Six Weeks In Paradise [Inactive]

Monroe smirked softly when he grinned and leaned a bit closer to him, intrigued by his attitude and watching him closely. "Hi Boyd." She replied back with a raised eyebrow, looking him over and thinking yet again that he was handsome. She just hoped that he would be fun, as she was an adventurous spirit who liked to have a good time. As much as she would go it alone at the beach, it would be nice to have someone to enjoy it with as well. At his question, she thought about it for a few moments and tapped her foot against the edge of the bed. "Hmm, swimming sounds really nice. Probably a bit of tanning and photography here and there. I don't know how to surf though." She chuckled with a shrug, glancing at him again.

Monroe got up and crossed the room toward her suitcase, opening it up and beginning to unpack her clothing.
"So why did you decide to sign up for this trip?" Roe asked curiously, moving toward the dresser and placing some of her clothes in it. Though it was very luxurious, she found that sometimes people tended to go on trips to escape certain situations, though she did not want to assume anything. She continued her pattern and then glanced back at him with a smile, running a hand through her strawberry blonde hair and waiting patiently for an answer.
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"Okay, cool! Thanks Ryan," Vanessa smiled brightly at him, skipping off graciously to the bathroom. Not wanting to keep him waiting, or to take too long, she quickly undressed and put on her bathing suit. She came out of the bathroom and gestured backwards with her thumb, "Your turn." She smiled, and like him, sat on the edge of her bed, swinging her legs as she waited for him to reply or move. "I can't wait, this sounds cheesy, and it rhymes, but the water looks great." She laughed, and emphasized the great to express her feelings for the clear blue water.
Boyd nodded and put on his sunglasses, preparing himself for the outside. He had been excited to go swimming and meet different people since he wasn't from here. I could teach you if you want. It's kinda hard but you just need balance. He said looking over to a larger bagged up piece of luggage. He pulled out a surfboard and laid it down.

I signed up for this trip because sometimes you need something new, you know? Different people, nice weather, fun restaurants, no limits and parties. It's perfect. He shrugged, taking the sweat pants he had on to reveal purple and yellow swim trunks on. He was ready since it was bright outside and the sun was blazing.
Monroe looked at Boyd with intrigue, raising an eyebrow and turning away from the window to look back at him. "Hmm, I just might have to take you up on the offer. Just don't laugh if I keep falling in the water because I'm not brilliant when it comes to keeping balance." She chuckled softly with a shrug, walking over toward the dresser to pull out a bikini to wear on the water. As they would be going surfing, Roe figured it would be better to wear a shirt over her bikini to make sure everything stayed where it was supposed to be. After finding a suitable shirt, the strawberry blonde hummed softly while she made her way toward the bathroom. When she reached the door, she turned around to face Boyd and leaned against the door frame, taking in his words about needing something new. "I can understand where you're coming from with that. Seeing the same people and things everyday can be a bit of a drag, especially if you want some sort of adventure." She murmured thoughtfully with a nod. She let that sink in for a minute while she gazed into the room, taking a breath and glanced at her roommate once again. "I'll going to change into this and then I should be ready to go." Roe remarked with a gentle smile before disappearing beyond the threshold of the bathroom and closing the door.
Boyd looked at her while she slowly went into the bathroom and he laid his head down on the pillow and looked up for a moment. His heart was racing and for some reason he just wanted to run laps. This girl was a catch and she was going to be spending a while with him in this room on the nice vacation. Boyd didn't regret a single thing when he signed up for this trip and now he understood why. It was all worth it eh?
When Monroe disappeared on the other side of the door, she bite her lip and stood against it, thinking of Boyd for a few moments. Though she tried her best to remain calm and cool when they were in the same room, she could not see pass the point that he was pretty nice to look at and seemed nice. I hope I hadn't been drooling. She thought to herself with a huff, knowing that she would be mortified if she had been caught staring. Despite this worry of being caught, part of Roe was thinking up ideas to catch a few glimpses from time to time.

Walking further into the bathroom to change. Roe stripped off her white blouse and khaki shorts, slipping on her simple turquoise bikini and putting on the white shirt to cover up while Boyd taught her to surf. She pulled her hair into a quick ponytail, glancing in the mirror for a few moments to make sure she looked put together before heading back out there. Carrying her discarded clothes, Roe walked out into the hotel room, smiling gently at Boyd and putting her forgotten clothes on her bed.
"I'm ready to go whenever you are." She commented, moving closer to her things to change into a pair of flip-flops, grab her sunglasses, and shove a few items into her bag that she would bring with them.
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