[Souls of Paranoia]34th Street N - Simon meets Sam [Week 25]


Level 20 Mizard
It was finally winter. Well it had been winter for a long time, but it had only just started to snow. The small flakes were forming a blanket on the ground that Simon purposely leveled as he walked on the mounting piles. Simon liked winter, he enjoyed the briskness the air adopted for several months. He also enjoyed the quiet of a winter night. Snow nights had an unusual silence about them, like the busy breathing of the city was cut short.

Tonight though was not an ordinary night for Simon. He had just left Lucy's home and was debating on where to go. Travis hadn't spoken to him since the incident at the gas station and now the boy felt somewhat lost without his puppeteer to guide him.

Simon had met Lucy only a few hours ago. She was a woman several years older than him with large voluptuous breasts. He met her at a gas station, she was the attendant. Her eyes were drowsy and she didn't seem one bit pleased to be working a single extra shift. However her expression changed when Simon showed up at the register. She gave Simon a weird look. It was a more of a glare than a look, Simon would remind Travis. That was his reason for taking control of her. He gazed back at her even when Travis instructed him to not waste his time.

Travis would have backed off from the situation but something about the woman made the soul pull back from his body. Simon was left to his own devices. So he watched her do her work at the store, he made her mop the floors and give him a bagel. Eventually he asked her to let him see her house. She quickly obliged him, using the very exact words Simon wanted her to say.

He stayed for dinner and then released her from his control. Then she gave him that look again, but her expression was matched with another. The same one people usually gave Simon when they showed up at their house or woke up in their beds. Simon just smiled and took his leave. He put the leftovers in his backpack.

Travis was still silent though, even as Simon walked up to the bus station. Fortunately it had a roof and a bench to sit at, it wasn't just a pole like some on the south side of town. Still - it was a spooky place, even for Simon, who thought of ghosts or a horror game as he approached. The place was dark, only a dim fluorescent light tube attached to the spot's roof lit the place. The street light only flickered occasional. Simon just thought about how someone in the city government didn't do their job.

Alone with just the snow falling from the ground, Simon wished he didn't lose his phone. He had other phones to use, ones that people gave him. But he didn't want to use those, he wanted the one he bought himself. He was certain Travis made him drop it. It definitely seemed like something Travis would do.
It was a late December night that Sam found himself wandering down a cold snowy sidewalk. He was heading for the bus stop so he could get home. He was glad the day was almost over, that he could wrap up into his blankets and go to sleep. He walked with his phone in his hands, trying to ignore the creeping numbness that wrapped up his finger tips.

Boxing was a new hobby for Sam, he had only started about two week ago or such. When he asked Zack about martial arts, he realized that maybe they weren't for him. Fortunately Wesley, or Wes as he was called, had suggested Sam take up Boxing. It would keep him active during the winter and build his upper muscles more.

Sam gave it a shot, and he enjoyed it a lot. He would come downtown every second day or more often to practice and train. There was another guy that was normally there, Chris, who had been boxing for years. He gave Sam a bunch of pointers about how to punch and to avoid injuries. apparently injuries were common with new people, they didn't punch properly. They talked about all sorts of things, careers, relationships and some modern events.

Kim Cake <3
Oh come on, tell me whats up.
No, wait until the dance.
Fine... I'll wait. Anyway, I finished training for the night! Heading home now.

Apparently Kim had a big surprise for Sam at the winter dance, but he would have to wait until then to find out what it was. Sam was sort of confused by what it was, maybe she got a special dress? Regardless of what it was, Sam was positive he would love it. He was already excited for whatever it was, unable to contain his excitement for the coming dance.

After Sam hit send he dropped his phone back into his pocket and cupped his hands, breathing into them to warm them up. It was a cool 19ºF out, not too bad. Sam's black jacket kept him warm, he just neglected to bring gloves. well, he had his boxing gloves in his bag on his back, but he couldn't walk around wearing those.

When Sam arrived at the bus station, there was another guy standing there waiting within the shelter under. Sam just slowed down and decided he would just wait outside of the shelter. he moved over to the side of the shelter and leaned against it.

