Tʜᴇ Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀs (ᴅʏsᴛᴏᴘɪᴀɴ ғᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ)


Yer Boi

A character picture is required (Drawings/anime, please. Basically anything that isn't real photographs of people)





Type: Peculiar/Non-Peculiar (If Peculiar, state ability and how it works in at least a paragraph)



Strengths(At least 2):

Weaknesses(At least 2):

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?? ??x ??????? ?????? ??

"Trust me. I'm not okay."

???: 21

??????: 5'2"

??????: 110 lb

????: Peculiar. Nyx is a bit like a modern day banshee, except her scream doesn't mean certain death. Depending on how loud she screams, she can simply distract someone or do much worse. She can disorientate a person with her shrieks, and can make your ears ring. She can even cause temporary deafness, but not for very long. This takes a lot of energy, though, and if she shrieks loudly enough for your ears to ring or if she causes you to go deaf, she becomes extremely hoarse to the point where she can barely even speak.


? White noise

? Companionship

? Rain


? Being disrespected

? Pacifists

? The inability to do something


Agility: Nyx has always been a slender, agile person, but since the war, she now almost feels at home on the rough, unsteady terrain she lives on. From jumping on rooftops to evading attacks, she makes up for her lack of strength easily.

Loyal: Nyx is extremely loyal to those who gain her trust. While she may seem tough and unwelcoming on the outside, she would lay down her life for anyone she loves or has a deep respect for.


Weak: She isn't the strongest person in the world, to be simple. Hand-to-hand combat is definitely not her thing, and you won't see her looking for a time to jump into a fight.

Distrusting: Nyx continues to follow the childish motto of 'stranger danger'. If she doesn't know someone she is extremely suspicious of both them and their motives, which makes it difficult for her to find any sort of acquaintances. This proves annoying for her because she really does want 'friends'.


Nyx is a very hardworking person. She catches onto things easily, and gets frustrated at others quickly if they don't. Once she sets her mind to do something she forces herself to finish it, no matter how hard the job is. She sets and complies to her own standards, and doesn't try to meet others. She's very efficient in everything she does, and doesn't like to be slowed down by herself or others, and gets equally mad at both. She tries and usually succeeds at being self-reliant, and wishes to depend on herself at most to all times; but if she's in need of help and it's offered, Nyx is willing to swallow her pride.

Nyx is often lonely, and loves to have someone to talk to. She doesn't like to go without interactions with others for long periods of times, and always likes to have some sort of acquaintance around. However, she doesn't like it when people constantly talk to her, and finds those who try to make useless small talk annoying. She tends to act reserved around strangers, and likes to observe others before showing her true personality. She can be a very friendly person once you get to know her, and tries to be reliable to those who's trust she's earned. She doesn't like to deal with people who show lots of unneeded sympathy towards others, especially those who pity anyone she considers to be her enemy. She thinks that they haven't determined their allegiance, and can't be trusted.

While Nyx seems to be a bundle of anger and distrust on the outside, she really and truly cares for those she's close to. She's been hardened by having to survive in the aftermath of EMPs, and has the scars to prove it. She only want the best for herself and those she's close it, and isn't scared to fight for it (even though she hates fighting).

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Hi. My name is Simon. Just Simon, I guess. You should call me Simon but also know that it's not my real name. It's good to keep things impersonal now days. I'm 19 years old, 5' 7". 130 pounds. I don't think I am "Peculiar" but my mom was. I know because she told me so before she g- No. I promised that I would keep this impersonal and it's hard enough to trust you with even this much information: I like being alone, stories, and climbing. I don't like crying, dead people, or physical contact with people.

Strengths: Well, I guess I notice things more than the average person. The way everything is now I've learned to be decent with a knife but I don't like using it. I guess I'm more of a flight than a fight sort of person. I am also pretty good at climbing and hiding.

Weaknesses: I'm on the shorter and thinner side, which isn't so great. I think I'd be accurate in saying I'm not very charismatic, I think I sort of repel people. I am a little bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to dangerous situations, especially when I don't have a choice in the matter. However, if it's on my own terms I can be adventurous.

Personality: Simon is not a people person. He spent most of his childhood in hiding with his mom until- Well, that's not my place to share. Anyways, he spent most of his childhood in hiding with his mom, which meant close to no interaction with other humans. His unorthodox childhood caused him to have problems trusting anybody and most humans scare him. As previously mentioned, he doesn't like physical (or really any) contact with other people. You could say that he has problems. Simon spends a lot of time inside his own head but at the same time he is always very aware of everything that is going on around him. His sense of humor is subtle and dry. He doesn't joke much but when he does it is often hard to tell. He doesn't really care about his looks but he does care how people see him. Though often Simon can seem distant and unapproachable, he is accutely sensitive when it comes to his emotions and because of this he keeps a wall between him and other people. Simon has a sort of gravity, a presence, that can cause people to either be a little unnerved or fascinated by him. When he does speak, people listen. If something makes him really emotional it can build and build up inside him until he breaks through his wall in a rather terrifying outburst/display of emotion.

