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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I’m interested but I have a question! Can we be Pokémon who aren’t in smash? Or just trainers?
Also how many characters can we be?

Hi there and welcome to the rp! The first page of the OOC has all the information regarding character rules but yes you can totally be a Pokémon if you want. As for characters, the general rule is that there isn’t any super strict limits on character amounts so long as you can personally handle the amount of characters you’re playing as.
Hi there and welcome to the rp! The first page of the OOC has all the information regarding character rules but yes you can totally be a Pokémon if you want. As for characters, the general rule is that there isn’t any super strict limits on character amounts so long as you can personally handle the amount of characters you’re playing as.
So if I play more than one, do they all have to be in every post I make?
So if I play more than one, do they all have to be in every post I make?
While some of our players do post for multiple characters at once, other players (such as myself) will make individual posts for one character at a time, so it’d really be up to you 👍
Alright! Here’s the characters I’d like. Can I always add more later on though?

Character Name: Zeraora
Game of Origin: Pokémon (Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon)
Player Name: TheBlazeWings TheBlazeWings

Character Name: Leon
Game of Origin: Pokémon Sword and Shield
Player Name: TheBlazeWings TheBlazeWings

Character Name: Hisuian Zoroark
Game of Origin: Pokémon Legends Arceus
Player Name: TheBlazeWings TheBlazeWings
I did not realize I'd be hit with two posts regarding Roxas so quickly after each other. I'll try and work on something later in the week. I'd appreciate if I could get something up so Roxas can react before anything else goes down please 🥺

Alright! Here’s the characters I’d like. Can I always add more later on though?
Welcome welcome! Also to answer your question yes also oml not my favorite dumbass man, Leon!!!
I did not realize I'd be hit with two posts regarding Roxas so quickly after each other. I'll try and work on something later in the week. I'd appreciate if I could get something up so Roxas can react before anything else goes down please 🥺

Welcome welcome! Also to answer your question yes also oml not my favorite dumbass man, Leon!!!
What?? I can’t take Leon??!!
I did not realize I'd be hit with two posts regarding Roxas so quickly after each other. I'll try and work on something later in the week. I'd appreciate if I could get something up so Roxas can react before anything else goes down please 🥺
lmao I was also very surprised when Kaiju Cat got out a sephiroth post nearly five minutes right after mine 😅
I know I was playing along xD
I am a fool and exposed myself as one. I'll see myself out LOL

Me, seeing myself out be like:
I've been working on this for a while, but it's finally finished!

In his room within Hyrule Castle, Stefan was working on his latest project: an enchanted drinking mug that chilled any liquid put into it. The pewter mug sat on his work desk, a polished blue rupee embedded into its center. Rupees were magical receptacles, which was why they were often used to power equipment such as the rare Magic Armor. The young apprentice raised his right hand and waved it in the air as though it were a paint brush, drawing a rune that reacted to the magic within the rupee and imbued the mug with an enchantment of frost. Most wizards required the use of a wand or staff to focus spells, draw runes, and tap into magical energies; to be able to do such without a wand was a rare feat usually obtained through many years of study in magic, or the blessing of powerful beings such as Great Fairies or the gods themselves. The only other people Stefan knew were capable of tapping into magic without the use of a tool were his mentor, and Princess Zelda.

Stefan let out a sigh of satisfaction, stretched, and leaned back in his chair to admire his handy-work. The summer was a hot one, and having a mug that will forever keep his beverages chilled will be very useful. Time to test it out!

The apprentice grabbed a jug of Lon Lon milk that had been sitting by the window, poured it into the mug, then took a swig. Stefan immediately spat it out. YUCK! Spoiled! How long had that been sitting there in the heat?? Stefan looked out the window and toward the setting sun, and mentally went over the time he had spent working on his projects.


Well, at least it was cold! Success!

Stefan stood up. The full moon was beginning to rise, and he felt strong enough for a night outing. Stefan had discovered that he always felt his strongest on the full moon, and his weakest on the new moon. The days in between can fluctuate between good ones and bad ones, but his condition was consistently well on the full moon and the worst on the new moon. This discovery helped the teenager to realize that his affliction was magical in nature. Yet, his elders were always dismissive when he brought it up.

Stefan recalled Sahasrahla's words from their last conversation. "My young mage, you may be right. Magic is a very part of your being. It may be that the power within you is so great that it exacts a heavy toll on your body. We may never truly know. Now, heed my words: make peace with yourself and put this behind you. Live your life, young one, for as long as you have left to live. Life is already much too short for those who aren't afflicted as you are. Don't waste those precious seconds seeking answers that may never be found."

Though the sage's words were spoken out of kindness, it only filled Stefan with resentment. The old man knew something, Stefan was certain of this! Why won't he tell him anything?! Why did he insist that Stefan accept his own suffering?! The young wizard couldn't just let it go. He refused!

