Synthesis Coalition


Island of Thoughts
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Please take note that this is a nation. Some technology is mentioned but not described, and that's deliberate. I plan on holding my cards close to my chest.


Synthesis Coalition

General DescriptionThe Synthesis Coalition, or SynCo is a collection of three nations. The first is SynLabs, a multi-pentillion laboratories business that made huge strides in technology. The business originated on the home planet of the humans, and helped develop the first star drives. Sincee making first contact they've accepted several other alien species and continued to improve and sell designs. SynLabs is the primary moneymaking and engineering part of the Synthesis Coalition.

Next, the United Federation of Archeus, or UFA. This part of the Synthesis Coalition is the primary form of government, dealing with any and all forms of democracy. The UFA were formed when a group of likeminded individuals studying law decided to create their own faction, and travelled around, solving disputes through negotiation, and were eventually invited into the Coalition by SynLabs.

And, Finally, the Nova Confederacy. The Nova Confederacy was a huge private military firm that any individual that proposed a good enough deal could hire. They were notorious for their work as police forces or overseers, and especially for their habit of trying and incarcerating criminals in their prisons. They were approached later, when the UFA and SynLabs decided they needed a military and exploratory part in the Synthesis Coalition.

All these nations work together, yet each manage their own internal affairs. They wilfully provide tech, and money, effectively making them one nation. They do their best to remain completely unbiased and neutral towards all other nations, however firing upon them will be classified as an act of war, and requests must be made before entering their space.

Species Description

The Synthesis Coalition has multiple species in it, but the main ones are specified below.

Cybernetically Modified Beings

Cybernetically modified beings are the norm in the Synthesis Coalition, usually working in the SynLabs or Nova Confederacy. Interestingly, mostly just humans like the idea of implanting themselves with tech, and cybernetics are not required to gain access to the Confederacy, but because of how accessible they are, and how much easier they make life, alot of people have them. These range from cerebral implants to prosthetics, and are often used and fitted specifically for whatever occupation the user has. Nanotech is also widely used, generally in a reparitive function to keep people from dying as easily.


The Tekkyd are a race that noone has ever actually seen outside their containment suits, which seem to be modelled on humanoid species. It's theorized that they may be Cyborgs, or AI inside the suit. Nonetheless, they've proven a peaceful species, and work best with Science and Democracy, seeming to mostly dislike violence, apart from a select few, who happen to be extremely good at tactics, making them high ranking members of the Nova Confederacy part of the Coalition. Their suits have several inbuilt functions, which seem to vary from Tekkyd to Tekkyd. They are about 6-7 feet tall, and different Tekkyd speak with male and female voices, although this seems to just be a preference, rather than a gender. Their voices are generally calm, although they do have emotions, or at least simulate them.



The Kileesai are exclusive to the UFA, loving to negotiate, and making it their mission to spread peace. Despite their threatening appearance, they have a sense of humour, and have electrical glands running through their bodies, allowing them to generate electricity on a whim. Their name, and appearance have been proof of many Xenophobics saying they wish to destroy humanity, and a few strikes by a xenophobic agency caused them to seek protection from the NFA.



The T'sinlohan are an insectoid race that work primarily as scientists and negotiators along with the Tekkyd. They communicate with other species entirely through telepathy, apart from the Tekkyd, who they communicate with using special communicators. They come from a huge ring-planet, and made contact with SynLabs shortly after humanity made their first star drives.



The Chaiak are a small, furry, bipedal species that look very similar to koalas. They are about half the height of the average human, and can get very provoked very easily, due to their fur being itchy. They operate almost exclusively in the Nova Confederacy, generally not being captains, as they tend to act rashly and impulsively, but often manning turrets and fighters. They look cute enough, but if you stroke one, you will regret it, presuming you live long enough afterwards for that to happen.



Ah, good old Humanity. Humanity comprises about half to a quarter of the Nova Confederacy and some of SynLabs. Very few humans are in the UFA, due to their violent nature, although there are exceptions. The majority of humans also have cybernetic implants, although very few other species do.


Military Information

The Nova Confederacy section of the Synthesis Coalition almost exclusively takes care of military operations. Their ships, weaponry, etc. are often provided by SynLabs. BEYOND HERE IS WIP.

