Tʜᴇ pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ sᴏʟᴅɪᴇʀ ᘕ hɪɢʜ sᴇᴍɪ - lɪᴛ.ᴛᴏ lɪᴛ. ᘕ


View attachment 5955

You are being trained to be the perfect soldier; to not love, but to kill. At the age of four, instead of a doll or action figure, you had a math book or some advanced literature. Fun was one word you never learned the definition of. Death was a word you knew at a young age you would face, and with a brave face. You are only one of seven like this.

Each one of you have your own abilities. Whether you are good with survival or have good persuasion skills, you are different from the others. Each of you know different languages and each of you have your own ideas in life. Steroids have always been part of your strict diet. Life was bland, but it was your normal. Alice Walker is your main teacher, and the closest you have to a mother figure. The closest you had to reality were the few story books you were allowed to read before you went to bed at 9:00 P.M. each night before waking up at a stiff 8:00 A.M. Though you might appear the same as any other teenager, you and the average teen differ in many ways. You and nobody else have ever cared about appearance - you have never been anywhere but the institute you grew up and trained in all your life. A number is what you are referred to by your teachers, and your name is something you are only rarely reminded of.

What you have always known as home is now your death cage. There has been an error in your steroids and now you are too dangerous to go into the world. Who you have always known as your tough, but admiral tutor, is now who will take your life. Now you must leave your lifetime home to keep Alice’s dagger from piercing your heart. You must flee to the safest place you know and attempt to blend in the best a teenage soldier can.

Thanks for the introduction, Jabberwocky!


Guess what? I'm letting you use your own forms. You must follow the outline you are given below, but you can add more depth and detail, pretty them up, or even make the text fancy. I don't care - but you must follow the outline given.

Legal Name:

Lab Name: Your character's I.D. in the compound, which is used frequently on medical and test papers. The number must be forty four to seventy nine. No exceptions.




Enhanced Strengths:



You must have a minimum of eight strong sentences per post.

This is a high - semi literate to literate role play. Try to forge your mind into a new style of writing. If you do post lazily, it will give nothing for the next role player to work with, and then their post will be short. It's like a chain, and it freaking gets on my nerves. So don't do it.

You may only create one character.

There are only three slots left for this role play. If you choose to disobey this rule, you won't even get to role play
one character.

Of course, all of the site rules apply.

These are the basic rules that should have been learned before even trying to role play. On this site, and others. Don't forget to behave and stay polite. Nobody likes a writer with an attitude.

No perfect characters.

Yes, every character in this role play will have two enhanced strengths, and two weaknesses. Yes. Weaknesses. Got that? Good. I understand that your character may be the fastest, or most intelligent, but don't go flaunting it around and making your character bossy just because of their one [or two] special talents. And don't make your character have dyed hair, piercings, or tattoos. They've lived underground almost all their lives - they have never had the chance to receive any body modifications.



Lᴇɢᴀʟ Nᴀᴍᴇ: "And my name concerns you because...?"

Callisa Laurel Sage.

Lᴀʙ Nᴀᴍᴇ: "Hell, get out of my face. Why do you give a crap?"

Callisa has been known by Number 44 her whole life - even on her medical papers and training records. Even her birth certificate has been burned - the very last paper to have her true name printed on it. The only way she was able to get it out of the scientists was pointing a gun to their heads and forcing them to tell her.

This single incident is the very one that forced Alice to raise

security around the compound.

Aɢᴇ: "...Classified Information..."

Callisa is 17 years of age. 17


years, to be precise.

Hɪsᴛᴏʀʏ: "...Classified Information...Again..."

Callisa's mother was a teenager who was addicted to alcohol. After informing her parents that she was pregnant, she was kicked out of her lifelong home, being told that she had an hour to pack her things. Having no employment, and with a baby on the way, the young girl had no choice but abortion. Walking into the clinic, a woman pulled her to the side and explained the perfect soldier program to the teenager. She reluctantly agreed, and was given a place to stay in the compound, in addition to a few thousand dollars, while her unborn child was being enhanced and tested on. Time flying by, her child was soon boon, and as soon as she was given life she was taken away to a prison of isolation.

Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ:"Seriously? Would you like me to punch you in the face?"