He looked in at the guy inside through the glass. He was small and scrawny with unkempt shaggy black hair. He seemed almost transfixed on something, but Sam ignored it. Bus stop etiquette dictated that you don't talk to strangers at a bus stop at night. Besides, he didn't want to talk to the guy anyway.
Simon began to rub his hands together to stay warm. He didn't wear mittens, he had forgotten that it would get colder in the nighttime. It wasn't that cold earlier in the day, Simon only brought one jacket. At first it didn't bother him to walk around in the cold without the right attire but as he stopped moving and waited around in the bus station, every little thing started to bother him. The wind, the cold air, the snow. Simon just sniffled, his nose felt frozen. He hated when his nose felt weird because Travis didn't let him pick it. But Travis wasn't here...

Someone else showed up at the bus station, he was taller than Simon but looked similar in age. But the guy turned away from him, instead of coming inside the booth, he leaned against the little glass building. Simon didn't speak up to the man. He knew that it was somewhat awkward to talk to someone at the bus stop. In fact he took over someone before just to prevent them from talking to him. Yet it was cold and Simon began to grow more curious about this boy the more he stood next to him.

Simon didn't understand why the man didn't come inside. It was cold out. Frigid. He should come inside. But Simon tried to ignore him. He looked forward at the road instead. Though as time passed, he kept finding himself glancing towards this new arrival.
As Sam leaned against the glass pane of the buss stop shelter he found his hand wandering down into his pocket and wrapped around his phone. It wasn't because he feared it being stolen, it wasn't a particularly nice phone in anyway. He was just hoping Kim would text back so he could text with her and have something to do on his way back home, yet the text wasn't seeming to come.

Sam tapped his foot as he waited then he pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked on the bus schedule that was posted on the poll. It wasn't coming anytime too soon. Yet when Sam saw the time he was caught up in other thoughts. He texted Kim close too three minutes ago, and she hadn't replied. What was she doing? Did she not have her phone on her? She had it before he started his workout. She had replied then. Was she out with some friends? She didn't say anything about it. Besides, she would still text him... right?

Yet Sam's finger clicked the screen off and shoved the phone away all without his control. "That's just pathetic." Daniel said to him internally, not saying anything further. Sam just sighed and turned back towards the shelter, where the eyes of the man inside of the shelter caught his. They seemed to look at each other for a moment before Sam diverted his gaze back to the ground. Yet When he looked back up, he caught the man's gaze again. this time Sam opened his mouth slightly raised his brow and gestured with his hands. What? At least, that's what Sam was trying to broadcast with his actions.
Simon's gaze fell upon boy outside more on accident than anything else. However Simon retained his staring out of boredom. Upon leaving Lucy's house he didn't take anything to entertain himself. Not a book or a cellphone or even a body to please him. It was probably a mistake. Simon admitted it was a mistake, he got in trouble with Travis when he got bored. Travis though was still away. His thoughts had been vacated from Simon's mind.

He was left to himself, just his own thoughts and his own body. Typically this would be a peaceful moment for others with souls, but for Simon it was unnerving. He was so used to intrusion that he began to expect it. However Travis would become distant at times, retreating to a place where Simon couldn't follow or be commanded to follow. So now his eyes fell upon this newcomer.

Simon wanted to talk with him but he felt uncertain how to start the conversation. So he kept his eyes on the boy hoping he would speak up first. This did not entirely work, the man just giving him a gesture that appeared confused. Simon could imagine that he would be bothered by his ceaseless stare but that didn't stop him. He continued to watch and began to crane his head a bit, before gesturing with his hands for the boy outside the booth to come inside.
After Sam questioned the man inside of the booth as to what was going on, he just crooked his head a bit before making a come hither motion with his hand at Sam, signaling him to enter the shelter. There was a slight wind nipping at Sam's face and hands, but the man in the bus shelter seemed off. Sam didn't want to go in with him, and definitely not after seeing him up close. It wasn't that he looked ugly, or exceptionally off. No, it was just that something about the man reminded him of Troy.

