[Souls of Paranoia]Whiskey Two - On the prowl [Week 25]


Level 20 Mizard

An array of colored lights flashed throughout the bar. It was a busy night and the place was crowded. The music playing was a remix of songs from the 1970's and 80's. The women who danced on the club's floor seemed to know the lyrics very well. At least that was the case for those still sober.

Julian and Webster were bar hopping. It was still fairly early into the night but this was their third attempt at trying a new place. The first joint they went into wasn't entirely what Webster expected: it was a gay bar. The place was named "Club Pavo". It was a fairly well-lit place but it was decorated in rainbows and men wearing tight outfits. Webster wanted to leave the moment they entered and finding out that "Pavo" meant "Peacock" didn't help sustain his interest in the place. The second joint didn't fair much better, the place was a named "Speakeasy's" and was based around a 1920's theme. There the waitresses and bartenders wore flappers and everything seemed like it came right off the movie set of The Glorious Gabe.

For their third and final attempt, Julian took Webster to a modern place. They were supposed to end their night here. The bar was more of a club than a bar, but it served alcohol and the placed appeared packed with women from the outside. It was a fairly new establishment and its interior was sheik and modern. Behind the bartender who had a pixie hair-cut was a bright display of hundreds of different liquor bottles.

Taking a seat at a bar table, Julian hadn't realized probably what Webster had immediately seen. These women weren't exactly the youngest. Most had fancy purses and walked uncomfortably in high-heels. To Julian nothing really stood out but it was obvious this wasn't the usual traffic one would expect inside a hip new bar. "So what do you think?" Julian asked Webster as they took a seat down. Surrounding them were many guys who were being talked to and approached by women. "Its different right?" Some guys even had two ladies talking to them at once. This placed was definitely a departure from the Salty Licker.
The first few bars with Julian was not what Webster expected tonight - than again, they were bar hopping and it was really hard to 'expect' anything. Each bar was something different and pulled him out of his comfort zone into the thick of things, but Webster didn't feel comfortable. Frankly he felt under dressed, a little out of his game, and awkward, the only action he had gotten tonight was in the gay bar. "Didn't you tell him you didn't sleep with guys?" Ilaria was having a field day tonight - she had her partying days when she died, but now she was reliving them through Webster.

The man was glad for it, because his dancing was somewhat better with Ilaria helping him move to the beat. It was the only reason they made it onto this bar - the trick to getting through dance floors was always to dance your way through. Finally they made it to Whiskey Two, where flashy lights and old songs played through the speaker system. They took a seat at the bar, but Webster was already scouring the club for potential suitors. Instead he got a lot of eyes looking at them...

The implants, sharp grey eyes and dye jobs were seen from here, Webster couldn't be sure but he was almost positive. "Jules, you took me on cougar night" he nudges his friend in the ribcage, avoiding looking any of them directly in the eyes. It was too late though, some ladies could smell fresh meat once it walked in.
Webster made a jab at Julian as they sat at the bar table. Eyes amongst the club were looking upon them with great curiosity. They had expected to come here as hunters, looking for prey but when they sat down at their table they realized the situation was entirely the opposite. "Jules, you took me on cougar night" Webster said nervously.

Upon hearing this Julian looked around. He understood what a cougar was, it was an older woman, but there didn't seem to be overabundance of older people in the bar. Certainly there was many whose ages were beyond Webster but there were others as well inside the light-show of a bar. Julian eyes darted around the establishment when his friend made his complaint. "I did?" he said. "There doesn't seem to be too many older..." Julian stopped what he was saying when he looked directly across from the bar.

At the table was three women, each gazing at the two of them, batting their eyelashes. Julian was confused by their expressions and began to wave gently towards the group, unaware of the threat a pack of cats could do inside a bar. "What do you think you want to get as a drink," he asked Webster. They had been bar hopping but they hadn't drank that much. Julian wanted to change that, at least for himself.
At Webster's complaint Julian started to look around the club himself, forcing Webster's eyes up and around the peripherals. The feeling of eye boring into his back prevented him from turning around for the moment, allowing Julian to confirm his suspicion. Except Jules was only confused at the notion, about to say there weren't too many older women until he was snared by a group of three.

