• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Shawn Whitemoon
Of all the people that could have been picked to save the world, it still astounded Shawn that he was one of them. Him, the person that was visited after he had sent home the waitress from the night before. It fascinated him how easy people were to read, and how easy it was to be whoever you needed to be. Whoever you wanted to impress, or whoever you wanted to urk, it was extraordinarily easy to become them. Who was he last night? Some depressed Pre-Law student that was only 1 year away from starting a great 6 figure career. That's all he needed to be to have a great night, and a great night it had been.

And now, here he was, snooping through a gallery because an angel had told him to. If he couldn't throw a chair with his mind, he'd believe he was going insane. Or perhaps he already was already insane, and this was simply another day while he sat in a room with padded walls while he giggled. Who knew. But no sooner did he get his mission from the angel was he out the door and on a plane, ready to put others before himself. Perhaps he got bored with what he was doing, or perhaps he wanted a challenge. Who knew.

He was jolted from his thoughts when he heard commotion coming from ahead. He quickly ran over to where the commotion was headed, seeing what seemed to be...pictures coming to life and attacking? Quite strange, but though the brush strokes were great, the claws and fangs were sharp. He sprinted into the room where the commotion was going down, and watched as two people were dragged backwards towards the paintings. He wanted to send a mind blast towards them, but didn't want to hit the other two. He slowed himself to a jog, but continued on towards the fight.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Ayramis listened cautiously to the seer's tale. A big part of him wasn't completely surprised at the news they had just heard. "So John himself isn't the antichrist." He repeated in a low breath. There was a low whoosh as a small portal opened at Ayramis' feet and a Jackal stepped out wagging it's tail. It let out a yip then trotted over to sit beside Hayle looking up at her expectantly. This broke Ayramis out of his thoughts. "What in the world are you doing here?" He asked it, but he was brought back to reality with Harian's words, and Polinka's translation. "Say what?!!" He exclaimed, his eyes beginning to smolder their eerie green fire. "We were set up to bring about the end of times?!" He could feel his blood beginning to boil and the voices in his head were beginning to raise their volume. Fueled by his climbing rage they wanted to be heard and released. His hands squeezed to fists as they tightened and flexed in his anger. A sharp knocking at the door brought him to. "It seems you have guests, Miss Polinka." His voice was a low growl at this point. "Or is it us? Do we have guests? You see all, you probably know all." He continued as he stood from the couch, positioning himself between the couch on which Polinka sat besides Harian and John, and the short hallway that led to the door and the newcomers. "Am I correct in guessing they don't require your talents and attention as much as they do ours?" He asked as the mummy wrappings that were bound to his chest began to unravel and float before him. With a silent thought he sent them towards Harian and they began to form a small cocoon. "We should probably keep John out of the way...Just in case." He said without turning his head from the door. Indicating what the wrappings were for. The jackal at Hayle's feet let out a short bark of agreement before lowering into a menacing crouch, growling and snarling towards the door.

SilverFlight SilverFlight GamerCarrot GamerCarrot KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe
The hands flew back, writhing into their frames. The painting faded, began to bleed black and then, in a single one a face appeared. It was have been sallow and pale, with a grinning human mouth that was much too large for it. Black ink dripped from the top of its head, covering the place where eyes should have been. A long, black, reptilian tongue snaked out of the mouth and wound it's way about the entire face.
Jophiel looked visibly disturbed. Suddenly there was another man there, and for a moment he thought that they might not have lost their contact after all, but he looked as baffled as they were about the creature in the paintings, and the man on the phone had clearly known about this creature...for all the good it had done him. Then he recognized him.
"Shawn! Here!" He called. The creature struck out again, aiming for Shawn but Jophiel was ready this time. His sword cut through the arm like a hot knife through butter, he did not see the other one however, coming from a blind spot out of another painting. He was backhanded into a wall as if the creature was swatting a rather large fly.
The angel rose slowly, leaning on his flaming blade for support.
"This thing...really packs a wallop!"

The creature's hand retreated into the frame. There were two more seeping black ooze. It was clear the creature was close, and hovering just inside one of those three frames...

Jophiel hp = 20
Ghoul hp = 30


Painting Ghoul

This creature shields it's body inside a different dimension, created by the suffering of artists. It can only be struck if the right panting is hit. It manifests as a pale, gaping humanoid figure covered in thick black paint. It can stretch its limbs over thirty feet and has the strength of ten men. It stalks its prey through collected paintings, dragging unsuspecting victims through the frames to be devoured in its own realm.

Battle info:
There are 3 paintings that will be dripping black paint each round. You have a 1 in 3 chance of choosing the correct painting to attack. If you miss the attack does 0 damage, if you hit it will do double damage, so double the number rolled on the die. this means even if you roll a one (a miss) but guess the right painting, you will do 2 damage. The creature has two attacks, a single target attack that does 1d10 and an AoE that does 1d6 to each player. Holy or blessed characters (angels) have a weakness and 1 damage will be added to the total removed from the character's hp each time the creature lands an attack.
Rolling a 1 is a miss for both the creature and the players. Please consult the rules in the lore for all the information about the dice system.

Choose to attack: Painting 1, 2 or 3. Please put your choice at the top of your post just under your hp. All characters begin with 20 hp.

Naberius Naberius Feywild Feywild Inheritance Inheritance The Velveteen Rabbit The Velveteen Rabbit
Hino felt uneasy at the smile Polinka flashed at him after she managed to overhear his doubtful comments. He did not find the look in her eyes or the hidden message beneath her smile comforting at all. It was clear she knew far more than she cared to let on, but the question was how much? The story to the quartet as she held John in her arms. Somehow, their situation became even more complex than it already was. Polinka revealed to the group that baby John was, in fact, not the anti-christ. This was followed by not one, two, but three flabergasted responses confirming exactly what the woman had said only seconds ago.

