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Fandom {Silent Whispers} Oakclan- a warrior cat roleplay


Junior Member
Rules to be followed

1. Introduce yourself on the board. Follow all normal rules. Please try to be consistant.

2. Please do not be rude to anyone on the board.

3. Realistic Warrior names. No moon or sun names. Any questions i am willing to answer over dm or interest board.

4. Please stick with the plot. Any twists, add ons or suggestions should be sent to my inbox for approval. Communication is key with me.

5. Play as many characters as you can handle. I will also possibly allow rogues and loners, just dm me.
Clan: Oakclan
Season: Leafbare
Plot: A few cats go missing, then a cat on patrol falls into a pit and finds bodies.

Boreal Forest. Spruce, birch, alder, willow, oak, maple, pine, and elm trees scatter the land. The apprentices train in a sandy clearing surrounded by the hunting grounds. Creeks and ponds feed the land its water. The camp boundaries are made of undergrowth with fallen trees splitting on all sides. In a hollowed out log near the centers the leader's den, the log itself being call Meetinglog(?). The warrior den is a log with thorns protecting the back. The medicine den is a lichen covered log near the nursery. The medicine cat herbs were stored in a rocky den between the medicine den and the nursery Prey is stored in a hole in the ground in front of the leader's den. The two entrances are lined with thorns for added protection.

Leader: Blackstar

Deputy: Lightfeather

Medicine Cat: Pebblefur(?)

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Dustpaw(?)

Warriors: Vixentail, Bearheart, Ivorystream, Valleymist Open

Apprentices: Lunarpaw, open

Queens: Flightleap(Silverkit)

Elders: Open
should we start now???? here????

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