Webster only saw them because he had lifted his eyes, but he did his best to avoid their gaze unlike Julian. His friend was currently waving at them, turning to ask Webster what he wanted to drink before he got a sharp shove in. "What're you doing, they're going to come over here!" he angerily whispered towards his friend. It was too late, one of the taller women, stiletto heels and all, stood up from the table before heading their way.

Webster sighs in defeat - Jules didn't realize what he was getting them into "Something strong" he notes to his friend.
So I am thinking Webster's new date will be the friend of the current one talking to us.

A woman approached their table before Julian could really think about what he would want to order. She wore stiletto heels that showed off her butt but also made her look like she was in pain. She was having trouble walking, to anyone it was obvious that she didn't typically wear shoes like it. Behind her were her two friends that seemed to be conversing and laughing about the whole thing that was on display.

She wasn't ugly, Julian wouldn't consider her ugly. Its just she didn't seem to have the air about her that she was hoping to possess. So when she got up to the bar table, Julian had already peeked away from the beer list to examine her several times. She had a nice enough rack, not as good as one of her friends, but a pleasant one. Julian didn't even consider if it was the push-up bra or the plastic surgery that did most of the work for this women.

In reality, it was both.

Smiling as she loomed over Julian, he met her eyes. She completely ignored Webster. "So I saw you waving," she said with a kind of nice smooth voice. "Did you like me and my friends?" she asked.

Julian was a bit awestruck by the woman so close to his face, but it didn't take him long to reply. "Yeah," he said. "I was wondering if you would want to hang out. We're bar hopping."
To his utter surprise the woman in high heels approaches Julian, completely ignoring Webster as she came onto his friend. The only thing Webster could respect about cougars were that they knew exactly what they wanted, there was no bullshit romance and mixed signals to put up with. The woman talking to Julian was the same, immediately asking if he liked her and her friends.

Webster finally took the time to check the brunette out, slightly awkward in heels but not bad looking for a cougar. Before he could get a chance to look for her friends, Julian confirmed her suspicion before inviting them all to go barhopping. Webster slowly drew both of his hand to his face, letting out a deep sigh. Cougars were certainly better than the other option he had for action tonight - given that was most likely Julian.
The cougar was quick to call her friends over. The two other women looked at each other before laughing. It was obvious from a far, one was particularly more drunk than the other. Still both women found the situation comedic. There was probably an inside joke that was absent for Julian to understand.

Marco though overlooked the woman standing next to him. She certainly wasn't Monroe in the beauty department, but she was nice. Though Marco didn't budge, he knew that Julian was careful around women right now. Especially after on or two talks about Hannah. Marco could dream however, he just wanted to feel up somebody other than Monroe that wasn't a man.

Julian was still as the cougar put her arms around his shoulders. "So, you boys want company?" she said with a smile and taking a bar seat. "My friends and I were bar-hopping too, hoping to find some nice gentlemen."

The two other women approached. The clearly drunk one shorter then the rest and was dressed in a tight long-sleeve cocktail gown with a floral pattern. She had trouble standing up in her heels. The other was wearing a short purple gown that exposed her cleavage. She wore leggings, a fitted jacket but the most notable characteristic was her intimidating high-heel boots. The drunk one took the first seat at the table, but the sober of the two walked up next to Webster in order to be by him.

The woman around Julian continued to speak as her friends sat. "Oh, how could I forget. My name is Tiffany, what's yours?" the woman said as she brushed Julian's shoulders.

"I am Julian, you can call me Jules though," Julian replied.

The woman near Webster was the next to speak up. "Jules, huh?" she said somewhat curious. "Cute name, but what about this kid?" she asked as she leaned near Webster.
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Webster took a long moment to withdraw his hand from his face, the urge to flee increasing as the other two ladies approached the bar. he pack of cougars surrounded them now, and Tiffany had introduced herself, asking if they wanted company. The two groups were on similar missions and Webster took the moment to appraise Tiffany's friends, the drunker of the two taking a seat at the table and the other moving next to Webster.

Taking a glance over his shoulder, he openly appraised the hottest of the friends, intrigued by the redhead. The clothing matched the club scene and Webster felt rather under-dressed in difference. A navy button-up (three buttons free) sleeves rolled up past his elbows, red pants bordering on maroon and grey chukka boots.

