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Fandom Soul Eater: Wretched Souls

-Inside / Outside the Infirmary-

Oh yeah, Mikan tried to bulldoze the poor guy in her rush to get help for the poor boy. But that's just how that sort of thing worked.

The nurse didn't really do much, just walked out of the room that Khuxo lied in with a dark blood sample, and offered Mikan an apologetic look. She was trying her hardest to work with fast hands...

Surprisingly, the blond didn't notice Hua and his shenanigans. No, he had free reign to sneak into the room, apparently.

The room was off white, like everything else. Khuxo was just starting to wake up, his eyelids struggling to retain their own weight. But purple soon overtook his face once more.

At least he was still among the living.


@Ranmaru @Aroura





"Hey-lo there!" The purple haired young man said with a hand raised in greeting. His tone seemed a little too cheerful for the situation though. Oh well! Either he just didn't care, or he was more oblivious to some things than the others could possibly imagine. Or he was just trying to make a ssemingly grim situation a little more bright. Yeah... We'll go with that!

{I'm actually working on an AMV to that song right now, I HAVE to send it to you when it is done!

And yes, it is great! You should listen to the rest of that band's songs if you haven't. I have a link to the full album.}
In the Infirmary


The situation wasn't getting any brighter. It only made him scream a bit louder. And that was just a little sad- because this was one of the darker guys in the school. He acted calming and soothing to his weapon, sure, but not to other people. To other people, he was snarky and sarcastic, with a little bit of trickster on the side. He certainly didn't scream like a girl, and CERTAINLY didn't scream at all!

And then he started throwing pillows at the other purple-haired man. They were soft, fluffy, probably filled with feathers. In his panic, he didn't realize what he was doing. The IV shook with each throw, his heart monitor skyrocketed, and everything was one huge fun mess.

@Ranmaru @Aroura
"AIEEE!" Hua shouted as he dodged two of the fluffy projectiles. Not that they would hurt or anything, but really, that would catch anyone off guard. "Oh dear, oh dear... Can I just say that went sooo much better in my head? Sorry for startling you, but it would appear that this would be an instance of curiosity killed the cat so to speak!"
Mikan heard screams of terror and that was it she went of the deep end her fearful face turned into a blank one as she cracked her neck to the side. She moved in frount of the door that contained her mister and kicked the door off of it's hinge with her bandaged leg to see two figures in the room. With a blank stare she looked at the purple haired boy and with an expressionless voice the girl asked "what do you think you are doing in here?" Her arm began to form into a weapon ready to strike down the boy at any second "you plan on attacking him while he is weak huh?"
Hua eyes widened. As if this little mishap couldn't get any worse... Oh, wait. It just did! "Oh no! I would never attack anyone while they are down and weak! That is a dreadfully terrible move of cowardice! No, I was merely curious as to why the two of you were dashing away to here so quickly!"
Infirmary. YES, Four people in that small room.


Scratch that thought, Hue, things got even worse....er. The nurse, having done with her blood test due to the...strange disease that had attacked it, had went to give Khuxo his results, as well as his meister. But instead of finding her patiently waiting and wrapping her bandages, the blue-eyed nurse found EVERYONE in the hospital room, pillows strewn about in a haphazard mess and feathers casually floating on the gentle breeze. And this caused a chain reaction.



Growling from an angry girl with a blade for a hand.

...Was that someone crying?

It was now quite crowded in there, when Khuxo lifted his hands and yelled loudly: "WHY DO YOU HATE ME!?"


What a sentence to scream. In any case, it quieted the room down from the constant screams they were exchanging.

"Er, um... yes. I think I have the test results." The nurse waved a chart haphazardly in her hand. She didn't look too happy about it, either. She had on her best poker face after the mishap.

(Random Note- @Ranmaru was there to witness it, but i wasn't. -tear-)
"Hello!" Yes. That was the only word that Hua had decided to say. And no. It did not help matters.