Other: Simon is actually a Peculiar. He doesn't know it yet but his mom knew. He has the ability to see inside peoples heads, know their secrets, their motives, but only through direct physical contact (skin on skin). Simon's ability is powerful and a lot of the time overwhelming, especially for someone like him. Simon will probably discover his power sometime during the rp.
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Samrya (Sam) Kale

Samrya is 17, weighs 121 pounds, and is 5'5". She is a peculiar and has the ability to inflict. She can bring pain to anyone, but the pain is also brought soon herself. Sam doesn't like her power, except for the fact that she gets hut in return. She feels it is dark and has trouble controlling it.


? She likes reading and escaping from reality. You will find her building a fort out of chairs and sheets, and reading under it.

? She also likes the outdoors which serve as another escape from reality.

?Finally she likes being in control of herself and sometimes taking the lead if the situation proves needed.


? To be honest Sam isn't afraid of many things since her body doesn't react to physical pain.

? There is one thing that terrified her the most. Elevators. These machines are the reason her sister dies, and out of five people she was the only one who made it out alive

? . She also dislikes being in large crowds and storms also things she has trouble controlling.


Sam is quiet and very spaced out. She sees you differently than most people and will say strange things at strange times. She doesn't communicate very well, and can get upset over a simple comment. She doesn't tell people what she wants when she wants it, and that can often lead to confusion and misplaced anger. She doesn't seem to be the fighting type, but when life gets boring she likes to go on adventures to back alleys and other strange places. She doesn't often use her power and is torn on whether she supports peculiars or not.


Sam is a good hand to hand combat fighter. Even though she is small, she is very strategic and can win against twice her size. She also is good at thinking on her feet, but can sometimes make rash decisions.


When Sam is scared,she is paralised and useless. Shebang think or moved it seems to be almost impossible to get her out of this fit. Sam can fight hand to hand combat, but can't aim to Dave her life. Unless she is up close and personal, if you give her a gun she has a good chance if shooting herself.​
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Our friend Xavier here stands at about 6' 5, weighing around 133 pounds, and being a kind of thin fellow.

Xavier never takes off his gas mask, he has an inferiority complex which restrains him from taking it off, the only times he does take it off is to sleep or whenever he's all alone.

Xavier usually wears a duster of some sort, accompanied by a plain t-shirt with some brown cargo pants and a backpack, all tied together with some combat boots.


Xavier Manwell



Type: Peculiar/Non-Peculiar:


Xavier has an extreme telepathic ability, he can lift most items with barely any ease. Although, when you move onto something about the size of a car, it may take about half a minute to actually lift and have full control over. As things get bigger, it takes more time to actually gain control over said object.




?People Caring About Him


Rude People


?People Joking About Him

Strengths(At least 2):

Is very athletic.

Has very good control over his power.

Weaknesses(At least 2):

Xavier sometimes zones off for no reason.

Falls in love too easily.


Xavier is a very kind person considering the fact that he rarely ever takes off his mask, he never shows anyone his true face for fear that they might somehow use his appearance against himself. Xavier is a very melancholic fellow, and no one knows why he is such. Xavier does have his good moods, but when he is in such a good mood, it's usually pretty short and they occur rarely. He is also very loyal to people who he considers are his friends, and if you peak his interest, Xavier may even crack a joke with you, also a very rare experience. Xavier falls in love way too easily, the quickest he's ever fallen in love is about 25 minutes, don't be surprised if this guy is saying he loves you in only a couple of days.​


Name: Terrance Clemens​

Age: 19

Height: 5'11

Weight: 150 pounds


Peculiar, Terrance has the ability to influence the way people think. He can make them decide on things in his favor, he can make them ignore certain things to avoid being caught, anything that has to do with a person's thought process, he can alter. However he can only trigger this ability if he is maintaining eye contact with the target. The longer Terrance stares at the person, the more energy he uses up as it is quite fatiguing for him.


being noticed

? girls

?being smarter than others


? silence

? heights

? being left out


Intelligent : Terrance is generally a smart guy, and his ability further improves this quality. If he ever feels that he is not the smartest person in the room, he damn well makes sure he is. He often uses his intellect to get out of sticky situations, or to make himself look better.

Agile: Terrance makes up for his lack in muscles and fighting experience with his ability to out-maneuver his foe. He out speeds them and can easily evade any threats he comes across


Physically weak: Terrance is in no way a strong individual, he tries to avoiding physical confrontation as much as possible.

Combat: any combat in general is one of Terrance's weakest suits. He has no experience in hand to hand, melee, or ranged combat, he uses this to his advantage though. He'd much rather make his enemies lose to him in mind games and something involving a lot of thought.


Terrance is one cocky individual. He comes off that way the moment you meet him, and he makes sure he does. He is pretty stable and collected and never shows when he is frustrated/struggling in any way. When he wants something, he goes for it, and gets it. He is very determined and doesn't mind bending the rules or cheating in some way to achieve. To the few people that can stand him, and call him a friend, he's nice and appreciative to have them. Love is something that he has probably never experienced but lust is always flowing through his mind, and has built a reputation off of this, girls tend to flock to him.
Reserving a spot. Will post my form when I get the chance, which should be sometime later today.



