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Fandom Soul Eater: Wretched Souls

Maxwelle said:
Storm sighed, running her fingers through her long hair. "Alright, Alright. But I might be a little worse than usual... just a little. Not enough to actually matter when it comes to our victory," She replied with a smirk. She looked to him and waited for him to change into weapon form. "Are they alone?" She asked, referring to a group who'd recently shown. "Are we fighting with them?"
@Maxwelle @Tricksterfied @Gabauchi @Peaceswore @The Suspicious Eye

The Clearing

Theodora glanced over at her partner for a second as he suggested things of what to do with their time now that there was no fight that was going to occur. She forced a fake smile when Kona laughed about craving souls, and that they should just go out and do a mission. She nodded, looking straight forward and thinking once more. Then was Theodora complimented by her partner. "Excuse me? Cute!?" She growled, clenching her fists. "Don't compliment me, you creep!" She added sharply, looking over at Kona with hard eyes. And then he tried to refute his compliment. "Well, that must be just what you are then, you perv." Theodora said with irritation as she noticed that her Weapon was blushing after calling her an idiot. She wanted to hit him or something, but a small part of her wanted those compliments. The other part wanted to vomit.

Right as she rose her fist at him, a girl came up to them. It was Candy, the girl who planned the entire failed mock fight. "What the hell is this? Where's the fight?" She asked with crossed arms and a frown. "Wait, what do you mean, 'attack'?" Theodora asked as she stepped back and braced herself, looking around the surrounding area as if something were to come that was unexpected. And suddenly came a shadowy snake her way. Not caring much about what Kona did, Theodora quickly stepped back and clenched her bandage-bound fists. Now came a male known as Tatsu, with Candy's weapon form in hand and ready to strike. Her first reaction was grabbing the snake cane right as it struck towards her. No stinging pain came, because she never felt any pain anyways. So, the cane lay grasped tightly in her hands, Tatsu holding it by the top. "I mean, sure, surprise attacks are pretty useful and good for an advantage, but not very helpful when your enemy has fast reflexes and can't feel pain." Theodora said with a devious look in her eyes as she twisted the cane quickly in her hands and shoved Tatsu backwards.

Then, before she knew it, darkish carbonated liquid drenched her figure, causing her to scream out from the sudden wetness. "WHAT THE HELL!? WHO THE F*CK-!" she screamed as she wiped her face from all the liquid. It was soda, of all things. Hers and her partner's reactions were very similar, filled with hatred and abhor. She looked around with predatory eyes, trying to figure out where the sudden soda attack came from. Her sharp green eyes scanned the area, as she then saw a figure sprinting away towards the academy. Theodora knew she heard a loud sound of someone jumping down to the floor. With all sudden and insatiable rage, she began to sprint after individual with a killer composure. "Oh, you're DEAD!"




@anyone else I missed

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Kona smerked and ran with her he then turned into a weapon " throw me at him i'l grab him" he said inraged byt he person as her grip was tight on hi. He knew she was angry at the guy and hoped she would catch up to him and kick his ass. He waited for her to throw him he wanted the first punch and kick the guy's or girl's ass for what thay done. he then begun to get roe and more angry at the time. he wondered if the guy thought it was a joke to stop a fight or that thay have nothing better to do in there pathetic existence then to stop other's having a good time there worthless pathetic and should never come to the acadamy int he first place
Clearing then Death Room

After recovering from the shock of the soda blast, Tatsu looked at their teachers new form. "Um, ok, Weird." He thought to himself.

"Well, I guess we can do this another time guys. C'mon Candy, lets get ready, I'll meet you in the Death Room after I get showered and change." He said, As he headed to the Academy's locker rooms.

Gah, the soda got everywhere, he thought as he washed off in the showers. Damn, I don't have any spare casual clothes, Tatsu thought as he changed into his PE clothes.

