Soul Eater: Wretched Souls - Tower of Wrath

I Think Someone Should Check A Clock In The Colliseum Because I Think It's GO TIME!!!

Ethan thought he would show a little mercy to these two later, but now they crossed the line. They got his favorite/only red trenchcoat covered in crap, so now he was going to set flashbang grenades he would 'borrow' from one of the teachers in their apartment and set it off when they come back with hangovers. He set Shing down carefully on a patch of cleanish ground and slid the coat off, revealing a plain, dull grey t-shirt that exposed his somewhat muscled arms. He was a runner, not a lifter. He picked Shing back up and spit off to the side, waiting for the next wave of opponents.


@The Suspicious Eye

Wrath's tower - The keeper

The keeper looked down upon the group that had entered, they were skilled. All that was needed was two to finish off that wave. The keeper smiled down at them all, satisfied with the fresh meat that just entered the coliseum. "Lord Wrath. I may have found some fools worthy of challenging you." The keeper rang a nearby bell that signaled the start of the next wave. "Challengers! Show me what you are capable of! Fight!" The next wave came out of the gates and into the coliseum.

((Yall dont need me to start the waves. Once all the enemies in a wave are dead then anyone can start the next wave.))

@shortyshot8 @Ranmaru

@The Suspicious Eye @Atom
Getting real tired of these crappy enemies and wanting to fight

Alph sighed before speaking "Alright Travis it's time to transform!" He yelled over to Travis knowing that without a weapon neither of them were going to make it out alive he thought to himself "Come on! This is so damn boring!"

~Transforming in the Excrement Coliseum~

Travis frowned when Shing never answered his question, feeling himself like it was his fault somewhere, and he felt terrible about it. He looked down at his hands on his lap with a sad frown at himself. He soon looked up however and watched as everyone began fighting against the upcoming enemies, so he looked over at his tall partner as he then told him that it was time to transform for him. Travis nodded, looking over at him and obliging. With a bright light had his form transformed into a golden lance and flew up into Alph's arms.


"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
~Transforming in the Excrement Coliseum~
Travis frowned when Shing never answered his question, feeling himself like it was his fault somewhere, and he felt terrible about it. He looked down at his hands on his lap with a sad frown at himself. He soon looked up however and watched as everyone began fighting against the upcoming enemies, so he looked over at his tall partner as he then told him that it was time to transform for him. Travis nodded, looking over at him and obliging. With a bright light had his form transformed into a golden lance and flew up into Alph's arms.


"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

(Who is going to control it? xD )
shortyshot8 said:
(Who is going to control it? xD )
(... Control what?)

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
(... Control what?)
"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

(Us xD )
shortyshot8 said:
(You're the Meister... So HMM. I WONDER. )

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
(You're the Meister... So HMM. I WONDER. )
"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

( xD My bad my bad I will work on a post right now)
About To Kill Another Set of Enemies

Ethan looked towards the new wave of enemies with Shing in shotgun form in his hands. He charged forward at the new wave, blasting his shotgun at the approaching enemies. Four of them dropped dead, but a fifth ran fight in front of Ethan, who promptly slid under a sword swing and srtuck his palm on the enemy, activating his Phoenix Strike (self-named Soul Force), which blazed red and orange as a small aura phoenix rammed into the enemy and sent him flying into a lava pit. Ethan began to back away as he pulled the trigger once more, missing his target as he was on the move.

Kill Count This Wave: 5

Bozos Left: 5

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