When Julian introduced himself the woman spoke, saying he had a cute name before turning her attention to him. "I'm Webster" he makes their interaction quick, the whole group was crowding around Jules anyways. Except the woman rests a confident hand on his shoulder "Roxanne, but call me Roxy" her voice had a rather commanding lilt that made him turn back her way.

"Let me get you both a drink" Webster notices now that she has her hand on Julian's shoulder as well, mischievous smile on her face. Tiffany on the other hand, is leaning forward on Julian's left side. The woman pushed her breasts up and together by a specific fold of her arms, a manner of a professional. These ladies seemed to know what they were doing - even the drunkest of the bunch was eying them up and down from across the table.
Julian was amused with the three women who surrounded the table. One was far too drunk, the other one had a soft touch and a nice rack, but the last one was the best: she was willingly to buy Julian a drink. It was a unique experience to have a woman offer to pay. Julian usually only received such offers from men at places like Club Pavo.

"Awesome," Julian said to the woman named Roxy. He immediately reached for the liquor list at the table, but Roxy put her hands gently down on the table and shook her head towards Julian.

"No, let's make this more fun,"
Roxy said looking at her two friends. "I bet that I can get drinks for both of you..." she said with confidence. "Not just any old drink either, something that will either be your favorite or your new favorite."

"Really?" Julian said surprised but he was becoming more excited. These women were interesting, they treated him unlike any other woman had in a bar before. "But we just met you... How will you know our favorites?"

The women all seemed to collectively smirk at one another when Julian asked this. He felt a finger on his chin and neck. It was Tiffany as she leaned against Julian. "Oh honey," she said. "Roxy doesn't need to know anything like that, she's been around the block once or twice. She'll get you something you like," she said with a tipsy giggle. "I promise."

Julian just nodded like a schoolboy as Roxy looked over the drink selection. It didn't take her long to make a pick for Julian, she flipped through the book at a glance and came to her mind. "Alright, Jules, you will get a Lemondrop. But, with a splash of lime in it too and extra sugar," she said. However as she returned to the book and looked at Webster she was a little less certain. "Webbie though," she said. "You don't seem to be the type to like the sweet stuff. But a stiff scotch doesn't seem to be your vibe either. However, I know you have a secret weakness somewhere in here," she said turning over the book's pages again.
Just as Julian was about to reach for the liquor list Roxy stopped him, assuring that she would make it more fun by guessing their orders. Not only that, but she hoped to give them a new favourite or a favourite off the menu. Immediately Webster tried to think of what he wanted without the drink menu, if only to prove the woman wrong. Meanwhile Julian was a little confused at the offer – they had only just met.

Except Tiffany assured him, finger on his chin, that Roxy had been around the block a few times and get them what they like. “She’s been around the block?” Ilaria spoke to his confusion in the statement, “…is that really something to be proud of?” Webster quirks a brow, it wasn’t like he expected a virgin, but the fact her friends bragged about her experience was odd.

Finally after looking through the menu, she ordered Jules a Lemon drop with a splash of lime and sugar, something that Webster had never heard of. He turned back to her expectantly when she mentioned his name, eagerly waiting for her guess. So far she had been right, he wasn’t much for sweets and a stiff scotch just wasn’t what he was looking for tonight.

After perusing the menu for a second time, she found what she was looking for “Webbie will get a dry Manhattan” The cutesy name again was a nice touch, but the drink itself was a good surprise – he’d never drank one before, but it was the classic drink of Larry Sonata and the mousepack.
Julian watched his friend and cougar from across the table. Roxy and Webster made eye contact for sometime before the older woman spoke out a name of a drink. "Webbie will get a dry Manhatten," she said. The drink name was something Julian had heard maybe once before but he couldn't remember where. However Webster appeared to grin after the name. Either the woman was dead wrong or it was a surprising answer, Julian wasn't sure which. Still, the cougar had confidence. Hopping off of her chair, she strudel her way to bar.

"So did she get something right?" Julian asked his friend. Tiffany still feeling up Julian's chest. "I think the Lemondrop sounds nice. I hope I like it."

Tiffany's airy voice chimed in again. "You definitely will, its made for young men like you." Tiffany was still trying to get closer to Julian when his pants vibrated.

