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Realistic or Modern Sins and Virtues: Daycare and the End of Days

Renn Skye

Two Thousand Club
The goal is to have a comedy-esque roleplay that's all about fun, quirky characters and humor diven. We are looking for a paragraph plus in terms of posts but it's supposed to be pretty light-hearted and fun so don't take that 'detailed' heading too seriously - we're all here to enjoy ourselves after all!

Here you can find the required character sheet! All parts are (mostly) necessary, but the one that carries the most weight is the writing sample. You don't have to use the same coding I've provided here, but if you want to there's a fully written code below that you can use (just copy and paste it and put in your text where it says to) but just in case... this is what it should look like if you choose to use our coding! If you choose to do your own formatting just make sure that all the same information is there in some way, shape or form!

If you have any questions feel free to ask me or my CO-GM @The Succubi Queen

Character Catchphrase Here
Character Name Here



Name goes here


Self Explanatory


Orientation here



Gender Presentation

Appearance Age



Other Notes



Since I'm asking for a writing sample I suppose one paragraph should be fine here, as long as it gets the point of the character across. If it's just one quick line that doesn't give much information it won't cut it though... You certainly don't have to keep up with my (excessively long) personality sections, as I know I tend to go overboard. Feel free to add in personality types (myers-briggs, etc., etc.,) or anything of the sort.

Past Interaction

Remember that comment about how the rules were repeatedly broken? Yeah, that's by the sins and virtues - each of our characters should have interacted with Zeredah in some small way during her early childhood (she is now six!), so give a brief description of that interaction here - it should be something small, and linked to their sin or virtue (for examples check out Queen and I's CSs). This doesn't have to be more than a sentence long, but you're welcome to write it out.


Please remove your own sin/virtue from the list.

Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Your opinion on this character.
Writing Sample

This should be self explanatory. You can write a new one or pick a past roleplay response, be it a starter or a response. This is the part of your application that affects acceptance most.

Character Catchphrase Here
Your Characters Name


Name goes here​


Self Explanatory​


Orientation here​


image link goes hereGender Presentation

Appearance Age



Other Notes


Since I'm asking for a writing sample I suppose one paragraph should be fine here, as long as it gets the point of the character across. If it's just one quick line that doesn't give much information it won't cut it though... You certainly don't have to keep up with my (excessively long) personality sections, as I know I tend to go overboard. Feel free to add in personality types (myers-briggs, etc., etc.,) or anything of the sort.​

Past Interaction

Remember that comment about how the rules were repeatedly broken? Yeah, that's by the sins and virtues - each of our characters should have interacted with Zeredah in some small way during her early childhood (she is now six!), so give a brief description of that interaction here - it should be something small, and linked to their sin or virtue (for examples check out Queen and I's CSs). This doesn't have to be more than a sentence long, but you're welcome to write it out.​


Please remove your own sin/virtue from the list.
opinion about the character goes here~
Writing Sample

This should be self explanatory. You can write a new one or pick a past roleplay response, be it a starter or a response. This is the part of your application that affects acceptance most.


The catchphrase is intended to be pretty tongue-in-cheek sitcom style comedy so a classic catchphrase or witticism your character is likely to often use (not actually required to use it repeatedly in the roleplay). Just in case that was confusing!

For your convenience here's a list of the available characters!



https://www.rpnation.com/threads/sins-and-virtues-daycare-and-the-end-of-days.176141/#post-4562113 - Played by

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11751-the-one-called-x/@The One Called X


Temperance - reserved for off-site member making an account


https://www.rpnation.com/threads/sins-and-virtues-daycare-and-the-end-of-days.176141/#post-4551520 - Played by The Succubi Queen


https://www.rpnation.com/threads/sins-and-virtues-daycare-and-the-end-of-days.176141/#post-4551444 - Played by




https://www.rpnation.com/threads/sins-and-virtues-daycare-and-the-end-of-days.176141/#post-4549588 - Played by by

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/2335-renn-skye/@Renn Skye



Humility - Claimed by





https://www.rpnation.com/threads/sins-and-virtues-daycare-and-the-end-of-days.176141/#post-4549529 - Played by Renn Skye

Envy - Claimed by Celebi



https://www.rpnation.com/threads/sins-and-virtues-daycare-and-the-end-of-days.176141/#post-4571858 - Played by




https://www.rpnation.com/threads/sins-and-virtues-daycare-and-the-end-of-days.176141/#post-4552050- Played by The Succubi Queen


https://www.rpnation.com/threads/sins-and-virtues-daycare-and-the-end-of-days.176141/#post-4583311 - Played by Emem


The child, Zeredah Tybal, will be an NPC largely written by Queeny and myself, and we'll have her CS up shortly so you can have a sense of who she is, etc.,

Feel free to reserve a character in the OOC or by PMing me!

As a final note... the goal here is to have a comedy-esque roleplay that's all about fun, quirky characters and humor diven. We are looking for a paragraph plus in terms of posts but it's supposed to be pretty light-hearted and fun so don't take that 'detailed' heading


seriously - we're all here to enjoy ourselves after all!
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Of course I can do that! I happen to be an expert in it, actually!


Dallin Azamat Haben


Why Pride, of course


Pansexual Aromantic (He'll sleep with it but he won't love it)


Gender Presentation


Appearance Age

Somewhere between twenty-one and twenty-five, it often varies due to dress


Black, kept in length with the fashion of the time which in modern day it's between short and medium and often kept in a carefully pre-tostled way, with the intent of looking carelessly good, as if he just woke up with it looking that good (in reality it takes





Other Notes

Dallin takes his appearance very seriously - he's constantly well put together, his hair is always perfectly styled, even if it's styled to look like it's a mess (carelessly casual). He prefers well tailored suits in terms of clothes he likes to wear and is a sucker for Italian shoes, particularly in black leather. He always makes a point to be well dressed, and anything and everything he wears is hand tailored to fit him precisely as he wants it to - even his t-shirts are custom made ("Nothing but the best, why would I bother with something second rate when I'm working with the crème de la crème of bodies?"). He likes to look his best - even though he's certain that he'd look his best even if he were to wear rags or nothing (


nothing "After all, I am a flawless physical specimen") - and he makes a point to dress sharp at all times. He's built in a classically handsome 'Prince Charming' fashion - lithe muscle, slim hips tapering up to a slightly broader chest, fine, sharp features and perfectly clear skin.


As his sin suggests Dallin is


self-aware. He knows what he's good at, what he excels at, how he looks… anything positive about himself he's very aware of. Because of this he tends to assume that everyone else notices it as well - that everyone sees how great he is, how talented and handsome and cunning and... well, you get the idea. He expects everyone to automatically agree with him because he feels that he


has the best ideas because he's brilliant, clearly. He tends to be very pushy and tries to make himself the centre of attention at all times - after all everyone else is much too boring to have the spotlight, right?

He can be very image obsessed and spends hours before leaving his room every morning, and has a night time ritual that lasts longer than most girls - that being said he


very attractive, so he can generally get away with it. He's very careful about how he dresses and is fond of well tailored suits that flatter his slim-but-fit form.

He can be a bit theatrical at times ("but of course I'm an Oscar-worthy actor") - often reacting in almost humorously over dramatic ways to other's comments. He springs back almost instantly after being insulted (think a caricature of Tamaki from Ouran Highschool Host Club if anyone's familiar with the series - all of the over dramatic behaviour and ability to spring back at the drop of a hat, without the family problems or actual background) because his sense of self-worth is through the roof. It's hard to get him to


boasting about something when you get him on the topic of himself, or on the topic of anything he thinks he's particularly good at (which he's pretty sure is everything). If he were to have a theme song it would most likely be "C'est Moi" from Camelot (although the "Seven Deadly Virtues" speaks to all Sins, I'm sure). He has a very loose sense of morals because he sees himself as being above rules and morality - he's so much better than the average entity that those common restraints simply don't apply to him. Literally being the embodiment of one of the sins helps, too.

He's actually very intelligent, simply because he likes to boast of his knowledge. There'd be no point in boasting about it if he couldn't back it up, after all.

In fact, the most aggravating thing about Dallin is that he's actually

really good

at just about everything he likes to boast about - he spends quite a lot of his time bettering himself in every field he can manage, if only so he can boast of it later, or thoroughly school someone in something they think they're good at. When he sees someone whose better at something than he is he works hard to be better at it and then rubs it in their face quite thoroughly. When he's naturally talented at something he makes sure


knows it, and then pushes himself so that he's by far the best at it of anyone he knows. He's convinced that he


the best but that doesn't mean he doesn't try to prove it, too.

