• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta, Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke

Eliza turned with a delighted smile as Aedrianna approached, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and charm. "Why, thank you!" she exclaimed, gracefully twirling to show off the intricate details of her dress. "This ensemble is one of my favorites. The craftsmanship is simply exquisite, don’t you think? The tailor truly outdid themselves."

Her gaze shifted to Aedrianna’s attire, and she returned the compliment warmly. “I must say, your dress is equally lovely. It suits you perfectly.”

As Aedrianna presented the vibrant blue pigment dye, Eliza’s interest piqued. She accepted the small jar, holding it up to the light to examine the contents closely. “How fascinating,” she murmured, her tone one of genuine intrigue. She swirled the powder gently within the jar, appreciating the deep blue hue that sparkled in the sunlight.

Eliza stepped closer to Aedrianna, her eyes narrowing slightly as she inspected the girl's pink and blue dyed hair. “Your hair looks absolutely stunning,” she said, her voice filled with admiration. “I can see the vibrancy and the quality of the dye. It’s quite impressive.”

She returned her gaze to the jar of blue pigment in her hand, turning it over thoughtfully. “I’ve always enjoyed experimenting with new styles” she admitted, a playful smile tugging at her lips. “This blue would indeed bring out my eyes, wouldn’t it?”

Eliza looked back at Aedrianna, her excitement palpable. “Tell me more about this dye. How long does it typically last? And do you have any other colors available? I might be interested in purchasing a few, not just for myself but perhaps as gifts. This could be a delightful addition to my collection.”

With her keen interest evident, Eliza’s eyes shone with the promise of a new venture. She was always on the lookout for unique items and experiences, and this dye seemed to offer just that. But, what really interested Eliza about the dye was not how it could be applied to one's hair but something else entirely. Not that she'd reveal such yet. For starters, she didn't even know if the dye she held was the same product the woman had used to dye her hair.

The battle had already begun.

Moonberry Moonberry

Noelle Nichi
With: Moonberry Moonberry | Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Elvario Elvario | Kikimura Kikimura
abilities: -
Language: "Common" ~ <"Beastial">

The hamburger and fries that Noelle ordered were more daunting than she expected. She was already not sure if she would like it. But seeing as the others ordered them she kind of also ordered it because of that. Noelle started with the fries first. She didn’t particularly like them. They were too dry for her comfort. Thankfully the sweet cold tea she ordered when the waitress told her they didn’t have oranges was helping a bit. For the rest, Noelle figured out that by holding the fries near the burger they would soak up some of the grease and become a little bit moist.
When she was done with the fries it was time for the burger. The thing smelled good at least. Noelle took a small bite. It tasted as good as it looked. The meat was nice and juicy and the toppings gave it a delicious flavour. This was way better than the fries.

Noelle was so stuck enjoying the burger that she overlooked that her party had already left. She was a bit confused about where they went when she was finally done eating. Luckily the waitress was helpful to tell her Aedriana and Brandy went to look for some clothing for Soreiel. Noelle thanked the nice lady and left.

Outside the little mermaid started to look around for her friends. It was too crowded to quickly find them. Noelle started to wander around hoping she might hear them. However, if she picked up the sound of music in the distance, that would catch her attention. Maybe she could do a street performance. Get some new fans. And who knows? Maybe her friends will find her that way.
Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun?

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

Although Mad Maw probably left the guard with a lingering feeling of worry, he hadn't stop her. Upon entering the Keg, she'd find the inside wasn't nearly as busy as the outside seating area. She's almost instantly be greeted. “Hello~ I'll be right...” However, upon the woman greeting her turning to look at Mad Maw, she paused for a moment. Then she seemingly got pretty excited. “Oh my! You look so colourful, fancy and dashing? Are you one of the performances here? Like a dancer or singer or artist... or maybe a story teller?”

It seemed like she suddenly realised her rudeness. “Oh my, I'm sorry. I mean, you must be on a break. Please, take a seat. Can I get you anything to eat or drink? The house special, Todo Burgers and the fries are really famous!”


Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry – Find stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Eliza Uasal Uasal – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.


Hiruq looked up for a second, upon being told Soreiel was too stubborn, looking over at the person in question, then going back to his bone. Not his business. Sadly enough, they'd soon explore again, forcing him to get up and keep moving, unable to keep munching instead.

Seeing Aedrianna approach a woman with a lot of men around her, the canine got a bit unease. A low growl could be heard, as if trying to warn Aedrianna. Not that it helped, cause the girl rushed in like it was nobody's business. Although he wasn't letting go of his bone just yet, he got ready to do so. Just in case any of all these dangerous looking men were going to be up to something.

He relaxed a bit when it didn't seem to be the case and the women started talking. Another bit longer and he figured he might as well lay down to continue munching on his bone again.


Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil


By now, Saffron had seen most and tried of what the fair had to offer. Yet she'd closed up her shop for the entire day, so she was looking for more entertainment. Spotting a girl with some [beast] trains wandering around, potentially lost, she'd figured she'd found such an entertainment. “Hello there~” She'd approach Noelle with a smile. “Are you new here, just arriving to enjoy the Fair?” She'd ask. “I'm Saffron, I normally run a general store here. Though for today, I'm just enjoying the fair. I've already seen and tried all of it, so let me know what you're looking for and I can probably point you in the right way~” She'd add, in pretty good mood.


Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia. \ Satisfy Regula?

Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Side-path in the direction of Sootspire
Speedpaint 59 Motley Grass by RHADS on DeviantArt

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

Regula couldn't help herself, [Tail Freak] taking over, as she managed to slowly and steadily get the results she wanted. Studying the tail through thorough organoleptic research and the reactions to her petting through some deep psychological analysis. Her hands were getting a little rough from the shark-tail, being a fair bit rougher than it seemed, but seeing how she had rough hands from the work at the forge, training and how [Healing B] was on duration from her cloak, she didn't mind.

She smiled at Koralia's comment. “It may be an odd hobby of mine, but I do like to become good at what I'm doing~” She hummed, as she'd continue for a bit. Especially now that she knew where to go and how to go for it. Upon hearing the shark mention Gunhild, she'd give a “hmhm” as she figured she'd better end this on a high note at least. Giving one final, rough squeeze at the base, where she'd gotten the best result and response thus far, she'd finally let go of the tail. “You're right, we can't leave the good girl out for much longer... though if you'd ever want to return for seconds, you'll know where to find me. I'm sure we'd find time for some privacy again.” She did wonder if it'd come with another duel and risk to her wings, but she'd get there when she got there.

For now, she'd move over to Gunhild as well. “Hmm... whatever would I do. Such a large, good girl, waiting so patiently.... with nobody for miles around who'd be able to notice if I'd start petting every inch of her~” She'd speak, as she looked a the big Gunhild. She'd already had her fill of tail-petting, even for the [Tail Freak] she was, so perhaps it was time for trying something different.

