Tales of Atlas

Loke Fullbuster

The Language Enthusiast
Cs Skeleton

Appearance: (Animated images only Please.)




Man or Myth:

Species(Myths only) :


Alignment(Pro-War: Myth, Pro-War:Man, Peace Maker, Evil.) :



Biography(Min. 2 paragraphs) :
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Name: Atlas Magique

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Man or Myth: Man

Personality: Atlas had grown up under the protection of his strict body guard who never seemed to leave his side. He wasn't allowed to go outside the palace walls, due to that fact, Atlas was always curious about what the outside world was like, and he longed to go explore it. Atlas is a very a brave hearted person, and would do anything in the name of brotherhood and comerodory. Although at times he can be a little stuck up, and bossy, Atlas is never afraid to express his true feelings.


Peace Maker- Atlas wants the two opposing sides of the impending war, to be able to get along with each other, and live together in peace and harmony, and he will do anything for that.


- Adventure

- His family

- Food

- Friends

- History

- Peace

- Meeting new People

- Myths

- Animals


* Bugs

* Mud

* Excessive Violence

* His father's Decision

* War

* His body guards strictness

* Arithmetic

* Canes
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Man or Myth


Species(Myths only)

Greater Demon

Has the ability to cause great destruction such as causing volcanoes to erupt, tornadoes and storms to come

and terrorize humans and myths alike.

He has control over the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air.

He also is extremely strong.

He can awaken a true form to slay and destroy those who appose him.

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A fiery man with no remorse. He loves to crush those that are weak and useless. This demon is known for having a soft spot for children, being there the only survivors when his flames come to town. His temper is rarely ever shown to others and if he gets angry you'll be dead before you get a chance to see it. Hes extremely calm and very strict. He hates when people think there better then they truly are. There are two kinds of people who have met this demon. One of which have had there soul eaten by him and the others they call him an angel. After all he was one. He doesn't lie to others at all. Hes nice to some but destructive to others.


Evil- He wants the world to burn.



-The Taste of souls-

-Cats and Birds-





-Messing with the minds of children-







-The souls of Men-


Etsoul was created a long long time ago. He fell from heaven years after Lucifer's uprising. His fall was caused by the destruction he set upon on humans. He hated the creatures, jealous of them for being gods favorite creation. He crushed threw there civilizations bringing havoc. The havoc is what these humans called natural disasters. He killed thousands. He was banished to earth. Angels called him the Demon of Destruction and that's what he shall forever be called.

Now he has set his eyes upon the boy Atlas and has already gained a grasp around him. He has claimed the title of the princes body guard. He is very protective over this child and will kill to keep him safe. His passion is for the boy to be strong enough to slay his father and will help the lad accomplish this feat. For he wants the boy to be his pet and so be it if he has to be extremely strict and not kill innocents for a while. He will keep this boy alive for his own purposes. The knows of the demon and his true form.

The six rings that are on the boy at all times are very special to him. The six rings were from a witch he loved with all his heart. The six rings contain charms. The ring with the shield creates a 1 cm thick invisible shield that cannot be broken around his fist. The ring next to the shielded allows him to summon a scythe. Its blade is poisoned. The three on his left hand allowed him to heal the woulds of anyone and anything. Except for himself. The one around his neck will kill the demon immediately if the ring was worn by another, broken, or lost. Giving whoever broke it the rings and the ability's of the demon.

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Name: Pierce

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Man or Myth: Myth

Species(Myths only) : ?? Not really sure what to put here

Personality: Pierce is quiet around the majority of man and myth alike. comfortable to take the back seat and watch from the sidelines on most events. She lacks compassion and drive until the situation affects her directly. Pierce does not enjoy socializing with hardly anyone, but she has the capability to pretend, for the sake of appearance, if need be.

Alignment: Peace maker

Likes: Snooping through people's belongings

All things chocolate

Tree climbing

Sword play




Dislikes: War

Peanut butter

Large crowds



Her mother

Cats (it's complicated)

Biography: Pierce was born into a family of warriors, bred for military action against the humans. She has always felt that the hatred toward mankind was irrational. The vast majority of Myths held power and skill that humans could only dream of, why shouldn't they be curious and want to learn more? The path taken to learn that information was incorrect, but Myths held the strength to sway that path, and instead of controlling the situation, they let the humans do as they pleased. It's true, for Pierce, there was resentment on both sides. Humans were selfish in their ideals, and yet Myths were weak minded and too accepting. Now all they want is to eradicate the Human race, or at least, that's how it felt. And somewhere in the back of her mind, Pierce felt a nagging sensation, telling her this was wrong.