He's very Queen Bee-ish, and constantly needs to be surrounded by followers and people who look up to him. He expects everyone to tell him how great he is, and to generally be awed that they're lucky enough to be in his presence. Because Pride is generally considered to be the leader of all sins (largely because it's the sin most directly associated with Lucifer, it's also considered to be the most dangerous sin to fall to, and the hardest to recover from) he tends to assume he's the leader of the other six, whether they like it or not. The unfortunate thing about this is that he does tend to gather people to himself - confidence draws people in, especially the weak who don't really have any self confidence at all, who tend to leech of the boisterous nature of another, and Dallin has more confidence than just about anyone else. He's just so utterly sure of himself it's hard for regular humans not to be utterly sure of him as well. Such is the tainted power of Pride.

Past Interaction

Dallin, true to his sin, was caught showing off to a five year old Zeredah, proclaiming himself the best and asking if she'd like to learn to be "almost as cool and awesome as myself" and trying to get her to look up to him.


Honestly? A bit of a bore. She's easy to fluster (really a bit of light flirting is all it takes - the girl clearly has a thing for me with how worked up she gets at a suggestive comment, not that I blame her) but that too pure for the world shtick gets old reaaaaal fast. Amusing every once in a while but a terrible bore for any real length of time.
Liev? What a pushover. I mean, it's convenient since he'll give me literally anything I ask for but at the end of the day it's a bit pathetic how easily he rolls over and gives up everything he has.
Of all the virtues Hadriel is the one I come almost close to having a positive view on - it's good to have some light completion. Of course she'll never be as good as me but having someone around who gets so much done reminds me to stay at the top of my game - not that I'd need it, I'm always in my prime just naturally by virtue of being myself - but a good reminder. She'll never come close, though. Not quite a worthy adversary but the closest I've found thus far, aside from the Big Boss himself.
Asmodel Kade

Fussy little guy, isn't it? I don't know how he's managed to get by for this long when he takes a year to do anything. I mean I don't mind him but it's kind of irritating how he can take forever to get anything done, sometimes I just wanna give him a kick to speed him up. Pretty sure he might just have a crush on me (or just look up to me? Maybe?) but I mean who wouldn't, right?
Enlil is just lovely honestly. Aesthetically speaking he's a close runner up to myself, and he has none of the irksome attachment issues some do - he understands the value of a fun night for the sake of the enjoyment of it. Certainly someone I don't mind spending an hour with (perhaps somewhere public just to fluster Chastity - that's always a bonus). And of course as the patron of lust he's the second best in bed so our playtime is bound to be the best around. If anyone could get him to settle on just one person though it'd be me I'm sure. No one else is versetial enough and we all know I'm the best anyone's gonna get physically as well.
Edan is a fistey little thing that's for sure. They seem to be pretty constantly on edge but I guess that's the motus operandi of wrath, when you get down to it. I don't doubt it would be terrible to be on their bad side, but given that I am undoubtably secure in their good graces by nature I just appreciate that that anger is (usually) directed elsewhere.
She's a pretty cool kid - feisty and energetic, and I know she likes me best so that's a HUGE bonus. But of course she's gonna be a great kid - she's mine, right? And since she's got the BEST possible parent in me of course she's gonna turn out to be the BEST kid.
Writing Sample

Background: From the same one on one as above, but another character in it as we both played multiples. Remy is a performing arts student with a fond love of slight of hand. He and his roommate (and close friend), Alec, have been competing to see who can collect numbers at a local café, and who can do it with the most flare.


"Make me look better?" Remy paused as he thought over the statement, a smirk falling across his features. "I guess you do - you know that's why eights hang around sixes, right? So that they look like tens? So hanging around you I go from a ten to a solid twenty. So thanks, for lending your almost-but-not-quite-as-handsome face to my cause," he finished, slipping behind his friend into line. He waited as Alec finished his order, watching as the girl who had taken it was tapped out by a boy. His eyes slid up and down over the teens figure, appraising.

Not bad. Not exactly my type, but not bad, he thought, stepping up to the counter and flashing a brilliant smile at the youth, noting a slight colour rise to his cheeks. The boy was good looking, though not exactly stunning. A cute blonde thing, with wide brown eyes and a smattering of freckles across the nose. He'd be fun to play with for a night, certainly, and they way he couldn't quite meet Remy's eyes was positively endearing.

"A café bombon, affogato, sil vous plait, and a blueberry coffee cake" he requested, letting his accent draw out thick and rolling from his tongue. He pulled his card out and handing it to the youth. The boy - Marcus, his name tag read - took it and fumbled through swiping it through the machine before turning it around for Remy to sign. He did so with a flourish and then waited for his card's return, his smile melting into a Cheshire grin. Marcus went through the process of authenticating the sale, called his order back, and reached out to hand Remy his card-

Only there was no card. Remy watched as the boy looked at the counter, confused, and then at the floor, growing paler as he did so. Marcus certainly hadn't put the card down, Remy was sure he'd made no attempt to, and so the boy looked truly panicked when he next rose his eyes to Remy's face.

"Sir I- I - I don't know where - it- your card- I-"

Remy stopped him by reaching out one arm and languidly pressing his pointer finger to the boys lips.

"You misplaced it? Hmm, well let me see if I can help with that, is it… here?" he reached over the counter and pulled not the card but a small collection of three flowers. Remy frowned as if that was not at all what he had expected. "Oh - ah, I see my problem. It was in the wrong pocket." Reaching over to the boy's other side he pulled out his own card, grinning as he tucked it into his wallet.

"Keep the flowers, oui?" He questioned, turning around as he went to wait with Alec for his drink to be made, pausing to look over his shoulder and add, "Oh and Marcus? Call me."

It was a quick wait before his drink was pulled up and he grabbed it, flashing a smile at the barista before wandering back over next to Alec, raising one eyebrow and the corner of his lips in half a smirk as if to say you got a number, but I got applause. Care to top that?

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Oh go ahead! I don't mind waiting~


Asmodel Kade




Demihomosexual (Demisexual with a preference/exclusivity for men)



Gender Presentation


Appearance Age

Late teens/early twenties. Having a 'baby face' doesn't help.


Definitely on the ginger side of strawberry blonde, often a little over long because he forgets to get it cut, very light in texture and almost 'sheepy' in the way it tends to floof up - all flyaways and cowlicks


Blue, and perpetually doe-eyed

Other Notes

Asmodel is slight in form, tall and thin he sometimes resembles a bean pole with his rather underworked arms that look more suited to writing a paper or painting then anything sporty. His hair is red-gold in colour and often slightly wind tostled in appearance, owing to the fact that it is very fine in nature and therefore lends itself easily to fly aways no matter how much tending it may receive every morning. His eyes are a shade of blue so light the sometimes seem to be clear, or like the sky just past dawn, and his skin is lightly and evenly tanned, with a small smattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose. He likes to dress in simple clothing that are free of the distractions of embroidery or pattern, and very rarely consents to wear shoes or jewellery of any sort, unless absolutely required.



Asmodel is a centre of calm. He's very self controlled and tends to keep himself so held together that he can appear not to care at all - this, however, is not the case. He's very emotionally invested in his friends and those he considers to be his family, he just likes to think things through very thoroughly before acting upon a thought or impulse. In fact, it can seem as if he doesn't have any impulses, when in fact he's simply very centred and controlled and doesn't often act without thought.

Asmodel is a fairly simple soul, whose gentle nature and preference to avoid all conflict can often allow him to be pushed aside or walked over - his tendency to hang back and observe before taking action and his implacable calmness and inability to get much of a rise only serves to forward this. He's a mediator at best, but due to his inability to assert himself he often ends up getting talked over - even by his fellow virtues, at times. When such things occur he has a tendency to wait out all other conversation before offering his opinion, and because of this often has the last word - not because he's trying to get it in, but simply because he let everyone else speak before him. A voice of reason, but a quiet one. Because he spends so much of his time internally focused he can seem quite philosophical and occasionally comes off as far older than his appearance age. Being immortal doesn't help.

He's very slow moving - as Patience he tends to be the one holding the door while everyone else gets into the room, and won't rush to get anywhere, even if that means that he shows up late. He's both patient with himself and with others, and this can sometimes be really annoying to those around him. People expect others to get riled up or upset at times, but Asmodel's so utterly calm that he rarely gets angry or upset over anything, and he absolutely never acts with haste or without thought. Sometimes his calm demeanor can come off as apathetic, which really tends to get on some people's nerves. He is deeply caring, though, and if anyone were ever to need someone to talk to when hurt, upset or frustrated, he's certainly the one to go to. There's no one more capable of listening in full to what you have to say, taking in each and every word you've said, and no one more likely to take you completely seriously and honestly do their best to try and help you out of your situation. He's almost like a therapist with the level of concentration he'll give to you if you come to him with a problem.