  • Home Defence Fleet

    The Home Defence Fleet is always stationed in the Synthesis Coalition System, nowhere else. It's the defence that'll be used to stop any invaders if they get through any other fleets. It mostly consists of Carriers, Frigates, Corvettes, and Warships, with very few scout ships, and two Battleplates.

    Offence Fleet

    The Offence Fleet is for attacking any nation to strike at Synthesis Coalition. The fleet usually strikes hard, leaving any enemy positions that could be useful to the enemy in metaphorical flames. the offence fleet mostly consists of Warships, Heavy Fighters, Carriers, Battleships, Two Battleplates.

    Alliance Defence Fleet

    The Alliance Defence Fleet is the Fleet reserved to help any and all Allies, no matter what trouble they're in. If they request help, the first ships are guaranteed to be there within 36 hours. It consists of a mixture of fast, rescue ships, and heavy defensive ships. There are mostly Carriers, Battleships, Transport Ships, Freighters, and Warships.

    Exploratory Fleet

    The Exploratory fleet is the fleet The Synthesis Coalition uses for exploring. Generally the "fleet" is more a loose collection of ships around the heavily-modified battleplate, with a huge amount of speedy frigates and exploratory cruisers that are lightly armed to deal with pirates exploring places further away, and reporting back. The battleplate serves as a mobile command center, and as a place to regroup the fleet to if necessary.

    Diplomatic Fleet

    The Diplomatic fleet is more of a loose group of defending ships surrounding a few ambassador's and diplomatic ships. Generally used by the United Federation of Archeus for it's purposes, the Battleplate inside is stripped of most of it's weaponry, as a goodwill gesture, however the remaining space is occupied by more shielding, making it extremely hard to destroy. The accompanying ships are armed just enough to hold off an attacking army just long enough for all the ships to escape.

    Trading Fleet

    Although not technically a fleet, the Synthesis Coalition has enough Freighters and Transport vehicles that it easily qualifies as a Fleet. The Battleplate is modified to serve more as an extremely large storage repository rather than anything else, and it is capable of towing other battleplates, with it's powerful gravitic generators, which can work as offensive measures in a pinch. In the words of one crewmember; "If it's under seven kilometers long, we can move it."

    Utility/Maintenance Fleet

    Although also not technically a fleet, there are so many utility ships that they easily qualify as a fleet. The fleet's battleplate is modified extensively with regenerative nanoparticle beams and more extensive fabrication facilities than other Battleplates, making it the area most ships go to get repaired, even though the Synthesis Coalition does own multiple Shipyards.

Administrative Information

Government Description

The Governing Structure of The Synthesis Coalition is a little strange. Because there are three smaller parts within it, all three parts have their own democracy and decision-making areas for parts that concern their part of the Coalition, and one major government comprised of people voted in from each section. There are three main "Speakers", who operate as the Presidents from each section, and who each represent the section they come from. There may yet be a higher person that the Speakers answer to, but that delves much more into the realm of conspiracy theory rather than solid fact.

Economic Description

Due to SynLabs, and the negotiating skills of the United Federation of Archeus, the Synthesis Coalition has a very bouyant economy. SynLabs creates, and distributes technology to many other companies and planets, and has done so for long enough that they've amassed a massive fortune. Employment opportunities are common, as ships are often needed built, and pilots are often needed. Furthermore, SynLabs can create Safe Artificial Intelligence, which very few other nations can do. These intelligence are often used in ships, to help drive them to optimal efficiency, and in a civilian sector. SynLabs has a monopoly on this, so if you want a tireless, efficient, intelligent thing flying your ship you have to go to them. The UFA and SynLabs are hoping to negotiate a deal with Gozai United for a deal to extend their medical knowledge, although SynLabs does provide medical care for any who need it.

Cultural Information

Culture Description

Being, in intergalactic terms, a fairly new faction, the Synthesis Coalition has little culture to call it's own. The language is Standard SynSpeak, or just Stanspeak. Translator devices are frequently used, to both speak and understand Stanspeak, although any language is permitted. Generally, all the beings in the Synthesis Coalition have their own varying cultures, which they practice.


