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Fandom Star Wars the old republic: The Rlyoth Conflict.

Darth Maylum sat in his chambers aboard the "empires hand." His StarDestroyer.

He got a message on his holocom from Darth Ravage of the dark council. The message said "Darth Maylum, I request your assistance at Ryloth. We had a successful invasion attempt last night and we have setup multiple bases on the planet, but the republic still hold the majority of the planet. Could you head to base AZ-34-2. There will be a Sith Lord named Darth Naurn and he will brief you on the mission. Thank you, the empire appreciates your help."

"Interesting, the dark council needs my help? I'll do it, seems like working with the dark council could help me in the future." Darth Maylum thought. He sent a message to Darth Ravage that read "very well, I shall arrive in the next few hours." He told the Captain of his ship officer thoran "Officer, you are one of my most trusted men, we fought on the battlefield long ago so I trust you with an important job. Watch the ship, it appears I'm going back into is war, I'll be on planet Ryloth for sometime probably a few months or more. I'm not quite sure yet. Tell everyone on my ship they answer to you for now, if they disobey tell them they will be severely punished, by me."

"I'm honored, I will not let you down, My Lord."

"Your a good man, I know you won't, you never have before." Darth Maylum said.

He went into his ship's hanger and went in his personal sith infiltrator class ship. He walked inside and his droid Y-11 greeted him.

"Hello my lord, what destination do you choose." Y-11 said.

"Ryloth" Darth Maylum said.

"Will do, my lord." Y-11 said.

His ship traveled through space at hyper speed and arrived at ryloth. He's been to ryloth before to assassinate jedi masters and republic generals, he always hated the planet though, it had a hard to traverse terrain full of mountains and hills. The empire also enslaved tons of Twi'leks there. He didn't really care though, he doesn't dislike Twi'leks but he also doesn't particularly like them. He landed his ship at the spaceport at the base Darth ravage told him of. He exited his ship and a young boy about age 14 walked up to him "hello my lord, Darth Naurn sent me. I'll show you the way to the base." The boy said.

"I can make it there myself." Darth Maylum said.

"Tell Darth Naurn I did well please, did I?" The boy said.

Darth Maylus thought about it. The boy did ok, and if he said he did bad he would most likely get the boy killed. "I'll tell him the truth." Darth Maylum said.

"I did well did I? The boy said.

"Stop talking to me or I will not hesitate to crush you." Darth Maylum said. He wasn't bluffing either, we would kill the boy if he kept pestering him, he is a Sith Lord he would not waste time talking to lowly slaves such as that boy. The little boy ran off.

Darth Maylum made his way to the imperial base. The guards let him in and he found Darth Naurn in her office. Naurn was a Zabrak female, wearing an armored cloak and a hood, she also had red glowing eyes. She said "Darth Maylum is it?"

"Yes, Ravage sent me, what do you need me to assist you with." Darth Maylum said getting straight to the point. He had no intentions of sitting around this base and socializing with everyone.

"You will wait for another Lord to arrive, Darth Fayd, you two will be sent to a republic base about a mile form here, it's too close to us so we need it destroyed or captured. There will be multiple jedi there , possibly masters." Darth Naurn said.

"I can do this myself, I don't need any others to help, I've killed jedi before." Darth Maylum argued.

"This won't be that simple. There will be a lot of republic forces there, trust me." Darth Naurn said.

"Very well, I'll await his arrival, tell him to find me outside of the base, meditating on the small mountain next to it." Darth Maylum said.

"How did my servant do?" Naurn asked.

"He was acceptable." Darth Maylum said before walking off.

He made his way out the base and up the mountain. He arrived at the top and found three men there. "You are?" Darth Maylum said, he sensed great fear in the three of them, making him suspicious.

"We are imperial guards of course!" The man in the front answered, he was wearing a strange helmet and strange armor that didn't look imperial.