Stepping out of the locker room he hurried to the Death Room, wondering what was going on. When he arrived he saw Lord Death and a couple other teachers as well as other students who were called up. "This should be fun." Tatsu thought sarcastically to himself.
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-The Hollowed Glade--- Locker Room

"...Oh, wow, you managed to lift me. Hi there!" Candy appeared in the blade, once again, and waved to Theodora. She had on one of the largest grins on her face for her angry... well, Candy considered her a friend. So we'll say Angry friend.

But that's basically when the mystery man, Kain, came in with all his gangster glory. Candy was totally expecting gold teeth to fall out of his mouth with that getup.

Hah. Wouldn't that be fun.

But Cain had important news! They were expected in the Death Room. Candy seemed to get the point that they had to be there quickly, too.

"...Fight postponed, everyone!" She cried out in her weapon form. It flashed once, twice, and Candy reverted back to her normal form. Her loud voice echoed across the now dew-soaked clearing. "It looks like Lord Death is expecting us."

And Candy ran off to the Showers.

Showers ---> Locker Room ---> Hallway ---> Death Room

It took about ten minutes in all for Candy to hop in, Hop out, sport another Lolita dress, and storm into the Death room. She ran down the hallway and stopped at the entrance with dramatic flair.



The Nurse nodded politely to the bowing Cain, turning to the patient in her bed. "Well, since you don't seem to be injured in your legs, I can assume you can make it to the death room, right?

"Yeah... I'm not THAT weak, eh?" Khuxo offered the blond a half hearted smile, slowly rising up to shake off the fatigue in his limbs. The nurse walked to his side and quickly dispatched the IV from his arm, covering the wound with a cloth and band-aid.

"You're all set to go.

"Thank you. And also...."

He went over to his partner, smiled, and took a step forward. He hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Thanks for taking care of me." He murmured softly, but loud enough for the general vicinity to hear. He released her and took a step back toward the wall.

"I have to ask, though." Khuxo mentioned while he grabbed his coat from a nearby hook. He turned, ever so slowly with a lithe grace, to the man with the purple hair, an eyebrow raised. "... Hua, why are you here, anyway? Not that I'm not...pleased, but man. You gave me a heart attack."

@Ranmaru @Aroura
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Leaving the fields heading for the death room

"Hahahaha! We effectively pissed of two people! Hahaha You better run!" Shing shouted as he laughed since he was safe from the extra movement in his weapon form. "Haha Let's go to Death's room! We may be safe there...or we'll get reaper chopped....either way! Run!!" He shouted happily giving him the best moral support he could.

@apoliseno @PlaguedWithInsanity @drummerboi
(( I should let you all know I had a very loud laugh after reading all of the reactions xD )) Sprinting Back to Campus from the Clearing

Ethan was laughing like a maniac while he ran from the two pissed off students behind him. He occasionally held Shing over his shoulder and fired a couple warning shots to get them to buzz off so he could stop and laugh some more. He reached into his pocket and grabbed a firecracker from his pocket and tossed it behind him.

"Well... You see..." Hua began with an only semi-cautious tone. "When two people run by you and nearly knock you off your toes with their speed, you tend to get a little curious as to why, you see. Sorry for the heart-attack though! I suppose that would be rather counter productive."

Running Towards Campus

Theodora had always been a fast runner, blessed with a tall and lithe form with long legs and a slim body, as she sprinted as fast as she could towards the one who had committed the crime. Her hand bandages got wet with the splash of liquid, and now they were gross and soggy. Once she got closer to the fleeing person, she could hear his laughs, thus revealing to her that this was a prank of some sorts. Now, he was going to die for such a stunt. It appeared the male was part Weapon, as he pulled out a gun and fired a couple rounds in her direction. Soon had Kona come to her side, running as well, as Theodora was soon equipped with her partner's rapier, clenching down tight on his hilt in her palms. She sped up the pace, avoiding all stray bullets that flew her way...well, until one hit her in the upper thigh. Being with her condition, she didn't feel anything except for a small poke in her right leg. She fought against the backward inertia as she heard her Weapon speaking to her. Kona had told her to throw him at the person of the crime, and she blatantly refused.