She'd move up to Gunhild's face, looking at her lazily laying on her back. “Happy Gunhild, lazy floofhild, giant -hild of fur...” She mumbled, as she had some odd idea. She'd gently place her hand atop Gunhild's eyebrows, then moved it down. She once read that a lot of animals got sleepy if you gently stroked their eyes like that. “Hmmm... does this make you sleepy?” She'd whisper, wondering if it worked on the Gunhild as well.

Regardless of the outcome of that eye-petting, she'd move over. “You really are big... I keep forgetting it, but now that you're laying down like this.” She wanted to try something, as she climbed atop Gunhild and lied down flat. “Yeah... you're at least like... 9 times my size.” It was surprisingly soft and comfortable. That said, it wasn't time to doze off on her improvised bed. She'd turn around and sit up, starting to move her hands around on Gunhild's stomach. “My mother used to rub my stomach sometimes, when it was hurting. It always made the pain less bad, but I think it can feel nice in general. Doesn't it?” She asked, rubbing Gunhild's stomach.


Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Peacefully and motionlessly lying on her back, Gunhild barely registered or considered anything for a while up until she finally momentarily heard a mention of her name come from Koralia asking if said lizard was interested in pets. Not even moving or mentally registering it for a short moment, the beastkin slowly blinked as she yawned and didn't even take her focus off of the nothing she was blankly staring at. With the most lackluster amount of effort, she gave a small and weak response.
"G... gib gunhil pets... gunhil wan... " she effortlessly asked in a gentle and soft tone, yawning as now her inactiveness made her feel a little tired if just for the moment. All that used up energy and running around as a Smolhild must have tuckered her out more thans he expected, which only pushed it out of her when Finn had managed to get his hands on her. But for now, she was still feeling like pets and appreciation was the thing that'd cheer her up and keep her happy right now. Gently wagging her tail for a moment at the suggestion that the sharklady may also have an interest in appreciating her, and that she may have made two new friends to be pet by today, she calmly waited laying on her back in said motionless state even as Regula approached.

Continuing her epic campaign of doing literately nothing and staying as motionlessly still as possible, she didn't even acknowledge Regula getting close to her face and remained so up until the point where the Baroness' hand was on her face. Gunhild had still remained the same up until her eye had been slowly moved closed, of which when it had come to a close her other eye had slowly did the same. Grumbling quietly and very slowly moving her head forward as if to harmlessly nip a tiny bite at the air in front of her to defend her eyes from Regula, the big lizard simply stretched and relaxed as if it appeared she just allowed the baroness to put her to sleep at the very moment without barely any contesting at all.

Her muscles and abs had rather relaxed and untensed the moment Regula had climbed on, keeping her eyes closed and rolling her head a small amount as she moved one of her hands closer to the direction of Regula, leaving it laying on her body as if she was just briefly reaching for the PrettyBirdie but didn't even bother to try reaching the whole way. Her grumbling sank more into a sound of audible deep breathing and light snoring from a large beast, murmuring quietly in her rest.
"Smol... s-smol birdie fren... gunhil's birdi... favey-birdie is prety... " Gunhild softly and quietly mumbled as her legs and tails reshuffled a little in her sudden prompted slumber, having clearly chose to dream about Regula whilst enjoying her presence. Though, even as if she was dreaming such good thoughts, her sleep would come to an awakening just as quick as it began, snuffing through her nose and twisting her head as she felt sudden touching at one of her most sensitive spots. She found herself barely able to even speak any Gunhildese at all as she found herself awoken by the Baroness' investigations, looking like an overturned turtle as she gently kicked her feet and swept her tail as her gaze flicked around everywhere trying to bare with the appreciation she was now getting through the form of bellyrubs.

Not wanting to suddenly move or overturn in case Regula was hurt, or wanting to grab at or touch her without permission, Gunhild felt rather stuck and powerless as she began chortling cheerful beastial and reptilian sounds and continually readjusting where she laid her head as she was pretty much entirely disarmed by Regula's touch alone. Her body twitched and shivered like she was being tickled or poked somewhere truly sensitive and touchy, Gunhild's eyes boldened as she gazed and looked around as if what brainpower she had before had disintegrated into truly harmless, squabbling mush as she didn't wish to even touch or put any potential danger on Regula to save herself. Though this was probably the most vulnerable she could imagine herself being in, the fact that Regula was being so open about this was a fun and great discovery. That, and considering the now huge smile on Gunhild's face the entire time, the big lizard was clearly enjoying this.

1. gunhil is basiclee passivfied, and is also still floofy

Mad Maw
Mad Maw was always delightfully surprised when someone enjoyed her garish and outlandish outfit; It was something she put together from the large piles of clothes The Wildhide's would keep. She found a spiritual connection to them. "I am not a paid performer here no, but story teller? That sounds quite good, yes! There's no need to apologize, You are quite swell to be so energetic for a mutt like me~" She said with a snort, waving her hand dismissively.

"Do you have something sweet and alcoholic? that'd be lovely. I will take this house special aswell. I can't check out a good fair on an empty stomach! Your beautiful chestnut flora has been a wonderful delight to the senses" She said with a wiggle of her nose, setting her hat down on the table and revealing a calico-colored, ratty, mullet mop top. A dragonfly let loose and buzzing up to the ceiling.

When Amika returned with her refreshment, Mad Maw decided to ask her more about the fair "What are the most exciting events going on? Anything a troublemaker like me would be interested in? Other than you?" She questioned with a quirk of her eyebrow, taking the glass with a wide cheesy grin.

"This one's name is Mad Maw, pleased as parakeets to be here!

Elvario Elvario
Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario

Soreiel sighed at Aedrianna’s statement and looked at Hiruq. “It’s not that I’m stubborn, I just don’t see a need for her to waste her hard earned money on me anymore, I’m her friend now not her slave, and she needs to worry about herself. But she does know that I can’t really stop her if she wants to buy me something” she replied and petted Hiruq again before crouching down to his level and rubbing her cheek against his muzzle, being careful not to touch his bone. “So fluffy…” she giggled lightly

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Teuihua nodded, perhaps at some point Cayde would learn that smashing into things which were as hard as Teuihua probably wasn’t going to result in the best outcome.

“I’m pleased to hear that, your flock does look rather healthy and vibrant between his offspring and your care I can tell why you have such a nice one going.”

“Yes, Zeouli and myself were from an ancient civilization known as the Mictlantecuhtlian Empire.”

“We were dormant and then became active again not all so long ago, as constructs such age did not matter much as far as our vitals were concerned as far as I can tell. Gradually my strength has been returning to where it was at it’s height which has been reassuring for me.”

“Also thank you, I believe she would appreciate that.”

“The bugs? Yes I’ve heard of them in passing, should they become a problem I am certain lady Caelia would respond appropriately, of course I myself have no qualms about dispatching threats such as those. I have defeated a many monster, enemies, and criminals, safety is a top priority. Allowing for such a fate would be far from acceptable.”
He reassured Janja.