Little is known about the Tekkyd culture, other than the fact that they
never take their suits off. They do, however, believe in what seem to be multiple deities. When communicating this to others, they refer to these beings as The Mirror-Spinners, or Story-Weavers. They can speak many languages, but when communicating to other Tekkyd they use an instantaneous FTL data burst.


The Kileesai often use translators, as they find it very difficult to speak any language other than their own. Only Tekkyd's have learnt to speak "Kilisuan". When communicating with each other, they often use the electricity-generating glands to express points, the same way a human will use their limbs when talking. The Kileesai also have a daily ritual, which seems to involve them drinking water, a potentially fatal act for them. Interestingly, no Kileesai has ever been killed this way. The singular Deity they worship seems to have no demands, other than to treat all but enemies peacefully, and his name, translated, means "Neutral".


The T'sinlohan are a telepathic species, and thus have no natural language to speak. They communicate with FTL communication, and, although it has often been thought, they are not a hive mind, although they do have a singular ruler. They are a peaceful species, although they hold a fight every 7 weeks and 3 days, mentally battling it out until one T'sinlohan simply collapses due to fatigue.


The Chaiak are an extremely atheist species, believing that there is no God. They communicate among themselves in a language they call "Standard Chaikese". They rely heavily on technology, and love eating, especially plants, although they are omnivorous. They also seem to be very sarcastic and antagonistic, which is why none work within the UFA.


The humanity in the Synthesis Coalition are mostly very atheist, although there are some Christians. Interestingly, they have developed a system between themselves, using virtual turf wars with several different "clans" to create territory between their homes. This ranking system is purely for fun - little hinges upon it, and, while other species are welcome to join in, very few do.

National History

Seeing as the Synthesis Coalition hasn't been around for long, it doesn't have much of a history. The Coalition started a bit after SynLabs, which was at the time a human company made first contact with the Kileesai and T'sinlohan, some members of which had formed the United Federation of Archeus. The Tekkyd later joined the Coalition, and that was it, for a couple of decades. After a few decades of peace, the Coalition was discovered by a human pirate organisation known as The Brotherhood of Blood and Steel, or just Blood and Steel. Barely fending off several attacks, the coalition contacted the Nova Confederacy, a Chaiak and Human private military-firm-for-hire, and offered them a place. They soon accepted, and, with the Nova Confederacy, and, by extension, the Chaiak, on their side, waged war against Blood and Steel. After a long military campaign, Blood and Steel were defeated in the last decade, and now the Coalition is looking to expand.

Planet Descriptions (Optional)

The main center of operations for the Coalition is the space station Arcadia. It is a diplomatic station, with little apparent military use, and is a central trading hub, and is the location for the main offices of SynLabs and the United Federation of Archeus.


The Nova Confederacy's center of operations is the Space Station Sanctus, an armed, mobile station that houses the commanders and strategists.


There are several shipyards, but the main one, where the Tigerlily and Battleplates were built, is Legacy Shipyards.


The AI in charge of coordinating all systems, the remote backup for the Battleplate AI's, and the AI creation facility and laboratory are housed on a secret station codenamed "Revelation". Nobody actually knows where it is, as it is equipped with a Sub-Matter Warp, and Gravitic Drives. People going there are moved by their AI, and it is extremely heavily defended, utilising long-gun and Hyperbloom technology.


Due to their Terraforming Technology, The coalition has more colonised planets than most.

The Coalition Has:

218 Planets

58 Colonised Planets

46 Mining/Factory Planets

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Synthesis Coalition

General DescriptionThe Synthesis Coalition, or SynCo is a collection of three nations. The first is SynLabs, a multi-pentillion laboratories business that made huge strides in technology. The business originated on the home planet of the Tekkyd, and helped develop the first star drives. Since making first contact they've accepted several other alien species and continued to improve and sell designs. SynLabs is the primary moneymaking and engineering part of the Synthesis Coalition.

Next, the United Federation of Archeus, or UFA. This part of the Synthesis Coalition is the primary form of government, dealing with any and all forms of democracy. The UFA were formed when a group of like-minded individuals studying law decided to create their own faction, and traveled around, solving disputes through negotiation, and were eventually invited into the Coalition by SynLabs.