"No, I'm going to do this. I told you to never tell me what to do." Theodora said to her weapon with a rather rebellious tone. She continued her pace until she noticed that she was slowing down a little. Assuming that it was just from fatigue, she flanked around the flying firecracker and kept on. She wasn't going to let this person get away, even if he had the most fabulous red trench-coat. "You coward! Face me and fight like an adult!" she yelled at him as she was able to get closer and closer, totally avoiding the trickling thick liquids that ran down her thigh. Theodora's long legs provided quick and long strides towards the enemy, although she was never a track star, and obviously this other male wasn't even close to that either, but it was quite the blessing in this situation. And this was why she excelled in combat in close quarters Now, she was hot on his trail. Using her long limbs to her advantage, she reached out, slicing out at the air, merely inches away until she once again began to slow down, cursing to herself. Because of being overcome with her rage, Theodora was not able to reason, distracted even from the instructions from the school's loudspeaker that commanded everyone pertaining the fight to report to Lord Death's room as soon as possible.

Inches from the fleeing individual turned into feet and further even though she tried hard to push herself to stay with the male. Theodora just couldn't, and she blamed it on fatigue because she just couldn't feel the burning and piercing sensation as the bullet wound swelled crimson at her thigh, spilling with blood. "F-f*ck!" she hadn't yet stumbled, yet she was still pushing her limit. Even though she couldn't feel what was skin-deep to herself, her body definitely was showing such signs of fatigue and weakness from an injected bullet.


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Running towards the campus

Kona finally realized what happened and he was angry more angry then he had ever been. He wanted to kill the guy who done this to his myster and when he meant kill he mean's to shove that guys weapon down his neck and rip it out when he's done. No one harms Theodora on his watch without ether getting a beat down or a talking to if he ever see's that guy again head's will roll. With one final vow to himself he shifted back he walked towards Theodora obviously keeping pace with her "your leg is bleeding it is highly unlikely you'l be catching him up now. please just let me help you" he said he cut a piece of his shirt with his hand which was still a rapier and looked at her hoping she would let him do it. He always liked the fact she would never give up but that often leads to her downfall she needs to learn that enough is enough at time's

That's it.

I'm going into story write mode.)


"Yes. And when peeping toms sneak into your hospital room, you tend to throw pillows at them." The voice was soft and faded from behind the mask, but clear enough to bestow the musical quality it had to it. Khuxo crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, the perfect image of a man who was entirely done with Hua. Nevertheless, he smiled a wry smile. It wasn't his fault that he got hurt, and apparently he just wanted to see what all the commotion was about. that's what any curious person would do, really! Isn't it in human nature to find out all they can about what is around them?

He put the coat on his shoulders. It fit him like a glove, and his purple eyes were enhanced in their color. Beautiful, some might say. He continued on. "That nurse, though... she seemed more afraid then me. At least that part of my pride is intact.' Khuxo sarcastically droned. He was talking to Hua as if he were an old friend he had missed.

While the conversation took place, he noticed the movements around him.

The lights in the room softly swung with the breeze coming through the open window, as he had one of the window beds.

The Nurse moved from her position to greet a new student coming in,

And his partner slowly fidgeted in her worry, looking at the wound on his arm.

"I'm assuming you're that flirtatious weapon I heard about. You don't come to class, as much as I know. Kind of made a name for yourself, eh?"

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(( Thanks for complimenting the trenchcoat :) )) Sprinting Away From Forest

Ethan's luck for the day hit home when one of his random shots hit the pursuer. He heard her yelling at her weapon, which probably wasn't the best thing to do when you've been shot. Before she dropped back, he yelled as he ran, "Better luck next time sweetheart!" He then started laughing as he cleared the forest and ran back onto campus grounds, but not at the actual school.
Headed to the DWMA

Anneke sighed, and locked up her home. She then turned, and started walking to the Academy. Her eyes scanned the people she passed, looking for familiar faces. Of course, she saw none, and continued walking. She had no idea where her weapon partner Hua had taken off to, and frankly, she wasn't worried about it. She reached the academy, and began climbing the steps, sticking to the side. She had learned early enough to not walk in the middle, as people tended to dash up the steps alot. Eventually she reached the top.