He also nodded at Rosalia, “That is correct I have seen many laborers give into the harsh sun even in my time, I must admit that not all possessed some of the rights that they do now as workers in this time, not to say this time is perfect from what I’ve seen.”

“The only time I’ve ever seen a construct of a similar build caliber to me struggle in heat was from very extreme circumstances, fiery magic attacks, powerful molten monsters, and expending a great deal of their own energy, so the conditions needed are less likely in this time from what I understand, even then yes, there are emergency override systems which would allow for rapid core cooling if need be in part in the form of releasing a great deal of energy.”
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna's face lit up with joy at Eliza's warm reception. She watched in admiration as Eliza twirled, showcasing the intricate details of her dress. “The craftsmanship is truly remarkable,” Aedrianna agreed, her eyes tracing the delicate patterns and flawless stitching. “It’s clear that the tailor has a gift for creating such exquisite pieces.”

Eliza’s compliment about her own dress made Aedrianna’s cheeks flush with a hint of pink. “Thank you so much. It’s one of my favorites as well,” she replied, a touch of pride in her voice.

As Eliza examined the blue pigment dye, Aedrianna’s excitement grew. She could see the genuine intrigue in Eliza’s eyes as she swirled the powder in the jar. “I’m glad you like it,” Aedrianna said, her tone brimming with enthusiasm. “The dye is quite versatile and easy to use. The lasting vibrancy depends on the shade really. Each pigment is made from different natural ingredients, so they have a bit of a different lasting time. Although I am looking for a solution to give all the dyes a similar duration. The color can last for a few weeks, but it’s also easy to wash out with a proper solution if you wish to change your look. Which I also have the recipe for, as well as a sample.”

Eliza’s admiration for her own pink and blue dyed hair made Aedrianna beam with pride. “Thank you! I’ve always enjoyed playing with different colors. It’s amazing how a little change can bring so much vibrancy to one’s appearance.”
When Eliza expressed her interest in purchasing more colors, Aedrianna’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “We have a variety of shades available! Besides this lovely blue, we have rich purples, vibrant reds, and even some shimmering golds. Each one is made from natural ingredients and carries its own unique charm.”

Aedrianna’s voice took on a confident and charismatic tone as she shared more information. “For our purple dyes, we use a blend of madder root, logwood, and woad. They typically last between four to six weeks, with madder root and logwood offering great stability. Our gold dyes, are made of turmeric, saffron, and marigold flowers, and they last around two to five weeks, providing beautiful golden hues that gradually fade. ”

She pulled out a few more small bottles, each filled with different vibrant powders. “My family runs Belmontes Benevolent Brews in the Republic. We specialize in these natural dyes and are always excited to share our creations with those who appreciate them.”

Aedrianna glanced over to her kitsune friend, Sorieiel, and then looked back at Eliza with a playful glint in her eyes. “This is my associate, Sorieiel. Would you mind if we demonstrated the dye on her hair or tail? It works wonderfully on fur as well.”

She whispered to Sorieiel with a playful plead, “If you help me with this, I promise you’ll have earned that dress.” Aedrianna’s eyes sparkled with hope and determination, eager to showcase the versatility of her family’s dyes.

Mentions: Uasal Uasal Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Kikimura Kikimura
Last edited:
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna's face lit up with joy at Eliza's warm reception. She watched in admiration as Eliza twirled, showcasing the intricate details of her dress. “The craftsmanship is truly remarkable,” Aedrianna agreed, her eyes tracing the delicate patterns and flawless stitching. “It’s clear that the tailor has a gift for creating such exquisite pieces.”

Eliza’s compliment about her own dress made Aedrianna’s cheeks flush with a hint of pink. “Thank you so much. It’s one of my favorites as well,” she replied, a touch of pride in her voice.

As Eliza examined the blue pigment dye, Aedrianna’s excitement grew. She could see the genuine intrigue in Eliza’s eyes as she swirled the powder in the jar. “I’m glad you like it,” Aedrianna said, her tone brimming with enthusiasm. “The dye is quite versatile and easy to use. The lasting vibrancy depends on the shade really. Each pigment is made from different natural ingredients, so they have a bit of a different lasting time. Although I am looking for a solution to give all the dyes a similar duration. The color can last for a few weeks, but it’s also easy to wash out with a proper solution if you wish to change your look. Which I also have the recipe for, as well as a sample.”

Eliza’s admiration for her own pink and blue dyed hair made Aedrianna beam with pride. “Thank you! I’ve always enjoyed playing with different colors. It’s amazing how a little change can bring so much vibrancy to one’s appearance.”
When Eliza expressed her interest in purchasing more colors, Aedrianna’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “We have a variety of shades available! Besides this lovely blue, we have rich purples, vibrant reds, and even some shimmering golds. Each one is made from natural ingredients and carries its own unique charm.”

Aedrianna’s voice took on a confident and charismatic tone as she shared more information. “For our purple dyes, we use a blend of madder root, logwood, and woad. They typically last between four to six weeks, with madder root and logwood offering great stability. Our gold dyes, are made of turmeric, saffron, and marigold flowers, and they last around two to five weeks, providing beautiful golden hues that gradually fade. ”

She pulled out a few more small bottles, each filled with different vibrant powders. “My family runs Belmontes Benevolent Brews in the Republic. We specialize in these natural dyes and are always excited to share our creations with those who appreciate them.”

Aedrianna glanced over to her kitsune friend, Sorieiel, and then looked back at Eliza with a playful glint in her eyes. “This is my associate, Sorieiel. Would you mind if we demonstrated the dye on her hair or tail? It works wonderfully on fur as well.”

She whispered to Sorieiel with a playful plead, “If you help me with this, I promise you’ll have earned that dress.” Aedrianna’s eyes sparkled with hope and determination, eager to showcase the versatility of her family’s dyes.

Mentions: Uasal Uasal Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Kikimura Kikimura

Soreiel sighed and stood up after nuzzling Hiruq for a few minutes. “Very well Aedrianna, you’ve twisted my arm, just please don’t go overboard and make me look rediculous” she replied and approached her.
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

With a final growl of satisfaction, when the meaty base of her tail was squeezed roughly, Koralia answered Regula in a heartbeat, not even trying to keep her future plans hidden, the red flush still permeating her cheeks. "Will be back for sure, there are wings I wanna pet." She said in her direct, brash demeanor, giving the baroness a friendly smile which also carried an unspoken challenge: she would become stronger, keeping coming back again and again. And maybe, one day, she would be able to pet the wings.

However, at that moment, it was time to for Gunhild to bear the brunt of Koralia's desire to pet. The shark removed her gloves once more, revealing the webbed hands, three fingers and a thumb in each. Approaching the giant lizard with purposeful steps, until the shark stopped right before her. Seeing that Regula had taken a place resting on and stroking Gunhild's stomach, Koralia's attention was directed to the same appendage which she, herself, had it being petted a moment ago: the giantess' fluffy tail.