Asmodel is very methodical about everything he does, to the point of apparent neuroticism. Everything has an order that it's done in, a time and place to be finished, etc.. Were he human Asmodel would be diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and as it is it's only his calm centre that comes from being the virtue of Patience that keeps him from having severe panic attacks when things go out of that order. And he does still suffer from mild anxiety attacks when things fall out of their place or way - after all it took him ages to get everything exactly right, and when they get set off it's very difficult for him to deal with.

He's a rather delicate character, not someone who would do well without somepne around to support him. He's far too easily pushed over or past, and he all too frequently allows others to boss him about. He's sometimes overly kind, but more than that he's got a very fragile constitution. If something is going around he's almost certain to catch it, provided it's a virus and not a ball.

Past Interaction

He let her cut in front of him in line for ice cream as she was just turning six. He may or may not have been keeping an eye on her and waiting for the right moment to introduce himself at the time.


Chastity is a sweet girl, very kind. I certainly enjoy some quiet moments with her and consider her a dear friend.
Liev is so very nice - I adore him, and quite enjoy spending time with him. He can be a bit rash when it comes to giving things away, but I suppose it's all for a good cause and that tempers it, somewhat. He's so genuinely giving I think it's admirable and I find him to be a very good friend indeed.
Hadriel, while quite nice and impressively competent, always seems to be rushing everywhere. She seems to be constantly in a hurry? And I wish that she would slow down and take things one step at a time for once. A bit of patience would do her good.
Dallin Azamat Haben

He's certainly very cocksure of himself now isn't he? He often tends to jump into things with no preparation which can be quite a headache, and honestly I find his constant boasting a bit annoying. All in all not the most enjoyable person to deal with.
Enlil is... a bit over the top, especially when he's trying to get someone in bed (it's... quite flustring, it certainly makes me bloom straight red!) but when not trying to get into someone's pants he seems... pretty okay actually? Not the worst sin at least.
Edan really needs to take a step back and take a breather. It can't be good for you to be that angry all the time! Perhaps if they would pause before flying off the handle and think it out calmly they'd get in less fights. Although when they DO stop to think thinks out it seems twice as frightening. So I suppose in the end I'm really not sure which would be better. I'll reserve final judgement for a later date.
She's sweet! A bit rash sometimes, but I'm sure that's something she'll grow out of and for the time being I suppose I'll just have to be, well, patient with her! She's fairly kind when not worked up and I think she's a genuinely good kid, at heart. Or, at least I hope she is, and that she turns out to be in the end of it all. I like helping her braid her hair in the mornings before school but I find that she can be a bit too excited to get going and isn't great at sitting still for very long...
Writing Sample
Background: A Sailor Moon Next Generation roleplay, another character asked to join in on a mission Tsuya was more or less about to run out on blindly... Tsuya is bigender and their pronouns our they/them for reference...


"Well I'm not gonna tell you no," Tsuya chipped in, thrown half off guard by Yume's eagerness to join up but not particularly against it. "I can't try to rush head long into whatever the world throws at me and not tell others they can't do the same, if it's what you need to do, it's what you need to do - gut reasoning is usually right, way I figure it," they rationalized, giving Yume a nod of approval, "besides, you're like sixty-four now I'm pretty sure you can make your own calls." It wasn't a particularly adept attempt at levity, but it came with half a smile.

Even with Shin's lecture there was no particular hesitancy instilled in Tsuya, any more than their miffed reaction at being called miss, miss! They'd have to correct him later, find him the next time he was near and point out while there were plenty of planetary princesses around Ametsuya was not one of them, not by that word. Still, he was gone and the moment to correct him lost in the midst of his lecture. He didn't know any better, clearly, but they didn't intend to stand for it the next time they spoke. Still, for the moment Tsuya brushed it aside, a matter for later - now the prospect of actually getting to see something close to action, to get outside and stop living in the limbo that grief and forced action had left them in was thrumming in their bones with something akin to excitement. The same nervous energy that always filled Tsuya before a match or a tricky route, and they found themselves not bracing to face the ruined world outside, but looking forward to it. At least it would be something to do.

"And, uh, as for whoever figures out housing… make sure I get to keep Takumi, kay?" They asked, already pushing away not only from their chair but from the table as well, pausing in the doorway to look back, impatient to get on the way. "I'd like to try and squeeze Hisako into our room as well - if you don’t mind that, pip - but, uh, I get if you wanna split up night and day shifts. Not that 'kumi and I couldn't stay super quiet when leaving for a shift… Either way I'd like to keep him" they nodded at their brother affectionately, "as close as I can. But, uh, other than that… can we take off? Unless a fourth wants to tag along. Three seems like a good number to me, but if anyone else needs to get outta here as bad as I do..."

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The kid is ready for school, the house is clean, and the world has been saved... all before 7am.



Hadriel Steele







Gender Presentation


Appearance Age



Light brown, dead straight and of average length. She often wears her hair up in a tight bun or pony tail.


Hazel, however, her eye colour shifts from almost an emerald green to a stormy grey based on mood and lighting.

Other Notes

Hadriel whole-heartedly believes that good impressions bring success, which is why she is almost always found wearing business casual attire. Her wardrobe is at least 75% assorted coloured pant suits. When she is at home or working out, her pant suit is replaced by one of many track suits. While Hadriel has naturally good looks, she spends a considerable amount of time prepping in the morning. Professionalism is the key to all of her style choices, which is why she keeps to simple makeup, hair styles, and dress. If she wears jewelry, it is simple and classy earrings or necklaces. Because she is perpetually concerned about being on time, her thin silver watch is her most prized piece of jewelry and she carries her day planner around like it's an accessory.



Hadriel, as her virtue suggests, is diligent. This means that she is painstakingly hard working and values accomplishments over innate abilities. She is a classic overachiever in every sense of the word. Not only does she want things to get done on time, she wants them to be done perfectly. While she is thoughtful, and ensures plans are sensible, she values actions over words. She is also very self aware and strongly opinionated. This can lead to disagreements when she values her own thoughts over the beliefs of others. In groups she tends to naturally take on a leadership role, and others look to her for guidance when problems arise. Hadriel's desire to do good work is easily taken advantage of by others, who know that if they put in minimum effort, she will fix what should be their problem to solve. This can lead to Hadriel taking on more responsibilities than she can handle and her well-being suffering as a result.

Hadriel has endless energy and is a dedicated optimist. She does not believe in the 'impossible', rather any problem is solvable if you work at it hard enough. She sleeps very little, and has insomniac tendencies, which is part of the reason why she gets so much done. It would not be uncommon for her to wake up in the middle of the night, decide that the shade of blue paint in the kitchen was imperfect, and make the executive decision that the kitchen needed repainting at that very instant. Of course, by the time anyone woke up the next morning, the kitchen would be repainted and in perfect working order as if no changes had occurred. Fuelling this much energy on very little sleep has some consequences, resulting in a bit of a caffeine and sugar dependency.

Her pet peeves and dislikes are relatively obvious. She can't stand lazy people who don't do their fair share of the work, or perform their work with insufficient care for its quality. In addition, she cringes at the thought of being late, which by her standards, is anything less than being 5 minutes early!

Armed with her never ending supply of inspirational quotes and platitudes about the value of hard work (and a coffee), Hadriel is more than ready for the task of child rearing, or so she thinks.

Past Interaction

Hadriel volunteered to help Zeredah's class with their first grade science fair projects (for more detail, see my writing sample!).


Please remove your own sin/virtue from the list.

Chastity is a good person and a great friend, she always sees the best in people and tries to do the right thing.
I love Liev, he's such a nice guy. I admire how hard he works, helping out different charities. I worry sometimes about how much money he spends trying to help others though, it can't be good for his bank account, and he never spends any money on himself.
Asmodel is sweet and a nice person to be around, but he sure doesn't seem to get much done. When it comes to making decisions, even just among the virtues, Asmodel makes it an intolerably slow process. Oh, and his lack of concern over being late is absolutely infuriating.
My competitive personality makes Dallin an interesting adversary. However, he ought to remember that anyone can be good at things with a little hard work. Greatness is better earned than given. Overall, I like the guy, he keeps things interesting.
I'm not too sure how I feel about Enlil yet. He's charming, but I think there are much better uses of one's time than schmoozing people.
In all honesty? Edan terrifies me, but I'd never admit that to their face, and yelling about things sure doesn't get much done! You know the saying, if you don't like something change it, if you can't change it live with it! Yeah... Edan doesn't.
Darius is always looking for the easy way to get things gone, without considering the consequences. We tend to disagree on the best way to do things, which leads to a lot of arguments, but other than that, he's okay.
She's a good kid, she's smart and she has a good heart, with a little hard work she will be great. Now, the only task is to keep the sins from spoiling her.
Writing Sample

Hadriel and the Volcanic Misfortune

Ever since Hadriel had heard the rumours about the potential rebirth of the Messiah, she had kept a close eye on the child. The decree against interfering with the child was a bit of a nuisance, but Hadriel has been careful enough about the interactions that she was never caught. She could see that Zeredah had a good heart, and her parents raised her well. Hadriel knew that she could be great, and longed to help shape the child; but of course, that would be completely against the rules. It wasn't until Zeredah was five years old that Hadriel had a lapse of judgement and fell victim to the temptation to interfere.

