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Thana and Vicious (1x1)

Thana Dies Irea

Bullet Witch
Long time ago earth was an empty vessel. It was play ground of Gods and Goddesses until one of the deities asked a question "Who is superior that others?" all deities begin to think and discuss until one of them suggested solution. Each deities supposed to create a race of beings that would fight for their God name and God who win war would be considered superior that others and so competition started... Various beings clashed into battlefield soaking once empty earth with blood. All Gods watched battlefield except one there was one God that was more cunning that rest. Suddenly battlefield and entire planet were devoured by darkness the armies of void creatures marched forth destroying everything in their path other deities realized their mistake and instead decided to fight together against forces of evil... It was known as day when light died.

[Present day - October,34th,3265]

The city of Alexandria was like light beacon to travelers always bright and shine. It was only city which survived second great war it become center for all traders and wandering souls. From simple furs to magic potions of books anything could be found in Alexandria of course for the right price. The city was like any major cities this days filled with busy citizens their cars and sky scrappers that shined from afar in very center of the city stood stood six statues that were abandoned some were missing some parts or were cracked it was reminder of great second war you can say a real relic. A relic forgotted and ignored by everyone. In downtown surrounded by huge skyscrapers stood an old wooden two story house that looked really out of place. The house itself was well maintained above doors there was a sign that said "Margarent's magic shop of wonder" inside the of the building was rather simply. Next to the door stood silver bell that would ring each time someone walked in or out next to the walls were shelves filled with various books about magic from lesser healing to simple tricks. Any form of harmful magic was banned by King himself only MP (Magic Police) was able to use level 3 restriction skills in case they needed to capture criminal. A bit further stood shelves filled with various colour potions that had different effects.

To the left were old wooden steps that suddenly begin to creak it was owner of the shop going downstairs preparing for new day. It was a woman around her early 30s she stood about 5'9 and had fair skin. She wore gray jacket with white button shirt underneath it with matching long gray skirt and pair of white socks with pair of brown shoes. She had slightly over shoulder green hair that were tied behind her green eyes looked around before stepping on wooden floor. She also had black cat on her left shoulder curled that was asleep the female walked to the chair and small counter that was close to the window so she could see people walking pass she sat down on the chair while her lips curled into weak smile. Her eyes moved towards the street she looked through a bit dusty window at people outside who were busy with their lifes the cat she had on her shoulder open its eyes giving a small yawn furry creature jumped of the shoulder onto the counter then sat down looking directly at woman.

"I know..." woman spoke in somewhat disappointed tone her green eyes moved at direction of animal "I just doing it for myself okay?" a soft sigh escaped womans body as her eyes returned to look through window. The cat just meowed and curled on the counter going back to sleep deep inside green haired woman knew that nobody cares about her magic shop or magic itself as peace was maintained for over 200 year now but it was something she had to do for herself so she didnt forget who she was. it was stupid but it was her way of life. Watching people and cars go by she flick her wrist an old heavy looking tome floated towards the female before landing on the counter with loud thud making cat jold up. A gentle giggle escaped womans lips as she turned her head towards old an old tome. Flicking her wrist tome opens somewhere in middle and female begin to read letters that were written in dead language.
Andrek felt like he had been alive forever.

In a sense, he had been. He was born during the infancy of the Other World, where all creatures found harmony, peace and civility. He, ironically enough, was supposed to be dead a long time ago. Instead, his brother, one of the original Alsendran's, sacrificed his own life-saving capsule for his younger sibling. His sister, whom he had not even known about, also died during The Great Extinction.

After that, he went on to discover so much more about himself, his family, his very essence of being. He thought he was a Pureblood, when in fact, he was a Vanguard vampire, with a demonic portion locked deep within himself. He had become king by marrying, and then assassinating, a tyrannical king who ruled over his very own race of blood-sucking creatures. It had been... His mission to do so, in a sense.

After that, he underwent such rigorous training for the first Great War of the Other World. There had been rumours, unsettling whispers and traded information concerning all beings, from werewolves to faeries. The rivers of the fallen, the deaths of the nearly immortals, had washed a crimson spread across the realms. And Andrek, the current king and elder of the Vanguard clan, as well as the king of the demons of his father, Mephistopheles Alsendran, had been trained to become a brutal, merciless, emotionless killing machine. He was trained under the very Elders themselves, taking rigorous hours in nearly isolated settings of outburst after outburst of power.