Instead of starting from one of the extremities, such as the tip or the base, the shark did something different. Positioning herself right in the midsection of Gunhild's tail, she would bring herself down to her knees, her body hovering a few inches above the tail. Placing both hands on the tail, at the same place, she tried to envelop it with a firm, yet gentle grip. Slowly, Koralia began moving her hands, in tandem, in the direction of the tip of the tail. She would lean forward, so that her hands could slide and cover, as much of the tail as was possible, extending her arms fully, before going back to the original position and repeating the process once more.

During it, she tried to feel and notice the differences between Gunhild's tail and her own, pressing her digits against the appendage, the fluffiness of it already bringing a stark contrast between the two. While she did so, Koralia's own tail wrapped Gunhild's, a single time, curious to see if the lizard felt the difference between the texture of her hands and her tail, the former being slightly rougher and more calloused from yielding the massive Zweihänder. And, finally, the thick finned tip of Koralia's tail rubbed against the base of the giantess' own tail, where it seemed the fluffiness was the most extreme. The tail pressed down as if it were a finger itself, moving in circular motions. And, throughout all of it, Koralia couldn't contain the smirk across her serrated teeth, enjoying every second of it.
Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun?

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

“Oh, I do like stories~!” She'd reply with some enthusiasm when Mad Maw confirmed to be a story-teller. “I'll bring you our mead~” She'd say on the request for something sweet and alcoholic. She'd return with a burger, fries and the promised mead soon enough.

“Chestnut... flora? What?” She replied, confused as to whatever that comment might mean. “I'm eh... glad you like it here?” She added questioningly, unsure what the gnoll was on about.

“Interested in me... what? Why? Huh?” She was a tad confused and flustered, before quickly deciding to answer the other question. “I've been working all day, so I haven't seen anything myself, but I think miss Janja brought in her sheep for those that'd want to pet them... Gwenith is letting folk try tea. Mister Gobán and Aileen are showing off their craft at the forge. Mister Hallr is challenging folk to strength training and then there's lots of others selling things!” She'd sum up some of the things she recalled to be going on.

“It's nice to meet you too, miss Mad Maw. As a ehhh... as a parakeet as well!” She'd finally reply.


Aedrianna Moonberry MoonberryFind stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Eliza Uasal Uasal – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.


The dog looked away from his bone for a second, as Soreiel was talking to him. He didn't understand her, of course, but he'd give a soft 'hmrow' as if to agree, before returning to his bone. He didn't mind being pet, but his attention was currently elsewhere, namely the bone Soreiel was smart enough to avoid touching.

Seeing as how Aedrianna was getting along with the newcomer, he felt like he shouldn't need to pay more attention to it, which was good, cause it meant more bone-munching time for him.


Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.

Janja's Flock
Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Thank you! My flock is my pride and joy!” She'd state, although the latter was obvious considering she went as far as to show them off at a Fair. “I wish more people would appreciate the quality of their wool! My poor ewes don't get nearly enough for what its worth, I think!”

“Mictac...” She gave up almost immediately. “That sounds rather foreign! ” She concluded. “Being dormant and becoming active again after a long time? That must be pretty weird, no? I'd imagine lots changed, but you probably heard that one from everyone else already.”

She'd nod at Teuihua's reassurance. “Don't get me wrong though! I could take one of them, perhaps two! Just not.. you know, the really big ones. Or the amount they say there's out there.” She added.




“Oh, that is a difficult question, yes.” She'd carefully state at the mention of this time not being perfect. She'd rather not get too political. It's why she was eager to focus on the second answer. “So constructs like you are pretty heat resistance in general? I'm glad though, it would've been tough being unable to stay in the sun for long if it's hot out, especially considering how big you are... That makes me wonder. Were you ever, how to say it, young? Like, when you first came to be, did you already feel like you were an adult, or did you feel like you were a child in a grown-up body that still had to learn things? Oh.. you don't have to answer, by the way, I'm just curious.” She'd add the latter just to be safe she wasn't asking weird or personal things.


Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia. \ Satisfy Regula?

Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Side-path in the direction of Sootspire
Speedpaint 59 Motley Grass by RHADS on DeviantArt

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

“Wings to pet, huh? I see I have reason to keep up my training.” She'd state, honestly a tad bit concerned she might actually need to do so. Perhaps she'd need to beat the shark a few more times until she'd duel for the right to be petted, rather than for the right to pet. That'd be more ideal.

As they were double-teaming focussing on petting the bestest Gunhild, Regula was surprised. “So it seems you do enjoy belly-rubs~” She wasn't sure why she'd doubted about this. Even though the lizard was big and muscular, by looks alone, Regula was a tad surprised to feel the same, underneath the new layer of fur. At least, that's what she thought she felt. She didn't exactly have much experience massaging muscle tissue other than the shark-tail mere moments ago. Perhaps she should've become a masseur... in Kuridan.

Either way, that was a fantasy for another day and another time. “Hmmm, it's nice seeing you so happy. Such a good girl~” She'd state to Gunhild. “I guess I should meet up with you in private places like these more often, would you like that?” She'd ask, as her hands kept working. The only thing that stopped her hands were the fact they reached a certain upper limit and lower limit at which points it'd not exactly be appropriate. It's why she played it safe and circled her hands around the belly-button.

Eventually, however, she figured it was time to go. “That's been great, but we should leave it at this. Do you want me to drop the both of you off at the Fair again? I've got a few things to arrange, still, but I can get the sword fixed in the evening, once activities have died down.”


Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild continued on enjoying all of the appreciation she had been currently receiving, her excited and erratic movements slowly lessened as she simply laid and accepted all of the praise and sweet relaxation she was feeling from Regula and Koralia's own investigations of a Gunhild. Her wagging tail moved to join with Koralia's when the sharklady had wrapped hers around the lizard's, feeling naturally inclined to meet in the middle as her much more dexterous and large floofy tail firmly coiled itself around the marine tail [Prehensile Tail]. Feeling more relaxed than ever from the comforting and massaging touch of someone else capably large and strong for once, Gunhild heard the things said by Regula as she made affirmative grunts and nods.

"Good Gunhild. Is do. Best Gunhild. Favey-Prettybirdie. Strongs-shorkie. Yesses" Gunhild agreed with a cheerful purring grumble, snuffing lightly and gently kicking at the air when Koralia began thoroughly touching and poking at the fluffiest part of her tail near the base and gently wiggling her lower portion being the waist-down almost in unusal confusion that she wasn't at all used to being touched or grabbed by someone who wasn't really a smol. Teuihua had petted her before, but this was a different kind of petting. Teuihua's was one of what felt like companionship and appreciation, this felt something like it had turned into the world's most long-awaited and popular petting zoo. Well, at least for Gunhild, both were good. This was good.