Scowling, Stefan grabbed his hooded cloak, leaped out the window, and slid down a drainage pipe to the ground below. His elders would never allow his night outings, and using his Blink spell creates a distinctive popping sound that might alert others. Besides, he had some pent up frustration to let out, and he was going to do so while he was well enough for it!

Under the cover of twilight, Stefan slipped away from the castle grounds and into the forests of Hyrule. He needed rupees; besides their obvious use as currency, they were vital for his enchantments, and a teenager's allowance was hardly adequate! There was a two-hundred rupee reward for anyone who can take care of a pack of Wolfos that have been harassing the livestock of Lon Lon Ranch, and Stefan aimed to collect it!

As Stefan ran, he felt his anger and frustration melt away into exhilaration. For the first time in a long time, he felt strong and free, and as wild and reckless as the Wolfos he pursued! For just a moment, he believed he could sprout wings and fly among the stars he loved so much! Alas, he soon ran out of breath and had to stop. Chest heaving, Stefan looked behind him to see the castle far away. He then looked back to the stars.

He had covered so much ground, yet the stars remained so far out of his reach as they always were.

Pointed ears twitched as Stefan detected the sounds of growling from the nearby shrubbery. Alert, the Hylian gripped the hilt of this scimitar while his sharp green eyes scanned the shadows. Numerous pairs of sinister golden eyes glared back at him. Stefan drew his scimitar and stood his ground, his free hand erupting into blue-green flames as Wolfos emerged from the darkness. The pack gathered before the boy, snarling and licking slavering jaws. Suddenly, their eyes widened with recognition and, much to Stefan's surprise, they cowered before him.

"The Lord of Night has returned!" they moaned. "Spare us your wrath, Lord! It is but our nature to hunt!"

Stefan's lip curled in contempt as he pointed his blade at the groveling creatures. "What is this nonsense, wretched beasts?"

One Wolfos whined, "Though your guise is that of a human, we know of you, Spellweaver, Dreamwalker, Bringer of Omens!"

Stefan was normally a cool-headed teenager, but for reasons unknown to him, the titles the Wolfos were bestowing upon him caused a great anger to well up within, and he snapped. "Silence! Shut up! I don't know of this 'Lord of Night,' but if he is your deity, then I shall send you to him!"

A Wolfos, much larger than the rest, a gnarly scar forever sealing its right eye shut, stepped silently out of the darkness. Stefan had little doubt this was the pack leader. Rather than be afraid, the Wolfos Alpha tilted his head as he regarded the teenager curiously. "Hm? It is true then! You really do not know who, or what you are, boy!" The Alpha then let out a deep, growling laugh before standing on his hind legs and flexing his long claws. "If that is the case, then fortune has smiled upon me! I shall devour your heart and take your power as my own! A new king shall rule the night!"

Stefan extended his burning hand and fired a cone of flames at the pack, forcing the beasts to scatter. Blood pumping with the thrill of battle, he returned the Alpha's laughter with a wicked snicker of his own. "Flattering, but you're no fair maiden! There's no way I'm giving my heart to a flea-bitten furbag!"

The Alpha sent nearby Wolfos flying with brutal smacks from his massive forearms. "Back! Back you weaklings! The glory of this kill will be mine and mine alone!" He faced Stefan and leaped at the youth with a fearsome snarl. A crooked smile appeared on Stefan's face as the Alpha bounced harmlessly off a blue barrier that had enveloped the Hylian: Nayru's Love!

The young mage slashed and thrusted his sword at the Wolfos leader. "I could use a new rug, mutt!"

Wolfos claws were as long as dagger blades and as hard as steel; the Alpha used them to block Stefan's assault and protect his vitals. Stefan immediately changed tactics and, with a shout, slammed his hand down upon the earth, casting Din's Fire. Wolfos and the nearby trees were engulfed by the sudden eruption of blue-green flames from Stefan's form. The panicked cries of wildlife and the crackling of burning trees filled the air as Stefan straightened up. The smile still on his face, he snapped his fingers and the flames went out instantly. Once again, the forest was enveloped in the darkness of night.

Stefan chuckled softly. That wasn't so hard! Now he had to find the remains of the Wolfos as proof of his deed and--

An agonized scream tore from the mage's throat as the Alpha, covered in horrific burns, sank his claws and teeth into his body. The weight of the beast forced Stefan to the ground, the scimitar slipping from his nerveless hand. Feeling himself weakening from blood loss, Stefan was certain that the gaping sharp-toothed maw of the Alpha Wolfos would be the last thing he ever saw.