Sam just decided to stop and shake his head no before changing course and standing off from the shelter, his back to building behind as he looked down the road waiting for the bus to drive up. "This guy's odd." Sam thought inwards to Daniel, trying to start a dialogue to help pass the time.

"About as weird as you were." Daniel remarked. Sam smirked a bit at the remark as he pulled the ring off his finger and looked down at it, twirling it around.

"Were? So I'm better now then." Sam said. Perhaps Daniel wasn't too bad after all. It did seem like his life was generally going in a positive direction, with Kim and college ahead of him. Things were looking up, and he had Daniel to thank for at least some of it.
The boy outside shook his head towards Simon. He didn't want to come inside. The idea got Simon thinking: he wanted to know why he would come inside. People always had a choice about these things and for some reason, Simon really wanted to know. He didn't want to just ignore the other person with him at the bus stop. For what reason, he wasn't really sure. Perhaps he was starting to miss Travis talking to him.

Simon tried to think about the other boy's reasons. It was true, the shelter wasn't that much warmer than outside. By the angle the wind blowing, the bus shelter only helped shield from the snowfall which was very light and harmless. So when the other patron turned away from Simon and looked to the road, Simon stuck his hand out. He didn't wear mittens or gloves, so the bored child could feel the snow hit his hand. "This guy is weird," Simon said to a voiceless Travis. "He doesn't want to come inside. I wonder why?"

Simon looked around for a minute, trying not to stare too much at the other boy. However he noticed he had a hard time keeping his curiosity at bay. The road was pretty barren on this night. The city always got quiet on snowy nights. Simon wanted to know why this guy was here at the bus stop, this particular bus stop, and why he wouldn't come inside the shelter if he was waiting for the bus. Simon figured there had be to a story or a reason, so he decided to be proactive.

Walking out of the shelter Simon got up to other boy before putting his ungloved hand on the other's shoulder.
As Sam shuffled back and forth on his feet wiggling the ring between his fingers he felt something land on his shoulder. Sam quickly looked over and saw a hand placed upon his shoulder. It send a quick shock through Sam as he gripped the ring tightly in his palm before turning around to face who the hand belonged to.

It was the man from within the bus shelter. He had stepped out of the shelter into the winds and snowfall just to approach Sam. It made Sam wonder who this guy was, why did he seem so fixated on him? Sam wondered if maybe the bus wasn't a good idea at this late an hour, and especially not with this kind of creep brooding over him. Maybe he was getting ahead of things, but Sam was trying to think of an alternative.

Sam used his one finger to slowly push the mans hand off of his shoulder, following up with a shrug. He furrowed his brow and squinted his eyes as he looked at the man before taking a few steps away and pulling out his phone. Turning away from the man he typed a quick message off to Julian, planning in case he needed a ride.

Hey, what's up?
The man was playing with something in his hands when Simon touched him on the shoulder. The touch was light, but he could sense the man's surprise by the action. Turning to meet Simon's face, the boy felt the burn of rejection. The man just shot daggers at Simon before brushing off his hand and moving away from him.

The other boy was taller than Simon and Simon realized he was more muscular than he first thought. He was sure though how old he was, but Simon guessed it wasn't much more than himself. Trying not to look offended, Simon turned back towards the road. Across the street he could see another man. He was wear a puffed up leather jacket and jeans that hugged below his waist. He had a beanie on of some kind and a cigarette in his hand. Simon though was focused on his fellow bus rider.

Even as he tried to distract himself, Simon got more and more curious. Eventually he just sighed and decided he was done playing games. As he approached the man again, he tried to use his own powers. Feeling Travis's photo in his pocket, he tried to make Sam turn towards him.
After Sam had shrugged the man off his shoulder and stepped away, it had seemed that the man had given up trying to bother Sam. Why had the man been such a pest anyway? when did he feel so driven to talk to Sam? Sam had no idea why, perhaps some people are just odd like that. Yet Sam was interrupted from his thoughts when he felt a strange sensation crawl through his body, starting at his hands and cascading outwards, engulfing his entire person. Then in an instant it was gone.

