Chitchat So... how did you come up with your username?

Started with Vasey104. Vasey is my surname, and I happened to be a fan of Spartan Frederic-104 from Halo at the time. Over the time it went to Vasey105. I'm very creative.
Many years ago I came home from school to have my parent tell me "We have Xbox live and our tag is LocoCrazy". Yup. That's it.
I was on a philosophical bout when I came up with TheQuestionsThatRemains, which is way too long to have as a username on multiple websites, so, also having a bit of rereading of Homestuck around that same period, I changed it to fit the style of usernames in Homestuck. The first letter is still caps simply because prefer all the words to start with a capital or none of them.

So now I'm here, with a somewhat vague, somewhat philosophical, somewhat subtly Homestuck username that I use on various websites, while the very long one remained on that sole first website. Also, it's hardly ever taken, or at least I've never had it been taken, nor have I seen a very similar username.
Not the most creative of things. James is my name translated into English, and Koach was my nickname in high school.
The American Kestrel is a type of falcon. They are the smallest in the US. My avatar is a female Kestrel. I did volunteer work at a local raptor rehabilitation center for 4 years. One of the birds I got really close to was a little female Kestrel named Tasha. My friends began calling me Kestrel, and now it's my username for a lot of stuff online. Some people have shortened it to Kes.

I've been working on a story for a while now. In the story, a wood elf is banished and has to go to a human boarding school. Her roommate is a guardian angel, who was assigned to protect the humans. I'm this world, the guardian angels have the wings and personality of a bird. The elf's roommate is Kestrel. The school was based off of my school, and the angel and her human friends are all based off of my friends, so Kestrel is basically a cooler version of me. That's how I picked my title Angel with a Shotgun. It's one of my favorite songs, and Kes definitely is an Angel with a Shotgun.
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Mine was originally a nickname. I'm pretty short, and a few years back, I was even shorter. My friend Ellie started calling me 'Munchkin' and it just kind of stuck. I really liked it, so I used it as my username on something... I don't really remember what it was, but obviously, 'Munchkin' was already taken. So I started thinking 'what sounds cool?' Well, 'MunchkinTheMunch' did, and I've never, ever, been on another site and met someone with that username. My friends still call me Munchkin, and I still use MunchkinTheMunch as my username... In everything, really. Although at one point I did consider changing it to 'Sandwich.' Hm.
I chose the "daffodil" half because the daffodil is my favorite flower. I was fumbling around for the second half of my name and came up with "inquiry." "Daffodil Inquiry" sounded like the name of an investigator's practice. I liked the idea, so I went with it.
ViVi is my favorite fashion magazine. wannabe is something I hear a lot in the aspiring model/fashion industry/enthusiasts. (more often than not its dismissive) so, since I'm essentially trying to become a ViVi ideal I thought it fit~ plus, I just think it sounds cute. <3
Aha, “meraki” is actually a greek word, meaning: the soul, creativity, or love put into something; the essence of yourself that is put into your work. I chose the word as my username because I thought that it perfectly describes the way I write. Easy as that. ^.^[/size
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Well my username is simply my name. Well my pen name. How I came up with that name I looked up last names that go with my first name Michaela. But overall my username isn't really anything special, simply a name.

-Michaela J. Seabrooke
So I used to go by StrawberryCow (before I signed up here I think... :| ) Then I got bored of it so my sister helped me come up with something prettier and girlier. We came up with TenThousandWishes. I changed from that when I realized it was REALLY long and I got really lonely... And my profile picture at the time reminded me of stars. That's how LonelyStar was born. I mostly go by FallenStar now though... I really want to change my username.
Honestly, my life has been chaotic for a while now and I'm not very good at choosing usernames. So this was the best I could come up with.
While it looks like a random collection of letters that rhymes with "soap", I stole it from a song title. It's an acronym of "Only A Plank Between One And Perdition", from the Final Fantasy VIII soundtrack. I registered the AIM screen name and kinda just rolled with the handle after that for like..10 years. Changed it when I realized that sharing an online handle with people I work with wasn't the best idea. Brought it back for this site to rekindle my love of writing.
My mother came up with the name years ago. It was back when I started using the computer and she made me Webkinz account. From then on I've pretty much used it for just about every internet related account I have made.
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I have a fondness for black and white pictures, but Monochrome was already taken.

So I decided to be edgy and original, using all capitals and a 0. Coming up with M0N0 because It looked cewl and swaggy.

no i am not named after the disease you peasant
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I once read the story of "The Little Match Girl" explained as a metaphor for how dangerous it is to dwell in fantasy instead of facing your problems in real life, so my family and I call it "matchsticking". Like if we catch each other playing video games too much we chide each other for matchsticking.

I named myself rachelsmatchstick to remind myself to stick to roleplaying in my downtime only. Obviously my name is Rachel. xD

Well, my nickname comes from back in highschool when I was trying to join a forum with the username 'folklore.' However, when I found that name taken I intentionally misspelled the word ^^; hence 'folclor' and it or variations of it have been my username ever since.

Well, my story was quite absurd, but nevertheless, all the more generic.

I was in a Rp site, and was thinking of a username, and reading about some biology bullshit. When, suddenly an idea came up on my head! Since I was reading about elephants and their other counterpart, the hyrax. I was thinking why anthrax and hyrax shared similarities, but then again, most things do rhyme at some point. The name, I thought up at that point, was 'Elephantman'! Unfortunately, it was taken, so I was pretty much heartbroken. I then devised up a simple brainstorm paper plan, where I mixed names, numbers and other stuff. Things got a bit more complex when I started to include ghost-related names such as phantoms and spectre. Finally, I gave up and decided to copy my other usual gaming profile name, Metroliver or deranged koala. When I understood when suddenly all the mechanics and scientific theories about the term 'name" sprang up on my brain. Using some complex mathematical solutions, I devised the perfect name, Elephantom. And that's just about it.

Well, the metroliver was all too generic. It was a PSN account, and I was thinking of hobos and their living conditions in metropolitan subways and then... Well, you get the idea.

And deranged koala was a name I devised while I was talking with a friend who happened to be in Australia, my first skeleton was 'crazy kangaroo' but apparently, I decided that it wasn't humorous or psychotic enough. And well, instead of choosing 'maniacal enchilada', I chose 'deranged koala'.

And that's all my name histories and origins.
This is probably the only site I've ever told this story to that won't laugh at me.

Back in the late 1970's/early 1980's I started getting into D&D. My first character's name was Edrondol Longbeard, a Dwarven fighter. Fast forward a decade or so when the internet started getting big. I find that I need a unique name to log in to different places. I tried to use my nickname from the military - Turbo (long story) - but the first place I went it was taken. So I used Edrondol. Turns out it's so unique that I still haven't seen it anywhere unless it's associated with me somewhere online.

So it's the name of my first D&D character, not a medicine like some people think. ("My head hurts! Time to take some Edrondol!")

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