It took him years afterwards to regain a sense of self, a sense of being someone, rather than... Something.

And once that had been accomplished, he went on to become one of the greatest, most influential ruling persons in the history of The Other World. He built an academy for young vampires, trained his clan to near perfection in combat, always ready to take on a fight, even though they mostly simply strolled along the hallways of his castle and lived a rather comfortable life. He created a whole new training regime for all vampires to undertake, easily tweaked by various generals and princes and elders. He even helped Pace, the king, or in more realistic terms, leader, of the Paciere clan, those who kept order among their kind, on Earth and in their home dimension.

So much more had happened to Andrek, and the recounting of it all would take up pages upon pages that could create a novel, rather than a simple few hundred lines. However, despite how powerful he had become, and the fact that he had been to Hell and back–literally-as well as one of the most wretched macrocosms in the multiverse he inhabited, he still felt the need, the desire, the aching lust for knowledge, to learn more from someone more experienced in specific matters, to seek out all they could offer to teach him and devour it all. Which was why he ejected himself from his home realm and to an external dimension far advanced in time, walking down the streets of a city that shone like a beacon of hope. And here he searched out only one person out of the thousands roaming the streets and living safely behind closed doors.

A witch, a woman, by the name of Thana Dies Irea. Despite the differences in their ages, the lives they had led, this king of demons and vampires knew she had much to teach him. He was never one too proud before learning, always humble to the fact that no matter how long he had lived, how much he had seen, there was always something someone else knew better. And so, after he had fallen so deeply into contemplation of his very own, much prolonged life, he pulled himself back up to the surface of his haunted mind as he stopped outside the door with the little silver bell that would soon announce his presence to the lady inside. Taking in a deep breath to calm his excitement, he lifted a hand, hovered it over the handle for a moment, then stepped inside as the bell chimed his welcome. Without a word he walked, with his spine erect with the natural self-assurance of a king, to the counter where she sat with an ancient volume.

Pushing his black framed glasses up his nose, he looked into her very emerald gaze with his deep, sapphire one, moving his hand up to the midnight strands of hair atop his head. A small smile of greeting touched upon his soft, pale lips, and with a respectful space between them, he finally spoke.

"Thana Dies Irea. My name is Andrek Alsendran. I'm here to seek knowledge from you and train under you," he said, his eyes darting away from her for a moment to inhale the contents of the shop he now stood in. So many books, so many potions... He felt right at home, a sense of ease washing over his tired muscles. It had been a long trip.

"I have heard of you from long, long distances from here, and I'm certain you can help me. In exchange for whatever currency you prefer, be it money or some other form of valuables, I'm prepared to pay you however much you might require, for learning under you–an apprenticeship, if you will... What say you?" Here he returned her delicate countenance to his line of sight, keeping her there as he waited patiently for an answer.
The green haired female kept reading old looking tome which worked like some sort news paper. Her eyes kept reading line after line before giving a light chuckle parting her lips she begin to speak "Listen to this kitty." she said in soft low tone while cats right ear slightly twitched "Farmer in Drakenor village klaims that he saw a dragon." a chuckle escaped her lips "those idiots kouldnt see difference between Krac-frog and a dragon." her left hand moved up and gently pet cat between ears. The page of the tome changed itself while female continued to read it when suddenly silver bell chime her eyes moved up from the book to see rather pale looking male "Welcome to Margaret's magic shop of wonder. How can i help you?" she was surprised that someone actually visited her shop her. Her eyes tracked males movement as he walked up to the counter when he said "Thana Dies Irea." female quirk a brow before he could finish she interrupted him "I never heard about such name you probably mistaken me for someone else." she replied back to him with calm tone while tome she read closed by itself.