Sam wasn't sure what had just happened, but Daniel knew. "Someone tried to use a memento against you, that's what it feel like when it fails to work." Daniel explained the feeling very simply to Sam, and with that explanation, Sam turned quickly around to the man. The man had his hand buried into his pocket as he looked at Sam.

Sam took a step back away from the man who tried to use his power. He had no knowledge of what the power was. Immolation? Explosions? Freezing? Mind Control? Or was it something else? Regardless of what it was, Sam was pretty sure any power that would be used on him was likely a potentially dangerous situation.

Sam took Daniels ring from his palm and quickly put it on before running his fingers across it, assurance that it was on and prepared to be used if needed. "Who are you?" Sam finally asked.
Simon expected to feel what he called the "strings" when he used his memento against the other boy. The "strings" were what Travis first called the sensation of controlling another person's body to the much younger Simon. It was a stupid comparison, a reference to how someone could make a mannequin move by pulling and moving strings. But the name stuck for Simon and even though Travis stopped calling the feeling that name for years, Simon was a kid of habit.

Yet Simon didn't feel like he was in control of the other boy. It was apparent almost immediately, mainly because Simon was unable to make him move or do anything as he stared at him. If the other boy was a puppet, he wasn't properly wired. It was disappointing. Instead of walking towards Simon like he wanted, the other patron decided to take a few steps back and ask him questions. "Who are you?" he asked with a glare.

Simon smiled when the man spoke up to him. He would normally have just answered the question directly. Simon having nothing to hide. However Simon was wanting to start a conversation with this other man for several minutes now and he was ignored. So Simon thought it was awfully impolite for this other person to now demand his name. So he looked back at him for a few moments, grinning at how he was now being paid some mind and attention.

"So you do see me!" Simon replied back ignoring the question. "I was afraid I was invisible or something," he said.
"What's up with this guy?" Sam had to wonder, more rhetorically to Daniel then anything else. The man just stood there, smiling at Sam, not saying who he was or what he was doing. Sam was getting a bad vibe from this guy.

"A lot, probably." Daniel retorted. The reply from Daniel did have Sam break his face for a moment as he smirked for a moment before returning to a straight face.

It was at this moment that Sam knew something was up with the guy. He wasn't normal, he had a memento and tried to use it on him. Now he avoided Sams direct question to him. Normally Sam would say something between stutters, step away, try to escape. But something in him must have been different then normal, or perhaps his normal had shifted.

Instead Sam brought his hands together by placing a fist in an open palm and stabilized himself on his feet. This guy was a twig, and maybe it was the lighting as well, but he looked anemic. He was picking the wrong fight if that was what was going on. "Listen up, you're picking the wrong fight here, you wont win."
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Simon's words didn't seem to settle very well with the man. Simon's power didn't work on him, which means he has a memento. Travis and Simon encountered very few others with mementos in the past, but Travis explained that they were immune to one another. To Simon it sounded awfully convenient, like it was some sort of game. Travis laughed at the idea but Simon imagined Travis thought it was a game too. That's why he is always so eager to use his powers.

So Simon was surprised when the man put his into a fist and pounded against the other. The gesture was threatening, especially since the other had pretty good biceps for his size. "Listen up, you're picking the wrong fight here, you won't win," the man yelled at him. The smile on his face was intimidating. The guy definitely had his own thoughts about his strength. It was confidence that Simon could somewhat admire.

"I am not looking for a fight," Simon said. He didn't back away though he got closer to the man. "What's your name? Mine's Simon," he said unsure whether to put out a hand to shake or not. After some weird gesturing, Simon decided against it.
The other man didn't seem all to intimidated from Sam's display, instant stepping closer and fidgeting with his hands a lot. "I am not looking for a fight, what's your name? Mine's Simon," The man asked awkwardly. Sam's face dropped a bit, it wasn't the response he expected, but it left him confused.