Hadriel had been volunteering at Zeredah's school for some time. She had been helping the second grade teacher with her science and math classes, as well as volunteering to monitor the playgrounds at recess. Hadriel was rewarded with an occasional conversation with Zeredah. One day when Hadriel walked into the school, she noticed a posting on the volunteer board.

Parents and volunteers wanted to help with student science fair projects!

Please see Mrs. Dunlop for more details.

Hadriel jumped at the chance to instil the value of hard work in the children and the idea of competition clouded her better judgement. Hadriel signed up immediately and was assigned to help with a group of students in kindergarten, which just so happened to be Zeredah's class. In hindsight, this should have been a warning to back out, but once Hadriel had made the commitment, she couldn't bear the thought of leaving it unaccomplished. Hadriel arrived during the first designated science project class brimming with ideas for science fair projects for her students. She walked into the classroom to find groups of five kids sitting around small round tables chatting excitedly. Mrs. Dunlop was chatting with another parent, but walked over when she noticed Hadriel.

"Elle, thank you so much for volunteering!" the teacher said with a brimming smile. Elle was the name that Hadriel was known by around the school, she had chosen the name to avoid any suspicions. "Let's see... I've got you paired up with this table over here." she gestured, after looking down at a list on her clipboard. Hadriel followed behind the teacher as she was led to one of the tables. "Shhh, listen up guys! This is Ms. Steele, she will be helping you think of some really, really good ideas for your projects." Mrs. Dunlop announced to the chatting kids.

"Hello Ms. Steele!" the five children replied in unison.

"Ms. Steele, this is Zeredah, Logan, April, Jake and Myah." the teacher explained, gesturing to each of the students. Hadriel gulped slightly, what were the odds that of all the classes, and all the students, the only child she was banned from seeing was in her group? 'It must be in God's plan' she reasoned. She smiled and waved at each of the students. "Well... I'll leave you guys to get to it!" Mrs. Dunlop said brightly. Hadriel sat down slightly hesitantly on the comically small chair in front of her and opened up her notebook.

"Okay guys! Let's get to work." she said brightly, the kids smiled enthusiastically in response. "I thought we would first go around the table and everyone can share any ideas they had for their project, how does that sound?" she asked, and the kids nodded in agreement. "Myah, would you mind starting?" she asked.

The kids went around the table explaining in great detail the ideas they had for their projects. Myah, who was clearly an overachiever or had substantial parent help, wanted to grow bean plants and look at the affects of watering the plants different amounts. "Excellent idea Myah!" Hadriel exclaimed. The scrawny boy next Myah, Jake, announced he wanted to make a volcano. Hadriel inwardly cringed at the idea of the most over done science project in all of human history, but sensed that this was the best that Jake could do and smiled supportively in response. April had decided that she wanted to make a scaled model of the solar system, and Logan (whose father was a dentist) wanted to look at the effects of sugary drinks on teeth! Finally, it was Zeredah's turn. Hadriel awaited an intelligent response, expecting Zeredah's chosen project to be many times superior to her classmates.

"I want to make a volcano too!" she said confidently. Hadriel flinched and couldn't help herself from speaking her mind.

"Are you sure you want to make a volcano?" she asked tentatively. "There are lots of totally awesome projects you could do; like making a potato battery, or examining the effect or erosion, or observing animal behaviour, or looking at the genetics of eye colour in your family." she listed.

"What's wrong with making a volcano!?" Jake complained.

"Er... nothing, that project just gets done a lot." Hadriel replied quickly, watching Zeredah's confident smile turn into a scowl. Hadriel's cheeks flushed further when Mrs. Dunlop wandered over, obviously hearing the commotion.

"How's everything going guys?" Mrs. Dunlop asked and the children scowled back. Luckily for Hadriel, the bell for lunch rang, saving her from a very awkward conversation. She resolved that, just maybe, meddling in the life of a kid who was the potential rebirth of the Messiah, wasn't such a great idea.

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THINK OF THE CHILDREN! What about the children?



Liev Dabo


Charity "Caritas"





Gender Presentation

He looks like a boy, but as an angel, he's kind of beyond the trappings of gender.

Appearance Age



A blue-black, best described as "Raven", Liev keeps his hair at a little bit above Neck Length. He's always growing it out so he can cut it off and donate it to Locks of Love.


Green, specifically a sort of Emerald shade

Other Notes

Liev's human form is actually rather short for a "boy", standing at little more than 5'6". He always looks a little malnourished, despite having the ability to maintain his appearance as he sees fit.



Liev is exactly what his role implies- he's charitable and giving to the last. He'll be the guy to give you the last of his favourite sandwich in the store- after buying it himself because he was in front of you in line- and then sit with you and pay for all your drinks. He gives to people he knows and even to complete strangers- he's that guy who'll overhear a mom telling her kid that they can't them a candy bar, and will by chase the kid down in the parking lot to gift them a whole box of said candy bar. Yeah, he's that guy, and while sometimes he seems a bit creepy about it, he's generally pretty sweet about it.

He's a big softy, one of those people who cries every time the Sarah Mclachlan ASPCA commercial pops on- and then signs his credit card up. He's involved in a million charity subscription programs, and has a folder full of pictures of the children and animals he's saving. He's kind of a naive idiot, though, so his giving nature tends to get him in a lot of trouble- especially when it comes to his bank statements. He doesn't eat much, and spends every free minute he can volunteering somewhere- the soup kitchen, the animal shelter, the homeless shelter, etc. etc. Overall, Liev is the person you can count on if you ever need 5 bucks- or 50, or 500.

Past Interaction

"Oh well, I guess the first time was when Zery was.. 4. It was her birthday party, and they had chocolate cake, but a few of the kids were really upset because they wanted white cake, and I had a few human dollars in my pocket, and sure I was using that to buy groceries for Asmodel, but he could wait, right? So I ran to the grocery store and I bought this very nice white cake and I just went to the party and dropped it off- it wasn't really rule breaking, it was just a cake!"


Please remove your own sin/virtue from the list.

Chastity is great, yeah. She's so tiny and innocent, and I want to protect her and give her lots of blankets whenever anyone looks at her. She just needs love, and if she needs it, I can give it to her! In a completely platonic way, as she is comfortable.
Hadriel works much too hard. The poor thing always bags under her eyes, and I just want to make her a thing of chamomile tea, pay her for the next one thousand years, tuck her into bed, and make her take a nap. I could easily take the time out of my schedule to help her, I have plenty!
Asmodel? Oh, he's just the nicest thing. I just wish people didn't take advantage of him that often.. which I guess isn't much for me to say?Ehehe... but! He's really kind and nice, and he didn't yell at me that one time (or 30 times) I ruined our credit score.
Dallin? I mean, he's a sin, so we aren't exactly friends. But He's never done anything directly bad by me? If I had to give him anything- it would be a shirt. He needs one. And It's my job to provide. He can have mine if he needs it.
Enlil is... nice. I might have.. um.. accidentally almost done some shameful things with him. He always makes me feel like he needs me. How can I say "no" when I have the ability to make him happy??? Though, he always seems to be equally happy with someone else, so I'm not sure....
Edan... kind of freaks me out. They're so.. angry, all the time, and when they're not angry, for some reason, they scare me even more. I tried to buy them anger management lessons once, but they just threw the certificate in my face and yelled at me. It wasn't much fun.
Writing Sample

Context- From a RWBY Roleplay I GM- My character, Nejlika, or Neji, is having a bit of a hard time getting along with her new teammates, specifically Herb, who has threatened her closest friend Hivinter "Hel". This post follows another teammate scolding both Herb and Nejlika for not behaving like teammates:

Nejlika looked at the blonde who had stepped between her and Herb- he didn't think things were going to escalate, did he? She took a moment to process what he was saying- he seemed to think she didn't trust them? In fact, he even looked ready to pounce, as if though he suspected she might do something.

She had yet to even say anything to that any of them beyond her name! She had pulled Hel off of Herb and settled her down, and yet somehow, she was being lectured on teamwork. Had she done something to make him wary of her? She hadn't even done anything hostile yet, and she was being scolded. Sure, she had planned on a whispered threat in Herb's ear to make sure he didn't threaten Hivinter again, but she wasn't going to let it escalate beyond that.

