Stressssed RP(Coedy X PKandy)


Six Thousand Club
I called it stressed because the charas are stressed xD the females anyway.


Name- Ania

Age- 16

Appearance- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/image.jpg.8474d2d4688eb225e23228db76ffff00.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1988" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/image.jpg.8474d2d4688eb225e23228db76ffff00.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (she likes to cosplay she doesn't really have wings so another thing for him to bully her about)

Name- Nick

Age- 18

Appearance- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/image.jpg.51e0078bcc518d95764ae066872fbe84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/image.jpg.51e0078bcc518d95764ae066872fbe84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Ill start then)

Ania sighed walking behind Damon with his bookbag in her arms. She adjusted her glasses and sighed sadly. His friends came around and threw rocks at we till she backed away from Damon so they could talk. Ania sniffled sadly and Nick grabbed the bag from her."hey Ania"Nick said with a smile. He may look punk rock but he's really gentle and kind yet doesn't know how to take care of himself. Ania jolted,"give it back or ill get punished!"she whispered.
Damon chuckled as his friends came, he loved having a servant; it was so much easier to do things. He didn't really care about her or what happened with her. But she was his door mat, and he didn't want anything to change. He was well in his conversation when he heard another voice from behind. He saw Nick with HIS bag. Why was some loser touching his bag! "Hey loser why does he have my bag!?" He broke from his friends and ripped the bag from Nicks filthy hands. He glared at Ania, "Never loose my bag." He growled. He had an almost evil gleam in his eyes.

Mae had been humming to a song in her head, smiling as the sun hit her face. She looked up to hear some commotion. Then as she saw Ania, she tensed up. 'Not this again.' She mumbled. She walked faster and quickly got to Ania's side. "Lets to to ice cream. He can't hurt you when I'm around." She whispered, taking her friend's hand and smiled reassuringly. She hadnt noticed Nick until she looked to her side. She tensed up and kept he eyes to the ground as they stood together.
Nick smiled cutely,"why can't we just all get along?"he said happily. Ania sniffled looking at Damon she never did anything bad to hurt him,"I-I can't..... Damon will get mad"she whispered back. Ania walked to Damon looking down preparing for the worse. Nick pouted cutely,"Damon come on man"he said pulling Ania away,"lets to Ania panda!"he said cutely and began walking away with his friend.
Damon rolled his eyes, "Don't touch me." He scowled and glared at Nick. He swung his backpack over his shoulder and walked home. He didn't care if Ania walked away with her stupid, lowlife friends. He walked down the sidewalk, swinging the keys to his car around his finger. He got into his truck and drove down to his house.

Mae shrugged and kept her eyes on Ania, "Because we don't do the things and act like they do." She said, answering Nicks question ever so softly. She jumped when Damon shot them a glare. "It's okay Ani, we are here for you." She said softly.
Ania sniffled and hugged Mae. Nick jolted he hated when girls cried so he ran off to go find something to cheer her up. Ania sniffled,"icecream sounds good"she mumbled. Nick came back and handed Ania manga breathing heavily. Ania blinke and smiled as she began reading it and walking.
Mae smiled softly, she rubbed Ania's shoulder and began to walk to the little ice cream shack that was down the way. She looked up at Nick as he brought Ania a magna. She smiled softly and kept her head up as the trio walked down the sidewalk.

(Damon will jump in later( ;)

