Supernatural (The Show)

Yep, role play recruitment threads: I've returned. Only this time, I have a rather specific idea/craving/need.

But first, let me take a - I mean, introduce myself to those who haven't seen me around before. My name is Darth Cinder. Mmhm, it's on my birth certificate. However, most people call me Darth, or Cinder, or Signor Fluffertons (not really, but nicknames are welcome). I've been on this site for a while now, though this is only my second attempt at actually getting out there (that I know of). I don't bite, even if you want me to. (I'm not about that life, yo.)

A few rules first:

  1. Literacy, please. I'm a stickler for grammar, but I won't call anyone out on it. I'll sort of just rage quit on my side of the screen. Spelling is a big must, too. A few mistakes are acceptable, but a whole post full of 'em? Nope.
  2. Please be aware that I can't always reply, and I know it's the same for others as well. However, a reply a day would be appreciated. If it can't be done, warnings are also welcomed.
  3. I don't like role playing with someone and not knowing them as a person. So please don't try to keep all non-rp related conversations curt. I like making friends.
  4. Replies kept between one or more paragraphs are appreciated. My replies depend on what I'm given to work with.
  5. Private Messaging is preferred.
  6. Keep posts up and lively! Interesting replies make for an interesting story and two happy role players.

And now, what I've really been meaning to get across:

I've been craving a Supernatural romance/slash/whatever floats your boat role play for so very long now. This whole time on the site and I've only seen a handful of people who like rping Supernatural (the show, not the genre). I'd bee willing to rp the show if any one is interested. But here's the catch: I only rp one pairing from that show. The pairing? Wincest. Meaning Sam and Dean. As in, Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean.

I realize the small chance that I had at finding a partner for this has just grown even smaller. This pairing is also a reason that I didn't post this up in the Fandoms thread. Some people from the fandom would have been a bit bothered by it. And I'm sorry if I wasted your time with this (for those of you who wanted a Spn rp and got disappointed). I wish the best of luck to you on your search. I, however, am still here. I'll be taking 2-3 roleplays on, if I get that many.

  • I am open to any AU ideas.
  • I'm open to canon ideas.
  • I can roleplay as either Sam or Dean, so whichever role you would prefer just go ahead and mention that. :)
  • I will not roleplay weecest - or rather, young Sam and Dean.
  • I'm actually new to the fandom, so I'm sorry if I get anything wrong. I started watching at around s3xep11 Playthings, and am currently on s5xep21 Two Minutes to Midnight. I have seen almost the entirety of s1, aside from the last episode(on Netflix). I started watching the show on television, from season 3 and went back to watch season 1. I am also keeping up with the current season, save for the first few episodes.

And now a few rules for fandom rping with me:

  1. Please keep context to the show if we're going canon. I get frustrated when something is out of context.
  2. Keep characters in character. I may not have watched every episode, but I know how the characters act.
  3. I think that's about it, actually.

PM me or comment below if interested! :D I await your responses.
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