Throughout her childhood, Pierce was raised to resent humans and what they stood for. Her mother, General Vastil of the Red Vine Corps, was very headstrong about Pierce being used as a killing machine. Her father however, saw only the light in his child. The bond between the two was strong, but General Vastil had become quite the hardened Myth. Leaving her daughter in the forests at night to fend for herself was just her way of "teaching the basics of survival". And Pierce grew strong from these long nights, under the moon, surrounded by predators. As time progressed her father decided to take his young one and leave the confines of their military station. Taking this as a clear sign of betrayal, Vastil herself tracked the two down, and killed Pierce's father. Had it not been for her gift of NonLight (A bloodline trait), Pierce too would have died. Since that night three years ago, she has been trying to find some reason to keep going. A reason to give her life any meaning at all. Now, it seems she may very well have one. A child, the son of the Great King. If he could somehow be persuaded to stop the war before it starts, the lives of countless innocents might be saved. And then, once Vastil had no reason to fight, Pierce could focus on her mother completely. A swift battle to avenge her fallen father. That would be enough.



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Human form

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Wolf form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.55a5c6cfeb4abc16cf4bf8d9a3fa9199.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36799" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.55a5c6cfeb4abc16cf4bf8d9a3fa9199.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Werewolf form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.dfad7faa283a2895202ae04d874fae53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36800" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.dfad7faa283a2895202ae04d874fae53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Njeri Stormcall

Age: 19

Gender: female


Species: Moonborn Werewolf (explained in the BIO)

Personality: Njeri is very compulsive and hot headed. She will easily charge into a fight whenever the opportunity is given. Despite all this, she is very caring towards other Myths and sometimes humans. She will give her life to protect someone she trusts.

Alignment: pro-war myth






-weapons (carries a double edged battleaxe)





-show offs (she is one)


Bio: Njeri was born into a a family of Moonborn werewolves. Moon born werewolves differ from the common lycanthrope, as Moonborn are descendants from an ancient tribe who were given the gift, rather than contracting it from a scratch or bite. A Moonborn can change into a large, seemingly normal wolf at will, and into the bipedal lycan on the full moon. Their strength carries on into their human form, along with other skills. The only drawback, is that they are nearly powerless during the three days of the new moon monthly.

Njeri's family was killed when she was young, and she was captured by humans and sold into slavery, where she was tortured and forced to transform. On the full moons they would force her to fight other werewolves, and many times she came close to death. One night, when she was 14, she transformed into her wolf form and escaped her cell and chains, as she was starved and thin enough to squeeze her way out. She snuck into her captor's room and killed him with his own weapon, a double edged axe. Taking the weapon as a prize, she freed the other myths that were there, and traveled around with some of them, freeing other enslaved myths.

At age 17 she was well known and respected among the myths, who began calling her "Stormcall" which she later adopted as her last name. She was offered a spot on the myth council, but declined, saying she had no interest in politics, and only wanted to seek revenge on the humans for all the terrible things they've done. From the age 18-19, she began sneaking onto the territory of Magique in human form, and began scouting and freeing myths that were held there. She is also known to steal while in the human's territory, as she has no way of making money there.



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The eyes are present in both human form and dragon form
Name: My dragon name cannot be said in human mouth but you can call me kiara

Age:10000 looks 16

Gender: Female

Man or Myth: Myth

Species(Myths only) : Dragon

Personality: Wise, thoughtful, kind but can be stern. In dragon form she is still wise but very hostile. She will litteraly eat anyone she doesnt know. She still has her human memories so she won't eat you if she knows you as a human.

Alignment: peace maker


-The sky





-In dragon form: People

-Dark colors


Biography(Min. 2 paragraphs) : Let me tell you a story, Once before the slaughter of my race and many other, there were many dragons. They lived with harmony with the other races. Every 100 years dragons came together for their mating ceremony. Kaira's parents where here and thus she was born. She was alive to witness the slaughter of her race and it horrified her. She flew away in terror with a small band of renegades. Hopefully other dragons had survived the fall of her race.