"Lies, I sense fear and deceit in all three of you." Darth Maylum answered, while pulling out his main saber and igniting it. He didn't give them time to react, he quickly slashed the man to his right, then force pushed the man to his left off the mountain, then went back to the man to the right and stabbed him through the stomach. All in a quick successful motion. The man in the front backed away and dropped his gun in fear and shock. Darth Maylus lifted the man up in a force grip and slight force choke and said "explain yourself, or suffer."

"I'm j.j..just a repub.. Republic spy, mercy lord." The spy choked out.

That's all Darth Maylus had to hear, he didn't even respond to the spy's pitiful request of mercy. He tightened his grip on the man's throat and strangled him with the force. After the body went limp and stopped struggling he dropped it to the ground. Ignoring the bodies he put his lightsaber away and sat down and began meditating in the Darkside and began waiting for Darth Fayd to arrive. He would tell Darth Naurn of the spies later.
Rhett sat aboard the Shuttle "Desolation" what a grim name for a ship I muse i'm not paying much attention to what the pilots are doing i'm bored as all hell right now i'm reading a book about Jedi Techniques know thy enemy as the old saying goes. As we reach Ryloth I hear a cannon and some thing about a Republic Cruiser "We've been hit" I hear one of the Co pilots say and that's one of the last things I remember the next things happen in phases the Ship going down in a fireball a trooper who was a board pushing me towards a window and then i'm out the next thing I remember is a Sith Trooper shaking me "Sir we have to keep moving" I nod " Move where" I say getting to my feet ah the pain it hurts my ankle in a minute the Trooper helps me and he raps my arm around his shoulder "Were lucky most people die in accidents like this I got off with nothing and you a busted ankle " I think for a moment " What happened to the others" "Dead" he says as we keep moving we reach the Imperial Base and I see a Sith meditating "Hey Sir , My Lord we need help over here" he calls out to the Sith
He hated the dark side of the planet. Ryloth was tidal locked, its orbit having decayed in eons passed. Now one side faced the system's star perpetually while the other faced away. And both sides are dangerous; creeping things stalked the heat or the cold, making it suicide to even be outside of the so called 'Twilight Lands'.

But the Force gave advantage to those who could channel it. Darth Fayd unclenched his hand, and the creature dropped, its throat crushed by an unseen force. He stepped passed the corpse quickly. The Council had assigned him a task, and the duros had obliged. Waving a hand before him as he stalked through the underbrush, Fayd disappeared, waves of Force energy bending light around him to render him virtually invisible.

The mountain had been a difficult climb. Unfortunately, it held the only pass back to the Twilight Lands in the area, and he had no time to waste finding a different path out of these Nightmare Lands. The going was tough, made all the worse by the lack of light in this accused area. Even moonlight and starlight were denied him, the thick clouds having hidden the eyes of the celestial voyagers. But finally he reached the top, only to find an armored figure sitting on its desolate peak. Fayd stood a respectable distance behind, not wanting to startle the man. An explosion sounded in the distance, and he could see the light of a fireball, but the duros ignored it, focusing instead upon the figure before him.

"Shame the clouds are out tonight, friend." His gravely voice cut through the quiet like a lightsaber through paper. "I miss my sky-borne teachers, the stars."

Fayd spoke in an easy manner, as if he were at ease. But he maintained his Invisibility. For who could trust a stranger on this strange and lethal planet?
While sitting at the top of the small mountain Darth Maylum was taken out of his meditation by two voices from behind him, one a boy who was strong in the force but had ways to go, and the other a Sith Lord who was very strong In the force. Darth Maylum stands up and sees the boy, but not the Darth. the boy is in distress and Darth Maylum senses a small bit of panic in him. The other sith is calm and speaks in a calm matter. "Lord Fayd? It's you I assume. You can show yourself, I mean you no harm." Darth Maylum said. "Sith assassin are you? I hope they didn't send you here to kill me." He said jokingly.