Ania banged into a pole,"gah! My brains"she mumbled. Nick laughed then put his hand on her shoulders and began walking,"cho cho!"he yelled and Ania laughed as they ran into the icecream shack,"vanilla"Ania told Nick after he pouted at her."and you lil' miss? Don't make me shoot now ye heard!"he said pouting cutely as he pointed his finger at her like it was a gun.
Mae fell behind Ania and Nick, she stuck her hands in her pockets, and ran her fingers through her hair. She let them have their usual play, falling behind them to order her ice cream. "I'll have a glass of water." She told the man, handing him a few dollars, and then took her water. She sat on a bench and quietly drank her water; barely making a noise.
Nick ordered for them and bought it. They sat by Mae smiling as they ate,"I love icecream"Ania declared happily. Nick jolted getting a brain freeze,"yo I gots da freeeeze!"he complained. Ania laughed at him she was only happy with her friends these days.
Mae smiled at her friends, she laughed slightly at Nick, but that quickly faded away. She wasnt herself around people who she rarely hung out with. She capped her water, and sighed. "I think I'm gonna head back." She announced as she stood up, "I'll see you tomorrow." She said softly, as she threw her water away and began to walk down the street.
Nick blinked,"how come she hates me?"he asked sulking."don't ask me I don't know why Damon hates me"Ania replied finishing her icecream. Nick stood up,"I'll walk you home k?"he said and patted her head then began walking with his hands in his pockets. Ania tried keeping up with Nicks graceful stride but his legs were longer then hers. She ended up skipping and jumping every once in a while to keep up.
Damon emerged from his room, a duffle bag full of toilet paper, and string confetti. He snuck past his parents and jumped into his car. He pulled up to Ania's home with a bunch of friends who had joined him. They threw the toilet paper over the trees and houses. Then sprayed the confetti all over. Damon smiled and hopped back into his truck.

Mae sighed as she kicked stones. She didn't hate anybody, with the exception of Damon. Insteabof heading inside, she grabbed her chalk and drew. But she didn't draw, she sketched. Clouds, fliers, sometimes feelings. This was her outlet; and it always made her happy.
Nick jolted getting a text from his sister,"I gatta go home be safe!"he yelle before running off to go check on his sister. She texted him saying it was important. He ran into the house worriedly to find his sister crying about her tea party and being lonely. He sighed in relief and played with her.

Ania saw it worriedly and looked around. She looked down sadly then grabbed a ladder and began cleaning up crying. She thought no one was around that's why she cried so pitifully. Ania jolted slipping on her roof but quickly getting back up and continued cleaning. She wouldn't give up until it was all clean. She was living with her grandmother so she had to do labor tasks like these and was very handy around the house. She came down and began cleaning the trees. Someone in Damon's car honke the horn and she fell out of the tree from fright.
Mae felt bad or ditching Ania like that, so she stood up and walked down the street. It wasnt too far away; when she got to the house, her heart dropped. She saw the tping, and began to pick it up. When the girl was honked, Mae jumped and threw the wade up paper towel at the truck. For a shy girl, she had a fairly good arm. She saw Ania on the ground and ran over to her. "ANI! Are you okay" she asked as she helped her friend sit up.

Damon laughed, quickly driving away after the horn was honked. He dropped his friends off and drove back to his home. He was proud of himself, and didn't feel the slightest bit guilty. He smirked as he walked up to his room and laid down on his bed. He was worn out!
Ania nodded,"I'm.... Fine"she managed holding her head,"my arm hurts.... And my head too"she mumbled then stood up an glared. Her eyes became narrow and she glared. Was this a split personality? Ania walke into her home wobbly wanting to sit down."ah Mae ill see you at school tomorrow"Ania managed before closing the door. The tping was cleaned from the roof and one tree.(if you wanna you can start the next day ovo just keep in mind Damon pick up Ania)

Damon rolled out of bed, he threw on his usual kaki shorts and a neon tshirt. He slipped into his free runs and walked down the stairs. He ate his breakfast and said good bye to his parents before jumping in his truck. He drove back to Ania's and honked the horn. He was always early, but he usually allowed a few minutes of rest as he waited for her to emerge.

Mae woke up, there was a certain emptiness in her soul. She sighed as she got out of bed, ad walked to her closet where she took an old grey tshirt out, and then white skinny jeans; those were the only kind of jeans that fit her. Sometimes she would call herself anorexic, and so would others. But she ignored the others. Mae scarfed down her breakfast and said goodbye to her mom and dad before heading outside to her car.
Nick got onto his penny board and waved at Mae. He liked riding to school it was better for his heart. He wore his usual pink and black strippe sweater and black jeans. He put his headphones on and began skating on his black penny board with pink wheels.