When Kaira heard of a war about to begin, she also heard of a boy named atlas who wanted to stop the war and fix the races. So she went to the elders of her small group and asked them advice. They told her not to go but she went anyways. So for her punishment for defying the elders, they curses her to be half dragon and half human. They sealed away her dragon self with an earingof multicolored feathers. She cannot remove the earing herself, only someone else can. Though in a way it was a blessing because her dragon self is a hostile creature.
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Name: Wendy

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Man or Myth: Myth

Species(Myths only) : Witch

Personality: Wendy is optimistic, and energetic. Wendy is good-natured and caring towards her friends. Her clumsiness may lead her to trouble most of the time, but she has a very determined spirit. Her mottoes, "Never Lose!" and "Never Give up!".

Wendy at times can be quite a klutz, Which can affect her flying sometimes. But even though she doesn't look it she is actually quite athletic. Wendy is highly upbeat, loud, outgoing yet foolish. She can be easily scared. When it comes to romance and love, she is very clueless. She is an endearing young girl with an innocent heart, Wendy is an incredibly brave, honourable and compassionate person, often risking her life and happiness for those dear to her. She is caring, sensitive and somewhat stubborn as she won't back down without a fight. She can also be a crybaby at times. Wendy is the type of person who easily forgets her worries and problems, mostly appearing happy and smiling. She always tries to make the best out of a bad situation. She can be clever and mature when needed. In contrast to her naivety, she can exhibit clever thinking and perceptiveness during critical situations. Although she is a bit hot-tempered, she tends to forgive people.

Alignment: Peace Maker
















Bad people

Biography: Wendy May look like a normal girl but she is a witch. Wendy had a pretty peaceful life. She lived with her father, mother and her cat Rei. She found him one day laying under a tree beat up. But when he started talking she freaked out. But now he was her best friend. But he won't tell her where he really came from. They lived in a small farm village where everyone knew everyone. Very peaceful place. She would go to see her grandmother and play with her friends. In this village people didn't really mind witches. Her mother and grandmother were witches. But others were afraid of witches a witch could be caught and burn a the stake. But it wasn't as bad. People were afraid of them but there weren't much trouble. That is until war broke out.

Ever since then the witch hunt got worse and witches became to hate humans even more. And humans became more afraid. More witches were being caught and killed even if they weren't doing anything wrong. But luckily witches look normal everyday people so they can go into human territory with out anyone knowing what they really are. Wendy parents taught her how to fight incase she ever had to hide her powers and defend her self. Wendy had heard of a boy trying to stop this war and chaos and decided to join up with him. So her and her cat Rei left her safe town in hopes that maybe peaceful times could return. So she got on her broom with her bag hanging across her shoulder and left.



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Cs Skeleton



Name: Gaia Echo

Age: 13

Gender: male

Man or Myth: man

Species(Myths only) :


Gaias is a rebel to the core. He hates being told what to do with a passion by any he doesnt care or respect. He can come off as selfish but when you get to know him youll find he has a heart. Hes smart and observant but easily bored and to curious for his own good. To those he cares about hes kind loyal and protective of.

Alignment(Pro-War: Myth, Pro-War:Man, Peace Maker, Evil.) : peace maker






Trying new things


Being told what to do

Threats to those he cares about

Seeing others hurt

Biography :

Gaia is the result of a small fleeting tryst between a visiting prince and a sevan girl. Or thats what he was told anyway. Frankly he didnt believe a word. His mother is a servant in the castle and loved in a small cottage on the outskirts of the castle grounds. As such he grew up playing with the other servants children doing what children do with a add on of being to curious for his own good.

By the time Gaia was nine he was a known trouble maker. He would do it all. From stealing loaves of bread in the kitchens to playing pranks on the servants. Unfortunately this was getting boring and a bored Gaia meant trouble. So one day he decided to sate his curiosity on a mysterious topic hoping it would sooth his boredom. This topic was the mysterious prince who was never seen. This led to him sneaking into the princes chambers and upon meeting him he was shocked. He had expected him to be boring and stuck up like the other royal but be was anything but. Feeling protective Gaia declared them as best friends and ever since sneaks into the princes chambers or classes frequently even after he was caught. He liked the thrill.
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Okay, shall do a CS in a mo :) @Loke Fullbuster

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Appearance: (Animated images only Please.)

Name: Akira Shu

Age: Appears 15, but true age is at least 500-600 years

Gender: Male

Man or Myth: Myth

Species(Myths only) : Undead Spectral Knight.