Then the Alpha's triumphant howl quieted to a pitiful whimper, his limbs went limp, and the beast dissolved into dark smoke. Before merciful unconsciousness claimed him, Stefan found himself staring into a familiar boar-like face.

"... I take it the children are well, then?" Stefan asked Mugorl, his tone upbeat despite his condition. "I suppose... this makes us... even."
Last edited:
I've been working on this for a while, but it's finally finished!

In his room within Hyrule Castle, Stefan was working on his latest project: an enchanted drinking mug that chilled any liquid put into it. The pewter mug sat on his work desk, a polished blue rupee embedded into its center. Rupees were magical receptacles, which was why they were often used to power equipment such as the rare Magic Armor. The young apprentice held up his right hand and waved it in the air as though it were a paint brush, drawing a rune that reacted to the magic within the rupee and imbued the mug with an enchantment of frost. Most wizards required the use of a wand or staff to focus spells, draw runes, and tap into magical energies; to be able to do such without a wand was a rare feat usually obtained through many years of study in magic, or the blessing of powerful beings such as Great Fairies or the gods themselves. The only other people Stefan knew were capable of tapping into magic without the use of a tool were his mentor, and Princess Zelda.

Stefan let out a sigh of satisfaction, stretched, and leaned back in his chair to admire his handy-work. The summer was a hot one, and having a mug that will forever keep his beverages chilled will be very useful. Time to test it out!

The apprentice grabbed a jug of Lon Lon milk that had been sitting by the window, poured it into the mug, then took a swig. Stefan immediately spat it out. YUCK! Spoiled! How long had that been sitting there in the heat?? Stefan looked out the window and toward the setting sun, and mentally went over the time he had spent working on his projects.


Well, at least it was cold! Success!

Stefan stood up. The full moon was beginning to rise, and he felt strong enough for a night outing. Stefan had discovered that he always felt his strongest on the full moon, and his weakest on the new moon. The days in between can fluctuate between good ones and bad ones, but his condition was consistently well on the full moon and the worst on the new moon. This discovery helped the teenager to realize that his affliction was magical in nature. Yet, his elders were always dismissive when he brought it up.

Stefan recalled Sahasrahla's words from their last conversation. "My young mage, you may be right. Magic is a very part of your being. It may be that the power within you is so great that it exacts a heavy toll on your body. We may never truly know. Now, heed my words: make peace with yourself and put this behind you. Live your life, young one, for as long as you have left to live. Life is already much too short for those who aren't afflicted as you are. Don't waste those precious seconds seeking answers that may never be found."

Though the sage's words were spoken out of kindness, it only filled Stefan with resentment. The old man knew something, Stefan was certain of this! Why won't he tell him anything?! Why did he insist that Stefan accept his own suffering?! The young wizard couldn't just let it go. He refused!

Scowling, Stefan grabbed his hooded cloak, leaped out the window, and slid down a drainage pipe to the ground below. His elders would never allow his night outings, and using his Blink spell creates a distinctive popping sound that might alert others. Besides, he had some pent up frustration to let out, and he was going to do so while he was well enough for it!

Under the cover of twilight, Stefan slipped away from the castle grounds and into the forests of Hyrule. He needed rupees; besides their obvious use as currency, they were vital for his enchantments, and a teenager's allowance was hardly adequate! There was a two-hundred rupee reward for anyone who can take care of a pack of Wolfos that have been harassing the livestock of Lon Lon Ranch, and Stefan aimed to collect it!

As Stefan ran, he felt his anger and frustration melt away into exhilaration. For the first time in a long time, he felt strong and free, and as wild and reckless as the Wolfos he pursued! For just a moment, he believed he could sprout wings and fly among the stars he loved so much! Alas, he soon ran out of breath and had to stop. Chest heaving, Stefan looked behind him to see the castle far away. He then looked back to the stars.

He had covered so much ground, yet the stars remained so far out of his reach as they always were.

Pointed ears twitched as Stefan detected the sounds of growling from the nearby shrubbery. Alert, the Hylian gripped the hilt of this scimitar while his sharp green eyes scanned the shadows. Numerous pairs of sinister golden eyes glared back at him. Stefan drew his scimitar and stood his ground, his free hand erupting into blue-green flames as Wolfos emerged from the darkness. The pack gathered before the boy, snarling and licking slavering jaws. Suddenly, their eyes widened with recognition and, much to Stefan's surprise, they cowered before him.

"The Lord of Night has returned!" they moaned. "Spare us your wrath, Lord! It is but our nature to hunt!"

Stefan's lip curled in contempt as he pointed his blade at the groveling creatures. "What is this nonsense, wretched beasts?"

One Wolfos whined, "Though your guise is that of a human, we know of you, Spellweaver, Dreamwalker, Bringer of Omens!"