He then turned his attention to the young boy "child do not speak to me and interrupt my meditation. You are young, your instructors should have taught you better then to disrupt a Sith Lord. Other sith lords would have killed you for less then that." He said bluntly. "Now what is it you and your soldier friend need help with? the crashed ship? I cannot be bothered to help with such a simple job. I am a Sith Lord, you can find a simple servant to help you with the crashed ship and it's injured survivors." He said dismissively to the boy.
The Sith Trooper who called out in the darkness speaks" It wasn't him who called out it the darkness Sir it was me " he stand at attention he hates to see the kid get ripped on for something he didn't do and by the look of him he's going to pass out now Rhett had meet many Sith during his time at the academy he got along just fine with them but something about them made him uneasy Rhett speaks " Sorry to interrupt Master it's just that theirs a Republic Cruiser out their and we just wanted to let you know" he speaks this with the up most humility trying not to let the fear show in his voice "Do you know how far the Imperial Base is from here " he looks down and realize for the first time that the small box holding my Saber and Blaster are not with me he almost panic he trys to block the Darth I'm not in the mood to have a scolding for not having my weapons he thinks just then the Solider taps him on the shoulder "cough cough" he says Rhett turns around and a wave of relief goes though him his weapons case he quickly opens it putting his lightsaber which he calls Marian on his belt and his Father's old Smuggler's Pistol a illegally modified DL-44 his lightsaber goes on his right hip for he is left handed the blaster on his right "Thank You" I whisper "What Sir" The Solider says confused "Nothing " Rhett says Smiling
"Unidentified vessel, you appear Republic, please state your intent before proceeding further!"

Roseri's ears twitched as her comms crackled with the voice of a random Imperial communications officer. Reaching across her console, she clicked a button and uttered a simple response.

"Imperial officer, I am the freelance agent Roseri Ashkari. This wouldn't be my first time aiding the Empire, I will not see it be the last. That and if you'd look out the blast door you would see this is no ordinary corvette. It's my corvette. Besides, I'm fairly certain I'm expected by someone-" the felinoid yawned, releasing the button, "I just don't know who that someone is yet."

It took less than a minute for her pilot, a modified HK-50 assassin droid, to land and open the hatch. As she departed her ship, it became quite clear that the rough outpost the Imperials set up was nowhere near proper. In fact she was pretty much half expecting the walls to fall over. Whispering quick orders for her droids to be on high-alert in case of trouble, Roseri made her way to the first Imperial field officer she could find and stopped in front of him.

"I'm looking for the highest ranking official within three days hard march of this location. I'm Roseri Ashkari, and I can tell by that look in your eyes that you recognise my name. So directions, shoot."

It didn't take more than a few seconds for the official to point in the direction of a nearby mountain. Going back to her ship, Roseri ordered her pilot to open an outboard hatch on her ship. Out floated a unique, custom crafted speeder. It's body was tall, resembling a downward held blade. There were two skeletal foot pedals placed near the bottom, and at the top was the main console and handles. Just under the console, at the top of the speeders body, was a single engine with it's exhausts directed to either side of the rider.

Hoping on, Roseri turned and sped out of the outpost, speeding her way to the mountain.

(Author's Note: Imagine her speeder as a precursor to the STAP used by the CIS droid army. Only the foot pedals aren't a fin, but two diagonal pegs and are set lower. No lasers, and a single slightly larger engine where the dual engines would be, but its outtake splits to either side of Roseri. Her Kama helps protect her from the heat of the exhaust as well. Finally, instead of the main console being chest/stomach level such as on STAPs, hers is set shoulder level to where her head just clears the top of it with the engine being waist height instead of propelling between her legs.[Please tell me people understand that description xD ])
"You shouldn't dismiss the boy so quickly...Maylum, I think it was." The duros' voice echoed in the armored Darth's ears, and the form of Fayd seemed to materialize behind him. "When a Sith so easily turns a plea for help or an offer of information aside, he is lessened because of it, and risks his own demise."

