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Fantasy The Ark in Nothingness OOC

disney GIF

Apologies for my absence; I will post shortly.
Oh, and I should have mentioned this before, sorry I forgot.

Days I absolutely cannot write: Monday - Wednesday. Monday is grocery day and Tues and Wed I prepare food for the week.
Sorry guys. My post is a bit long. I'm trying not to let them get like that, but I wanted to be sure I included everyone. Let me know what you think.
Hi friends! I'll get a post out very soon, but I have to tackle an assignment for class first. Once I've finished fleshing out the arguments section (tonight's plan) I'll get started on a reply!
Hi friends! I'll get a post out very soon, but I have to tackle an assignment for class first. Once I've finished fleshing out the arguments section (tonight's plan) I'll get started on a reply!
No worries, school comes first!
Hi friends! I'll get a post out very soon, but I have to tackle an assignment for class first. Once I've finished fleshing out the arguments section (tonight's plan) I'll get started on a reply!
Hey, how's your school project or paper coming along?
Hi! I finished it... finally. xD I went over the word limit by like 300 or so but at that point I just had to submit it so if I lose any points over it, well... I'll take it. xD It's still better than handing it late. It's worth 15% of the final grade @_@

Then I had to rest up because my arm hurts like a b- and I had physiotherapy sessions. ^^; This is what I get for gaming too much over the summer... But things will improve real soon! I just started treatments last week. :3

I'll post tonight! Sorry about the delay. <3
Hi! I finished it... finally. xD I went over the word limit by like 300 or so but at that point I just had to submit it so if I lose any points over it, well... I'll take it. xD It's still better than handing it late. It's worth 15% of the final grade @_@

Then I had to rest up because my arm hurts like a b- and I had physiotherapy sessions. ^^; This is what I get for gaming too much over the summer... But things will improve real soon! I just started treatments last week. :3

I'll post tonight! Sorry about the delay. <3
Oh I'm so glad, though I hope you get a good mark!
Oooh yeah. I've had to do physio also. I ripped my side muscles running (competitive school Olympics). It went unnoticed for some time and I went to see my doc 3 times, and on the 3rd visit I basically diagnosed my problem and got my doc to refer me to a physio. 😩
Docs are supposed to listen, right? Lol.. 😂

No worries, I just wanted to check up on you. 💙
Posted! <3

Thanks for your kind words~! I'm sorry to hear about your injury though :C that uber sucks... Were you able to recover properly and go back to running? :c I've been lucky enough with my own doctor, but she's away on sick leave right now so I had to take matters into my own hands. -_- Oh wells. I also ordered an entire new set of furniture to replace my lousy chair and desk - I can't wait...! Just got the ergonomic keyboard today. I waited far too long to upgrade ^^; so hopefully this helps with my whole body, my lower back is thankful already hahah
Oop. Forgot to ask: should we try and bump the thread in the group interest check? :3

edit: I really enjoyed your post as well Miria! It was a nice length, just right IMO.
Nah, I can't run anymore. At least not long distance. Besides having scar tissue, I also have MS. 😅 so running is not an option.

I do hope everything works out for you with your new set up!
I plan to introduce a surprise character to the group. Is it alright if I do so by placing him by a stream of water?
He'll be unconscious for a while. I will make a CS for him too.
Sorry to ask again but should we bump our thread in the group interest check? I can take care of that every once in a while if it helps. ^^
oh my sweet lord this midterm was HELL but I made it through and finally got to write a little post! ✨💜

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