Ania got dressed in a cute sailor Lolita outfit and walked to the car after saying good ye to her grandmother."stay Safe be brave and have fun okay"her grandmother managed before coughing. Ania nervously waved as she got into the car. She wasn't wearing her glasses today so she looked especially cute. She buckled up nervously shaking,"I've decided.... That your not a bad person.... Just different....."she said she was too naive and because of him her wrist was stollen but she had a wrap on it. Ania didn't make eye contact with him. She was orphaned at 6 years old her parents had died. She was adopted then her adopted parents died and she live with her grandparents. Her grandfather soon died leaving her grandmother sickly but kind and gentle.
Mae waved at Nick before pulling out of the driveway. She rolled the Windows down and let some of her hair whip around. She wished it was summer, so school was over, and then the trio could be away from Damon. It didn't take too long for her to get to school. When she arrived, she slid out of her car and then started to walk to the entrance.

Damon looked over at Amos and couldn't help but laugh, "That's the spirit Ania." He said before turning his truck up. He took off down the street, rolling the Windows down and turned on a little bit of music. He laughs to himself, he ha No good side, there was almost no way to stay out of trouble with him. He wasn't always like this, but ever since high school, he has. After getting to school, he got out of his car and swung his backpack on his shoulder. He then began to walk up to the school.
Ania followed happily thinking Damon wasn't bad. She jolted as the guys tripped her she twitched her eyes narrowing and she became Tania. She punched one of them to the ground with a smirk,"oh you think your cool picking on me?! You Braty hurt me yesterday.... "She said then began walking ahead of them smacking her hair in Damon's face ever so gracefully,"oh.... Yeah I'm not your Bi--h anymore so bye bye"Tania said and walked into the school with a stride that said she had confidence.

Nick skated into school skating through the halls then laid his stuff into his locker only grabbing nessasary things in his bag then put his penny inside and began walking to class. He would NEVER leave it in his locker.
Damon blinked, he watched her, "Is this one of your costume changes?" He asked, walking faster, and catching up to her. He extended his arm and grabbed her hair. He yanked her to the grown and walked aroud her. "I don't need you anymore." He never really needed her. He could survive wth out that brat.

Mae had been walking into school when she saw Anian standing up for herself. Only, this wasnt Ania; it was Tania. She jolted as she saw what she was doing. She ran ahead of Damon and next to Ania. "Hey Ani! I'm so proud of you!" She said happily, although he spoke softly.
Tania glared and kicked Damon in the private then laughe high and mighty,"you annoying wanna be cool guy! As if I'd let you get away with that you've unlocked hell with one touch of a button literally"she said holding out her hand to show the bandages. Tania then smacked him,"now it's my turn to bully you because I know everything about your stupid head"she said.

Nick spotted them and hid like a sad puppy,"not her she hates men"he mumbled and snuck away to class.
Damon cringed in pain, the instant contact in his area almost made his eyes water. He stood up though, and looked at her; slightly bending. "Whatever." He remarked, before she slapped him. He wasn't going to hit her back; no way! He walked away, leaving the tension behind. He grabbed his things and then walked down the hall. Their feud was over.
Tania jolted and passed out returning to Ania. She had done a good job protecting herself but Ania would be clueless about the interaction. Ania slowly woke when the late bell rang. She groaned touching her head,"I hurt"she mumbled sadly. Nobody told her she had a split personality because it might drive her insane. Ania slowly stood up and walked to class sitting by Damon like his little pet. Nick blinked worriedly at Ania. Damon did know about Tania but he would never tell her that she was free would he? Either way Nick was probably going to have to find something to comfort Ania with later. 
(Btw I love Johnny Depp he's amazing)

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