His voice was calm and held no malice, though that could perhaps be insinuated by his words. Fayd crossed his arms and glanced toward the Imperial Base. He thought he'd seen movement, quick movement, coming from there toward the mountain. But perhaps he'd just seen a stirring of the dense jungle foliage. With a wave of his hand, he dismissed the imperial marine.

"You've brought him safely, if a bit worse for the wear. Report to your superior; I've no further use for you."

Turning back to Maylum, he smiled.

"Besides, I told my apprentice Rhett here to bring me news of such things. So kindly don't chastise him for it.

"Meanwhile, what is the purpose of this meeting? I've tasks of my own that I've had to put on hold."

His dull red cloak shifted in the breeze, and his red eyes glowed unnaturally in the dark.
Darth Maylum didn't really like the way this sith was talking to him, but he wasn't quite angry yet. "Do not talk down to me, I will not take any nonsense. I'm also here to do a job, I don't like sitting around and wasting time. If you aren't efficient on the job and are no use to me, I will simply dispose of you. Take that as you will, now let us get on with the job, shall we?" Darth Maylum explained, he had no anger in his voice just sternness. He didn't want things to get so hostile so quickly, but he wanted to get his point across to the other sith that he would not be treaded on, as he is a lord and no one is his leader except the emperor himself. "Now for the purpose of this meeting as you say. As I'm sure you know the treaty of coruscant has ended and the galactic war has fully started again. Last night the empire invaded ryloth, so we are here to finish the invasion. Sense they sent you, I assume you have combat experience, yes?" Darth Maylum asked.

Darth Maylun looked down the mountain and saw a speeder heading this way. He sensed no force power in the being driving the speeder so he figured it's another republic spy. "Ready your self." He said, truning to Darth Fayd. He faced the way the speeder was coming and drew his saber, not ignited yet, but in his hand ready to be ignited at seconds notice.
It hadn't taken long for Roseri to make her way up the mountain, her speeder easily being able to manoeuvre through the rocky outcroppings and other obstacles. As she drew close to her intended destination she noticed that of the two Sith there, one had there saber hilt drawn as if expecting trouble. That coupled with his eyes being locked on her told her that he expected her to be that trouble.

Pulling to a stop about four meters away from the pair, Roseri grabbed the sling holding her rifle so it wouldn't shake and hopped off, landing easily on the ground. Moving both hands to an waist height, outstretched and open palmed show of peace she gave an easy smile and a slight bow.

"Lords, I am a freelance agent, name Roseri Ashkari. I presume you've heard of me, and understand I am no threat to you. I have arrived for work, and you are the only ones fit to assign such tasks to me." She stated calmly, moving her hands to rest on her hips as she awaited either one's response.
"Odd, I heard nothing of a freelance agent as you say, coming to assist us. Though I sense no deceit in your words, so I'll trust you until you give me reason not to. So as of right now, nice to meet you agent Roseri. I am Darth Maylum." Darth Maylum said. He trusted the agent now because she appeared to be telling the truth. He'd keep a cautious eye on her, just In case. He studied her," interesting race you are. What exactly are you, I'm surprised to say I've never seen one of you. You don't seem to be cathar, but perhaps a distant relative of the cathar?" Darth Maylum asked, genuinely curious of her species. "Let's head to the encampment, shall we." He said looking at Darth Fayde and Roseri.
What an idiotic question. What Sith doesn't have combat experience? Typical arrogant human.

But Fayd only popped his knuckles in answer. He still stared off toward the base absent-mindedly. The invasion may have only started last night, but the main base was already up and running. The duros sometimes felt awe for the unity and sense of purpose, never mind the diligence and sense of self-responsibility, that the Empire gave people. Any old mantra could band people together, of course, so it wasn't the imperial system that she admired, though the Empire certainly did it best. No, what was impressive was the ability of people to put aside differences to get a job done.

The Sith as a whole could learn from their example. Darth Fayd turned back to Maylum, a plan evidently brewing in his mind.

