of blood, dancing as he moved with his scythe. Blood and bodies littered the road as only one bandit remained left standing and all others were dead, this bandit seemed to be the leader since he was covered in full-plate armor and yet he was obviously shaking in his boots not expecting this power. The curve of the scythe was near the neck of the bandit and harbinger said something but it wasn't audible neither were the bandits words but once harbinger was satisfied with his answer he spun his scythe around as he lodged it into the bandit's head. Removing the scythe harbinger looked at his companions "Let us return back to camp." And he walked back.



Harua sighed it was over much faster than he had hoped for. He sheathed his blade as he looked at his hands ridden with blood, he closed his eyes and opened them again as they returned to his state before. "If that is what we needed, I do wish to be in combat sometime within the future" He said before pulling a pebble from the ground and speedily throwing it into the head of a dead bandit smashing the skull into a concave appearance. His vision returned to the two female group mates "I'm glad no one was injured" He said with a smile before returning to his emotionless face and going a distance into the woods a short distance taking the 'scenic' route back to the camp sight.
Zalia nodded towards Harua. "As am I." She sheathed her weapons, and turned to Cyrei. "You did well, Cyrei. You show promise... I've seen summoners before, but not ones that could pull a beast such as that out of thin air, without so much as a circle." She smiled towards the girl, and began heading back with the group.
Cyrei said nothing as she started to head back as well. She didn't meant to be so emotionless. Her parents had always been so proud of her. She sighed silently as she thought about them. She then thought about her little brother. She shook her head. This is the past... I am not the same anymore. I am strong. I am not the weak and frail girl they always thought I was. She thought. Lila rubbed her head on Cyrei's cheek and looked at her. She seemed worried. Cyrei patted her head. "I am okay." She said to Lila. Lila licked her hand. She couldn't help but smile.
Zalia looked with a worried expression towards Cyrei as she did not respond. It was obvious she wasn't comfortable around the group yet. She seemed guarded. Regardless, Zalia couldn't help but smile as Cyrei seemed to be cheered up rather quickly by her companion. Zalia spoke up, hoping Cyrei would eventually become more comfortable speaking with her. She had so many questions for the summoner girl. "Hey, Cyrei. If you don't mind me asking, do you know what kind of creature lila is, or where she comes from? She intrigues me."
Harua walked through the forest finding a strange looking stone with carvings. He picked it up and examined it, what looked to be an artifact of sorts. Good thing for him he had left the group before or they would've told him he couldn't look at this. His eyes wandered around before he got bored and continued through the woods to the camp but stopped at the sight of something... His body instinctively moving away as he gained distance and got back to the main path they had taken before. They weren't here which was good seeing as he held the stone clenched in his hand still. So he walked on his way back to camp one hand on his blade the other holding the stone tightly.
Harbinger sighed as his team began or at least tried to talk, he turned his head sideways as his one eye looked at them "I'll be waiting at camp...." And he left them in the blink of an eye. He was fast, that much was for sure. He soon was next to Harua "Where did you get that stone from?" He always spoke in a more darkish tone but now it felt even creepier than usual. His ever staring gold eye didn't help either.



Cyrei looked at Lila and petted her. "Honnestly... I don't even know myself about what she is or where she comes from... I sadly can't answer your questions." She said. Lila looked at Zalia and jumped on her shoulder and sat down. That made Cyrei smile.

Lila always has been Cyrei's only friend since she never was allowed to leave her house to play with other kids. Her studies where too important for her parents.
Harua turned and looked at Harbinger feeling a cold chill up his spine but ignoring it. "Well this stone, I got it from a ruin or so that I found in the woods" He said his voice official. He stopped and registered something for a minute "What happened to the others?" He asked handing the stone to Harbinger as he walked towards where his comrade came from a few steps. I don't want another life on my mind... someone I knew but couldn't save He thought to himself as one of his hands became a clenched fist.

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