And, Finally, the Nova Consortium. The Nova Consortium was a huge private military firm that any individual that proposed a good enough deal could hire. They were notorious for their work as police forces or overseers, and especially for their habit of trying and incarcerating criminals in their prisons. They were approached later, when the UFA and SynLabs decided they needed a military and exploratory part in the Synthesis Coalition.

All these nations work together, yet each manage their own internal affairs. They wilfully provide tech, and money, effectively making them one nation. They do their best to remain completely unbiased and neutral towards all other nations, however firing upon them will be classified as an act of war, and requests must be made before entering their space.

Species Description

The Synthesis Coalition has multiple species in it, but the main ones are specified below.

Cybernetically Modified Beings

Cybernetically modified beings are the norm in the Synthesis Coalition, usually working in the SynLabs or Nova Consortium. Interestingly, mostly just Izvrith like the idea of implanting themselves with tech, and cybernetics are not required to gain access to the Consortium, but because of how accessible they are, and how much easier they make life, alot of people have them. These range from cerebral implants to prosthetics, and are often used and fitted specifically for whatever occupation the user has. Nanotech is also widely used, generally in a reparitive function to keep people from dying as easily.


The Tekkyd are a race that noone has ever actually seen outside their containment suits, which seem to be modeled on humanoid species. It's theorized that they may be cyborgs, or AI inside the suit. Nonetheless, they've proven a peaceful species, and work best with Science and Democracy, seeming to mostly dislike violence, apart from a select few, who happen to be extremely good at tactics, making them high ranking members of the Nova Consortium part of the Coalition. Their suits have several inbuilt functions, which seem to vary from Tekkyd to Tekkyd. They are about 6-7 feet tall, and different Tekkyd speak with male and female voices, although this seems to just be a preference, rather than a gender. Their voices are generally calm, although they do have emotions, or at least simulate them.



The Kileesai are exclusive to the UFA, their religion making them generally highly pacifistic, as well making it their mission to spread tolerance and understanding of other cultures. Despite their threatening appearance, they have a sense of humor, and have electrical glands running through their bodies, allowing them to generate electricity on a whim. They often use this electricity to express points when communicating with others. Limited Psychic abilities are also possessed by a select few Kileesai, such as minor telepathy.



The T'sinlohan are an insectoid race that work primarily as scientists and negotiators along with the Tekkyd. They communicate with other species entirely through telepathy, apart from the Tekkyd, who they communicate with using special communicators. They come from a huge ring-planet, and made contact with SynLabs shortly after it was formed.



The Chaiak are a small, furry, bipedal species that look very similar to koalas. They are about half the height of the average Tekkyd, and can get very provoked very easily, due to their fur being itchy. They operate almost exclusively in the Nova Consortium, generally not being captains, as they tend to act rashly and impulsively, but often manning turrets and fighters. They look cute enough, but if you stroke one, you will regret it, presuming you live long enough afterwards for that to happen.



The Izvrith are a tall, semi-avian race. They generally have calmer temperaments than the Chaiak, and often work alongside them. The areas where the Izvrith are generally found are the Nova Consortium as well as Synlabs, often specializing in nanotechnology. Their hollow bones, gained from their avian roots, allow them higher agility than the other species in the Synthesis Coalition, and some who have decided to undergo the surgery have even regained their wings. They also seem to adapt to the environment around them extremely quickly - in only a decade an Izvrith's genes can adapt to what takes other species centuries. Many of the Izvrith implant themselves with technology.


Military Information

The Nova Consortium section of the Synthesis Coalition almost exclusively takes care of military operations. Their ships, weaponry, etc. are often provided by SynLabs. BEYOND HERE IS WIP.

  • Home Defence Fleet

    The Home Defence Fleet is always stationed in the Synthesis Coalition System, nowhere else. It's the defence that'll be used to stop any invaders if they get through any other fleets. It mostly consists of Carriers, Frigates, Corvettes, and Warships, with very few scout ships, and two Battleplates.

    Offence Fleet

    The Offence Fleet is for attacking any nation to strike at Synthesis Coalition. The fleet usually strikes hard, leaving any enemy positions that could be useful to the enemy in metaphorical flames. the offence fleet mostly consists of Warships, Heavy Fighters, Carriers, Battleships, Two Battleplates.