Eventually, the lizard girl calmed and gave Regula a blank stare with boldened eyes as the birdie suggested they returned back to the fair. To be dragged away for so much just to return to protectively watching Regula's mother felt like such a disappointing thing to return back to, wondering if this meant that she was off said duty for the rest of the day. Though, considering that Regula said about bringing her away for privacy more often, she remembered what Regula's mother said about how Gunhild could help make her happy.
"Yesses, Prettybirdie and Gunhild happy time, is goods" Gunhild nodded. Maybe later she would attempt to go pay a visit to the keep and bypass the guards as per ReguMom's word to go keep her company and, for some reason that a noble suffers, help solve Regula's cold feet dilemma.

Grumbling disappointedly and pouting however, Gunhild continued.
"Gunhild has go protecc Prettyrosie now? Gunhild wan go sees stuffs, Gunhild go finds foods... Gunhild and Shorkie toos!... Gunhild not sees big-lady and shorkies" Gunhild asked in disappointment, hoping she could get at least some time off since Regula had already dragged her away from said responsibility.​
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

With both tails, shark and lizard tails wrapped around each other, Koralia continued her ministrations for a few moments longer. Hands working on the appendage, massaging it towards the tip, while the ending of the shark tail working at the base of Gunhild's tail. Being called strong by the target of the petting brought a wide grin to her face, pride being palpable on her expression. "Glad you enjoy these hands as well." She said to Gunhild, still focused on the mutual movements. However, from what she heard about the conversation between the baroness and the giantess, the petting activity appeared to be coming to an end.

A bit remorseful maybe, the shark let go of the lizard's tail, while also unwrapping her tail from Gunhild's. Getting up from her kneeling position, Koralia put her gloves on, turning towards both the baroness and the giantess. Noticing Gunhild's disappointment, the mercenary smiled. "Don't be so sad. I can go with you." Making the offer, the shark was sure that one more body would make this 'Prettyrosie' person even safer. Then she turned to Regula, nodding with her offer. "When duty calls, duty calls. I appreciate fixin' my sword. Costed a pretty penny." Koralia said to the baroness, her tone being genuine. It had been sheer luck that the flaw in the weapon had been discovered in a friendly duel. She couldn't even imagine if it had happened during a mission.

Next, Koralia would walk over to scoop from the ground both the handle of the sword and the blade itself, putting them away. She would then return to both Regula and Gunhild, ready to return to the fair, already glad that, something that began rather dull, had developed in such an entertaining manner.
Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia. \ Satisfy Regula?

Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Side-path in the direction of Sootspire
Speedpaint 59 Motley Grass by RHADS on DeviantArt

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

“Strong?” She'd ask, a tad surprised. She did just beat said 'strong shorky' in a battle of strength and combat. Perhaps she should prove as much go Gunhild as well? She'd put some more force on really massaging those muscles in Gunhild's stomach. That said, her previous point remained, it was time to go, so after that short bit of an experiment, she'd get up and off of Gunhild. “Well, I'm glad you enjoyed. It did too.” She'd state, giving Gunhild one final ruffle through her hair.

When the big girl started complaining, Regula sighed. “You can roam around the Fair, I think Teuihua has guarding my mother covered. However! You can't grow to Bighild again and if you're going to run around, you should only do so as Smalhild. If you promise me that, you're free to explore the fair.” Those would be the rules.

As before, she'd scoop both Koralia and Gunhild up with [Take it All].

Take It All – Magic B, Magic Area of Effect C, Energised B, Pocket Dimension B, Selective B – Character Pockets everything in a wide (500 ft) radius around them into their Pocket Dimension. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

After flying back, she'd put them down again a bit away from the busier streets.

Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall.


From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox

“Well, it's been fun. I'm going to check in with my advisors and with some of the locals to see if I'm needed somewhere. If you need me, you can ask one of the guards or one of my advisors to sent for me.” She'd state, as she left short after.

Her first stop would be the Keg. She'd just dropped off the supplies in a hurry before, so she wanted to reconfirm everything was in order.

Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun?

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

She'd arrive about the same time as Amika was handing out food to Mad Maw, so she figured she'd wait a bit, debating to perhaps even order something herself. She did, however, notice Mad Maw, as it was difficult not to do so with an outfit like that. For now, she'd hold back on introductions though.
Last edited:

Aiden Thornhart fluttered his honeybee wings gently as he approached the bustling capital town of Caelia barony. The air was thick with excitement and the sweet aroma of freshly baked goods, mingling with the earthy scent of handcrafted wares. The town plaza was alive with color and sound, filled with stalls and tents displaying the talents and crafts of artists, artisans, and merchants from near and far.

Dressed in garments that allowed for both movement and style, Aiden carried a small wooden box containing vials of honey he had crafted. His natural affinity for beekeeping had led to the creation of products that were not only useful but also beautifully presented. Beside him, a simple banner fluttered in the breeze, painted with a delicate design of bees and flowers, inviting fair-goers to explore his stall.

Arriving later in the morning, Aiden noticed that many stalls were already bustling with activity. As he scanned for a spot to set up his stall, he noticed a woman a little bit away from the central plaza. She was busy using various herbs, spices, and plants to brew tea, offering them to anyone willing to give them a rating. She didn’t seem the most comfortable with crowds, but her dedication to making tea and gathering data on it was clear to anyone paying attention.

Seeing this, Aiden decided to set up his stall next to hers. He felt a kindred spirit in her dedication to her craft and thought his honey might complement her teas well.


He quickly arranged his vials of honey neatly, making sure each item was presented in the best light. He also left a small space for showcasing his interpretive dance, planning to perform later in the day to attract more visitors.

"Come and taste the finest honey!" Aiden called out, his voice carrying over the hum of the crowd. "Discover the natural sweetness and unique flavors of wildflower honey."

His friendly demeanor and the novelty of his bee-themed products quickly drew the attention of passersby. Some stopped to admire the beautiful craftsmanship, while others were intrigued by the promise of a unique performance.

Aiden took the time to engage with each visitor, sharing stories of his life among the bees and the meticulous process of creating his products. He offered samples of honey, each with a distinct flavor profile, and explained the importance of bees in nature. He also made sure to introduce himself to the tea-brewing woman, suggesting that his honey might pair well with her teas, and invited her to try some samples.

"Hello there," Aiden said gently, so as not to startle her. "I couldn’t help but notice the wonderful aromas coming from your stall. My name is Aiden Thornhart. I specialize in beekeeping and producing honey. I thought my honey might pair well with your teas."

Elvario Elvario (Gwenith)


Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild grumbled with glee after one last massage and head-ruffle from Regula, smiling and uttering her cheerful beastial chirps as she relaxed and rolled back onto her front seeing at said moments were over. Hearing Koralia's offers to join the lizard, said additional protecc'ing of PrettyRosie appeared not entirely necessary if Regula trusted that Teuihua could capably handle said protecc'ing all on his own. It still wouldn't have been bad to going back to spending time with Teuihua since the big construct was her bestestest rock-friend and was also very warm and comfortable, though perhaps she could go and seek him out a little later if there was still time.