Name: Basil Castor

Age: 21

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 115 lbs.

Type: Peculiar

Basil is an inventor of sorts. Whenever she wants to build something, a whole blue print comes up in her head and she knows every piece she needs, every place it should go. When she is working, she goes into a sort of state where she cannot be awoken until the job is done. Her eyes become wide and she works like a machine herself, and will only come back to reality once she has finished building or has been taken away from her work. When she works, her hair floats in the air as if she were in water and only returns to it's original state when she's done. While in her work state, she can get very defensive and hurt someone without thinking if they try to take her away from her work.


? Machines

? Rainy Days

? Most Others


? Broken Things/Things out of place

? Animals

? Being Disturbed

Strengths: Basil is a quick thinker, and incredibly clever. She always has a clear head in sticky situations and her ability sometimes not only works with machines but real life problems, such as escape routes and more like that.

Weaknesses: Basil has a quick temper and if you provoke her, she can say awful things without even thinking. She can also be kind of a klutz sometimes.

Personality: Basil is a bright young woman who almost always has a smile on her face. She has a bad habit of twirling her long, red hair or biting her nails in sticky situations and likes to see others laugh. Sometimes she can make poor decisions and screw things up but she will do whatever it'll take to get your forgiveness after that. She is remarkably clever even though she can be such a klutz and if she gets herself into a pickle, she will almost always know how to get out. She loves music and is often caught humming, which is why she almost always walks around with her headphones that she built herself for maximum comfort and optimal sound.

Basil is very sensitive at times and if you say something that hits home, she can easily push you away, or, burst into tears. She finds animals to be weird things (machines that she just can't understand) and always tries to see the best in the people around her. Basil loves to help others even when her help is not wanted and she is not easily shut up.

Overall, she is a loyal friend and is willing to sacrifice herself for the ones she loves, and even though she can screw things up, she'll always fix it in the end.

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Name: Florence Holmes

Age: Twenty

Height: 5'6

Weight: 139 lbs.

Type: Non-Peculiar


? Being on her own

? Running

? Going on adventures


? Being ambushed

? Loud, tight spaces

? Authority

Strengths(At least 2):

Her Independence: All of her life, she's been on her own. She never had anyone there to restrict or confine her to a normal life.

Her skill level: Growing up on the streets gives you some advantages, like knowing how to hold your own in a fight.

Weaknesses(At least 2):

Her uncaring attitude: Pretending not to care can get you into lots and lots of trouble.

Her sense of humor: She is known to laugh at the most inappropriate times, which can lead to a lot of aggression.

Personality : Florence is very unattached, when it comes down to it. She's easily capable of coming and going and she pleases and has no regards to authority. However, once you get to know her, she is very sweet and more often than not, friendly. She also has a soft spot for kids.​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/i2702911622.jpg.543866f0ba000cf67beb976bf545ac96.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35778" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/i2702911622.jpg.543866f0ba000cf67beb976bf545ac96.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"First address yourself." Name - Markus Fromm

Age: 23

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 145

"Don't ever compare me to those monstrosities of nature." Non-Peculiar

"There aren't a lot of things I like." Likes.

? Delphi (The organization didn't appear to have a name from what I've read, hope it's alright if I refer it to this ^^ ;)

? His many self-built machines and automatons

?His guns. Boy does he love his guns..

"There are a lot of things I dislike." Dislikes.

? Peculiars

? Running out of ammo. Heh. Like that'll happen..

? Protesters

"I have a particular set of skill perfect for the job." Strengths(At least 2):

-Markus is a technical and mechanical genius just as his father was, the young man being the one to design the blueprints for the new law-enforcement automatons. If it runs on electricity, count on Markus to know its ins-and-outs

-The young man's deep disdain for Peculiars had made him an inexplicably talented marksman, having experience in handling countless firearms and explosives (all provided by Delphi) to eliminate the target with maximum efficiency.

"I'm not a machine, so i'm not perfect." Weaknesses(At least 2):

-He is arrogant, and tends to patrol the streets alone without other members of Delphi beside him.

-Although Markus has taken the lives of many mothers and fathers, he is partial to children and will often clear them out if an area is under fire or riot. Though he sees this as a flaw due to his hesitance of eliminating a Peculiar who happened to be a young boy. Needless to say, he allowed the boy the run and hide..

"I've been told I can be 'robotic' at times. I truly have no idea what they mean." Personality: Markus has an unmatched sense of duty. While most other members of Delphi tend to simply hunt down Peculiars and harass the public, the young mechanic finds a sense of duty in purging their city of this unnatural phenomena without disregarding the lives of their people. Most of the time he has a very serious nature, even to his colleagues. At times, he wonders who are the real tyrants in this city. The Peculiars...or the ones who seek to hunt them down like wild animals.



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