Stefan was normally a cool-headed teenager, but for reasons unknown to him, the titles the Wolfos were bestowing upon him caused a great anger to well up within, and he snapped. "Silence! Shut up! I don't know of this 'Lord of Night,' but if he is your deity, then I shall send you to him!"

A Wolfos, much larger than the rest, a gnarly scar forever sealing its right eye shut, stepped silently out of the darkness. Stefan had little doubt this was the pack leader. Rather than be afraid, the Wolfos Alpha tilted his head as he regarded the teenager curiously. "Hm? It is true then! You really do not know who, or what you are, boy!" The Alpha then let out a deep, growling laugh before standing on his hind legs and flexing his long claws. "If that is the case, then fortune has smiled upon me! I shall devour your heart and take your power as my own! A new king shall rule the night!"

Stefan extended his burning hand and fired a cone of flames at the pack, forcing the beasts to scatter. Blood pumping with the thrill of battle, he returned the Alpha's laughter with a wicked snicker of his own. "Flattering, but you're no fair maiden! There's no way I'm giving my heart to a flea-bitten furbag!"

The Alpha sent nearby Wolfos flying with brutal smacks from his massive forearms. "Back! Back you weaklings! The glory of this kill will be mine and mine alone!" He faced Stefan and leaped at the youth with a fearsome snarl. A crooked smile appeared on Stefan's face as the Alpha bounced harmlessly off a blue barrier that had enveloped the Hylian: Nayru's Love!

The young mage slashed and thrusted his sword at the Wolfos leader. "I could use a new rug, mutt!"

Wolfos claws were as long as dagger blades and as hard as steel; the Alpha used them to block Stefan's assault and protect his vitals. Stefan immediately changed tactics and, with a shout, slammed his hand down upon the earth, casting Din's Fire. Wolfos and the nearby trees were engulfed by the sudden eruption of blue-green flames from Stefan's form. The panicked cries of wildlife and the crackling of burning trees filled the air as Stefan straightened up. The smile still on his face, he snapped his fingers and the flames went out instantly. Once again, the forest was enveloped in the darkness of night.

Stefan sighed softly in satisfaction. That wasn't so hard! Now he had to find the remains of the Wolfos as proof of his deed and--

An agonized scream tore from the mage's throat as the Alpha, covered in horrific burns, sank his claws and teeth into his body. The weight of the beast forced Stefan to the ground, the scimitar slipping from his nerveless hand. Feeling himself weakening from blood loss, Stefan was certain that the gaping sharp-toothed maw of the Alpha Wolfos would be the last thing he ever saw.

Then the Alpha's triumphant howl quieted to a pitiful whimper, his limbs went limp, and the beast dissolved into dark smoke. Before merciful unconsciousness claimed him, Stefan found himself staring into a familiar boar-like face.

"... I take it the children are well, then?" Stefan asked Mugorl, his tone upbeat despite his condition. "I suppose... this makes us... even."
Awww a great read
Alright! Here’s the characters I’d like. Can I always add more later on though?

Character Name: Zeraora
Game of Origin: Pokémon (Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon)
Player Name: TheBlazeWings TheBlazeWings

Character Name: Leon
Game of Origin: Pokémon Sword and Shield
Player Name: TheBlazeWings TheBlazeWings

Character Name: Hisuian Zoroark
Game of Origin: Pokémon Legends Arceus
Player Name: TheBlazeWings TheBlazeWings
Looks good! Welcome to the RP!
Werewolf Stefan sounds bad ass and fitting given his name is Lunaris
(To the tune of Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London")

I saw a Wolfos with a Sheikah menu in his hand,
Walking through the streets of Hyrule in the rain,
He was looking for a place called Nayru Forks,
Gonna get a big dish of Meat Chow Mein

AH-OOOOO! Wolfos of Hyrule!
AH-OOOOO! Wolfos of Hyrule!

If you hear him howling around your kitchen door,
you better not let him in!
Little elf cutie got mutilated late last night,
Wolfos in Hyrule again!

AH-OOOOO! Wolfos of Hyrule!
AH-OOOOO! Wolfos of Hyrule!

He's the hairy-handed fellow,
who ran amok in Kakariko,
Lately he's been overheard in Zora's River
You better stay away from him!
He'll rip your lungs out, Jim!
Huh, I'd like to meet his tailor!

AH-OOOOO! Wolfos of Hyrule!
AH-OOOOO! Wolfos of Hyrule!

Well, I saw the Hero of Courage walking with the Queen,
Doing the Wolfos of Hyrule!
I saw the Young Hero of Courage walking with the Queen,
Doing the Wolfos of Hyrule!
I saw a Wolfos drinking a Noble Pursuit at Trader 'Becks
His hair was perfect!

Wolfos of Hyrule!
Draw blood!
Wolfos of Hyrule!

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