Streampunk RP?


Junior Member
Hello, I was looking for a partner in a steampunk RP. It doesn't have to be romance, but I do prefer playing females if you'd like to pursue that avenue. I have a basic plot sketched out, but it's kinda long and I'm open to compromise so just PM me if you're interested in my plot or making one together or if you have one of your own.
Haha, well I have a few plots etched out and one I am quite fond of, a secret society that controls the water, and therefore every aspect of life, from machinery, people's limbs, and water intake on a daily basis.
Yes, I call them the Burning as a play on London's Bridge is falling down... etc etc nursery rhyme. I set it in London, and the organization is falling apart. So "London's Burning is falling down, falling down, falling down. London's Burning is falling down, dead fair ladies."
Well they're either members or relatives of victims, they can kill someone with one switch if they have a mechanized limb or make someone die of thirst. As I said, they control the water. It depends on who you want to play.
Great! What pairing? 90% of the time I do FxM and I play F, but if it's not a romance I can try other pairings. I could attempt a FxF romance, but I've never tried so no guarantees.

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