Personality: Akira is a very calm and kind person. Who values others before himself. As a knight, from his time era he is very traditional and fearsome with the blade, he can also be quite hot headed at times when aggravated. He is very wise and smart, also very tactful

Alignment : Peace Maker

Likes: Training, Kindness, intelligent people. Respect. Humans and Myths (He is one of the very few myths who treat humans equally)

Dislikes: War, arrogance, unkindness, rudeness, being interrupted whilst training. Demons.

Biography: Akira is the last known member of the Knights of the Grail, an ancient order of paladins said to protect an ancient artefact, as well as serve the Royal Family closely as advisors and elite bodyguards. His order failed, and as punishment, he was sealed away for hundreds of years only to awaken just before the great war between man and myth 100 years ago. He fought in the war and witnessed the destruction it caused. It made his views on humans and war changed, he despices war of any kind, although not pacifist. He will still fight if he needs to. And he also treats humans with the same amount of respect as he would a myth



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I'm sorry but you cant be a human and a myth. You could be like an undead knight or a vampire or somethingnn but not a human.
I meant like a spectral myth, so its pretty much a myth with a human appearence. I didnt mean a cross between both species. I shall quickly make the changed @Loke Fullbuster
Um @Vidaces you can't be a human myth, you must be a supernatural/mythological creature.

I.E. A birdman





Yes you may have a human form but you can't be solely human.


Name:Karn Diablo

Age: I have been around for 20 years!!

Gender: I am a hellborn man!!

Man or Myth: among men, i am a myth. Among myths….. i am a man. I am unsure of what i really am. (even though i was born human.)

Species(Myths only) :

Personality: He is rather psychotic and unpredictable, but makes a great ally in a fight, since he can aggro enemies to him, so he can relieve pressure off of his friends. He can also be caring towards those who befriend him, or become his lover, but is Extremely protective of others, and tends to yell randomly.

Alignment(Pro-War: Myth, Pro-War:Man, Peace Maker, Evil.) : I do what i please, but i also fight for humans and their tasty flesh.

Likes: Fire, Salting the wounds of the deserving….. Pretty ladies… Killing, and blood on my skin.

Dislikes:Myths (except for females), anyone touching my lover…… and someone stronger than me! And the burning of my flesh!!

Biography(Min. 2 paragraphs) : Karn was a normal man, with a good, single life. Until he signed up to be a test monkey for experiments with a prototype serum in an unknown lab. When he became mutated, his right arm, upper body, and head become bigger and thicker with more muscle to take more abuse. the mutation also allowed him to not feel pain, but feel tickled instead of hurt. he can be set off into a blind rage, killing anything in his way, until he calms down on his own, or a female soothes him. The serum also left a sane voice in his head, who tries to control his urges to kill. He also tends to burn the enemy and torture his foes until they die. He is really a force to be reckoned with.

@Loke Fullbuster
@Steel Zinogre I'm gonna have to ask you use more detail and better grammar in your cs. After all, a cs is your first impression on a gm.

Human form:

Name: Prometheus

Age: Too old to be measured but looks about 18-19

Gender: Prometheus's preferred form is male, but he does not have a true gemder.

Man or Myth: Man

Species(Myths only) : Phoenix

Personality:Prometheus can be quick to anger , but never against the people he cares about.He does not open up to anyone very easily at first.The only time he usally goes in Phoenix form is when he fights. In battle , he thinks very carefully about every move, and tries to keep his allies from harm. One of his major flaws is he tends ti think he is better than everyone else.

Alignment(Pro-War: Myth, Pro-War:Man, Peace Maker, Evil.) : Peace-maker


- Flames

- Friends

- Flying

- Battle Strategies

- Food

- Music


- people messing with his friends

- his immortality

- staying in human form for too long

- Water

-Walking ( while in human form. He always finds it hard to get used to.)

Biography : Prometheus was created a long time ago from his parent's ashes.He can rebember being alive for at least 5,000 years, but he's pretty sure it's been more. Throuhout his travels, he has had many firends, but unfortunatley they were mortal. Every single friend he had, he has outlived.He sometimes wishes he could die, but his immortality and "good" luck seem to be very against that idea. The events of his life have caused him to stay away from others and closed off from the oneshe does meet.

Once he heard about the war, he realized that the mortals were going to need the myths help to surive and he set out to protect them and make peace with the other myths. ( I'm really awful at these, sorry.)

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