Traveling the halls, going to the Death Room

Anneke made her way through the halls, and into the Death room. She entered and walked tot eh end of the tunel, only to stand a bit seperate from the teachers and other students. She wasn't really sure why she had come here, but it seemed like a good place to be currently. She was curious as to what was going on.
(no problem; it's fabulous! :D )

In Front of the School

Theodora cursed to herself multiple times, hating herself for her own weakness, that in which she thought was fatigue as the sight of blood hadn't yet caught her attention. Her running was now at an awkward limp, and now she knew something must have been wrong, but not a bullet of course, she was just out of shape, or so she thought. Kona had transformed back into his human form and had inevitably stopped her in her tracks. She pushed against him to move, even trying to swerve around him, but he wouldn't let her. "What the hell! You're letting him get away!" she growled, her bright green eyes on her Weapon. She was mad at him for stopping her, but also mad at herself for her own weakness. He stopped her and told her about the wound on her leg. Almost instantly had her mood become more calm. "Oh crap, Was that from one of his bullets or something?" she asked, honestly confused about the random bullet in her thigh. Theodora merely shrugged about it.

With her condition, she never understood what the big deal was about blood and bleeding, much less about why some people freak out when injured. It was all incredibly foreign to her. Kona then turned his arm back into the blade of his rapier and cut off a piece of his shirt and brought it towards her. "Kona, I don't need a tourniquet. It's just a small flesh wound. It's okay." she assured him, not wanting to make a big deal out of a mere small bullet in her thigh. Theodora glanced back at the male who was running away, as he then shot rude words her direction, about having better luck next time he pulled a trick. He even called her sweetheart. Theodora gagged at the word, because that was something she was far from being, and that was a word from some sweet, nice girl, not an absolute rebel with quite the temper. She quickly pushed her partner aside and was about to run again until somewhat stumbling. "I'll kill him!" she growled viciously with a bright flame in her green eyes.


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Closing in on the school

Shing let out a yawn as he watched the girl chance them again. "That girl is an idiot." He said casually as he watched Ethan run. "......... I'm kinda bored....and I want something sweet." He muttered as he let out another yawn.

in front of the acadamy

Kona strides in front of Theodora "Theodora stop!" he said looking at her as he then held her in place "i don't want to see you hurt yourself anymore ok" here said crying "just stop and listen to me i have a voice don't I!" he said that last part echoing threw the academy. He was getting tired of being silenced he wanted to talk and was going to do it regardless of what she was going to say "i don't.......i don't want to see you hurt" he said as he looked at her his eyes crying teardrops. He then looked at her with more of a serious expression " i feel it's my responsibility or your safety and seeing you injured just makes me guilty for seeing you without someone anyone caring about you" he said as he looked at her slightly upset she was just blatantly ignoring his help

Outside the School

Ethan skidded to a stop right outside the building, panting between insane giggling. "Heh....heh......heh....woo. That....was.....fun." He waited for Shing to transition back into his human form.
Outside the school

When Ethan stopped running Shing was enveloped in a red light before he moved out of Ethan's grip and shifted to his human form. He stretched when he was out and than grinned at his miester. "Yeah it was..that was a great laugh and a great workout, I'm exhausted." He joked as he patted Ethan on the back. He reached into his case and pulled out two soda cans. He handed one to Ethan as he opened his. "I guess we should report to the death room...." He said nonchalantly as he took a sip of his fizzy drink. @apoliseno

"Now, Now, was the pillow throwing truly necessary?" A slight smirk formed on Hua's face as he asked the question. He had a slight hurt tone in his voice but in reality he was being more slightly cheerful yet sarcastic at the same time. He then walked to Khuxo's side and put a hand on his shoulder much to his silent dismay. "Besides, what's life without a little surprise every now and again? Though, I must ask, what reputation might you be speaking of?"