{Oh gods that was beautiful! Our art teacher kept criticizing his detail work and by the fifth or sixth time he just shouted, "BROWN!! WHY DO YOU HATE ME!?" In a practiaclly sobbing tone. Gods I feel so sorry for her and the fact that she must deal with our antics on a daily basis. We were talking about murder methods for some reason today (don't ask) and she walked up right in the middle of the conversation, and gave us her "what on Earth are you people doing" Look!}
In the Infirmary

She retracted her blade and walked over to where the nurse was to re-attach the door the rest was not her fault "I am sorry" she said like she normally would and she moved side to side she was obviously nervous she had never heard of his condition and was worried for his well being. "Well wha-what does the doctorate files say, th-the tests" she said with a louder composure but that signature stutter still there right were it should be.

(Thank you for informing everyone of that -__-)
Hua kind of tilted his head to the side slightly, but finally decided to stay out of this for a few brief moments.

{You are most welcome! :) }

"Hello." The nurse deadpanned,fighting the urge to hit him with a clipboard. And by hit, I mean slam his head down into the floor with the wooden object. Very nice. Very subtle.

She turned to Mikan, her expression turning into one of concern. "Well... from what I can see, his blood tests are quite impressive, actually. His immune system seems to be working into overdrive, higher....er, cell count, faster..."

Khuxo did not see how any of this led to their little episode. With that dark voice inside his head, what could he have possibly done to his partner?

"...my only conclusion is that he managed to get into contact with Black Blood. From what little we know of it, and the darker color, of course. It isn't full blown... but Iheard the story of what happened, and if you tried to resonate with him, Mikan..." she frowned, and the clipboard came town into her other hand. "... well, let's just be happy that you had your wavelength, or you'd be on your way to having the same thing. Permanently."

(@Ranmaru you are welcome 8) )
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Hua was pacing at this point. He wasn't sure if he was allowed t say something right now, or if he was going to get whacked really hard with that clipboard. Right now he was more leaning towards the clipboard meeting his head than the other option.
"this is boring why the hell were waiting so long if the person doesn't bother showing up in 10 muinites im going to consider it that the person forfeited" he said looking at his myster hoping she would agree with him he isn't going to allow some unworthy punks waste there time because they got a little boo boo they need sorting out. He then continued to be inpatient as he begun to tap his foot "it's really starting to get on my nerves" he said as he looked at his myster hoping she would think the same. He then begun to spoke to her "what do you think do you think this is a waste of time" he said looking at her he then sighed maybe he was being to harsh on the kid but for all he know's thay could be talking and goofing off in the infermary
Micheal was lazing in the staff office, drinking some tea, trying not to think. Thinking hurt to much these days... Lazily, he got out his chair, and flopped over towards a large tin. Removed a biscuit, and dunked it in his tea. "Damn this is boring........" he said before taking a bite out of the soaking biscuit.
Forest Clearing

Theodora placed her hands on her hips, as well as a small pout of disappointment. She really wanted a fight, but no, there was an accident of some sorts. She looked over at her partner, his disappointment also highly evident. "What do you suppose we do now then?" She asked Kona, looking around the clearing. There was definitely blood staining the grass in some places, so someone must have been injured. It's a damn shame... Ruining all our fun... She frowned as she thought to herself. Theodora absentmindedly played with one of her lip piercings with her tongue, something she did when either bored or stuck in thought. She tapped her foot impatiently, looking around the clearing. She needed some sort of excitement.


"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

"hmmm how about we go on a mission we havn't doe one in a while and plus i would liek to have a soul to eat rith about now" he said looking at her laughing lightly as he then continued to look at his myster "anyway by the time we get back the fight would probably be back on schedual right?" he said as he then continued to look at her he always liked the way she fiddled with her piercing he found it kind of cute "you do know you look kind of ute when you dot hat right" he said looking at her he released what he just said and tried to recover "well if your a idiotic 10 year old that is" he said folding his arms "idiot" he contineud to look at her blushing slightly
Forest/Tree Overlooking the Clearing

Ethan sat on a tree branch in the forest with Shing next to him as they observed the happenings. Ethan was just casually (and violently) shaking the huge soda bottle with a mischievious grin on his face. 'Man this is gonna be so funny,' he thought to himself.