"Excellent. First, then, the supply lines will have to be cut. Second, the Jedi generals will be to be de-" But Maylum wasn't paying my attention to Fayd, choosing instead to focus his gaze out to the jungle path. The duros stepped up, obviously curious.

"What? What is it?"

But then he saw it: what looked to be a republic speeder pod, piloted by...no, she wasn't a force-sensitive.

"Ready yourself."

Fayd nodded at Maylum's suggestion before turning to Rhett and disappearing.

"Apprentice, prepare yourself for a fight, but do not strike until I strike first."

But the speeder pulled up and the agent hopped off.

"Lords, I am a freelance agent, name Roseri Ashkari. I presume you've heard of me, and understand I am no threat to you. I have arrived for work, and you are the only ones fit to assign such tasks to me."

Ah. The freelancer. Fayd, still invisible, snuck down to examine her speeder as she spoke to Maylum and Rhett. He dismissed the Invisibility as he did so, admiring the craft work. Foamy he called up to her.

"This is excellent make. Did you build this?"
"Farghul, most definitely not Cathar. Entirely different planets." Roseri announced to the first Lord before turning to the sound of another behind her, "Ah, yes and no. It's a concept of sorts. There are version similar, but far bulkier. I wanted for something that didn't take up much room and was highly manoeuvrable. This is what came out. Standard steering with the handles, but the foot pedals can be depressed simultaneously for on the spot braking or independently for on the spot turning. It's extremely useful for the situations I find myself in during my profession."

Turning back to the first Lord, Roseri gave a smirk and spoke again.

"I also didn't presume that you knew I was coming, but rather that you would have knowledge of the name of the one allegedly who put down the Sith Lord Baroke. Though technically the investigator quit the job and it's all in the past now. All that aside I agree that we should keep moving. If I can find you this easily, it can be expected that others, presumably less friendly than myself, can as well."
"Yeah, if you'll have a look at the ground you can see that I found them first. Now would you like to head to the republic base now, or tomorrow? It is your choice, first let's head to the imperial base and discuss." Darth Maylum said. He put his saber hilt back on his belt, now that he saw the woman was no threat to them. The group walked down the mountain back to the imperial base and entered it. "Follow me, we'll discuss our plans in here." Maylum said. He lead the way to the conference room in the main building in the imperial base. The room was empty except two guards standing in it, the room contained multiple chairs and a long table, Maylum sat at the end of the table and said to the guards "you are dismissed." The two gaurds exited the room. He gestured for the agent and the other sith to take a seat. He took off his helmet revealing his tattooed pale face, and yellow eyes, that had black rings around them. He sat his helmet down on the table and said. "Now shall we discuss the job?"
Giving the room a once over to check for anything out of the ordinary, Roseri was pleased to find that it was just a standard conference room. Moving over to the table, she lifted herself up and sat upon it's edge, not caring what others would think of her actions. Grabbing her rifle's sling, she pulled it off and laid it on the table next to her, followed by her sword.

"It may seem like an odd custom to you, but I prefer to speak about such things with all weapons in sight, on the table. Symbolic, I suppose, for showing that nothing is hidden, and there is no ill intent hidden. After all, anyone would be bold enough to lie if they could simply back up their words with a weapon, am I not correct?" she mused, watching the Sith warily just in case, "Granted this is only for those who wish to discuss business. If the other Lord and the... younger Sith are not discussing business, they may retain their weapons and I'll not be bothered."
"I am sith, the force is a weapon, I am a weapon. I do not need my saber to kill." Darth Maylum explained. He placed his saber on the table, then his offhand curved hilt saber on the table as well. "So the republic base is only a mile away, walkable distance. We need to shut it down , kill all the republic forces there, and leave no survivors. Now as of how we do it. Me and the other lord will go through the front door, after you go through the back door and disable their generators. The front doors will unlock the power will go out. They will all be in confusion, then while they are still in that confusion me and Lord Fayde come in through the front and lead a vicious assault. Sound good?, any objectors or cowards?" Darth Maylum said. He sat in his chair observing both of his new "companions." He didn't hate them, so that's a start. He'd find his true feeling for them once he saw them on the battlefield.
"A hutt can be a weapon too, if you drop them onto some poor fool from high enough." Roseri chuckled morbidly. Still, the Lord's plan was sound. Going in through the back would be as simple as checking the guard rotations and then scaling the wall, a feat that would, as a whole, take less than ten minutes.