"uh... Sam?" Sam said as he scratched his head before looking around the area. He wasn't sure what he should do now, the guy seemed like he was either back peddling or wasn't trying to start a problem. Either way, Sam lowered his hands and shrugged. "What is your power anyway?" Sam asked. Maybe if he found out he would understand what the hell was going on when he felt the power get negated.

Sam didn't feel immediately threatened, and use the moment to text Julian back.

Hey, what's up?
Nothing much bro, at the bar with Web. He's getting a girl. What's with you? ( :) )
Heading home from boxing, there is this totally sketch guy here though.
The boy was named Sam and as soon as Simon explained he wasn't looking for a fight, he backed down pretty quick. Simon wasn't really interested in fighting Sam, mainly because it would probably not end well for either party. Simon could only imagine what Sam's power was and as he looked at Sam's body, he knew he would actually lose in a physical confrontation. Simon would have to use another body if he wanted to win.

Sam though returned to his passive state and pulled out his phone before asking questions about Simon. Simon was happy to see this, speaking he was wanting a new friend that Travis couldn't just make run away or anything like that... It was much more fun to hang out with people when you didn't control them. "Oh my power?" Simon said. "I got a pretty nifty memento. It allows me to control people."

Simon stopped and squatted down on the ground to place his hand on the fresh snow. It was cold and his uncovered hands were already freezing but he liked it. "Not like mind control, more like I control where they move and say and stuff," Simon was drawing a stick figure in the ground. "If you want I'll show you mine if you show me yours..." he said and gestured his head to the man standing on the other side of the street. "I'll be fun. I'll go first if you want."
Sam stood only half listening to the man, staring at his phone waiting for Julian's reply. Yet when he mentioned his power let him control people, it was Daniel who perked up far quicker then Sam did. "Wait, what?" Daniel said, which seemed to prompt the man to explain a bit further. That he controlled their bodies, but not their minds.

The conversation bright Sam back into it when he realized and pieced together the encounter. He had tried to control Sam's body. But why though? Suddenly Sam was thrown back into an alert state, just as his phone buzzed in his hand. "If you want I'll show you mine if you show me yours... I'll be fun. I'll go first if you want." Simon said.

"I uhh..." Sam started as his phone buzzed once more. He didn't know what to say. Yet maybe this man in front of him wasn't all there. Sam would probably do best to remain mostly anonymous. "Sure, but there isn't really anyone around..." Sam said, trying to dissuade the man's show and tell. His phone buzzed once more. it seemed Julian was flooding him in messages, but he didn't want to look, not now. He decided at this moment, Simon needed his attention.

There was something off, but Sam didn't know what.
Simon was pleased with how the conversation was going. Explaining his power seemed to raise Sam's interest in the conversation and now Simon no longer had to worried about him trying to start a fight. Hesitantly, Sam seemed to ask about Simon's power. Simon wondered if it was reluctance but by how quickly Sam put away his phone and was now ignoring its beeping, the thought of his disinterest was abandoned.

In a well-mannered way, Simon honestly wanted to impress Sam with his power. He hadn't someone to discuss his power with in ages. Not since he was years younger and had friends who still saw such powers as cool and not frightening. Yet with a person with a memento, surely it would be different. After all, Sam had nothing to fear speaking he couldn't be controlled to do things he didn't want to do.

Additionally Simon wanted to showcase his power to Sam because he was curious about Sam's own power. Whether his power was underrated in comparison to his own or if Sam power would dwarf Simon's ability.

So when Sam raised some objections, Simon was quick to put them down. The boy had his mind set on showcasing his powers to Sam. "Oh there's somebody around," Simon said with a grin and gestured to the man across the street. "So what would you want me to do?" he asked as he stared at the man.

Right as Simon asked, the man began to walk haphazardly back and forth before twirling in a circle. "I can make him dance, I can make him run in a circle, I can make him steal a car," he said now laughing. "What would you like to see?"
Simon explained that there was somebody around as he drew Sam's attention across the street to a man waiting at the other bus stop. The man started to walk back and forth before twirling around in circles in place. As this occurred Simon started to laugh and ask what it was Sam wanted to see.