Tree overlooking the clearing

Shing smirked when he saw two people there. "I'm ready when you are." He said as he shifted into his pistol form. "As soon as you shoot we book it." He said as he waited or Eathan.

That clearing

Candy suddenly frowned and looked up from her cane, feeling as if something deviously devastating was going to happen soon. She didn't know what.. but from her gut instinct, it was going to happen.

It was like a creepy sixth sense to her. Nothing big. Sometimes her intuition was wrong.

"Oh, you two are leaving? Well, come back soon, eh! I think we're all just waiting for someone to attack." The blade spoke with a happy tone. Once again, proving she had not a care in the world.

Candy sang a tune to herself after calling out to the Meister and Weapon pair. It seemed to be an upbeat song about... death.

And devils.

And evil.

How odd.

@PlaguedWithInsanity @drummerboi @ShadowedNexus
The Glade, I mean Clearing

Tatsu was a bit disappointed with all the people leaving "Less targets for us," He said to Candy. He tightened his grip on Candy's handle, and readied his stance. He got a strange vibe from Candy and the song she was singing, "Hopefully nothing bad will happen," he thought to himself.

Tatsu took a breath and then focused his mind, all that mattered was the fight.

"Well, we have all been waiting long enough, I say first move wins here." Turning to his shadow snake, "Attack!" He ordered in a loud voice.

As soon as he saw movement from the snake Tatsu got ready, and Charged.

@PlaguedWithInsanity @drummerboi @Peaceswore @Anyoneinthefight
Tree Overlooking the Clearing

Ethan grabbed Shing with his off hand and chucked the volatile soda bottle into the clearing. He fired one shot, and it exploded. It sent soda everywhere in the clearing, coating nearly everyone and everything. He jumped out of the tree and broke into a dead sprint back to the academy
Kona was pissed how wanted to kill whoever done that " I'l Kill whoever done that you hear me YOUR DEAD!!!!!!!!!" he said as he ten looked at the soda bottle he will for now find out who drinks this type of soda that way he will know who done it. after his little rage fit. He then looked at the others "as much as i want to kill the basted who thinks there so grown up even though thay secretly wear disperses shall we continue the fight" he said slightly pissed off now and want to get all this anger out. He then begun to look at the others with a death glare if the cowered would even shown himself he would not hesitate to put him int he hospital.
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drummerboi said:
Kona was pissed hew wanted to kill whoever done that " IL Kill whoever done hat you hear me YOUR DEAD!!!!!!!!!" he said as he ten looked at the soda bottle he will for now o find out who drinks this type of soda that way he will know who done it. after his little rage fit. He then looked at the others "as much as i want to kill the basted who thinks there so grown up even though thay secretly wear disperses shall we continue the fight" he said slightly pissed off now and want to get all this anger out. He then begun to look at the others with a death glare if the cowered would even shown himself he would not hesitate to put him int he hospital.
(( Ooo, he sounds angry xD . I AM AN EVIL GENIUS ))
The clearing / Glade... You know what, it needs a name. So we shall call it...

The Hallowed Glade

"Well the world's full of hypocrites, so how can it be...."

Wait a minute, what was that flying in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane... Its-


It was an oddly familiar taste when it came splashing down everywhere. The fizzy substance literally splashed the blade in the beverage, causing Candy to inwardly freak out. Because, as we all know, Soda makes things rust.

But on the other hand... Candy loved soda. So she was mildly content.

Another song popped into her head, something about a Smooth criminal and the crimes he got away with. She resisted the urge to sing, instead choosing to watch the empty bottle crash to the ground.

@Fight people 8)
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