Yet, the towering blonde's words hit her all the same. She was already on the spot form Hel pointing her out, and now this boy was scolding her in front of them all. "I- I." She sighed. She glanced at Hivinter, looking for some clue as to what she ought to do next. She just wanted the floor to swallow her. Day one, and she had already messed up- and she didn't even know how.

She licked her lips. Seemed the pressure was on her to restart introductions.. "Fine. Nejlika Midgard, but you all can call me Neji, as I said." She wrapped her arms around her midriff, not meeting any of their eyes.

She had pulled a raging Hel off of Herb, introduced herself twice, and not done anything that was wrong- yet why did she feel like she had someone messed up?[/heightrestrict]
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You have two seconds to be sorry, or I'll make you sorry.



Edan Animas







Gender Presentation

Doesn't really have one. They're always too angry at the problems all the human genders seem to have, so they tend to just- not. They're whatever people want to see them as- if they try to maintain a clear human gender label, they'll just end up n a fight.

Appearance Age

27 or so


Edan bears a long blonde wavy mess of hair that they always keep tied back in a ponytail or bun. On occasion, the hair will be down, but Edan always carries an assortment of hairbands to make sure it never gets in the way.


A sharp gold/brown color.

Other Notes

Edan is best described as lithe. Skinny and Tall, but still rather well built- they have the body of a gymnast, or perhaps a kickboxer. They don't seem terribly big or strong, but a good punch to the face will convince you otherwise pretty fast.



Edan is an angry little blighter, in the simplest terms- but wrath and rage are more complicated than that, and Edan tends to reflect that. If anything, it sometimes seems like they're two people.

"Hot" Wrath is the kind most people are familiar with. You bump into Edan on accident and you're likely to get yelled at or straight up socked in the face. This side of Edan is volatile rage, it's fiery, it's passionate, it's kind of petty, it's in the moment and it dissapates as fast as it comes. Hot Edan is who you'll meet if you drink the last can of beer or clean his room without him asking. It's most certainly the more dominant, more common side to them. The things Hot Edan likes? Hitting things, yelling at people, and just blowing off steam in whatever aggressive way they can. (Also, he'd never admit it, but he likes the kid pretty well.) Things Hot Edan dislikes? Literally everything else. It's basically impossible to get along with Edan, unless your one magic 6 year old destined to decide the fate of humanity.

"Cold" Wrath is something else entirely. This side of Edan is only seen by those they hate the most. You know the saying "revenge is a dish best served cold?" Yeah, that's Cold Edan. When someone really makes them mad- these days, that mostly happens when someone does something terrible to Zeredah- Edan's angry personality seems to shatter, leaving behind a cold, calculating monster set on ruining your life. They'll take days, weeks, even months of planning and carefully executing their plans, but by the end of it all, the perpetrator is likely to be left homeless and destitute with no one to call on.

All in all, if Edan stops randomly screaming at you for something stupid- you're screwed. Pack your bags, move to Malaysia, change your name, change your face- but you're still screwed.

Past Interaction


This one time, some bully of a kid decided they were gonna push Zeredah off the swings. I guess the girl was like 4 or so then, but the jerk was twice her size, and I later found out- twice her age! Well, I picked her up off the ground, wiped off her little scraped knees, and taught her how to throw a sucker punch, then and there. She hit that kid so hard, I'm pretty sure she knocked all his baby teeth out. That jerk who shoved her isn't graduating high school. I'll be making sure of that."


Please remove your own sin/virtue from the list.

God, Chastity? Pisses me off. Little girl acts so pure and innocent and she always seems to think I'm hitting on her. How is my screaming hitting on her?? And then she starts crying and I yell at her to stop crying and she gets even worse and I just. HATE IT.
Liev? Pisses me off. Idiot just gives everything away without even asking why. You asked him to cut off his dick cuz you needed it? Idiot'd castrate himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid kid. How can ya be on this earth so long and not wise up?
Hadriel? No opinion. Why are you asking stupid questions about people I don't care about?? No, I don't have an opinio- Ya know what, FINE! Hadriel? *sarcastically, with a forced smile* She's just the best. It's like the sun shines out her rear end. She just works so hard and so long, and I just want to *smile drops* punch her in her stupid face. Does she think she's fooling anyone with that "hard work" act? She's just trying to impress people- she and Dallin would get along great.
Ugh, Asmodel pisses me off. He's so. Slow. Just. Seeing him makes me want to kill something. He takes to hours to get a stupid coffee! Just watching him makes me mad. Like, for fuck's sake, grown a backbone and stand up for yourself, you stupid doormat!
Dallin? Pisses me off. He's a cocky dick, and he never stops bragging. It's just so annoying and irritating, and just. Ugh. I'm gonna punch him in his stupid face if he tells me how great he is one more time.
Enlil? Pisses me off. Idiot is always jumping form one lover to another- like, jeez, learn to feel something. It's kinda funny to watch all his exes get pissed when he drops them like a hot potato though, so he's kind of funny to hang around. I kinda wanna punch him, but odds are, if I stick around him, I'll probably end up with something else to punch.
Writing Sample

Context- Sonya is reacting to the formal announcement that she will be participating in the Royal Roulette, a competition where 6 young women from across the world compete to marry 3 princes.

Sonya wasn't even really watching the TV as it played in the living room, her eyes more intent on her chick pea stew. She knew exactly what was coming, and hovering over the TV wasn't going to change what the program said, or what it meant for her. She half- listened to the host and hostess blather on about dreams and love and all sorts of fluffy stuff like that. While on any other occasion, she would have laughed it off as complete nonsense, she found herself wondering if any of those things would hold true for her. Love wasn't a simple game like Mike and Val made it out to be. But she couldn't help but be a little hopeful. She had a lot riding on this, and she had no idea if taking this chance was for better of worse.

Eventually, however, she did sit down in front of the television, just to see what other girls had been chosen. They didn't show pictures, and she was grateful. She didn't need her chubby face on display next to all of these girls who were likely supermodels. While sure, she was pretty in her own way, nobody seemed to care about that when you were compared to girls who were actually pretty.

As Mike ran down the list of names, she heard all sort of interesting locales. She was almost sure she had heard the name Fiona Elisabeth Schwann somewhere before... some kind of Heiress or something? She probably had all of the skills needed to be a Princess then, so she was a guaranteed winner. Actually a lot of these girls sounded so elegant, just by name alone. She shrugged to herself. She kind of had the 'exotic' thing going for her, so she couldn't count herself out just yet.

She couldn't help but grin as Mike paused over her name. Yup, here was the Royal Roulette's own representative from England, sitting cross legged on her couch because she had quit her job 2 weeks ago, eating chick pea and tomato stew from a bowl, with no rice or starch of anykind. Her mother would be appalled.

Speaking of her mother.. her thoughts drifted toward her parents house in London. She hadn't told them, and knew she wouldn't need to. In about 30 seconds, one of the gossiping ladies from the temples would have called her mother to congratulate her. She smiled slightly at the thought of her parents reaction. Ama screaming at Papa to turn on the television, him calling her a troublesome woman, but doing it anyway. The two of them shocked and awed at the fact that she had actually been chosen for something on her own merit.

As if right on cue, Sonali's phone rang. "Hello?"

"Gand? bavv?!" Her mother's voice cried from the other end. The grin on Sonya's face widened. "Why didn't you tell me, bitta? I have been so worried about you never finding a husband, and here Julie-mami just called to tell me that you're going to marry a Prince?" The words were harsh, but the tone was loving, and Sonali had always found herself a little confused by the juxtaposition. "Oh, mere bacha, I am so proud of you."

"Mama, I am not going to marry a prince. I might marry a prince. I won't be marrying anyone one if I don't fall in love with one of them." she didn't bother to add that she would also not be married if they didn't fall in love with her. That point would have no meaning on her mother.

"Oh yes, you will, dear. If the prince does not fall in love with you, then your father and I will find you a nice indian boy, who will take excellent care of you." Sonya winced a bit at her mother's implication. Surely a prince could fall in love with her, right?

Sonya set down her bowl of chick peas with a sigh. "Ama, give the telephone to Papa. I have to ask him something."

She heard a short burst of bickering, before her father was put on the line. "Hi, mere bacha. How are you?" Her father always said that when he picked up the phone. One of the little things that showed how English was not his first language.

"I'm fine, Papa. Listen. Before I leave on Sunday, could I come over tomorrow? I want to do japji sahib before I leave for Russia." While the rituals and chants of sikhism had never had much spiritual meaning to her, reciting the rites always soothed her, somehow.