Gesturing away from Tiffany to get his phone, he spoke up. "Oh, its me. I gotta check it, it might be Monroe or something. I thought I told her we were going to the bar," Julian said unaware that his cougar-friend was still around him.

Instead of Monroe though the text message was from Sam. Someone Julian didn't expect to text him at night. His eyes lit up as he looked over the text message and replied.

Hey, what's up?
Nothing much bro, at the bar with Web. He's getting a girl. What's with you? ( :) )
Now that the bartender had their orders, the spritely young woman grabbed the bottles needed for the mix, laying out the drinks. Webster laughed a little to himself, prompting Julian to ask if Roxy had gotten anything right, a question he shrugged off. “We’ll have to wait and see will we not Jules?” he could only smile back at his friend, who was equally as clueless on the drink selection. However his eye caught Roxy, who seemed to have a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, a smirk set on her lips.

Tiffany could only assure his friend, starting to prowl closer and closer until Julian actually had the decency to back off. It was actually surprising for Webster to see him react, as it spoke great lengths about his current relationship. Except Jules was just answering his phone, saying he had to check it since it might be Monroe, despite the fact he mentioned them going to a bar.

Webster just shook his head “Why would you tell her you’re going to a bar?” his confusion lilts his voice.

Roxy leaned in between them, making Webster try his best not to adjust himself “A girlfriend?” she wonders. Webster realizes quite late that if Julian had a girlfriend and would leave the cougars strictly to him. However, he nods carefully to her question – “Oh that’s just how younger girls are…always want to know where you are or who you’re with…” she shakes her head in a semi-apologetic way. “They’re so unsure of themselves that they can’t believe in you” Webster was surprised to find himself nodding along.

“I guess” he tried his best to recover, shrugging as the two drinks were placed in front of them.
Tiffany began to inch away from Julian once he mentioned Monroe. Though Julian hardly noticed as he texted a response to Sam. Once he was done, Webster and Roxy were well into a conversation about younger girls. Roxy guessed that Monroe had to be worried about Julian, that she was lack confidence about herself.

"No its not Monroe... It was Sam," Julian said with more energy in his voice as he mentioned his friend's name. "He just texted me out of the blue." Julian had a wide-mouth grin now, a smile larger than when the cougars first sat down.

"He probably just wants a ride or something," Marco thought back trying to keep Julian's eyes on the girls at the table.

However he realized he just jumped himself into Roxy's and Webster's conversation. "Oh, Monroe isn't like that, she has plenty of confidence," he laughed a bit. "I just let her know because I sometimes get lost and get into trouble. You know me," he said gesturing to Webster.

Upon hearing about this other woman, Tiffany has grown in distance to Julian but she didn't seem to give up. Moving back in on Julian a bit, she spoke again. "So you're like a bad boy or something?"

"Nah," Julian said. "Webster's more of the bad boy, he..." Julian stopped himself realizing he couldn't explain their mementos to these women. Instead of finishing his sentence he only laughed. The comment about being a bad boy seemed to have an impact on the cougars at the table though.

"Oh, so you are the bad boy," Roxy asked Webster.
"Sam?" Webster was rather surprised the boy was texting Julian, checking his own phone to see if he got something. Despite there being no alert, he paid mind to unlock his phone to check again, pocketing it when he was sure Sam had just texted Julian. "What was it about?" he had to admit he was curious about the mutual friend. Webster had all but shrugged off Julian's excuse for telling Monroe - he didn't have a problem with it if she wasn't bothering them.

"You have another friend?"
finally the drunk woman's interest was piqued, as she leaned over in a flora dress as she scanned the dance floor. "Where's this Sam?" she turns back to the table with a seductive smile, "Is he with you?" she seemed a lot more forward, even desperate, in comparison to the other two.

"Judy" Tiffany even seemed surprised by her behavior, stressing her name right after the bad boy implications had passed their mouths. Roxanne shook her head at her friend, a minuscule sigh passing her ruby red lips. Webster couldn't help but laugh a little, shaking his head a little himself if only to answer her question.

However, with the first drink of a his Manhattan he realized he still needed to answer to Roxy. "You could call me the bad boy" he shrugs her comment off easily, "If that's what interests you?" He had to play a long, if only because the drink in his hand was good.