    Alliance Defence Fleet

    The Alliance Defence Fleet is the Fleet reserved to help any and all Allies, no matter what trouble they're in. If they request help, the first ships are guaranteed to be there within 36 hours. It consists of a mixture of fast, rescue ships, and heavy defensive ships. There are mostly Carriers, Battleships, Transport Ships, Freighters, and Warships.

    Exploratory Fleet

    The Exploratory fleet is the fleet The Synthesis Coalition uses for exploring. Generally the "fleet" is more a loose collection of ships around the heavily-modified battleplate, with a huge amount of speedy frigates and exploratory cruisers that are lightly armed to deal with pirates exploring places further away, and reporting back. The battleplate serves as a mobile command center, and as a place to regroup the fleet to if necessary.

    Diplomatic Fleet

    The Diplomatic fleet is more of a loose group of defending ships surrounding a few ambassador's and diplomatic ships. Generally used by the United Federation of Archeus for it's purposes, the Battleplate inside is stripped of most of it's weaponry, as a goodwill gesture, however the remaining space is occupied by more shielding, making it extremely hard to destroy. The accompanying ships are armed just enough to hold off an attacking army just long enough for all the ships to escape.

    Trading Fleet

    Although not technically a fleet, the Synthesis Coalition has enough Freighters and Transport vehicles that it easily qualifies as a Fleet. The Battleplate is modified to serve more as an extremely large storage repository rather than anything else, and it is capable of towing other battleplates, with it's powerful gravitic generators, which can work as offensive measures in a pinch. In the words of one crewmember; "If it's under seven kilometers long, we can move it."

    Utility/Maintenance Fleet

    Although also not technically a fleet, there are so many utility ships that they easily qualify as a fleet. The fleet's battleplate is modified extensively with regenerative nanoparticle beams and more extensive fabrication facilities than other Battleplates, making it the area most ships go to get repaired, even though the Synthesis Coalition does own multiple Shipyards.

Administrative Information

Government Description

The Governing Structure of The Synthesis Coalition is a little strange. Because there are three smaller parts within it, all three parts have their own democracy and decision-making areas for parts that concern their part of the Coalition, and one major government comprised of people voted in from each section. There are three main "Speakers", who operate as the Presidents from each section, and who each represent the section they come from. There may yet be a higher person that the Speakers answer to, but that delves much more into the realm of conspiracy theory rather than solid fact.

Economic Description

Due to SynLabs, and the negotiating skills of the United Federation of Archeus, the Synthesis Coalition has a very bouyant economy. SynLabs creates, and distributes technology to many other companies and planets, and has done so for long enough that they've amassed a massive fortune. Employment opportunities are common, as ships are often needed built, and pilots are often needed. Furthermore, SynLabs can create Safe Artificial Intelligence, which very few other nations can do. These intelligence are often used in ships, to help drive them to optimal efficiency, and in a civilian sector. SynLabs has a monopoly on this, so if you want a tireless, efficient, intelligent thing flying your ship you have to go to them. The UFA and SynLabs are hoping to negotiate a deal with Gozai United for a deal to extend their medical knowledge, although SynLabs does provide medical care for any who need it.

Cultural Information

Culture Description

Being, in intergalactic terms, a fairly new faction, the Synthesis Coalition has little culture to call it's own. The language is Standard SynSpeak, or just Stanspeak. Translator devices are frequently used, to both speak and understand Stanspeak, although any language is permitted. Generally, all the beings in the Synthesis Coalition have their own varying cultures, which they practice.


Little is known about the Tekkyd culture, other than the fact that they
never take their suits off. They do, however, believe in what seem to be multiple deities. When communicating this to others, they refer to these beings as The Mirror-Weavers, or Story-Weavers. They can speak many languages, but when communicating to other Tekkyd they use an instantaneous FTL data burst.


The Kileesai often use translators, as they find it very difficult to speak any language other than their own. Only Tekkyd's have learnt to speak "Kilisuan". When communicating with each other, they often use the electricity-generating glands to express points. The Kileesai also have a daily ritual, which seems to involve them drinking water, a potentially fatal act for them. Interestingly, no Kileesai has ever been killed this way. The singular Deity they worship seems to have no demands, other than to treat all but enemies peacefully, and his name, translated, means "Neutral".