Outside the School

Ethan playfully shoved Shinji around. He also grabbed a soda and cracked it open, suprisingly thirsty from his sprint. "Why? We weren't in that fight, and I'm sure I heard someone say only the people in that fight had to go."

Outside the school and some what to Death room

Shing stumbled a bit let out a small laugh as he shook his head. "No I think everyone from our class is suppose to go...I'm not sure, but unless you want to risk getting reaper chopped again....I think we should." He said as he took another sip of his soda. "Either way I'm going." He stated nonchalantly as he started to head to the room only to take a wrong turn. @apoliseno
Infirmary (warning the Yaoiz are strong in this one (

"Yes, it was completely necessary. You could of been a stalker- oh wait." Khuxo held up a finger with a chuckle, then quickly apologized. "Hah, I'm just kidding. I know you weren't going to do anything to me."

And then he had to dare ask about his reputation.

He truly didn't know?

"This one right here."

In a sudden movement, Khuxo had Hua's face in his rather pale hands. There was absolutely no form of hesitation, no form of 'I'm going to regret this', just action. It was what Khuxo was famed for in the academy. He only ACTED. He went about the man's features, simply feeling the skin his fingertips found there in a mockery to his very namesake. Thin fingers wrapped around his jaw in an evil grip that refused to let go. His eyes were half lidded, and his smile suddenly grew to proportions to the purple haired man's own. His stance was suddenly on edge, leaning in slowly with a lanky body that looked quite flexible for it's thinness.

"Oh, my darling.... " He purred in a low voice that was barely audible. With the fluency of a cat, he leaned in....

Aaaaand then he pushed him away.

"Well, I'll be damned. Should have gotten in the acting business."

Ranmaru (..what? All he did was push him away in a horrifying way 8D

...do i ship it. i dunno. Like broskis.)

@Ranmaru because for whatever reason, this didn't send.)
The Hall leading to the Death Room

Karine sighs- having run as soon as the Soda Bomb was flying; agilely flipping away, and still getting soaked. She's just finished getting changed in her dorm room- and is now sprinting to the Death Room; hoping that Dusk is following. She's making rather good pace, for someone who had to pause to get changed- as she frets quietly, but keeps her exterior as calm as possible.

"Dusk, C'mon! Lord Death wants us!"

@Moody Blues
In Front of School

Right as she was about to run again, Kona stopped Theodora in her tracks. "Get out of my way, or I will hurt you, Kona." she sternly threatened, barely listening to what her partner was saying. "I'm not hurt. It's just a bullet!" she reiterated, frowning when she saw Kona begin to cry. With a loud crack, the back of Theodora's hand smacked across her partner's face, leaving a bright red starfish on his check. "Get ahold of yourself. You're acting like a baby. I never said you didn't have a voice, either." Theodora was too stubborn to even admit that she was as stubborn as she was. She then tore the piece of fabric from her partner's hand and then began to wrap it around her thigh. Then did Kona mention about not wanting to see his Meister hurt, and that he felt as if it were his responsibility to make sure of her safety. As well as him talking about caring about her since she had no one else to do even that. Theodora looked at him with wide eyes, almost as if shocked; she was totally ignoring the red liquid dribbling down her thigh, turning her dark leggings even darker and crimson instead of navy. "I-I don't need anyone to care about me, because no one has anyways. I'm used to it by now!" Theodora said, looking straight into his eyes, with her own eyes softening, her expression appearing almost helpless in the situation.


"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

The Hall, leading to the Death Room.

Dusk Sternhaus stumbled and tripped over herself, attempting to follow her partner. Unfortunately, she was quite dazed and tired and had a difficult time keeping up. But, she managed and picked up the pace for the good of the outcome. "Hold your horses, I'm coming, Death can wait." She called ahead at Karine, trying to defend her slow pace.

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