"Oh, I know what interests me" is all the woman says in response, a dangerous quirk of her trimmed brow attached.
The lemondrop drink was placed in front of Julian. The drink was in a cocktail glass. It was yellow with twisted lemon and lime rinds in it. Curiously he took a slip of it. It was sweet but had a pinch of sour. The vodka that was in it, which was its main component was almost hidden entirely by the taste of other things. Julian liked this drink, much like how he liked these women.

But not in the same way he liked Monroe or in the same way Tiffany wanted him to feel towards her. He definitely enjoyed the change of pace and he did think these women were nice. Marco felt the same. Marco was dreading this night speaking he saw it as just a repeated excursion to the bar where they would have to be turned down by women. However being asked out and courted by women was something amazing for Marco. It reminded him what it was like to briefly have bodies as women. "Are you sure you aren't single?" Marco jested. "Come now there are some nice ladies here..."

"Nah, they are nice, but not as nice as Monroe," Julian said.

"Nice, I guess. She's pretty nice in bed but she does hit you," Marco said.

"Yeah but I like everything about Monroe," Julian replied. "Plus these women are for Web, not me."

"Even Judy?" Marco said turning Julian's face to the drunk woman embarrassing herself over Sam.

Webster casually admitted about how he was the bad boy of the group and if that's what interested Roxy. However the older woman only smirked and raised her eyebrows at Webster. "Oh, I know what interests me"

Tiffany giggled as a response but inched further closer to Julian, her arm was now around his shoulder. The woman named Judy though just sat moping, quietly she said towards Julian with her head down at the table, "Where is Sam?" she said. "I want a boy..."
Judy was still hung up on Sam, head on the table when she complained about needing a boy - guess the other two had made their claim. Webster was more inclined to the idea of Roxy, who was clearly interested in him, but not trying as hard as Judy. "He's not with us" Webster did not expect Judy to whine into her folded arms, lifting her head with tears in her eyes.

"Oh god, Judy..."
Roxy complained, turning to Tiffany "Will you clean her up in the bathroom" she tried to gestures the two away.

Tiffany frowned, answering with a complaint "but Jules and me were really getting to know each other..."

"What about Sam!"
Judy wailed and Tiffany set to work, getting up and dragging there, much drunker than he thought friend, off to the restroom.

"Sorry about that"
Roxy turns to them with a suave smile, "How are you boys enjoying your drinks?" Webster took another thoughtful sip of the Manhattan.

is good" he really couldn't argue the taste, and the kick was just how he liked it "You know what you're talking about." For some reason it was a lot easier for Webster to be flirted with than to be the one flirting, he knew exactly what Roxy wanted from him. With that same seductive smile she turned to Jules.

"And you Jules?"
she leans her head on his shoulder, and Webster has a sneaking suspicion that she isn't just interested in one of them.
Judy only got more upset as time went on. She really wanted to meet Sam and started thrashing about in her chair. Both Roxy and Tiffany sighed at this dilemma and Tiffany was asked to take Judy to the bathroom. The woman was hesitant though, happy to meet Julian who just nodded to her comments about getting to know one another better. However, with Judy starting to get louder, Tiffany left Julian's side and pulled her up away from the table. Apparently the drunken woman was more or less a goner. Realizing this Tiffany gave up on the pursuit of Julian it seems, her arms only getting to caress his chest and neck.

Marco realized immediately that Tiffany's departure was strategic as Julian looked back at Roxy. It was a power move by the cougar. But Julian was oblivious to all of this - he was just relieved that the groaning woman would be taken somewhere else.

As this all unfolded, Julian sipped on his drink. It was sour but very sweet. Julian loved it. So when Tiffany carted away Judy, he almost finished it. Webster admitted that he liked his drink and Julian couldn't hold back his excitement when asked. "Yeah, its really good," he said in almost a childish way. "How did you know we'd like this?" he asked.

"Yours Jules?"
she said pondering for a second. "Well, it was just a guess. You seemed to be fun-loving guy. Why not give you a fun loving drink," Roxy said. "Though this guy here," she pointed to Webster's face as she snuggled closer to him. "I knew he was a picky guy, so I gave him my favorite..."
Julian gave an immediate confirmation upon being asked, his drink already almost done in front of him. Webster decided to play a little catch-up and knocked back the rest of his, sliding his empty martini glass back to the bartender. The girl with the pixie cut was quick to pick it up, gesturing if he wanted another - Webster was quick to get a round for both of them. Webster wanted to keep the buzz if he was going to play the field with Roxy, getting another drink for Julian to keep pace.