The T'sinlohan are a telepathic species, and thus have no natural language to speak. They communicate with FTL communication, and, although it has often been thought, they are not a hive mind, although they do have a singular ruler. They are a peaceful species, although they hold a fight every 7 weeks and 3 days, mentally battling it out until one T'sinlohan simply collapses due to fatigue.


The Chaiak are an extremely atheist species, believing that there is no God. They communicate among themselves in a language they call "Standard Chaikese". They rely heavily on technology, and love eating, especially plants, although they are omnivorous. They also seem to be very sarcastic and antagonistic, which is why none work within the UFA.


The Izvrith, interestingly, believe in the same deities as the Tekkyd, despite having no knowledge of the Tekkyd before joining the Synthesis Coalition. These deities are known as the "Mirror-Weavers" to them, although, of course, the words are different in the language of the Izvrith - which is, possibly not by accident, completely unpronounceable in Synspeak - so it's simply known as "Izvrithian." The Izvrith come from a Binary-Star system where they had no competition - as they quickly adapt to any environment.

National History

Seeing as the Synthesis Coalition hasn't been around for long, it doesn't have much of a history. The Coalition started a bit after SynLabs, which was at the time a Tekkyd organisation made first contact with the Kileesai and T'sinlohan, some members of which had formed the United Federation of Archeus. The Tekkyd later joined the Coalition, and that was it, for a couple of decades. After a few decades of peace, the Coalition was discovered by a Chaiak pirate organisation known as The Brotherhood of Blood and Steel, or just Blood and Steel. Barely fending off several attacks, the coalition contacted the Nova Consortium, a Chaiak and Izvrith private military-firm-for-hire, and offered them a place. They soon accepted, and, with the Nova Consrtium, and, by extension, the Chaiak, on their side, waged war against Blood and Steel. After a long military campaign, Blood and Steel were defeated in the last decade, and now the Coalition is looking to expand.

Planet Descriptions (Optional)

The main center of operations for the Coalition is the space station Arcadia. It is a diplomatic station, with little apparent military use, and is a central trading hub, and is the location for the main offices of SynLabs and the United Federation of Archeus.


The Nova Consortium's center of operations is the Space Station Sanctus, an armed, mobile station that houses the commanders and strategists.


There are several shipyards, but the main one, where the Tigerlily and Battleplates were built, is Legacy Shipyards.


The AI in charge of coordinating all systems, the remote backup for the Battleplate AI's, and the AI creation facility and laboratory are housed on a secret station codenamed "Revelation". Nobody actually knows where it is, as it is equipped with a Sub-Matter Warp, and Gravitic Drives. People going there are moved by their AI, and it is extremely heavily defended, utilising long-gun and Hyperbloom technology.


Due to their Terraforming Technology, The coalition has more colonised planets than most.

The Coalition Has:

218 Planets

58 Colonised Planets

46 Mining/Factory Planets


  • Name: Sercius Ceres (Referred to as Speaker Ceres)

    Rank: Speaker

    Morality: Lawful Good / Lawful Neutral

    Species: Izvrith

    Age: 36 Izvrith Cycles

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Speaker Ceres is a high-ranking Izvrith. She has golden irises - a recessive, and rare trait for her species, as well as a tatoo of an inverted delta symbol on her visible on her lower right forearm. She does not have the visible wings some Izvrith undertake surgery to regain.

    Paraphernalia: Speaker Ceres will always be wearing a pure white Syandana with gold engravings to reflect her rank as Speaker.

    History: Born into an average family (apart from their choices regarding sibilance in names), Sercius Ceres decided to enroll in the Nova Consortium, where she rose quickly through the ranks, excelling at military strategy, until she eventually gained the rank of Speaker. More than this is classified.

Disclaimer: This format is modified from another roleplay - rest assured that this IS my nation. Unfortunately I could not locate the link to the original roleplay where I found the layout, but I will link it here if I do. I believe it was called Race To The Galaxy or something along those lines.


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