Her father's smile was almost audible. "Yes, bitta. I will see you at 5?" She didn't need to say much more. She and her father had a sort of understanding.

"Ham-ji, Papa. Tomorrow at 5." She smiled. She made small talk with her parents until they had to leave. She clicked the phone off with a sigh.

How her parents had managed to find a life partner in someone they had gotten engaged with after a week, she would never understand. But the world was bigger now that it had been in the 60's. Maybe soul mates has started to come from farther apart.

Like maybe Britain and Russia?

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But... but you can't do that!



Chastity Anne




NONE. SHE IS A GOOD GIRL. (heterosexual)



Gender Presentation


Appearance Age

Late teens to early twenties.


Brown-black, shows reddish in the sun. Long, curly, messy.


Dark coffee-brown

Other Notes

Her skin is darker than in the picture, and she doesn't look quite so young. She stands at six feet, and has very little bust to speak of. She does, however, have very long, feminine legs. Though she has some control over her appearance, she is never anything less than stunningly beautiful- a fact that has caused her some distress. Her style varies day to day- sometimes she's sleek and modern, sometimes classic and elegant, sometimes vintage. The only constant is her impeccable fashion sense. Curiously, she never wears makeup and seldom wears jewelry.



Chastity is sweet, earnest, and honest. She is sensitive to other people, but also very cautious and observant. She likes to make people laugh, and enjoys making friends and supporting people. She has a tendency to mother people that she feels need it, even if they're older than her. However, if she feels uneasy or unsafe around someone, she'll try to avoid them. She is an excellent liar to people she knows don't trust her, but she prefers honesty, and has a very difficult time being dishonest with people who trust her. She has a very strong conscience, and is prone to guilt when she violates her ethical code. She has a very strong sense of duty and responsibility, and tends to work harder if other people are depending on her. She likes taking care of things, and is very fond of children and animals. As one would expect of the embodiment of chastity, she is very, very innocent. Talk of unchaste things flusters her easily, and she believes firmly in the idea for waiting for marriage- or at least real love. She's never been kissed, and doesn't really know how to handle male attention. This is rather unfortunate, as she gets quite a bit of attention. She's a beautiful girl, uncommonly so, and sometimes wonders if she inspires so much dogged affection just to test her devotion to her virtue. She gets frustrated or annoyed much more easily than she gets truly angry. She loves science and has a strong philosophical streak, and is a bit prone to fits of melancholy- which, a bit unfortunately for those around her, has the side effect of bringing out the puppy-dog eyes of doom. She is also noticeably independent-minded for an angel, and quite a bit more zen about the whole End of Days thing than everybody else. Others tend to pick up on her naiveté, good nature, and human encyclopedia tendencies after about five minutes of talking to her.

Past Interaction

While others tried to sway Zeredah to one side or the other, Chastity got in trouble for telling her that she really didn't have to choose, if she didn't want to. She sees Zeredah as a child first, a dress-up doll second, and a player in the Apocalypse as a very distant third.


Precious, precious child. Liev is cute and smol, and thus is on the receiving end of whatever maternal energy isn't directed at Zeredah. She's constantly after him to eat more and look after himself better. She's also fairly protective of him, and tries to look out for him in subtle ways.
She overworks herself. Chastity admires her greatly, but worries that she never stops to think about what'll happen to all her plans if she burns out from exhaustion. Chastity tries to mitigate her stress as much as possible- getting tasks finished so Hadriel doesn't have to do them, reminding her that taking on too much work will decrease her efficiency, and in dire circumstances, switching all the coffee with decaf and hiding the sugar. That said, she will generally defer to- or at least consider- Hadriel's judgement when it comes to important decisions.
He's a sweetheart. She does get a little impatient (ha ha) with him on occasion, but on the whole she considers his calm and measured approach an asset. She likes talking to him, and finds his attitude calming. She tries not to talk over him, but her fast-talking, opinionated tendencies often defeat her.
Dallin is one of the few people that Chastity genuinely can't stand. She has a grudging respect for his abilities, yes, but it's far overshadowed by her disdain for his self-obsessed nature and need to be surrounded by sycophants. She views it almost as a duty to question and doubt him, if only to garner private amusement from the way he reacts. Though she tries not to admit it, it irks her deeply when he manages to make himself useful. Not to mention the way he interacts with Enlil is just... wrong.

(She disapproves of Enlil. His personality, his existence, everything. She thinks he's slimy and that his existence and behavior is an affront to all that is good and pure. She's even more horrified by his advances than by everyone else's, and he's most often the one who upsets her to the point of tears. Still, out of all the Sins, she considers him a lesser evil.)
She's not afraid of them, exactly. They make her a bit nervous. Not the yelling, the ice. She understands the desire to right a wrong, or even to be a little vindictive- but destroying someone's life? That takes a level of cruelty that's hard for her to fathom. Of all the sins, Edan is the one that she tries the hardest to run interference with when it comes to Zeredah. Most of the others (even, a bit surprisingly, Lust) can be a part of normal life, or a vice that all regular humans have to contend with. So can Wrath, when it comes to the rapid, flare-up-cool-down sort. But the cold, calculated side of Edan is one that Chastity wants to protect Zeredah from- no matter if she's its target or its student.
Chastity is perfectly smitten. She loves children, and a little girl gives her so many dress-up opportunities. She may or may not take notice of said little girl's actual enthusiasm for dress-up. On a deeper level, Chastity feels the responsibility of care for her very strongly. Her priority is Zeredah's safety and happiness, rather than swaying her to one side or another. She worries about her constantly, and tends to be the one to provide comfort, talks, and cuddles.
Writing Sample

(Chastity's first interaction with the kiddo.)

There's something peculiarly lonely about fall.

Chastity leaned back against the trunk of the oak, watching the shifting of the bright leaves over her head. She listened to the rhythmic creaking of the tire swing on the other side of the tree. She couldn't see the swing- or the small girl on it- and she wasn't sure whether or not she wanted to keep it that way.

A small, snuffly sob made the decision for her. With a sigh, the air glimmered, and where before there was nothing there appeared a tall, slim girl in a white tank top and dark peasant skirt. She circled the tree, sat beside the crying girl in the tire swing. She didn't say anything, or make a move, just waited to be acknowledged. She wasn't trying to ingratiate with the kid, not really. She just... couldn't let her cry alone, that's all. It helped, sometimes, for someone just to be there.

It was a curious thing. Small things- animals, children- seemed to know, somehow, that she'd not harm them. She wondered, sometimes, if it was some kind of nature-adores-a-virgin thing, like the maiden and the unicorn, but over time she'd learned to simply accept it. So it was with Zeredah. After a few moments of silence, she wild to the ground from the swing, creeping towards Chastity by inches. "Hi," she said, in a small voice.


"Who're you?"

"My name is Chastity." she smiled a little. "I saw you were sad. Do you want to tell me why?"

Zeredah considered this a moment, scrunched up her nose, and shook her head. "Alright, then," Chastity said, "You don't have to." She noticed the girl's line of sight. "Yeah, my hair's a big mess, isn't it?"

"It's pretty." Zeredah hesitated a moment. "Can I braid it please?"

"Sure, go ahead."

The little girl brightened, jumping up to stand behind Chastity. As the tugging and yanking at her scalp began, she reflected that this may not have been one of her best decisions.

Still, she let Zeredah primp to her heart's content, and somehow the tangles seemed a little less annoying.

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It is beyond me how you managed this.



Harmonia Eckerson







Gender Presentation


Appearance Age



Long honey blonde hair that she usually wears up in a messy bun or ponytail, with long strands normally free.


Olive with flecks of hazel, round in shape with long lashes.

Other Notes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



Since I'm asking for a writing sample I suppose one paragraph should be fine here, as long as it gets the point of the character across. If it's just one quick line that doesn't give much information it won't cut it though... You certainly don't have to keep up with my (excessively long) personality sections, as I know I tend to go overboard. Feel free to add in personality types (myers-briggs, etc., etc.,) or anything of the sort.

Past Interaction

Remember that comment about how the rules were repeatedly broken? Yeah, that's by the sins and virtues - each of our characters should have interacted with Zeredah in some small way during her early childhood (she is now six!), so give a brief description of that interaction here - it should be something small, and linked to their sin or virtue (for examples check out Queen and I's CSs). This doesn't have to be more than a sentence long, but you're welcome to write it out.


Please remove your own sin/virtue from the list.

opinion about the character goes here~
Writing Sample

This should be self explanatory. You can write a new one or pick a past roleplay response, be it a starter or a response. This is the part of your application that affects acceptance most.


I deserve it more than you.



