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Fantasy The Aura disease

Captain Spooks

Your friendly neighborhood Darkwraith

Note ~ Please put some effort into your character, I won't be accepting any Gary/Mary Sue characters.

Appearance: (Anime please)






Social status:

Homeland:(Pm me if you want to make one up, I'll have a list of all the current kingdoms)

Element affinity: (What element do they work best with? Optional.)

Hair color:

Eye color:


Body type:


History: (Optional)

Powers: (Sentences please)

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Solaris Pharos


"I only went on this quest to save my father, but now after seeing the world as it is. I've set out to save everyone, no matter what the cost is."

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Solaris Pharos









Social status:

Prince of Aenaston



Element Affinity:


Hair color:

Fiery red

Eye color:




Body type:



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Natural leader ~ "We're not going down like this!" Like any in his family before him Solaris is a born leader. He can preform and lead under immense pressure. Solaris listens to the problems that his comrades have, and he will try to solve them to make everyone happy. He's open to what others have to say about his decisions.

Deadly ~ "You better stop talking before I slice that head off." Don't piss Solaris off, he has somewhat of a short fuse and he isn't afraid to burn anyone to a crisp. Being a descendant of Pharos, Solaris can't be hurt by fire and he's been trained with a sword since he was young. He's dangerous both on and off the battlefield.

Arrogant ~ "A silly attack won't take down someone as great as me!" Being both royalty and the descendant of the god slayer Solaris can be a bit egotistical. This isn't new for a royal though, with all of the money he has and the sheer amount of raw power at his disposal it's kind of hard not to gloat about it.

Cold ~ "My name is Solaris Pharos, prince of Aenaston. Next time I suggest you remember." Solaris can come off as cold or rude to some people, well mostly everyone. He usually does this to hide his weaknesses, since a leader shouldn't show any kind of weakness. He usually calls people out on their own weakness, but most of the time he tries to help them overcome it.

Awkward ~ "H-hey don't get that close to me!" Solaris was raised to be a fighter, not a lover. He's always had a blade by his side, not a woman, so it's easy to understand that he can be fairly awkward in a romantic setting as he's never really experienced one.

Kind ~ "Shut up and let me save you!" Even through his cold exterior Solaris is still kind, seriously how could he become king if he's an asshole all of the time. While his kindest isn't as great as others, it's all you'll probably get out of him.

Self-degrading ~ "It's all my fault..." At times Solaris can be hard on himself when something bad happens, even if he had no part in it or if it couldn't be avoided. Because of this Solaris will blame nobody, except for himself.

Power Hungry ~ "Power, I need more POWER!" Solaris wants to be strong, stronger than anyone in the world, stronger than his ancestor. He'll go to any lengths to become stronger than his opponents. Even to the point of nearly killing himself.


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Sacred Flame

Sacred flame is the signature magic of the Aenaston royal family. It is a very, very powerful version of fire magic, the user can summon large amounts of fire without being fazed. Being able to use this sacred power grants the user immunity to fire magic, but the user also takes more damage from water magic.

Ancient form

The strongest form of Sacred flame, the user fuses their soul with the fire ancient. This form is very dangerous as the Fire Ancient tries to actively take over the hosts body and go on a rampage, killing friends and foes. One must have a strong will to survive this form. This form has only been used by God Slayer Pharos who had a will strong enough to fend off the berserk nature of the ancient.




Name: Yuka Mandellon

Nickname: Yu




Social status: very low. she lives on the streets.


Element affinity: Air

Hair color: dark purple

Eye color: golden

Height: 5ft. 6in.

Body type: resonably slim

Personality: Quirky

History: Yuka became an orphan at the age of 13 when her parents were in an accident. Before that point her life had been more luxurious, but now she had nothing.

Powers: She has the power to manipulate air. she rarely uses this ability however.

Other: Due to her outgoing personality and quirky nature some people believe her to be infected with the disease when they first meet her.
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