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Fandom Star Wars; Decade Three

Finn closed his eyes, falling inwards. He found the link to Stùrmbright, and closed it off, shutting the door on his companion so that he could concentrate. Okay...let's see...midi-chlorians....from within.....hmm...sort of like a separate power source...inputting....He found a strand of midi-chlorians, and pulling on it, swam back to the surface of his mind. Hey cool! I can sort of see with my eyes closed! Huh....It's definitely different from looking through Stùrmbright's eyes.....Everything was outlined, forming white shapes like a line draft for a machine against the black background of his eyelid. Um....offtrack...derailed....right! Practice using this...on what?
Almost as though he had been reading Finn's mind, Aegirine grinned and held up his hand. In it was a black orb. He levitated it, first up, then down, left, right, and then in a slow circle. He felt the orb steadily grow heavier, and recognized its value in both testing and in training. It would get constantly heavier, until it got so dense that it would start deconstructing the room. At that point, the jedi would need to spread his influence, expanding his control, or condense it into a solid sphere of energy. He passed it to Finn, and said, "Use this."
Finn reached out his hand, and then stopped. Wait....hmm....let's see....He 'gazed' at the orb and mentally pulled up another strand of midi-chlorians. Heheh. I love code. The midi-chlorian strand flew out of his body and wrapped around the orb, the programming he'd inputted into it transferring to the black orb. Slowly, it lifted into the air. Geez that's heavy. Huh. Another strand transferred to the orb, inputting another set of coding to move it toward him. It drifted through the air with ponderous slowness, making its way toward the coordinates Finn had specified. Wow the lag is painful. Oh well. Easier to catch any mistakes this way.
The orb began its work, and slowly started gaining weight. Aegirine smiled and prepared to support the orb in case of failure.
Woah...weird....something's wrong. Finn opened one eye, looking curiously at the ball. It was black, and made of a material he hadn't heard of or seen before. Okay...but why are my parameters going haywire...? He closed the eye again, 'gazing' at the orb in the black and white sight instead. Hmm... He sent out another midi-chlorian strand, this time bringing it back once it had encircled the orb twice. Examing it, he saw that the orb was changing in mass. What? How is that even possible? Where is it pulling the extra mass from? Its surroundings? He 'looked' back towards the orb with newfound curiousity. And then he realized that the midi-chlorian strands supporting and guiding it were unraveling. Oh. That's sort of cool. Wait.... The orb dropped as his concentration waned too far, and Finn's eyes snapped open in a panic. "Oh shoot!"
Aegirine tilted his head, and the orb stopped. He smiled and asked, "Were you wondering how it was getting power?" He levitated it to himself and held it in his hand.
Finn rubbed the back of his neck, glancing at the floor. "Well, yeah. Where is the extra matter coming from?"
Aegirine tapped the orb and twisted it. It split cleanly in half, showing a beautiful opalescent gem in the center. It glittered green, making light dance in the somewhat bright room. "It is a Generator. Also known as a white hole. It is stored within this gem, and generates mass and energy for each amount which is destroyed. It also equally generates Midi-Chlorians. Using the force, I am able to project this energy and activate or deactivate the gem's power. The truth is, it simply takes a touch of force to activate it. It is almost volatile." With this, a swirling light in the shape of a galaxy spun slowly in its depths. He passed the orb to Finn and said, "Watch. You are lucky. It is not everyday that a world forms." He smiled and watched it with tears in his eyes.
Finn held the orb as he stared into the depths of the gem, eyes wide in amazement. "Woah..." It was mesmerizing to watch it, as it swirled around.
"There is infinite life, infinite energy." Aegirine's voice fell to a whisper. "Thus is the power of the force. Bent, but never broken. Destroyed, but forever renewed. It is a cure to all things, yet a bane to many." He cried, thinking of all of the good that one of these could do. And again, at the cruelty with which Decade Three used his of the seven in the known universe. One in Decade three, one in Aegirine, and six more, infinitely ranging the universe. He prayed that they would not be discovered.
"I... I'm fine, do not worry, er... Finn. Just thinking." He slapped a fake smile onto his face, and then said, "Want to continue?"
Finn held the orb in his hand as he once again fell inwards, through the wiring of his mind and into that place he had found before. There, he found the viewscreen for the outside world and concentrated on the orb. He felt the weight, the mass, and slowly lifted it upward. Once it was a good foot above his hand, he stopped it, focusing on keeping it at its new coordinates.

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Aegirine nodded, and began a mental timer at the same time as he sent a jolt of energy into the ball to let it interfere with its surroundings. He watched to see how he did, prepared to intervene if necessary.
Once again, the orb began to gain mass. Finn hummed to himself, focusing on reprogramming the area around it, no, the very edge of the sphere. Last time, he'd let his wandering thoughts lead him too far down the rabbit-hole. That was not going to be happening this time, though. As long as he kept focusing on the orb, kepping it exactly as it was, he'd be fine.

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