Chance Lipton







Gender Presentation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Appearance Age

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Other Notes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



Since I'm asking for a writing sample I suppose one paragraph should be fine here, as long as it gets the point of the character across. If it's just one quick line that doesn't give much information it won't cut it though... You certainly don't have to keep up with my (excessively long) personality sections, as I know I tend to go overboard. Feel free to add in personality types (myers-briggs, etc., etc.,) or anything of the sort.

Past Interaction

Remember that comment about how the rules were repeatedly broken? Yeah, that's by the sins and virtues - each of our characters should have interacted with Zeredah in some small way during her early childhood (she is now six!), so give a brief description of that interaction here - it should be something small, and linked to their sin or virtue (for examples check out Queen and I's CSs). This doesn't have to be more than a sentence long, but you're welcome to write it out.


Please remove your own sin/virtue from the list.

opinion about the character goes here~
Writing Sample

This should be self explanatory. You can write a new one or pick a past roleplay response, be it a starter or a response. This is the part of your application that affects acceptance most.
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Darling, those are some lovely clothes... but I think I know where they'd look better *exaggerated wink*



Enlil Nisba




pansexual (preference towards men) && aromantic


Gender Presentation

male (why just take when you can give


take ;p)

Appearance Age

approximately 25


light brown


light brown

Other Notes

Standing at 5 feet and nine inches, Enlil weighs 146 pounds. He's physically fit, and quite attractive. His hair is always a semi-tame bed head, giving it that "just had sex" look. He has five piercings in total. He has three in his ears, a hoop in the left cartilage and a stud in the lobe of each ear, and one tongue piercing, and finally one... below the belt.



Enlil is a (not surprisingly) charismatic person, it kind of comes with the job. He has a way with words, and is either incredibly smooth or endearingly cheesy. He's very comfortable in his skin, oozing confidence when he's interacting with his prey. He tends to be good at getting a feel of the person he's seducing, figuring out what will get them in his bed. Though, when he's not trying to seduce someone he's much less smooth. He actually tends to be more goofy when he acts more like himself. (He's an ENTP)

Past Interaction

When Zeredah was five Enlil was passing by her day care (totally not on purpose). The kids were outside for a snack, and he could see that she was staring longingly at one of the boy's in her class's cookies. He covertly motioned her over, squatting down to her level in order to impart some wisdom on the young girl.

"Listen sweetie, you want some of his cookies? All you gotta do is go over, sit down next to him and bat your eyes a little. Tell him his shoes are really cool, and then ask if he's willing to share. I guarantee he'll fork over a couple of cookies."

He gave her the rest of them.


He's not a huge fan Chasity, personality wise at least. It's oblivious he wouldn't get along with her all that well, being her opposing sin. Though, he does love teasing her to make her flustered. And he's dead set on getting her in bed, you know they say you shouldn't tell someone they can't have something because it will make them want it more.
Enlil is literally this close to having him in his bed. Maybe is Liev was a little less straight, or maybe Enlil should use the word "need" a few more times next time he asks... Though besides his attempts to get him in bed Enlil almost feels bad for Liev. The poor guy is basically giving up everything for everyone. That doesn't mean he's going to stop trying to take advantage of his charity to get laid though.
This woman is a piece of work. Enlil gets exhausted just watching her buzz from thing to thing, always working. It's a wonder how she's still standing with how much she does... Though he can only imagine how she would be in bed...
Asmodel is a darling and down right adorable when he blushes. But other than that... Well Enlil certainly isn't patient and waiting for the virtue to do, anything really, is quite annoying. He finds it tiring to watch him go about everything. Watching him mess around with things until they're perfect gets real old real fast.
Oh, Enlil loves Dallin. If he hits on him even the slightest bit he can watch as his ego inflates, it's really amusing. Though he is very good in bed, he would loath to admit it because Dallin would take that to boast that he was the best in bed, and you can't really take that title away from the demon of Lust can you? Enlil is not necessarily a prideful man, but it's his job to be the best in bed.
Oh boy! It's honestly the most amusing thing to get them all riled up, though it's not as much fun to get hit when he goes to far. Enlil often finds himself wondering if Edan actually has genitals, sometimes pondering the idea that they're just angry-sexual. Though he refrains from asking about it because he doesn't want to get punched in the face, and also that's just ten levels past rude to the max.
Enlil is wrapped around her little finger, though who isn't? He thinks she's the cutest thing and definitely has the potential to be a man eater, or lady killer, or both.
Writing Sample
(from a roleplay on a different site)

Fahy grinned a little sheepishly at Jo’s observation that he wasn’t much for sports. He could already tell that this conversation was going to be a struggle to keep up. Even more so when Josiah mentioned his lack of hatred for biology. Fahy found himself propping his chin up on his hand while he listened to Josiah talk. The game was just starting so he tried to turn his attention to the court, and he sat up straight to see over the people in front of him. Though he still had a little trouble seeing the match going on.

The druid was still a little confused at what was going on, understanding when people scored, but having Jo next to him explaining was just as helpful as it was distracting. On one hand, he understood the game a little better, but on the other hand he was getting really distracted by having his crush talk to him. Even if Jo was hardly even paying attention to him as he talked about the game going on. Fahy made sure to hum and nod as the older man explained things, but most of his attention was on Jo instead of the game. That was, until Val’s shot ricocheted off the rim of the basket and hit Ms. Baines, the school nurse, in the face.

Fahy let out a small gasp right before Josiah started laughing next to him. Fahy nervously glanced at Jo, before looking back down at the field. “I don’t really think we should laugh at the blind nurse getting hit. ” He said with a frown, his eyes locked on the screaming woman as Analea tried to calm her down and remedy the situation. “I think she was bleeding. ” He said, squinting his eyes at how the nurse’s hand was pinching her nose. He had half a mind to get up and go down there, but he knew that they had it covered.

While he was staring at the scene going on down at the court he heard his name called out. Fahy lifted his head in time to see his friend nearly face plant on her way up to him. “Quinn! ” he shouted in surprise, not at her falling because that was a common occurrence, but more at what she was wearing. He was used to her dressing more conservatively, not to say he’d never seen her dress like this before. Fahy had known Quinby since freshman year, and could say without a doubt that this girl was his best friend. So yeah, this wasn’t the first time he’d seen her dress this way, but she definitely didn’t do it a lot. He made a mental note to ask her about it later, maybe tease her too. Fahy watched in mild amusement as his best friend managed to seat herself next to him, tying her shoe. “Please Quinn, you can’t walk properly on a normal day. ” He joked, knowing she would deny it.

Having his best friend stumbled up here had definitely calmed his nerves down, but he was quickly put back on edge when Quinn started talking to Josiah. Fahy tensed up the tiniest when he remembered the presence of his hopeless crush right next to him. When he made eye contact with Quinn, he could tell she was silently asking if he wanted be alone with Josiah, and panicked for a second. He grabbed her arm, silently begging her not to leave him alone. While he would love to have alone time with his crush, it was painfully awkward and he needed someone to make conversation a little easier. Hopefully Quinn would help. “Yeah, Jo played really well. We won the game. I mean, Caerulius won.” He told her, glancing at Josiah. He thought back to right after the game, when Josiah had been pissed about his teammates.
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It was a great deal too, the guy said it fell off the back of a truck!



Darius Iden







Gender Presentation


Appearance Age

Late 20s


Brown, and a little long compared to the modern style. Sometimes he is clean shaven, while others he has a goatee.


Brown eyes, but only a few people know that because he rarely takes his tinted sunglasses off.

Other Notes

Darius is lanky in appearance, with a height of about 6'. He is rarely seen without dark tinted sunglasses, a trick he picked up around the human poker rooms. His skin is an olive colour, giving him an Italian appearance. He speaks with many of the colloquialisms and the accent of someone of Sicilian (Italian) descent who was raised in Brooklyn.

The most interesting thing about Darius' appearance is how much it changes based on how he wants people to see him. For instance, his boyish grin coupled with a long sleeve or polo shirt would make most people think he's a well-off frat boy home from break. Alternatively, when he's walking around late at night with a baggy hoodie or a trench coat he seems shifty, untrustworthy and criminally inclined. Darius uses the variances in his appearance to his advantage.



Darius is cunning, street smart and has enough charisma for people to trust him. Not saying he isn't trust worthy, he's incredibly loyal to friends, but he sure wouldn't hesitate to stab an enemy in the back. The trouble is, it's not always easy to tell where you stand with him. In addition, he doesn't take kindly to being screwed over and holds eternal grudges. It's surprising how generous he can seem, considering greed is his sin, but every action he makes is in his own self-interest. He won't hesitate to lend you some money or help you out of a tight spot, but it's usually because he wants to be on your good books for a reason, such as to have your support in the future or to have you owe him a favour that he can cash in when it's convenient. His moral reasoning for his actions is consistent with that of an ethical egoist, he believes that everyone ought to act in their own self interest, and that it is naive, gullible and foolish to do otherwise.

