Superpower school


Elder Member
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So this is a school where you have a superpower.

For now i just want to mess around in school but you guys can initiate a plot or I can put in mine when i feel like it

Official name to the public is Saint Harmon High School

SHHS But it is known in the superhero community as Super Hero High School

(they are allowed to get away with the name Saint because many priestesses teach and attend the school)

You can be in the class of:

Major Hero-

Your're training to be a hero with your own city or world to protect, or a villain trying to take over the world. (Flight, super-strength, elemental powers and classic superpowers of the well known heroes these powers can also be used for evil.)

Minor hero-

the sidekicks, the team heroes, the ones who deal with the minor villains who only want to take over one city... or villains who want to take over one city. (ninjas, assassins, henchmen, powers of teleportation, invisibility, or the like. Major part of the student body resides in this class)

Hero Support-

Prophecies, curses, talismans... They are exactly what you would suspect. they have powers to support. (Witches, shamans, prophets... etc.)



You are forgoing your duty to the people in an attempt to become a normal person... a citizen.

Freshman: sorted into a class

Sophomore: Put in a team

Junior: Good or evil("Secret" choice the teachers aren't allowed to treat you differently)

Senior: You can start interning with outside heroes, preparing for life outside school. or planning to go to hero or villain college.

Teacher: Fully realized hero, this is only your day job. sometimes you might be called at a moments notice to be a hero leaving the class to do whatever.

I might want to specify something. This isn't your normal school. People use their powers in the hall all the time and normal classes are intermingled with ones to help you use your powers and the lore behind them. Only citizens get all normal classes and everyone else only gets enough to get by in the real world. You aren't secretly keeping your powers, you are using them and experimenting with them on a daily basis. The school encourages it. The school is only secret from the public not from other supers.

Also there are dorms If you want your character to come from far away or just not live at home

Possible future plot:

The Lantern Man

Thought to be a school myth. But you find a secret staircase in the back of your locker on accident, and you can feel someone calling down them. You find him and he can change your power, turn you into the person you want to be... is it truly what you want? What did he get out of this deal? And what happened to the staircase? It's now gone...

Pretty much free but keep it pg

we are a school so no deaths or you will be expelled

(unless you are especially secretive (; ...and you also get permission from people involved and me)

Just post your character in signups before you post in the roleplay so I can get an understanding of who you are playing

Ok I didn't want to add any rules but...

No God Modding

For those who don't know it means, don't act like your character knows things when only you as a player know.

EX) if I told you some one was an ethereal being and you can't touch them, please don't go, "I couldn't do anything to them because I knew it wouldn't work." Especially if it's your first time encountering them or if you have never done something like that to them before.
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I'll use it for announcements!

First one!

I edited the overview so there is now a teacher grade and went into a little more depth about the school... and made it easier for students to mingle with each other!
Kate, you might want to create a map of the school and devise a way for classrooms to work. 
pls respond
Sooooo.....I have crazy teachers. FYI. As soon as I think everyone that's playing is in the gym you'll get a taste of what Mr. Elastic is.

Lesson here, children. Anyone with a pokashark bowtie is not a normal human being.
Alright sorry I have been inactive. I've been gone for 2 weeks. Can someone catch me up to speed?
Nothing happened first class. Second teacher people played with their powers now we are in a study hall kind of class
Alright. But you see this right? Katerang hasn't responded for a while now. If you have to go mention it.
I think she's at work. I wouldn't get concerned unless she didn't give a response by the end of the day. I give people 12 to 24 hours before I move on
I've been doing forums for 12 years old...when you work with groups there is always a time lag depending on time zones schedules and stuff. Plus katerang is running the game. I just bugged her through private messages begging to be crazy balls to the walls teachers
In most of my rps I didn't have to mention I was leaving unless I was gone for more than a day. I think as long as you can cram one post a day you should be fine. What if she's got a very physically laboring job? That's a lot to put on her when she probably does this to relieve stress
OK. So for example. What if I had one of my teachers rip Genna from the scene when raiku and her are having a moment. In that moment raiku would have responded and done something but since you were offline I just continued with gennas character. It would practically make raiku immobile to the situation when his character would have responded. It would have been rude of me to do it too that way
Or I could have the teacher in the hall say something allowing you a chance to respond and there is a back and forth between a few people
Or what if I had something the teacher was going to do that would expand on the overarching plot. I'm at work I can't respond right away. This morning is a bad example. But you two run off and whatever I planned to do I can't anymore and the easter egg of plot devise that could have aided you is now gone forever. Katerang is the DM. She prob had some juicy things she wanted to do. Reading Zach's character he wouldn't chase after you because that's not how the character was written to be made
Plus if you did an action like mind control you need to give no matter how long the response the person time to respond. Aidan Mr. Elastic and my other teacher you could easily use your powers on. Lexi and savolt you couldn't. Savolt like you couldn't no matter how hard you tried. Lexi her conscience mind goes faster than light and sound travel. You'd have to control it while Shes in normal speed and the shock of hearing something in her head makes her spazzy and jump it would propelled her to hyperspeed.
Ok. Although katelynn and I were messaging each other and I said that I was going to sleep. If you did any of those things I would find a way to make it all work out. Like tell Genna I had to go and go to the next class or I could even just wait there and butt in and make it even more awkward. Simple.
I just personally think that you should have to say what your doing or you'll be missing in real life unless you're gone for more than 24 hours. That's a lot of stress to put on someone that might do this just to relax. I also speak as an old timer doing this for over a decade. I'm new to this site. It was Gaia for the longest time neopets before I knew Gaia existed. This mobile phone app and saving drafts makes me love this site so much.

But I came from rps where you had to write a minimum of three paragraphs. You had to private message the DM before you made any big action and there were a long list of rules to follow. Dms would actually look at my bios before approval and half the time you asked to be included in an rp sometimes you were invited by old friends. But DM was law and you had to let them lead the story where it was going. You maybe maaaaybe got like two posts in but people had to do their rotation before you could post again. I got around it by playing a slue of characters because I used to be on as much as you and as gun ho as you seem to be. But I graduated college and now have a full time job life is taking so much time out of that I finally get why we had to wait for people to respond. This isn't going g to be their priority. It might be the priority of others because if you're a teen or a student this stuff is exciting and all you want to do is post progress play your character but then for other people they have chaotic hectic days and they want this to destress them. But it seems like they can't get their characters dully integrated because even though its only been ten hours so much happened and you might only have the brain capacity to do one post
I do this to relax as well. I'm just saying dont get angry at me for you not posting within an hour of other people's posts. Not you but everyone. 
Katelynn posted at 549 pm I posted at 332 am. Katerang posted at 417 pm. So how is it my fault. 
Man. Everything im saying sounds kind of rude. I really don't mean to be rude. I'm sorry.
Its kk. Honestly I used to post this rapidly as well. You sound like how I was in highschool and beginning of college. 12 hour rule helps so much gives you reason to co tinue when they don't respond but then you give that person allotted time to respond.

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