Julian was more interested in how she knew what to get him, to which Roxy replied that it was simply a guess based on the gauge of personality. On the other hand, for him, she had gotten him her favourite drink - knowing he'd be a picky guy. "I wouldn't say picky, I know what I want" he notes, a simple shrug with a signature smirk attached.

"and I know what I want"
Roxanne is suddenly closer in proximity to him, and he smiles shakily, dodging a look at Julian.
With Tiffany and Judy gone, Julian could feel the tension rise in the room. Webster waved over for another round of drinks but Julian shook his head. He was the driver for the evening and he couldn't afford getting too wasted. Especially if Sam wanted to do anything with him tonight or something. "Don't forget I gotta drive," he said to Webster.

However before Julian could say anything more Roxy and Webster were getting closer and closer to one another. Eventually she was up to Webster's face. It was an unusual thing to see, Julian never seen Webster look so surprised in situation. His smile was definitely provoked by nervousness and he kept dodging looks to Julian who only smiled back to him.

Eventually his phone buzzed again on the table, causing him to look at it and immediately receive it. "Another text message from Sam," he said his phone unlocking just by touching it. Julian forgot his password a long time ago. While he typed away his message, he turned his swivel chair away from the Webster and Roxy in order to type his message.

Hey, what's up?
Nothing much bro, at the bar with Web. He's getting a girl. What's with you? ( :) )
Heading home from boxing, there is this totally sketch guy here though.
Oh that sucks, well just beat him up or something. lol.
Don't really though
If you want I can come and pick you up. I do it for Monroe sometimes. We can even hang out if you want.
Instead of helping him, Julian just reminds him that he is the designated driver for the evening, not accepting another round on him. Webster relayed this information to the bartender, instead getting two round for himself, ordering a drink for Roxanne. Maybe it would help him if she wasn't so forward - since Julian was obviously distracted in messaging Sam.

When the drinks arrived he offered one of the martini glasses back to Roxy, who decline the offer with a suave smile. "Webbie, those are for you" she smiles, leaning forward on the bar, "Once you finish them, maybe we can all go somewhere a little more private." Roxy's brow quirked dangerously, touching his arm to trace her manicured nails up.

Webster couldn't help moving his arm away, making a move for his drink in the same motion, to pull off like he meant it. This time he downed the beverage, feeling the liquid course through his veins and take a minimal effect. Roxy turned her interest toward Julian, "What about you Jules? How about you put away that phone and we can have a little fun with the three of us?" she turned towards Julian and put her hand around his phone in a rather strong grasp.
Julian was distracted with the conversation with Sam. He hadn't been given any attention by Sam since the bowling alley, if he was remembering correctly. As a friend, Sam felt distant and Julian was sure he had been basically dumped as a friend several times. However through all his doubts, Sam always surprised him... Though it was always at the weirdest times. Like while he was a bus station. Julian didn't really understand and he pondered what this creepy guy must be like.

For some reason, his imagination drew up a picture of the guy who bothered Monroe a long time ago. But Julian shrugged away the thought. Apparently that guy was dead. A bunch of other people with mementos or something killed him. Still though, there had to be other people who could be problem for people like Sam. They didn't even need mementos to be an issue.Julian knew this from experience with some of his friends and their troubles.

So when Roxy clutched Julian's phone with her manicured nails, Julian responded with a bit more panic than one would have expected. The phone was pushed down to the table and with a question, Julian was forcefully re-included into the conversation. "Go somewhere?" he said. "Sure, I guess," Julian said without really thinking about what was being said. "But what about your friends?" he asked Roxy concerning Judy and Tiffany. "Aren't they going to be expecting us back at this table?"
Webster half expected Julian to say no - if only because he was texting Sam and Roxy was currently forcing his phone away. Instead he gave an offhanded acceptance, making Webster slam back the third Manhattan. A hard swallow later, Webster realized that not only was he willing to stay with Roxy, he was curious as to where Tiffany and Judy went.

