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Siri's Digital Sketches


vroom vroom
I've been mucking about lately, trying to get a hang of drawing with PS and such, so I figured I'd make a thread to post my crap on. My coloring style and drawing quality seems to fluctuate randomly, and

I don't know why.

I drew this today, of an old OC of mine who's kinda perpetually grumpy and cold.


Why can I only do head shots and not actual anatomy. W hy.
A Friday doodle because it's finally the weekend. ( " u " )

Something about the image looks off to me; I wonder if I uploaded it at lower quality or something. Huh.


Also I tweaked the image and coloring a bit since it was bugging me.

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Wow your art is amazing!! I do have a digital tablet myself but I'm not that good you on the other hand are spot on! I love your shading as well:))
Wow! I'm lost for words! You're amazing c: I can't even draw a stick figure! Keep up the good work.
Holy moly that's beautiful. He looks like the type to brood over everything.

My friend tried to teach me how to do digital art once — the key word being ‘once,’ hah. She deemed me a lost cause after about an hour. Anyway, lovely job! You have a wonderful style.
magicalgirl said:
Wow your art is amazing!! I do have a digital tablet myself but I'm not that good you on the other hand are spot on! I love your shading as well:))

Thanks! Digital art is stupidly hard--the entire thing where you have to look at the screen without looking at your hand is really frustrating. I'm sure you'll get a hang of it eventually! I'm happy you liked the shading, especially since I can apparently never draw two things with the same shading or coloring style.

Narumi said:
Wow! I'm lost for words! You're amazing c: I can't even draw a stick figure! Keep up the good work.

!!!! Thanks, and I'll try to!

If it makes you feel any better my stick figures look like Ts with circles on top. ( > v > );;

Purist said:
Holy moly that's



He looks like the type to brood over everything.

My friend tried to teach me how to do digital art once — the key word being ‘once,’ hah. She deemed me a lost cause after about an hour. Anyway, lovely job! You have a wonderful style.

Ahhhhh, thanks!

In my folder all of the pictures of him are literally titled along the lines of 'Grump #1', 'Mr. Brood', 'I'm too cold to smile', tbh.

I didn't expect people to like my drawings this much, so thank you all for the compliments! ( ; u ; ) I'm

really bad

at expressing gratitude, so all I can say is thanks.
LOL, Grump #1 — that's fantastic. I applaud your humor. :P

I absolutely
love the hair and the lips in the second drawing.

Purist said:
LOL, Grump #1 — that's fantastic. I applaud your humor. :P
I absolutely
love the hair and the lips in the second drawing.

Thank you,

thank you

, let me take a bow. My sense of humor is


sophisticated and—wait.

Those lips were such a pain to redraw over and over, so I'm glad they turned out and that you like them! Thanks!

Koukla said:
How cute! I'm just in love with this style of yours. Does your brooder have a name?

Yay! ( ' v ' )/ Thank you so much!

Aha—he does, in fact, have a name. Grump #1 has the name of Kade (or, if correctly accented, Kädé), which looks far more complicated then it it? It's pronounced


Usually I just write it as Kade for simplicity's sake.

I suppose I could write it as Kadae instead, though...hm.

While I'm at it, I should probably name my second OC that I drew? The girl is named Maria. Just Maria.

I don't go crazy with accents on all my OC's names, promise.

( > u > );;
These are great! And I know how you feel about only being able to do headshots, im the exact same way.

someone pls help my poor ninja tree child

A WIP that's purely self indulgent??? I have no excuses.


how does one do hair
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Lowkey develops a Naruto RP character before the character-creation phase has started. ( > u > )
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oh these are great!! I love the tones you use for skin colors, you have a really nice style that blends cartoon and realism :' ) keep postin'!!
migraine said:
oh these are great!! I love the tones you use for skin colors, you have a really nice style that blends cartoon and realism :' ) keep postin'!!

Ahhh thank you so much! ;u; I've been working on developing more of a style, so I'm glad you like it!
Don't mind me stalking all the other artists here. Pretty much everyone has said everything already, but oh gosh. I love your art ;~;
radiochai said:
Don't mind me stalking all the other artists here. Pretty much everyone has said everything already, but oh gosh. I love your art ;~;

*has also been casually stalking all the artists*

Thank you!! ;u;

is totally about to go stalk your art thread bc i just discovered you had one
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Hahaha I see that you found it. <3 I feel like all us artists should start a RP focused on art or something. Like that Pixiv Fantasia or whatever it is.
radiochai said:
Hahaha I see that you found it. <3 I feel like all us artists should start a RP focused on art or something. Like that Pixiv Fantasia or whatever it is.

I found it indeed. x)

Ahh, an art RP would be so cool! I think Pixiv Fantasia is a competition or something, but I've seen some of the artwork for it around and it's really nice, tbh. But an art RP would be loads of fun! I've actually been in a few before, but I don't know how legitimate they were since they were all on Flipnote on my DSi, lol.
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Oh really? A competition? I always thought it was something like they give you a world and you create characters and interact with each other. Hmm. Oh well. I also saw something art/rp wise on Tegakie. Not sure if the site is still up or not. Or I could dig the post up.
I'm going to be honest: I don't know? I looked it up and it said it was a competition, but there might be other takes on it, idk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I just looked it up and the only thing that came up was a Japanese site or something so it might be down??
Yeah, Tegakie went down on the 31st of October, but supposedly there will be an archive going up at some point, so I might be able to find it in the future. Oh well, whatever Pixiv Fantasia is, the whole idea of creating characters and throwing them into a world to interact with other character still sounds fun though~


A commission I did for a friend of her D&D character! The shading and stuff is a bit simpler than I would've liked it to be, but it's my fault since I procrastinated until the deadline and eh.


those are zills in her hands, btw.

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