Her rifle itself was modified and more than capable of punching through most armours, so a single well placed shot would more than likely be enough to kill a generator. From there she could simply maintain her position on the wall and fire down on any targets she deemed fit while the frontal assault kept them preoccupied.

In other words, it was going to be a lot more simple than previously anticipated.

"I have no objections at all," Roseri smiled, standing and resheathing her sword and slinging her rifle back over her back, "Now we just need everyone elses input."
Fayd had listened passively, standing a foot back from the table, his arms crossed, as Maylum and the freelancer Roseri discussed their plans. He'd not brought forth his own saber, nor had he instructed Rhett to, though he wouldn't interfere if his apprentice did so. When the human Sith asked if there were objectors, the duros shrugged.

"I've none. Forward assaults are not really my forté, though it's certainly within my capabilities. Aye, I will aid you, Maylum, and my apprentice may help wherever he thinks he can be of best use. I will judge him by it."

An imperial messenger appeared in the doorway, a panicked look on her care worn face. Without turning to look at her, Fayd waved a hand dismissively. The messenger's mouth worked wordlessly, but she saluted and retreated, not wishing to risk the wrath of a Sith. Fayd glanced at the freelancer, an eyebrow raised.

"I'm glad to have your expertise, Ashkari. I've heard much about you: all good things, I assure you. The Empire relies upon the strength of the Sith too much, I think, and your assistance will help show that others can be just as capable."

He bowed his head to her in respect, a small smile on his face.
Darth Maylum had listened to what Darth Fayd said. He thought about it, he disagreed, he believes the sith are the rulers of the empire. "Roseri, I will not compliment you just yet, for I've not seem your combat abilities. I believe we'll find my opinion about you within the next few hours." Darth Maylum said, while look into Roseri in the eyes, studying her. He turned his attention to the duros sith and looked at him for a moment. "Alright, let's go then. It appears we've got no time to waste." Darth Maylum said standing up, putting on his helmet and grabbing his two sabers back from the table.

The group walked through the harsh terrain of ryloth before arriving out back of the republic base. They were all crouched behind a rock looking at the base, observing it. "Ok agent, go ahead." Darth Maylum said pointing to the back door of the republic base. Fayd and Maylum made their way to the front of the base. There were two guards out front and a durasteel door. "Ok, when she disables the generator the durasteel door will open, and the backup door will be a lot weaker then durasteel. Maybe since you are an Assassin trained in stealth, you should go through the back with the agent? I'm sure their will be plenty of guards back there to kill. Your choice though. I can handle the front alone, she may not be able to handle the back area alone.
Rhett : "Lets stop talking and kill the republic bastards " I say putting my saber and blaster in one we reach the Republic Base I volunteer to go in with Maylum on the frontal assault " Heads are going to roll " I whisper drawing my blaster

OCC: Sorry it took me a while i'm back though
David said:
Rhett : "Lets stop talking and kill the republic bastards " I say putting my saber and blaster in one we reach the Republic Base I volunteer to go in with Maylum on the frontal assault " Heads are going to roll " I whisper drawing my blaster
OCC: Sorry it took me a while i'm back though
Did you see my message in the out of character chat tab?
Coruscant - Jedi Master Hutuun Kbil

Hutuun Kbil had made a terrible mistake.

Robes rippled as he paced around in his study, he remembered the little boy looking up at him with wide brown eyes, the tiny fingers interlacing with his own. Asa had sworn to uphold his oaths, shared dreams of becoming a great Jedi knight. He had been deceived, he had been blind to the snake coiled up inside the child, and now it was too late.