Darius loves to gamble and he really loves to hustle humans out of their money. In his spare time you will almost always find him looking for some action (poker, pool, wagering on horse races or sports etc.). He derives great pleasure from earning a quick buck, even though sins do not particularly need money. Million dollar ideas are an everyday occurrence, he usually comes out of them smelling like roses, while others are left to clean up the mess. Human Ponzi schemes, government expense scandals and corporate tax evasion are usually all his doing, after all, humans aren't nearly smart enough to come up with those things on their own. Sometimes he acts like a young child building a sand castle, he takes great pride in building a scheme up, but just as much pleasure watching it come crumbling down (as long as his feet don't get wet in the process).

His need for an easily earned dollar can have some relatively disastrous consequences. Darius is competitive and likes to win so much that he can be irresponsible and prone to recklessness. Sometimes his gambling borders on becoming a problem. When he's on a winning streak he is a great person to be around, but quickly becomes desolate when his luck changes.

Past Interaction

"I'll give you 3:1 odds that the Jets don't beat the Dolphins by more than 2 points Sunday." Darius spoke into his phone, while leaning on a tree outside of Zeredah's school. He listened as the bell rang signalling the end of the day and kids came racing out of the building. He watched as Zeredah appeared and walked from the school. Darius continued negotiating the terms of his bet with one of the many degenerate gamblers as he casually followed Zeredah to a nearby park. "You really wanna bet $300? You sure you're good for it, you're already down $400." he said with a smile, listening to the man squirm and make excuses for the delinquency in paying up for losing their previous bet.

Darius saw Zeredah pause and pick up a shiny quarter and he grinned, knowing this was the perfect opportunity to introduce himself to her. "Fine, I will see you on Sunday." he said into the phone, hurriedly shoving it into the back pocket of his jeans. "What did you find there sweetheart?" he asked her with a smile. Zeredah showed him the quarter hesitantly. "Wow, aren't you a lucky lady." he schmoozed, noticing her relax a little.

"By the way, my name is Darius." he introduced himself and she replied saying her name was Zeredah. "Say, do you wanna play a game?" he asked brightly and she shrugged noncommittally. "Can I see the coin?" he asked, "See how there's different pictures on each side? This one is called a head, because there's a person on it, and the other one is a tail, because there's an eagle on it. If I flip the coin and it lands on the tail, I'll give you another quarter. But, if it lands on the head, I get to keep it. How does that sound?" he asked.

"Okay!" Zeredah replied enthusiastically, Darius could see her eyes brighten at the prospect of making more money.

Darius took the coin and flipped it, letting it fall to the ground. He and Zeredah bent down to look at the coin. "It's a tail, you win!" he laughed, fishing a quarter out of his wallet and handing it to her.

"Want to play again?" he asked with a grin and she nodded enthusiastically. "Okay, this time, how about if I win I keep both quarters, but if you win I give you two more?" he asked and she agreed.

Darius flipped the coin once again, and again it landed on the tail side. "Oh, look. You win again. You're one lucky little lady." he said. "Okay, okay. One more time? If you win


time I'll give you a whole dollar!" he said and she agreed. This time when the coin was flipped, it landed with the head facing up. "Oh look, I guess I won this time. That means the quarters are mine." he said grimly. He opened his hand for Zeredah to hand him the money. She did so reluctantly.

"Thanks." Darius said brightly and watched Zeredah's sadness. "You know, I've had this candy bar in my pocket all day and decided I don't like this kind, here, you can have it." he grinned, handing her the chocolate bar. Zeredah instantly perked back up. "Well, I should be going, see you around Zeredah!" he waved, and then walked away.


Chastity is a little naive, but she is honest and I believe she is generally trustworthy. Unlike Liev, I don't go out of my way to screw her over because of her naivety because I think some day she will make a good ally. She does however need to loosen up, I think with a little effort I can sway her towards having some fun.
Liev is a gullible fool. He's an easy mark; any old sappy story about kids and animals in need is good enough to get him to sign a cheque. I can't count the number of times he's fallen for one of my schemes. Seriously, doesn't he realize Sarah Maclachlan is paid to be in those ASPCA ads? There aren't that many homeless puppy dogs locked in kennels in America, that sad song just makes suckers like Liev fall for the hoax.
Hadriel makes too much work for herself, but she's alright. I am always stunned by the amount of effort she puts into a task. She doesn't seem to understand that the smart way to complete a task is always the easiest way. I don't understand why she tends to use the word "immorality" when I suggest better alternatives.
Asmodel irks me with his nonchalant attitude. Contrary to that stupid human phrase, good things do not come to those that wait, they come to those that go get them!
Dallin is first and foremost a good ally, but he's also a good friend. Our competitive personalities tend to complement each other well. It is not unusual for us to have bets on completely mundane things, like how late Zeredah will be for school when it's Asmodel's turn to take her. He's tough to beat at poker, pool and other games based on skill, but he's not nearly as lucky or as good at calculating the odds as me.
I like Enlil, he's smart, acts in his own best interests, and doesn't let emotions cloud his judgement. I admire that he knows what he wants and goes out and gets it.
I tend to go out of my way to avoid irritating Edan as it's in my best interest to stay on their good graces. I know that they are a good ally to have, so I try to be generous in helping them in anyway possible.
Zeredah is my little princess, I recognize how valuable she is and absolutely adore her. She really needs my help though, who else is going to teach her to be street smart? I certainly won't let her grow up to be a gullible fool like Liev and Chastity or to waste her efforts doing things the "right" way, like Hadriel would insist.
Writing Sample

Context: This was a teen role play set at a private school in the middle of nowhere. Julia and Ryan are siblings, their Dad recently died of cancer. This scene occurred when Julia got very drunk at a party and her brother was berating her about it.


I scowled at Julia before turning back to the group for a second "I'll be right back." I sighed. "Thanks Seth." I nodded before pushing Julia roughly in front of me towards the edge of the clearing. "I can't believe this!" I snapped at her.


"RYAN! You need to give it a rest. You aren't dad, so stop acting like him!" I said exasperatedly. I paused to catch my breath for a second before continuing my tirade "If I want to drink, so be it. If I want to date someone, live with it!" I scowled as all my frustration towards Ryan finally came out "Be like all your friends who completely ignore their sisters." I said "It would be good for me if you would just leave me the hell alone."


"You need to go back to your dorm." I said coldly, shoving her towards the girl's side of Rockhurst. "I will when I damn well want to, thank you very much." she said and I stopped stunned. I knew this was about 80% the alcohol talking since Julia would never talk to me like this "Fine then." I said quietly, storming back towards the party as Julia took off into the trees crying.


I sat down under a big tree looking out towards the lake and cried. After what seemed like hours but probably was only a minute or two, I wiped away the tears. I was determined not to apologize to Ryan, he deserved everything I had said, but I still felt bad about it. Suddenly I got a really bad headache and I leaned back to rest my head on the tree, while scrunching my face to try and stop the pain. I never drank like this, maybe a beer, but not six like I had had tonight and a couple shots of vodka too, and I regretted it instantly. I thought for a minute about how if this was a fairy tale some hot guy would have appeared, helped me up and walked me back to my dorm room but this was the hell we called the real world, in which half the guys out there were players, and would only even talk to you for some action. I finally attempted to stand up, leaning on the tree for support, but as soon as I took a step towards the girls side of the campus my legs gave way and I crumpled to the ground, hitting my head off of the tree in the process. "Ughh.. well that helped." I said sarcastically rubbing my head, before pushing myself up against the tree once again and resting.


After leaving Julia I wandered back to the party. I sat down off by myself on a log beside the fire and looked around to see where everyone was. Julia's sharp words still stung like she had slapped me in the face, but I shook the feeling off, she was right after all. Just because I was her brother didn't mean I had control of her life. I was starting to hate her coming to this school more and more... It was weird after barely seeing her for 2 years, after I took an athletic scholarship. It was like we hardly knew each other anymore. Before she had always looked up to me and always wanted to hang around me, now she had changed. After a few minutes of thinking and gazing into the fire I got up and went to join the other seniors who were laughing and carrying on. I realized most of them were drunk, high, or both, and for some reason I decided I didn't want to hang around these type of people, my friends, right now. I decided to go tell Seth and Jay I was heading back to the dorm room. "Hey guys, I'm getting kinda tired and have a paper due tomorrow so I'll talk to you later." I lied and they both nodded curtly before continuing with their conversations. I walked slowly back to the dorm hall and slipped into the window. After flicking on a light I stretched out on my bed and stared up to the bland white ceiling tiles. After counting them three times, each time getting a different number, I gave up and turned off the light.

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