The cat on the counter gave quick glare at male before returning back to sleep"My name is Margaret like sign above front door says." pausing for a moment she continued to speak "If you wont buy anything please leave my shop." she couldnt believe she would say such words to a customer but he knew her real name which made her somewhat puzzled. She stood up from chair then turned to general direction of the cat picking animal into her hands she gave gentle stroke through its black fur then turned her entire body on her soles and moved her frame towards other room area behind her. Stopping for a brief moment she looked back "You look like you could use some love potion fourth shelve leave money at counter." she said before looking away and walking into other room taking turn to the right female disappeared. The room was smaller that previous one it had few armchairs and round desk between them beneath them a black and gold carpet. Walking up to the closet armchair she set cat down then walked up to the bookshelf that was close to the wall it was smaller and had only few books in it. Margaret stretched her right hand towards small book with yellow cover then opened it and begin to read it. The cat on the armchair looked at female then meowed at her. While she was reading book her lips moved like she was chanting something while her green eyes looked back hoping that male leave and she wont need use force.
For a moment of confusion, Andrek paused, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. Mistaken? But, that cannot be, she was exactly where she was supposed to be, as described... Her calm tone was not entirely enough to deceive him into believing her words. The rushed manner in which she corrected him, the way she asked him to leave if he were not to buy anything... Something was amiss, and he could feel it.

He thought back to the sign; indeed it did say Margaret, however he believed it must have been the name of her nan, or someone, who had owned the shop before her. Before he could ask any questions, she picked up her pet and walked to what he assumed to be a backroom. It was his turn to raise a brow when she told him he appeared to be in need of a love potion, but he remained silent as she disappeared into the next chamber, deciding to let it slide. Had he made her uncomfortable by coming in here and calling her by her name? Was she hiding who she truly was from the villagers...? What was it?

Determined and adamant, and only slightly irritated from the apparent fruitlessness of his journey–he was not quick to anger–he followed her shortly after. He found her with a book in hand, and her gaze was on his presence as he reached the door. His electric sapphires locked on her enchanting emeralds and he stood, fixed, at the doorway.

"I'm not here for a fight," he explained.

"I'm sorry, but are you sure you are not Miss Irea? I've come all this way specifically to ask her to train me. A friend of mine recommended her to me, you see; said she had what I needed. I'm not going to leave until I can at least find a way to speak to her, or maybe earn an explanation to this most peculiar situation from you." His tone was polite but self-assured, relaxed yet inquisitive. He held himself up with the confidence of a king despite his exhaustion, something he learned over the long stretches of his lifetime, from being in command of two different races. He seemed at ease in the space, even at the threat of danger. He was going to get what he wanted, and he was making sure she knew that.
Thana knew he will fallow and after few seconds she heard male step into room he was really determinated. The green hair female stood there not moving a single muscle while black cat sat up and begin to stare at male once again she listened to male speak which made female only smile. A friend? she had nobody who could recommand her so its clearly was a llie when he said he wont leave until he get direction or answers female close the book then put it back into shelf. She turned on her soles in general direction of male her long green hair danced in air as she did so with few strands settling on her right shoulder. A smile grew in females lips her left hand bend over then moved closer to her face with middle and nameless fingers she gently touched frame of glasses fixing them. Her left hand moved back to her side while females lips parted "Very well i will tell you however this piece of information wont be free." she spoke while chuckle escaped her lips "Here is what you need to do." she spoke again then moved her frame towards male stopping few feets away she looked into so called King of Hell eyes. "Go northwest from here you will find a forest in that forest is growing herbs that i need. Bring me six of them and i tell you where to find witch you looking for." all the time female had gentle smile curled. "The herbs will glow icy blue and you must pull them out from the ground with your own hands no magik or other trikks." she added.

Of course getting six herbs sounded easy right? Wrong. Herbs Thana asked to bring her was called "Phantom flower" only experienced herbalist knew how to catch them then extract them from the soil. The herbs were extremely hard and rare because they kept disappearing and appearing in random locations through the wood like a ghost mocking those who wanted them. It was hard to obtain one herb and she asked six Thana really was curious to see what male would do looking at him she couldnt help but imagine him failing even to catch single herb. She turned to the right then walked to armchair she shift her bone once again before taking seat as soon as she sat cat jumped onto females lap "Oh i forgot one more thing. You kan find those herbs until midnight and its already dusk." she then laughed a little while her right hand reached for cats head her fingers gently brushed through cats black fur "I am right kitty?" she asked looking at cat. The cat meowed then curled on females lap her green eyes moved up to male "Hurry up." she said in amused tone giving a chuckle.

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