"Gunhild no Bighild, Gunhild do a good Gunhild, is bestest Gunhild of alls Gunhildses. Gunhild a Gunhild Gunhild" Gunhild answered in affirmation to the no-Bighild, nodding aggressively before giving a little salute and shortly after shrinking down to a smaller and more manageable Smolhild size that wouldn't cause distraction or chaos for other faire-goers (4'1"). Sitting at a new and scamper-friendly size, her gaze flicked between Regula and Koralia before they were scooped up via pocket dimension in order to be taken back to the fair, where Gunhild promptly plopped on the floor on arrival. Looking around with no thoughts in her mind whatsoever for the moment, she watched Regula take her leave to attend to more important matters as she instead looked to face the Shorklady who was still present. Giving a blank, mindless gaze directly into Koralia's eyes for a few seconds, Gunhild soon enough started scampering around on all fours encircling the shark lady as the lizard slumped and slid herself over the large tail whenever passing it. Though, she soon came to a stop and sat like a domestic pet as close to Koralia's leg as possible. So much, that her body was pressed against it all the way up to the chin where she was now truly forcibly staring directly upwards at her.

"Shorkie?" Gunhild briefly asked as she kept staring.
"Gunhild no knows where'ses goeses. Gunhild do a losted. Shorkie-biglady staysies with Gunhilds, yesses do? Is Gunhild friend? Shorkie and Gunhild doeses friendses thingies?" she asked, gently patting and reaching her clawed hand up at Koralia's upper thigh. There was also no instruction that Gunhild couldn't remain a Floofhild for the time being, so the little lizard chose to remain floofy for their own sakes. Plus, it may have increased their chances at being so greatly appreciated.

1. Size Change (F) + Energized (F) (4'1")
2. Special Movement (Quadrepedal) (F) + Energized (F)
Note: Gunhild is floofy.

Mad Maw
She absolutely adored Amika's confusion and flustered lit up face; it seemed her strangeness could bring some good after all. She seemed to enjoy her antics at least "A tea shop sounds wonderful, though they never have enough honey for my tastes. Caelia..." She said, rolling the word around her tongue as if it was the first time it was said "is new to me, especially a barony. Im honestly surprised I was let in" She said with a 'pft' as she puffed out her lips.

You come from a gnoll clan, and it's all bones and barbarism. Absurdely boring, but this!
" She outstretched her hand toward the room around her; purple petals following behind her movement, dissolving away once they hit the floor. An affect of her getting excited it seemed.

Her focus was split between a new arrival, and her meal. The ladylike manners she had grown up somewhat following frayed away by hew newfound gnollish brain chemistry, and so she practically fit the whole thing in her muzzle. a messy and likely unpleasant viewing experience. It didn't take long for her to thoroughly finish her meal, wiping away the evidence of her terrible food crime.

Mad Maw waving in Regula's direction; pushing up her goggles and revealing wild auburn eyes. A familiar madness that dwelled within all gnolls, but the very notion she was in here with any shred of civility made her different. She caught herself and lowered her hand quickly, realizing she may have been too foolhardy. That could be anyone.

"She looks like a seraphim, like straight out of the books" Mad Maw said, mostly to herself as she sipped on her mead and hummed; holding back her impulse to go and say hi. She had to behave, this was different than on the road when she could weird people out and pass them by coyly. What if it was a royal? She doubted they would like an ratty thing like her slumming it up in such a beautiful place; contemplating her predicament deeper into her mug as she looked away.

Elvario Elvario
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Femboy Femboy Naythophyl Naythophyl

Back at the fair, Koralia watched as Gunhild shrunk to a little more than 4 feet. The way the fluffy, little lizard began circling her, in all fours, made her look like a pet. Maybe a cat or a dog. Probably more like a dog, since cats were all bristly and all around pests. Gunhild, on the other hand, was nothing of the sort, pressing her now small frame against Koralia's muscular leg. She was adorable, to say at least, prompting the shark to reach downwards and begin to pet Gunhild's head gently as she spoke, staring right back at her.

"I gave you meat, no? That makes us friends. And yeah, we will stay together." Koralia answered Smolhild, trying to ease her worries with a friend smile, still running the gloved hand over the small lizard's head. Looking around, the mercenary began thinking what could be a fun activity next. As she did so, she noticed the small, clawed hand reaching upwards at her thigh. The shark tilted her head for a moment, wondering what she wanted. "Do you want up?" Koralia asked, remembering seeing some small children doing the exact motion when they wanted to be picked up. Without thinking twice, the shark reached down and grabbed the lizard by under her armpits.

Bringing Smolhild up, she shifted the positioning, so her right arm could be used as a 'seat' for the lizard, holding her against Koralia's torso. "Now, let's see where we can go..." Koralia began walking around the fair, holding the small lizard as if it were a child, still being ready to put her down if she so wanted it. Eventually, while walking through the fair, she ended up in front of a peculiar stall, which was selling honey no less. "Mmm... been some time since I last broke some giant honeycombs to get some... do you like honey, Gunhild?" She asked the lizard girl on her arms, while shifting her gaze from the jars of honey and the possible owner of the stall who seemed to be talking with to another vendor.
Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna beamed with excitement as she reached into her satchel, her hands moving with practiced ease. She pulled out a vial of pale yellow liquid—lemon juice—and set it on a nearby stall. The scent of citrus mingled with the various aromas of the bustling fairground.

“Now, watch closely,” she said to Eliza with a bright smile. “I’ll show you how easy it is to use our dyes.”

From her satchel, Aedrianna retrieved a small jar filled with shimmering gold powder, made from marigold flowers, and a tiny brush. She poured a measured amount of the powder into a small bowl, then uncorked the lemon juice and added it to the powder. Using the brush, she mixed the ingredients until they formed a smooth, golden paste.

“This gold dye is made from marigold flowers,” Aedrianna explained as she stirred. “The petals are dried and ground into a fine powder. When mixed with lemon juice, it creates a vibrant golden paste that can last for a few weeks, depending on how often you wash it.”

She walked over to Sorieiel with the bowl and brush in hand, her movements gentle and deliberate. “Let me show you how it works,” she said softly. She selected a lock of Sorieiel’s white hair and began to gently brush the golden dye onto it. Then, she carefully applied the dye to the tip of one of Sorieiel’s tails, choosing a spot that wouldn’t be sore.

“The process is quite simple,” Aedrianna explained as she worked. “You mix the dye powder with a bit of liquid, like lemon juice or water. The lemon juice helps enhance the color and ensure it lasts longer. Once you have a smooth paste, you just paint it onto the hair or fur.”

She glanced up at Eliza, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “The dye needs to sit for a little while to let the color set. Depending on the shade you want, you can leave it on for anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour. The longer it sits, the deeper the color will be.”

Aedrianna finished applying the gold dye and stepped back to admire her work. “Just a few more minutes and we can rinse it out,” she said, her voice filled with anticipation. “You’ll see how vibrant and beautiful the color turns out. It’s a simple process, but the results are always stunning.”

