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Soldier X Friend

Cecinia Prikl

New Member
Evelyn walked into her living room. She turned on the television before she grabbed a magazine, opened it and began reading it. She was practically completely unaware of her surroundings.
Exiting the taxi that had dropped him off, Tucker gave him a small tip and then got out his other two duffle bags, including the one that was already on his back. Pausing for a moment as he looked at the house before him, Tucker then let out a small sigh and headed for the front door. He really hoped that Evelyn hadn't moved away since he'd been...gone. Tucker had no parents to call and let him know that he was okay since he found out that they'd been in a car accident while he was deployed. The next closest person he could think of seeing was Evelyn and they hadn't talked in years. Hoping Evelyn was home, Tucker put down one of his duffle bags and then rang the front door's doorbell.

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