The Beginning of the End (of the World)

CosmicOwl said:
I understand. I mean... I...
I... can't even understand.
Yes she has a katana. Something wrong with that ?@.@ this is a role play after all in a realistic setting , but like I said I did not Shot someone out of the blue>.>

Just did what a girl would do in a situation when a gun is pointed at you. She was quicker than him and just kicked him.

I still don't see where I am the overpowered one here. Doesn't make sense @.@
'' out of the blue>.> ''

hahahaha, get it? because his name is Blue. Read my last post on why I did that


kk bye
Keiser said:
'' out of the blue>.> ''
hahahaha, get it? because his name is Blue. Read my last post on why I did that


kk bye
Never ..

Okay now on a serious note!!!@.@

Now I am really upset. What the heck did you shot my chara?! You couldn't leave it could you?

Now I guess she will die definitely, shot and no weapon and a hoarse of infected headed her way.

I guess her journey was a short one.

It was fun to play her.. :(
It's to late.. I plan to MAYBE kill her.

Still he had no freaking reason to just shot my chara like that..>.>

So I don't think it is point for continuing unless she will get bitten and still die lol
Ugh, kill my character off already. I'm trying to be as nice as I can and you are treating me like trash. Shoot him, I give you permission.

I expected more of you.

Because it's totally logical to have a katana in my neck and Aleks isn't going to shoot you, like, seriously?

Oh no! But everyone's character is just so interesting and nice and....

I'm gonna clarify I meant nice like a nice day, not like a nice person
Regarding my latest post, I by no means implied that the characters in the store should go to where everyone else is. Just trying to respect everybody's decision after the little spat we currently have going on.

Unless of course Mika wants to head there then I'd be fine with that.
I personally think all combat in a role playing environment, at least with other PCs, is a god modding insult-fest. I tend not to go towards combat orientated threads.

But this thread is going to hell in a hand basket already. 2 PCs already dead, and we haven't even hit the fucking road yet.

Realism at its finest, ladies and gents.
If combat really is as bad as you say it is then we could always just use the dice system. For PvP.

Low-key tho, I'd like these characters to not die yet...
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Exactly. I wanted a group-based RP, with some drama, the occasional "Whodunnit?", and some zombie killing all mixed into one.

Instead, I got people in riot armor flicking off zombies like fruit flies, then that same person killing another main character in the course of 1 DAY.

If I didn't emphasize that...


God. I need to rethink some life choices.
We're all just gonna get madder at each other, so why don't we talk about something more fun and lighthearted like ships? I mean I know Charlie/James and Charlie/Aleks were big ones and I know Kevin/Gabby's a thing, but any other ones? I mean, this could be good for the group, right?

I just realized how stupid the other people who went through the police station must've been to either not find the riot gear or to not take it. But then again, most probably formed tight-knit groups when everything went down and people are more stupid in groups so I guess it makes sense.
Mm... Ships.

Possibly Blue/Bek...

If she's willing. And Blue may have a thing for the unexpected, crazy lifestyle of Bek... like Silver Linings Playbook.

Dead? Sir, I have been in two shootouts, one at a football stadium and one by the block, and I can assure you a shot doesn't kill you, I recieved two, leg and under the rib cage, exactly why I'm telling you guys I shot you there, NO RISK OF DYING.. In the same shootout, my uncle got shot in the head, three times. He's still living, they passed trough his skull. If you want to die, go ahead, but, these shots are no where near death.

Yeah, make fun of me because I'm saying I got shot, but, I'm not a stuck up person that can't accept an I'm sorry. I'll sacrifice my character for the rest, and Aleks had a reason to be pissed, giving his dick attitude, which I accept.
Well, Blue interpreted Aleks as dead. So he took what he presumed he wouldn't need and hightailed it.
I'll fix this, and I hope this time you guys can appreciate the tolerance that I go trough when you bunny me out and try to be as nice as I can. Owl, I also hate player-to-player confrontation, and I hate killing off characters, but, if I wanted to actually KILL them, ''He lifted his gun, pointing at her head, as he felt the bullet pass trough the barrel.'', instead of ''he bullet got stuck in her rib cage, it wasn't a high caliber either, so, maybe she would die, but, if she was smart, she wouldn't.''

''he shouted, as he pulled up his gun and shot him below his right knee. He didn't have intention to kill him, but to incapicate him for a while. ''? A SHOT TO THE KNEE, do you seriously think that is lethal, just answer me. I clearly stated ''don't come'', I WANT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, let me put you in a scenery

You are a lone person, friends killed by horrible people, and COMPLETE STRANGERS want to befriend you, ''group'' you, do you have an idea how much of a trap that is?

I'm not going to discuss anymore, since my facts have way too much pillars on them, and I don't want to start a nonsencical discussion with two people who I actually have fun collaborating with, yet they want to ruin my part, saying I'm overpowered. If I was overpowered, why didn't I kill you all?

This is the end of the discussion by my side, have a nice day.

You guys. You guys as in plural? No. No, no.

I never god-modded you, save the time I dragged you inside to save you from the infected, where you immediately made it null and void by leaving.

So, not plural.
I can see you don't have any given facts, who actually have any impact. Why did you obligate us to all enter the place? Answer me, don't jump it around. That is breaking a rule, tell me which rule I broke. I stated it on OCC and RP, ''don't follow us.'' But naah, you have to follow us, and don't excpect to be shot. I wanted to take my time to gain trust, Aleks is an ASSHOLE just like me, given all this. Why did you follow us? Why did you OBLIGATE US to come with you, since getting declined and shot wasn't an option. Answer that, sir.

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