She looked back at Sorieiel with a grateful smile. “Thank you for being my model,” she whispered playfully, “I promise you’ll have earned that dress.”

Aiden Naythophyl Naythophyl – Sell Honey
Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Gunhild Femboy FemboyGuard Rosalia \ Satisfy Regula? – Enjoy the Fair

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


She was a bit surprised when someone new joined relatively late, especially someone as peculiar as the bee-like person. That said, when he introduced himself, she'd end up smiling. “I'm Gwenith, it's nice to meet you Aiden.” She'd reply. “Hmmm... Hold on for a bit...” She'd say, as she re-arranged some things on her stall, putting a few tea-options on the side of Aiden's stall. “If you brew these for a bit longer, they get more intense and more bitter, but I bet the honey would work perfectly to cancel that out and give depth to the flavour instead.” She'd explain her actions.

There was another thing she'd picked up on prior. “You're saying you use wildflower as well? I've got a lavender tea that's worked out pretty well, but I do wonder how honey made from it would taste.”

She'd notice the shark-woman approach. Mostly due to it being difficult not to notice such a woman. Along, she also recognised Gunhild. “Welcome back.” She'd state to the lizard, although it seemed the both were more interested in the newly arrived honey vendor. Not that she minded, she's already sold more than enough to the noblewoman moments ago.

Ah, that reminded her. “By the way, Aiden, do you see the woman over there in the distance, with the long blonde hair, dressed in black and yellow? Surrounded by guards?” She'd point in the direction of Eliza. “If you need to sell enough honey, try to get her attention. She's just bought a lot of my stock and I'm sure her pockets run even deeper.” She figure she'd help out a fellow artisan.


Mad Maw @Capitula – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun?

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

“You were surprised to be let in?” She asked, surprised to hear Mad Maw was surprised about something like that. “So long as you're not a monster or criminal, everyone is welcome here.” She'd reply with a smile.

The gnoll clan part confused her a bit. “I honestly don't know that much about your species... Don't most gnolls live all the way on the other side of the continent, in the western empire?” She asked, although perhaps they also lived in Kuridan? She wasn't sure.

Upon seeing the baroness, arrive, however, her attention shifted. “Ah, welcome back lady Caelia. Is there anything I can help with?” She asked.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

“Oh, no, not at all. It's the opposite way around. I wanted to ask if you're all set now. I had to hurry off after my previous delivery, so I figured I'd check if you have everything.”

“Oh! Thank you madam, but we're all set now! I'm still stunned at how useful that magic is!” She'd reply, although she heard chef Todo call out from the kitchen. “Oh, it seems there's more orders to go serve up, I'll be right back!” She'd promise Regula and Mad Maw alike, before hurrying into the kitchen.

It left Regula with Mad Maw. The latter having waved in her direction had been more than enough for Regula's interest, already captured by the outfit, to now be fully grasped onto. “Hello miss.” She'd say with a smile, walking over to Mad Maw's table. “I take it you're here for the fair? You've surely dressed to impress for the occasion. How've you been enjoying it thus far?” She'd ask with a smile, curious about this odd arrival.

Aiden smiled warmly at Gwenith, appreciating her friendly demeanor and helpful suggestions. “It’s nice to meet you too, Gwenith. Your tea sounds delightful. I’d love to see how my honey complements it.” He watched as she arranged some of her tea options near his stall, nodding in agreement with her observations.

“Wildflower honey does have a unique complexity,” Aiden said thoughtfully. “Lavender honey has a lovely, subtle floral note. I think it would blend beautifully with your lavender tea.”

As they chatted, Aiden noticed the impressive figure of the shark-woman approaching, accompanied by a small lizard girl.

Aiden turned to the new arrivals with a welcoming smile. “Hello there. My name is Aiden Thornhart, and I’m glad you’ve come by. Would you like to try some honey? I think you’ll find it pairs wonderfully with Gwenith’s teas.”


Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta, Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke

Eliza watched with keen interest as Aedrianna prepared the dye and applied it to Sorieiel's hair and tail. Her eyes followed every step, from the mixing of the golden powder with the lemon juice to the careful application with the brush. She marveled at the ease and precision of the process, nodding and humming in appreciation of Aedrianna's detailed explanation.

As Aedrianna stepped back to let the dye set, Eliza continued to observe, a thoughtful expression on her face. The golden paste gleamed against Sorieiel’s white hair, hinting at the vibrant color that was to come.

Eliza smiled softly and shook her head from side to side with a gentle sigh. “Aedrianna, I must say, your demonstration was impressive. The dye is indeed very pretty and the application process is remarkably simple. The colors are vibrant and hold a certain charm.”

She paused, considering her words carefully. “However, I must be honest. While this dye would be perfect for festivals or for those who enjoy playful experimentation with their appearance, it is unlikely to find a place in the higher courts. Nobles and those in the upper echelons of society tend to prefer more subdued and traditional styles. They value elegance and subtlety, which are not typically associated with such bold and temporary colors.”

Eliza handed the jar of blue dye back to Aedrianna with a kind smile. “I can see this being a delightful product for younger audiences or for those looking to add a touch of whimsy to their celebrations. It could certainly be popular at fairs like this one, or among children and young adults who love to experiment with their looks.”

Eliza offered a final nod of approval. “You have a wonderful talent, Aedrianna. I wish you great success with your business. Perhaps one day, when fashion in the higher courts grows a bit more adventurous, your dyes will find their way there as well.”.

As Eliza began to walk off, she paused for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. She glanced back at Aedrianna, feigning contemplation before turning back toward her. Her steps were measured, and she moved closer to Aedrianna, leaning in to whisper.

“Aedrianna,” she said softly, her voice barely audible over the bustle of the marketplace, “have you ever considered making a dye applicable to one's nails? A long-lasting, vibrant color that could be easily applied and removed? Such a product could bridge the gap between playful experimentation and the elegance desired in higher courts.”

Eliza’s eyes twinkled with curiosity as she waited for Aedrianna’s response, this was what Eliza was after. A dye applicable to nails would sell far easier in noble circles than vibrant hair dyes. But even more so there was one other Avenue of interest to Eliza. "Also, I must ask, how difficult would it be to match one's natural hair color with your dye? Perhaps if you were to offer a dye that could mask one's greying hair... well I'd imagine no penny would be spared."

Moonberry Moonberry


Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Naythophyl Naythophyl
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild eagerly sat and awaited as she made quiet little chirping sounds to being headpat by Koralia, staring up continuously as they insisted they were indeed friends. Nodding in agreement at being friends, the Smolhild continued on with patting at the big shark lady's thigh while gently shuffling around and getting antsy over essentially nothing at all except being overly energetic.