“This is not your fault Master Kbil,” Aegen Koth said. “The council does not blame you for anything.”

“But it is!” Sometimes not even a Jedi Master could contain himself. Sucking in a deep breath, the Arkanian calmed himself and sat down behind his desk. Coruscant did not care what had happened, people and ships milled about as usual, completely oblivious to the tragedy he’d unleashed.

Aegan straightened up, his pitch-black Bith eyes soaking up the troubled Jedi Master. “It is however the council’s wish that Asa be returned to the Jedi Temple to face justice. If he’s gone like you say, it seems only fitting that you should find him.”

Hutuun nodded quietly.

“You’ve mentored him for over ten years, do you not know where he could’ve gone?”

The Arkanian combed his long white hair back, eyes flicking to the blank ceiling. The Jedi seemed to prefer wide, empty spaces where the air could breathe freely. His office was no exception.

“I have about a dozen hunches, all increasingly unlikely…”

The Outer Rim - Padawan Asa Mordin (disenvowed)

The small spacecraft drifted like a mote of dust in an sterile, black sea. Its halogen blue engines had ceased to minimum thrust and the lights aboard had been dimmed. Only the steady blinks and whirs of the onboard computer betrayed that the ship was not mere spacejunk ripe for looting.

Asa jolted upright. His forehead slammed into the metallic ceiling with a hollow thunk. “Shit!” He grumbled under his breath. The damn sleeping pods were too cramped, in fact the whole bloody ship was too cramped. Rubbing his forehead with one hand and clearing his bleary eyes with the other, he bounded over to the pilot’s seat and plopped down.


“All systems operational, destination Korriban.” A clear, monotonous female voice replied.

“ETA?” he demanded.

“10 hours,” she replied. A jingling tune began playing over the speakers. “New! Travel the Galaxy ten times faster with Kuat Systems Engineering SuperDrive module! It’s fast, it’s cheap and features the latest Arkanian tech. Would you like to bu-?”

“Shut up.”

The speakers crackled, then muted.

Puffing his cheeks, Asa stared at the distant, vale specks. He had hoped the Sith would’ve shown up by now and escorted him to their planet…if they didn’t blow him to bits first. But there was nothing out there, not even as he ballooned his consciousness as far as he could. No life, no fluctuation in the force. Nothing.

For the first few days he had pumped his fist at his new gained freedom but now, with only his thoughts for company, things started to look increasingly grim. He hadn’t planned to flee but the bumpkins at the Jedi Temple had given him the proverbial boot. They were old, sentimental fools and he had no intention of surrendering the purple lightsaber strapped to his belt.

Something flared up at the edge of his consciousness. A blob, fast approaching.

The ship shook.


The ship shook again, the lights signifying the thruster status turned red. A metallic groan ricocheted through the hull.

His eyes darted over the piloting panel. Aside from thrusting and breaking, he had no knowledge how to maneuver the hunk of metal. Trapped like a mouse in a cage, the ship start to move again. Backwards.

A large presence throbbed in his mind’s peripheral view. Gazing up through the window he could make out a large ship. He could’ve saved himself the effort to try and decipher its origin as the speakers crackled.

“This is commander Shatley from base AZ dash 34 dash 2. Your ship is ID’d as stolen, we’re hauling you in now. Remain seated and do not move. I repeat, remain seated and not move.”


His mind whirred. Just his luck to be caught so late! His lips settled into a grim line. There was only one thing for it, his hand lingered over his lightsaber…

Ryloth - Republican Base AZ-34-2 - Padawan Asa Mordin (disenvowed)

“I am going to ask you one last time kid. What’s your name?”

Asa didn’t even bother to look up. The utility belt around his waist had disappeared…unless you looked closely and saw through the illusion. They’re so easily tricked, he smirked inwardly.

Commander Shatley was a middle-aged man incapable of hiding his yearning for retirement. His uniform was impeccably ironed and he toted a jingling collection of medals. His face however was morose, wrinkled and his skin seemed to drip off his face.

