Survival of The Best Adapted

Joel The Unforgiven

Special Operations - Ghost Squad
I would suggest not to go into too much detail on things behind the scenes with your character due to the idea of people being strangers, this is simply done so that I can check everything's in order with your character and I'd hate to spoil the idea of discovering the lives of the other survivors piece by piece. (If you want to have the best experience with emersion then I'd suggest not reading anyone else's sheets past the point of "Other Languages")

Your character sheet should be something similar to this template -



Appearance (Picture or description):


Native Tongue:

Other languages:




<Insert code here please>

Read more about this role play... 
Name: Saav

Age: 21



Nationality: Hispanic

Native Tongue: Spanish

Other languages: English

As I noted before, the rest is simply for me to check therefore I will leave this section out. I also decided to leave this out in the interests of the story, since I'm the creator of the role play I feel it's my job to keep things 'alive' and so of course I need some trick cards up my sleeve.
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Name: Enda Brady

Age: 20

Appearance :<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/1ae9ccd8c47fdb546c7015e001e05a2b.jpg.041a9307f2a3c1804faace0c6d79f3b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22791" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/1ae9ccd8c47fdb546c7015e001e05a2b.jpg.041a9307f2a3c1804faace0c6d79f3b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nationality: Irish

Native Tongue: English

Other languages: N/A

Backstory: She's a bit of a mystery, no one knows why she was on the plane to begin with

Likes: Being Active, Tea

Dislikes: Pig-headed people

<Wolver Island>



  • 1ae9ccd8c47fdb546c7015e001e05a2b.jpg
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Name: Jace Yamamoto

Age: 21

Appearance (Picture or description): Shortish black hair and brown eyes. About Six foot four and muscular due to career. His Asian heritage can be seen in his face and skin. Has a large scar running down the right side of his face along the cheek, and many scars on his back (Is this enough of a description)

Nationality: Kiwi

Native Tongue: English

Other languages: Japanese

Backstory: Was in the Yakuza, still could, no one knows.

Likes: Weapons, killing, death, animals

Dislikes: people who treat animals badly, people with no manners,

<Wolver Island>

(Hope this is good enough tell me if i need to add anything
Name:K.P (that's what he calls himself)


Appearance (Picture or description):



Native Tongue:German

Other languages:English,French, a bit italian

Backstory: He tried to be a Rockstar...well now he dosen't have anything left. Except of course a high liking of smoking and alcohol.

Likes: Music, his guitarre, acting high and mighty

Dislikes:Boredom, Spiders (... seriously he hates them!!!), being late

<Wolver Island>
Name: Tao Shaozu

Age: 29

Appearance (Picture or description):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/ss4.jpg.5d3c3b5b033a5d5c613be27b4ee607b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23016" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/ss4.jpg.5d3c3b5b033a5d5c613be27b4ee607b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nationality: Chinese

Native Tongue: Chinese

Other languages: Japanese, English, Russian, German,

Backstory: Does Business and travels a lot.

Likes: Fun, variety, and basically anything that can give him a thrill.

Dislikes: Being bored and inconvenienced

<Wolver Island>



  • ss4.jpg
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Name: Gregory Gotcher (Greg)

Age: 39

Appearance (Picture or description):

Nationality: American

Native Tongue: English

Other languages: A few phrases in Spanish, but nothing besides that.

Backstory: He's always had mental health issues, and is currently struggling with OCD (Not the stereotypical neat freak, however.) Other than that, his mother passed away and he's returning from the funeral.

Likes: spending time with his children and wife, counting

Dislikes: being tired, loud people, and airplanes

<Wolver Island>
Name: Kayleigh Fletcher

Age: 17



Nationality: Canadian

Native Tongue: English

Other languages: Knows a small amount of French and Spanish

Backstory: Kayleigh wasn't supposed to be on this plane

Likes: Heights, Climbing, Music, English Literature, COFFEE

Dislikes: Strangers, Insects, Sharks, Obnoxious People, Being Late (though she often is)

<Wolver Island>

Name: Elena Jacobs (Elle)



Personality: bubbly, funny, kind ,compassionate, sarcastic

Strengths:Tactics, Strategy

Weaknesses: poor at physical defense

She was going to meet up with her best friend
Name: Nichole Wift

Age: 22

Appearance (Picture or description):;bbSdkLNea6Up3M;;;323;333

Nationality: American but was raised in London.

Native Tongue:English with a small British accent.

Other languages: none

Backstory: whats there to tell? It's not like she remembers it.

Likes: coconuts, coconut milk, animals, especially wolves, (an

Dislikes:blood, dead animals, vomiting.

Wolvar island

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