"Aeh" Gunhild blankly sounded as she kept waiting up until she was offered if she wanted up, not entirely sure where her meaningless seeking for attention had got her as she kept awaiting until she had been lifted up. Despite all her capabilities to change size or likely contest such a thing as most beastkin or people in general would likely find such a treatment humiliating, the lizard just allowed herself to be lifted by the sharklady whom she had only met not that long ago. Being completely limp like a ragdoll, Gunhild just chirped quietly and stared around with not a single thought running through her mind up until Koralia readjusted the way she was holding the lizard. Gunhild eventually looked around back to Koralia as she took comfortable seating in the cradle that was the shark's muscular arm and gently huddled herself up into more of a ball and held her tail tightly close to her body. Briefly looking to see if she was properly held safely, she glanced directly at Koralia's face for a moment.

"Shorkie Gunhild friends! Gunhild not has many beeg friends. Metalmanses' Gunhild beeg friends. Nots manys. Shorkie's nices friends. Gunhild not getted upsiesed likes this evers. Gunhild's Bigshorkie's little shorkie?? Beegprettyshorkie meets lizardsies or beasties likes a Gunhild? Gunhild's is a speshul. Manys alls sayses Gunhild's is a speshul. Is Gunhild's a speshul Gunhild? Bestestest speshul Gunhild, yesses?" Gunhild spoke with innocent wonder in her tone, occasionally flickering her sight to random surroundings before back at Koralia. Whilst speaking, she didn't hesitate at all to lean and lay on the sharklady whilst being held, Gently patting one of her little clawed hands around the shark to feel the texture of shark-skin, Gunhild huddled up and rested her head against Koralia's body for the time being. Resting on Metalmans was nice, but this was also great. Plus, she wouldn't get 'stroked by the heat' or whatever Regula's mother said was dangerous... at least she thought she wouldn't. The texture of shark was surprisingly comforting, at least for Gunhild. It felt more homely than hugging a person... or a large metal construct, perhaps, even if both those things were also good. It was good in general, this was special since it was a first.

Though, having been rather peacefully enjoying herself, she quietly emitted small purrs as she found them back at the tea stall she had basically began at.
"Hellos tees-food lady, Gunhild is Gunhild one mores a time. Is food stills? Yesses. Is a good do tees-food, Gunhild like" Gunhild said as she gently batted a wave at Gwenith, making a clear effort to not at all stop her resting and lying on Koralia for it was clearly a necessity. The shark could have to suddenly leave much like Finn, it was a good idea to stock up her fill on all possible enjoyment before the chance was lost. Though, gently moving her eyes when Koralia had asked if she liked honey, Gunhild eyed Aiden and his stall before twisting their head and body to look up at Koralia without breaking physical contact.

"Honeeee? Is food? Yesses, honeys good, beebees spookies. Beebees pingy, pingy beebees. Pingy-do Gunhilds? Gunhild no gets ping, honeys goods, can Gunhilds foods?" Gunhild said to Koralia as her vision returned back to focusing on Aiden, gently twisting where they rested their head and rubbing their cheek against the shark's skin as they mindlessly gently patted their hands on Koralia mindlessly, tapping for self-stimulation of an emptyheaded mind and to keep feeling the strangely smooth yet leathery kind of feel of said aquatic beastkin.

"Smol beebee boy, beebee honeys, is food? Gunhild has foods, honey foods? Yesses? Gunhild eatses honeys? Gunhild like beebee honey, Gunhild can has??" Gunhild asked, clear that it didn't even seem like she had money of the sort or anything and was simply looking for free honey. Though, money was for fancy people or something, so maybe anything Gunhild did or asked for could just go on Regula's tab or something. Either way, she still wanted yummy honeys.

1. Size Change (F) + Energized (F) (4'1")

Note: Gunhild is a floofyfloof right now​
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Femboy Femboy Naythophyl Naythophyl Elvario Elvario

The shark listened intently as Gunhild spoke with to her, while being held, noticing the innocence behind her tone when asking if she were special. The way the small lizard spoke was certainly different from every single other creature she had spoken thus far, maybe resembling a bit an of an infant. It was endearing, but at the same time also worrying: was Gunhild always like that? Not appearing to have malice, it could be dangerous if someone approached her with ill-intentions. Pushing those thoughts aside, feeling the small lizard lean totally against her, Koralia answered. "Not many big friends, eh? Humans ain't usually big, fairies the same. Metalmenses... a construct?" She wondered for a moment, before continuing, beginning with a rumbling chuckle. "Hahahaha, guess you do look like my lil' shark when I hold ya, dont'cha? Yah, let's say you are. Never seen other's beasts like yerself, so yah, you are special. Best and most special Gunhild there is." She uttered in a confident tone, being sure that there were not other Gunhild like Gunhild.

Koralia's skin was smooth and leathery, with the addition of being a bit rough and slick. Quite a bit slick. Being a cold-blooded beast, her temperature was pretty cool, reflecting same temperature of the ambient she was in. There was no internal warmth that came from her, sometimes becoming quite a bit cold, just mirroring the weather. As for Smolhild's small clawed hand against her skin, that brought a moment of respite to the shark. It was like a rest from the usual brutality of mercenary work, slashing and hacking away whatever creature she was being paid to do so. A break from her more primal, bestial side, which governed so much of what Koralia was. It felt different, giving her an opportunity to wind-down, being the very first time she ever heard a being in her arms like that outside the random rescue mission.

The shark's attention drifted towards the other vendor, which the bee-boy was talking with, nodding briefly and acknowledging her presence not be too rude. Koralia's wasn't a fan of tea or other warm drinks in general. She didn't also particularly care about fruits, but ate them here and there. Honey was a different matter: it was rich in calories, something which she needed. A lot. "Yah, honey is food. Nice, nutritious food. Can be a bit strong, but I think you will like it. Worth a few 'pingies' even!" Koralia told Smolhild, chuckling a bit at the end, while retrieving the coin pouch which was fastened at her waist, using her left hand.

Her attention was then directed at the bee-boy, Aiden, himself, giving him a nod with her head while smirking slightly, already tasting the honey in her tongue. "Name's Koralia Ironjaw. I sure wanna try some of that honey, never got it from a vendor." She told him in her usual brash manner, shifting her gaze to the tea vendor, apparently named Gwenith. "Sorry, just ain't a fan of tea."
Aiden Naythophyl Naythophyl – Sell Honey
Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Gunhild Femboy FemboyGuard Rosalia \ Satisfy Regula? – Enjoy the Fair

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


Upon Aiden's suggestion, she'd go to work making some lavender tea, making sure to make it stronger than usual. She wonder if using lavender honey on lavender tea would enhance the overall flavour or just be more of the same. Pouring two cups, one for herself, one for Aiden, she'd hand one over. “Only one way to find out how it blends, no?” She'd ask.

“Yes, I still have tea.” She'd reply to Gunhild. She figured she might as well make another cup of lavender tea, possibly with added honey if Aiden would do so. “Careful though, it's still hot.” She reminded the lizard, just in case she'd forgotten.

The large shark-woman not being into tea didn't surprise her much. If anything, she did feel a bit intimidated by the sharp-toothed giant of a woman, so she didn't mind not pouring her a cup.

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