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Rapper, writer and just genuinely a neat guy

Joe was sat on the train, conscious of his proximity to the man next to him, feeling uncomfortable in such closed surroundings. He started to think about the future in Southampton. Not only would he be going to university here but he would be meeting his one true love, Samantha. He hoped her journey was ok and that she would be waiting for him like she promised.
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Sam was on the train platform, waiting for the train to arrive nervously. She'd arrived a few days earlier, getting settled in, and was more nervous than she'd thought she would be. Running a hand through her hair, she checked the time on her phone for the fourth time.
As the train got close to the station Joe started to get nervous. What if she really hated him in person? He knew he'd be all shy and awkward around her, he hated himself for it. He wished he hadn't eaten his lunch as they went past Birmingham this morning as his nerves made him feel hungry
Sam looked up as the train pulled into the station, gripping her phone tightly. She took in a shaky breath and readjusted her thick framed glasses. She began to repeat reassuring words in her head, looking down at her shoes as she did.
Joe remembered the blue tac and started to use and mould it to keep his hands preoccupied and quieten his nerves. He looked out of the window as the train stopped, he could see her waiting but didn't stand up straight away
Sam looked around as people started to file out, nervously scanning the faces for the one she wanted to see. When he wasn't there she grew panicked and pushed her glasses onto her head, taking a seat on the bench on the platform. She continued to look around, trying to take soothing breaths as she did.
He was the last person off the train, his rucksack on his back and wheelie suitcase behind him. He carefully stepped over the gap between the train and the platform, heeding the message given to them by the announcer before looking around, not seeing Sam anywhere
Sam spotted him and smiled brightly, standing quickly and hurrying over to him. "Joey?" she said softly as she stood to his right, looking up at him nervously.
"Sa..." His mouth dried up "Sam..." He couldn't say her name. What a fool he was. After about a minute of standing there, trying to say something he managed to say "Sammy?"
She laughed and took his hand shyly. "We'd better get you some food then," she said, smiling up at him before tugging on his arm gently.
He relaxed slightly "do you know where?" He asked, his voice still nervous
She paused for a moment and shook her head slightly embarrassed. "I haven't been here that long," she said quietly, looking down at her shoes.
He smiled at her"it's ok, this is a train station, there's bound to be some sort of vendor somewhere" he squeezed her hand before blushing himself
She smiled back and squeezed his hand, interlocking her fingers with his. "I'm glad you're here," she said softly.
"A...are you?" His nerves were back, he used his spare hand to fix his hair properly so it wasn't getting in his eyes
"Of course I am," she said giving him a strange look before realisation washed over her. She withdrew her hand quickly and muttered an apology. "Sorry, I just assumed..." she said trailing off.
She folded her arms across her stomach, and smiled at him. Her smile wasn't as bright or joyous as before, ans as she spoke it faded significantly. "I assumed that you would... it's not important," she said before staring to walk slowly towards a vending machine.
He followed her, wanting to say something but not able to find the words "if...if it makes you upset...then it is important to me"
She stared into the vending machine, not looking at him as she spoke. "I assumed that you'd still want me. I'm sorry," she whispered as she slid her glasses back down onto her nose. As she did this, her hair fell forward, surrounding her face.
He put his hand on her shoulder "of course I do. Why would you ever think otherwise?"

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