“You already know it you blithering idiot,” Asa seethed. “Unless one of those is a medals for stupidity you should have been able to tell that I wear a Jedi uniform. As such, you’ve already contacted the Jedi and you are perfectly aware of who I am. Are you feigning ignorance or don’t you people have anything better to do with your time? Frankly I fin-“


Shatley’s fist landed firmly on the aluminum table between them. “You’re a disgrace Padawan Mordin.”

Asa smirked. “Thanks for admitting that I was right.”

“Oh shut up,” Shatley plopped back down in his chair. The veins in his neck had swollen to dangerous proportions.

At that very moment a guard came storming into the questioning chamber. “Commander!”

Shatley yanked his head towards the puffing subordinate.

"Well?" he barked.

A loud buzz rented the air. The lights went out.

Asa could sense others out there. Other force-sensitives, but he couldn't tell how many or what their intentions were. He remained still and watched how chaos and panic descended on the base's inhabitants. Breaking his concentration, his utility belt turned visible again and he yanked the hilt of his lightsaber free. But he remained seated and did not ignite the blade. Who or whatever was assaulting the base could deal with the pesky commander and his gruff minions. Through the force, he let his mind see where his eyes could not...
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Roseri wasn't around to hear Maylum mention the idea of Fayd going with her. As soon as they had made their staging point the Farghul tucked her white mane into her hood and lifted over her head, effectively making for an all black appearance save the azure trimmings.

Stealthily making her way to the rear most wall Roseri unsheathed her claws and latched them into the cracks of the thankfully brick formed wall. She couldn't help but imagine how much of a surprise this would be. Cresting the top of the wall carefully, as to make sure that she didn't come over right into the sight of any guards, Roseri dropped to a crouch and pulled her rifle from her back and looked to her right. A ways down the wall were five men sipping drinks, four most likely militia with a standard soldier as part of the grouping. He would be her first target. Looking to her left she saw another three down that side, all militia men. That was less worrying.

Laying prone, Roseri scanned the courtyard until she spotted the generator neatly tucked away into an alcove. From the front of the base it was hidden perfectly, but not so from the rear. Lining up shot, Roseri gently gave the trigger a squeeze and a thick electric blue bolt arced from her rifle before making an explosive and sizzling impact into the main hub of the generator. All lights or shielding dropped, and Roseri rolled onto her left side, allowing her to take aim at the Republic soldier on the walls about to shout orders to the militia men. Another squeeze and a massive hole was torn through the soldiers chest, sending the militia men scrambling for cover.

Keeping prone Roseri scanned around the area as she watched the militia and soldiers scramble about in confusion. Once the Sith made their move she could really start opening up on everyone.
The air rumbled with the threat of approaching rain, the clouds having not given up their occupation of the sky. Darth Fayd smiled knowingly at Rhett, and again at Maylum.

"Very well. My apprentice can assist you in your attack, and I shall assist Ashkari."

Gradually the duros faded from view, and his steps faded as he left them.

"Be prepared," his voice echoed in his absence. "You'll know when to attack."

As Fayd moved around the guarded wall, he cast a glance upwards. The wall was minimally manned. Odd, considering the state of conflict on the planet. Doing his best to ignore the feeling of uncertainty that itched in the back of his head, he stalked onwards.

An explosion yanked his attention away from his movement. It seemed he was too late. Breaking his cover, he sprinted. The soldiers would undoubtedly be occupied with the trouble within the compound, giving him ample chance to get inside.

Sure enough, the wall near the agreed upon attack point was clear. Gathering the Force in his legs, Fayd leaped up, coming three feet short of making the landing. But his hands shot out, and he pulled himself over the edge, wrapping himself in shadow as he did. Soldiers indeed were running about, panicking. The generator sparked, obviously severely damaged. He smiled. Around the wall to his right about twenty feet he could see Ashkari. Excellent. Quietly he stepped off the wall into the compound and landed in a crouch, ready to unleash his own form of chaos and death.
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