Sam felt very uneasy about this, as from what Simon had said, that man was fully conscious as this occurred. He had just lost all control of his body. "Nothing really..." Sam replied, hoping he would drop control of the man's body. Sam was starting to feel right about Simon being off. He seemed to enjoy controlling people a bit too much.

"Anyway, I think I forgot something." Sam said as he pulled out his phone and quickly replied to Julian. Sam took a few steps backwards as he texted before turning to walk away from the man. "Anyway, Maybe I'll see you around..."

Hey, what's up?
Nothing much bro, at the bar with Web. He's getting a girl. What's with you? ( :) )
Heading home from boxing, there is this totally sketch guy here though.
Oh that sucks, well just beat him up or something. lol.
Don't really though
If you want I can come and pick you up. I do it for Monroe sometimes. We can even hang out if you want.
Yeah, I'll be at the gym off of 37th street.
Simon tried to contort the man across the street to dance and move in different directions. However Sam's face didn't seem amused, his expression hardly changed. It wasn't the reaction Simon wanted to have, if he could control Sam he would make him smile. But he remembered that he couldn't control Sam, as that was the point in having friends with mementos. It was cool with Simon though, perhaps the joke wasn't that funny. Sam wasn't six. A man dancing wouldn't impress him.

In fact, as Simon thought about it more. He agreed. The dancing man was boring and he tried to stop his laughter without sounding awkward. Sam's disinterest didn't just manifest in silence though, he started to shift in his place before grabbing his phone and talking about leaving the bus station.

Simon was confused. He figured Sam would at least want him to do other things with his puppet or at least engage in an argument about which one of their powers was better. Simon panicked for a few seconds wanting to grab Sam's hand but was uncertain what to do as the man started to turn away. "Anyway, Maybe I'll see you around..."

"Wait, wait" Simon said urgently. He ran up to the side of Sam, completely forgetting about the fact he was waiting for a bus. "Sam, wait," he repeated. When he caught up he tried to grab Sam's shoulder. "You didn't show me your power," Simon said with an air of innocence. "I can go with you if you forgot something, or you can just show me your power. Come on, I gotta see it."
As Sam found himself walking away from the bus stop the man, Simon ran up to him and placed his hand on Sam's shoulder asking him to wait up. When Simons hand touched Sam he quickly shook it off and turned to face Simon, while baking up for a bit of distance. The man asked about Sams power, how he had to see it.

Sam figured that maybe that would get the guy off of his case and leave him alone. "uhh fine." Sam said as he started to rotate the ring around his finger. His entire had began to glow before his tentacle extended off of his hand outwards.

Sam had sent the tentacle off across the street and he had the hand grip onto the street light. "That's all it is." Sam said, and with a thought the hand collapsed through the poll and retracted back to his hand before vanishing. "Anyway, I gotta go."

With that Sam hoped Simon was sated, and he could just walk off in peace.
Something stirred in Simon when he caught a glimpse of Sam's ring. The other boy twisted it on his finger when he agreed to showcase his power. The object felt familiar, but Simon wasn't sure how, speaking that he had never seen Sam's ring before. However once Sam's power started to activate, Simon realized that it wasn't him remembering things - it was Travis.

Sam had a pretty cool power in Simon's opinion. However once the tentacle came out and grabbed a street light, Simon could feel Travis's presence grow. The old puppet-master had returned from his slumber. Simon felt his joints moving against his will again, and the voice that Simon had grown accustom to hearing reappeared in his head. "Simon," the voice said in a somber tone.

The feelings flowing through Simon's head were intense the moment the monster awoke. Simon's face turned grim but still had the same grinning smile he had on before. Except now when he spoke, his tone sounded completely off. "Daniel!" Travis said as Sam was turning his back and walking away. "Daniel... Daniel..." Travis repeated his voice getting quieter. "Is this where you have been hiding?"

"Uh, Sam, " Simon said in a quieter voice to Sam. However Travis was already in full control, the strings of the puppeteer tugging the man in the street. The man no longer danced, instead he reached down and pulled out his switch-blade. "Travis is awake."

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