Callisa is a rather quiet girl most of the time. She'd rather not waste her breath making petty little insults at people who aren't even worth her time. Mess with her, and instead of a comeback, you'll receive a knee to the stomach. Farren is quite violent and does have anger issues, but will never take it out on someone with words. Instead, she will use her strength and talent in weaponry. It's almost impossible to trick this girl. She has a well - developed sense of lying and manipulation. She can easily detect mind tricks.

Callisa is surprisingly tolerant with people that don't bother her. She can actually be kind, and cares for others' feelings. People are people, and all people have emotions.

Eɴʜᴀɴᴄᴇᴅ sᴛʀᴇɴɢᴛʜs: "..."

Callisa has a terrific talent in weaponry. With steady hands and a good aim, she can handle any weapon given to her. In addition to this, she can easily detect someone who is trying to trick or manipulate her. Callisa is fluent in English, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Basque, Catalan, and French.

Wᴇᴀᴋɴᴇssᴇs: "..."

Callisa can easily get low blood sugar and has a weak immune system.
Legal Name: Christopher Scott

Lab Number: 53


Sex: Male

Enhanced strengths: Speed and endurance. He is very fast runner, and doesn't tire quickly. A good thinker; Chris has a mind of his own and, being so clever, can solve any problem. He speaks English, Danish, Arabic, Mandarin, Italian, Dutch and German.

Chris was born deaf in his left ear; and has trouble adapting. Horrible at working in teams.

Lab number:

Personality: He's the devil. Chris can be manipulative and sneaky, and just plain mean at the same time. He will usually say what he thinks, and none of the scientists are usually happy with what he has to say. Chris can also be extremely pessimistic. As nasty as he is, though, he'll never lie. He finds it hard to become attatched to anything, but much easier to detatch himself. Chris hides his feelings, so that he doesn't have to feel them. Emotions get in the way; no warrior should ever let anything stand in his way of being something every true warrior is - brave and the best. It is simply how Chris thinks, and he is far smarter than he looks. He can easily analyze a situation, and come up with a solution or find the holes he has to fill. However, this beast can be tamed with time, patience, and someone with a sharper tongue then his.

Appearance: Chris is as pale as the moon, but with the perfect splash of dark hair and eyes. His hair and eyes are an almost-black brown, although the scientists have his eye color documented as black. He is wiry and tall with long legs that are muscled and good for running. His jaw is squared and filled with straight teeth, his shoulders wide and broad. Chris's chest is a little wide, but only to hold his wide lung capacity to help him run so long. Overall, he is better looking then he believes he is.

History: His mother never meant to get pregnant, but after she did, she immediately searched for an abortion clinic. She thought it would be easy because, after all, she had never had any desire for a child. A scientist found her in the clinic's office, crying as she filled out her forms. After speaking to her, she revealed that she felt as though she was soliciting murder, but didn't want the child. The girl was stuck, so scientist offered her the "perfect soldier" project as her alternative, and seventeen years later, her son is still a scientist's guinea pig.



Legal Name:Sasha

Lab Name:Fifty-seven


History:Sasha’s late mother, Elena, came to America from Russia at the age of twenty-five on a boat called The Lovely Mermaid have a better life. She made her way from Alaska to Canada and continued to make a life in Alberta, Canada. One day, while getting Poutine she met the handsome casher, Todd. Not long after meting, Elena and Todd were the most perfect and attractive couple anyone could imagine. Their hands seemed to fit perfectly together and seemed to always be entwined; nothing could go wrong. But they were proven wrong: two years after being inseparable, at the age of twenty-eight, Elena got the news that she expected a baby girl. Being a mix of ecstatic and terrified, the mother to be went to Todd with a smile and her pregnancy test. Todd was horrified instead of talking of plans and baby showers, Todd talked about how horrible this could be. Elena, being appalled by the response, was desperate to make the love of her life see what she saw. But Todd was less than attentive at listening, being to worried about his now ruined music career. The worried soon to be father gave his beautiful girlfriend two choices: set the baby up for adoption or leave him out of her and the little girl’s life. Elena, not being able to let go the man she had loved for two amazing years, chose to put the baby up for adoption. Nine months later a gentle baby girl was born without a father to hold her or a mother that could bare look at her. Alice Walked, being a friend from the hospital that Elena worked at, told the young women in the hospital bed with tears in her eyes that she would take care of the small infant. With a nod from Elena, Alice took the child and just before leaving the hospital room was stopped by one word from the baby’s mother: ‘Sasha’.

