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Fandom Soulmates? Soulmates. [FlorenceTheDragonGirl]

Hero of the Wilds

From Courage comes Wisdom and Power.
Link grunted a little some as he climbed over a fallen log, trying not to move his injured arm as much as he could despite the makeshift sling he had made out of the scarf he had found wrapped around his neck when he had come to a little while ago. "Just...where am I?" He muttered to himself, as dark blue eyes scanned the seemingly endless forest.

Unknown to Link, hours earlier, he had been in command of a squad of soldiers under the rule of Queen Zelda had been dispatched near Hyrule Field to help out of the outposts there to deal with a group of large monsters that seemed to all of a sudden sprung up overnight, when they had arrived, it was quick to say that despite the extra help, they were still slightly outnumbered and, in the confusion, he had somehow gotten separated from the squad and knocked out.

Rubbing his forehead, he lightly winced as he soon settled against a tree to rest for a moment, tugging at the tunic and chainmail that he wore in a small attempt to cool off, his slightly tan skin flushed red from what could only be described as the start as a very nasty fever. "What's...going on with me? I need to keep myself together..."

Little did he know, that in the weeks leading up to this, he had started to develop what others called Bond Sickness, a sickness that attacks a person's body when they haven't bonded with their soulmate, and that just around the corner, he would find his mate.
Athia watched Link from a distance and smirked as he sat under the tree. With his injuries, she knows that she can quickly overpower him. She quietly moved through the brush, looked at the purple and red crystal in her hands, and decided to put it in her bag.

For the past few, weeks she had been traveling the kingdom, getting information on the Queen, and through her travels, she had learned of Link, a knight close to the Queen. He is the best way to get a message to her.

Athia decided to reveal herself and says, "there are many things wrong, Queen's pet." she walks out of her hiding spot. She is holding a short sword while her bow and arrows are on her back.
Startled now when he heard a voice, his good hand reaching down to grab his sword, only to wince mentally when all he grasp was air since he had lost his sword somewhere in the fight, it wasn't the Master Sword, which had been laid to rest once more after the battle with Ganon's monster forces a year or two ago.

Judging from the horrible state of his clothing, Link looked like he had gone a few rounds in a monster camp and had come out the loser, before he had somehow wandered to his current spot, there were twigs and leaves stuck in sweat-soaked hair, having lost his hat somewhere in the middle of the fray, looking nothing like the well dress Captain he usually was when tending to his duties.

"Who...are you?" He questioned, using what little strength he had to stand up on wobbly legs while using the tree for support now, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to get much-needed air into his lungs as he struggled not to fall into a coughing fit from the simple act of standing up.
Athia smiles and puts her short sword away. "I would say I'm a messager, and you're going to get the message," she says to him. She looks at him sadly because of his state, "but I do need you alive to take my message," she says and sighs.

She walks up to him. "I'm not going to hurt you, so don't try anything stupid you will just hurt yourself," she says and puts down her bag and takes out a blue crystal. Then her chest tightens up, and she starts coughing. After her coughing fit, she noticed that she coughed up some blood "not again," she says to herself.
Link looked at the other very warily, mostly because he wasn't sure what this girl was up to or what her plans were for him as he watched as she approached him only to take something out of her bag, however his wariness turned to concern when he spotted the blood she coughed up.

"Are you alright?" He said, reaching out to try and help her despite being injured himself, when his fingers brushed against her arm, a jolt all of a sudden ran between them, causing him to flinch back a little and rub at his injured arm.
Athia felt the jolt and backs away from him "what did you do" she asks him threateningly. She then moves her hair out of her face and looks at him again.

She pushes the blue crystal towards him, not wanting to touch him "just hold that so I can heal you, ok," she says to him. She's not going to heal him fully but just enough that he can get back to the castle
Link fumbled a little bit when she had all of a sudden pushed the crystal towards him, as he did, the scarf shifted lightly to relive the start of some kind of marking only to slightly hiss back at her, mostly because he didn't know and he was starting to feel a little irritated because of his fever.

"I didn't do anything. Must have been static or something."
"ok, now just let me heal you," Athia says to Link, and she starts humming a melody, and the crystals that are on her earrings start glowing. "Day to Night, dark to light, Fall the sands of time. Let the years like the gears Of a clock unwind," she sings, and the blue crystal that Link has starts to glow as well.

"In your mind, walk through time Back to better days. Memories, like a dream, Wash tears away. Like a star in the sky, Darkness can't reach you Light the night, joy is light, Till the new dawn. Castaway, your old face, Let go of your spite. With this mask, I'll ask To borrow your light." she finish singing, and most of Link's injuries start to fade except his broken arm. "feeling better" she asks him

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