"Oh honey, they'll be fine!" Roxanne hooks her arm in the crook of Julian's elbow and he soon finds the other sneaking its way into his. "A little alone time never hurt anyone! C'mon - you fellows need the experience and I promise they won't even notice we're gone" her whitened teeth shine with her grin. Webster took a moment to read into her words, intoxicated enough to need to pause but realizing that she was still hoping for the both of them in bed.

Leave it to redheads to like kinky shit.

"I'm back, Jules baby~" as if on cue, Tiffany shrill voice sounded from the crowd and drew their attention. Webster felt her glare from beside Roxy, the iciness enough to make him shift in his stool - Roxanne on the other hand, remained where she was. Tiffany seemed to take the hint, taking Julian's hand into her own. "You're only seeing Monroe?" the question, Webster senses, is allowed by Roxy, who listens for the answer.
Roxy snapped Julian's arm after he said he was cool to hang out. He didn't at first see the sexual connotations of this action until he looked over to see Webster's face. That was when he realized that Roxy wanted to try and have some fun with both of them. The thought was attractive, mainly because Roxy wasn't bad looking and he did like Webster. But as he looked back at Roxy's face he was reminded of Monroe and immediately wanted nothing to do with the situation - well as long as Roxy stayed involved. However before he could back out or say anything to Roxy, Tiffany returned with her high-pitch voice saying, ""I'm back, Jules baby~"

The woman was excited to see Julian again and he gave a smile back to her. He figured that he was safe but Tiffany stopped before completely grabbing Julian. Roxy was giving her some sort of glare that paralyzed her for a few seconds. In the end she went to the other side of Julian and nestled around his other arm. "You're only seeing Monroe?" Tiffany asked, it was the question Julian desperately needed.

He only nodded at first before speaking up, "Yeah, I would need to ask her if she'd be okay with this," he said removing himself from both Roxy and Tiffany's arms. "I mean unless it was just Webster and me, I don't think she would care then" he said looking back at his friend and chuckling a bit. Julian had a habit of being far too honest. Even though he was trying to reject these women, his answer to Tiffany made it seem like he was invited them to a voyeurism party to watch Webster and him.

Tiffany patiently sighed and then gazed back at Roxy. Roxy though spoke first. "You and Webster?" she asked. "Do you two go that way?"
The way Julian answered Tiffany wasn't what Webster wanted to hear. It first started with Julian saying he would need to ask Monroe if she was okay with it, removing himself from both Tiffany and Roxy. They pouted and frowned respectively, but Jules just had to continue his train of thought, saying it probably wouldn't matter if it was with him.

"I don't think that's how it works..."
Webster shook his head with a deep sigh, but it was far too late - Roxy was wondering if they went 'that way'. "No, we don't" he immediately defends himself "Or at least I don't" he gives Julian a rather waning look. "I like fine ladies like yourself to wake up next to" it was the only thing he said in kind to these women. Roxanne smiled moving from her spot between them to the stool besides Webster.

Tiffany on the other hand was still pouting on Julian's other side, grabbing his arm again "Does Monroe need to know? It's only a night of fun!"
Roxy's worries were soothed as Webster was quick to deny any sort of involvement with Julian. Julian though was still adamant about his commitment to Monroe. He didn't feel like she would respect the idea of him being with another woman. Julian knew from experience there were some women who cared and some women who didn't. The most important thing to Julian though was to please Monroe and that included not allowing himself to entertain these other women at the bar.

However when it came to other guys, he didn't think about Monroe's opinion for an instance. However that was just because he didn't see how it related. So when Webster sighed and began to back out of any sort of admission that he liked Julian, Julian just started to chuckle again. "Yeah, we aren't a thing," he said to Roxy. "I mean, I wouldn't mind it..." he continued while thinking about the time him and Webster shared a tent. "But he only likes women."

"Does Monroe need to know? It's only a night of fun!" Tiffany obstructively said into the conversation after Roxy retook Webster's side.

"Yeah, she needs to know," he said back to her. However Julian felt empathy for Tiffany. He didn't think it was fair to just ignore her as her friend got all the fun. "But we can still hang out tonight. Have other kind of fun," he said.

"So if I were a dude, it would be okay?" Tiffany said confused as Julian explained his own tastes. She didn't respond back to him for a few moments, instead she just sighed a bit before wrapping her hands tighter around Julian's arm. "Alright, I guess you'll do."

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