Personality:The girl you love to envy. Sasha has a certain grace to her that a few lucky girls get as a small child. But she, even luckier, kept it well into her teens. Fighting is her life, and though her seductive and flirty ways can get any boy wrapped around her finger, she is sassy and hard to catch. While this girl may be a Russian princess that most want to win over, cross her and you'll have made an enemy.Sasha is an overall flirt. Her fighting consists of her beauty as a lure, which Alice chose for her after seeing at a young age the beautiful woman she would become. And she was not proven wrong. Men are the perfect victim of her teasing ways that she had only been able to test out a few times. Her collection of languages is Russian, Greek, Gaelic, Minoan, Norwegian and French.

Her many skills consist of knife throwing, using her surroundings and using her own hands for a kill, but she has always preferred literature and will read any book she can get her hands on, whether it is a fairy tale or a math book. Her usual elegance is replaced in a second by a fierce killer with now mercy. Around girls, she is much nicer and less seductive and maybe even likable if it wasn’t for her competitive ways. In certain situations she can be as nasty as a rocky river and in others as smooth as the silks she dreams of wearing. She is a girl you love to hate and fighter that will threaten your abilities.

Weaknesses:Sasha can get distracted easily. Her most deathly flaw is her weakness of self-pride. She feels her abilities are superior to all and can over estimate herself; she wants to do it all and without flaw. When something is not perfect she can get frustrated and almost impossible to reason with.

Strengths: ​Sasha is seductive and can distract or lure an enemy with the slightest smile. Her flirtatious fighting skills are pared with amazing gymnastics, daggers, and her almost unlimited knowledge in survival.





Thought I'd try out this RP.

Legal Name: Bridget Fiona Davis

Lab Name: 66

Age: 16

History: Bridget was born into a nice and loving family and would have had a pretty good life if fate had not intervene so early in her childhood. When Bridget was only two years old, her parents were killed in a car accident. For a year she was bumped around from relative to relative and although her grandmother on her father's side offered to become Bridget's guardian, she was far too sickly to do so. So Bridget was eventually placed in an orphanage. Yet Bridget did not stay that long in the place.

When she was three years old, a man came by looking for someone for the program. After looking over a number of kids, all as young as Bridget, he choose her, saying he saw promise in her. Bridget was far too young to understand what was going on and so could not resist leaving with the man and dooming her future to violence and all sorts of horribleness.

Personality: Bridget comes off as a cold and heartless girl which is very true to what she is. If she doesn't think something is worth her time, she will not do it at all. She is extremely stubborn and resists change as much as she can in her life. Bridget is prone to lash out at people, either striking out with her body or with her words when provoke and can be violence in the way she solves her problems. She cares very little for the feelings of others and while she can be polite and talk to others, she has never made an effort to care about anyone outside of herself and even then she does not care too much.

Strengths: Bridget is incredibly strong able to lift twice her weight and in hand-to-hand combat, she can deliver blows that can knock people out or even break bones. She is also able to go with little sleep or food. Her known langauges besides English are Welsh, Chinese, Spanish, and Sign Language.

Weakness: Bridget is not fast at all as she relies on her brute strength to take care of things and has trouble fighting those who's strength is their speed. Bridget is also very poor in her social and tactful skills, never feeling the need to talk her way out a situation.

@WalkingDisaster - Would you mind trying to find an image for Chris? If not, I understand. Sometimes it's difficult to find the perfect photo.

jabberwocky19 - I'm so stupid. I didn't add a strengths and weaknesses section to the forms. This has now been edited. Would you mind specifying your character's pros and cons, please?

Also, Sasha seems a bit...mary - sueish. Would you mind editing this a bit?

Legendless - Would you mind tweaking Bridget's history? I'd like her to be younger when she joined The Perfect Soldier program. Maybe two or three years of age?

Thanks. And can you try to find a realistic image for Bridget? You may use that one if you wish, but I'd rather you use a real person. I'd be happy to help. I'm da boss at finding pictures. Just ask Dizzy and Jabbe
r. xD
[MENTION=1094]WalkingDisaster[/MENTION] - No problem, don't sweat it. I think I've got his appearance pictured in my head now. xD
Bump. Three more spots left. The reserved spots haven't been filled yet, so I am now allowing three more people to join.

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