"So... Is John the anti-christ?" He made no attempt to hide his sarcasm. Hino turned to face Harian who was clearly concerned, "Look, just because someone is a divine being does not mean they have a pure heart. I'm guessing it's going to be a lot harder to find someone 'pure' enough to... open the gates of... darkness." He was still rather skeptical of the whole situation, though he couldn't say why. "And your angel friends are no exception... But even before it comes to that, they have to get through us before they-" Hino was cut off at the faint sound of a very unique bird call, one that would unrecognizable to a stranger. Hino leaped up from the wall he was leaning against on high alert only seconds before a loud banging sounded against the door. Ayramis and his jackal were clearly aware of the looming threat as well. A fight was at their doorstep. He put a hand on Ayramis.

"We can't sideline Harian, there's only four of us," He looked around at the small group a little alarmed at the group he saw, "There's only four of us and none of us are healers. We have no idea what's on the other side of that door, we need her. Besides she can't defend herself or John like that." He then turned his gaze towards the old seer, "What about you, are you good with babies?"
Hayle was pleasantly surprised to see Ayramis's Jackal appear before them, seeing it sit near by her and look up at her she immediately gave it her full attention. Scratching it's ears whilst the others talked about John, she was listening to the others concerns and they all seemed to have come to the same conclusion that John was not the antichrist but what would they do with him now and how will they get rid of the spell on his body. As she opened her mouth to ask how can they remove the spell a loud bang at the door made her stand up and look at the door. Placing her hand into her bag that she always carried with her she pulled out one of her water bottles, thankful she brought it with her. Opening it up she didn't pour out any of the liquid until they were all ready to attack but they seemed to be more concerned about Harian and John than the impending threat. "I think we should protect the seer and the baby over Harian, maybe we can cocoon them instead?" She asked looking back at the seer "If you don't mind that is? It would just make protecting you and the baby much easier if you are both together." She looked back at Ayramis and Hino "How does that sound to you two? and what about you Harian any objections?" she knew Harian cared a lot more about John so Hayle wanted her input as well.

SilverFlight SilverFlight andujarprime andujarprime KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe
Ayramis raised a brow as he looked back to Hino and Hayle then nodded. "My apologies, I should have made my intentions clearer." He said as he shifted his attention to Harian. "The protection is for the baby alone, we will indeed be needing all hands on deck, as the humans say."And you're absolutely right Hino, not even the angels can all claim purity. I mean nephilim are said to be the product of...well y'know." His attention was brought to the door again, as he heard shuffling about. "I've got my port card, we can send John back to HQ with my little friend, he would be most protected there. We just need another door, right?" He asked aloud, trying to finalize a plan of action before it was too late. He pulled out his card and held it behind him for anyone to take.

KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe GamerCarrot GamerCarrot SilverFlight SilverFlight
Harian gave a short laugh after Hino had said his piece. "Have you met Joph? I can't say anything about the other angels, but Jophiel could have opened the gate."

The figures outside the door loomed and Harian swore colourfully. As Ayramis unraveled the wrappings Harian gave them a dubious look. "He'll be safe in those?"
Polinka Nodded to the others. "I vill vatch baby while you fight...but you vill not get to door in time." Her tone bore a sadness that put Harian on edge.
Suddenly there was a horrible splintering sound, the front door being turned into kindling by a potent spell. Suddenly a magical shock was sent all throughout the house.
"Ooooh that was a warding spell...we can't use magic to escape."
Whoever these three were, they were professionals...and they mean to trap them. Harian drew her gun as she heard footsteps come down the hallway.
"Little piggies..." A deep, predatory voice called.
Harian pulled the door too. They didn't have anymore time.
She turned to Polinka. "Ayramis had the right question. What the heck to they want?" The seer looked at them sadly.
"Zey hoped you vould kill baby...you did not, now zey are coming to take him back."
"Not on my watch." Harian said with much more bravado than she felt.
"Ok, we need a plan, and we have no time left to come up with one...maybe we should get Polinka and the kid out of the house? They can't have warded very far. There's got to be a door we can get them too--" Something came crashing through the window, glass exploded all about them. Polinka shielded the baby, but whatever came through the window was directed at Harian. Silver flashed and suddenly agony ripped through Harian's body. She screamed. A bolt, pure silver had sprouted from her chest. She hit the floor, unable to move, in too much pain to even form words.
A big man stepped into the parlour, another just behind him. The thinner one who had fired the silver bolt from a small crossbow stepped through the broken window.
"I think you have something of ours." The thin one cooed. Underneath the glamour of a frail, slender, blond man, the demon had a bird face, long and skeletal. The two brutes by the door were huge and hulking, and under their glamours they sported horns and blue and red skin.
"Surrender the child...and no one has to die." Birdface said.

The Three Demons

Supernatural hit-men and very powerful. Nobody knows who they are working for this time, but they have been instructed to reclaim the baby that our team rescued from a house in Paris.

Battle info:
They are weak to holy attacks and silver, add 1 point to attack rolls if you are playing a divine character. They are very strong however...you might not win this one.

Birdface: 25 hp
Thing 1: 30 hp
Thing 2: 30 hp

Harian: 5/20 hp - incapaciated

KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe GamerCarrot GamerCarrot andujarprime andujarprime
20/20 HP
2nd painting

Gabriel went on the offensive, taking up a firing stance as Jophiel rushed to intervene on behalf of some random outsider he apparently knew, just before being batted around like a particularly unlucky ping pong ball. He had no time to worry about him, he was an angel after all, and would be fine without his worrying about him. Probably.
He drew a bead on one of the paintings and fired. He had absolutely idea if his bullets were even doing anything to the creature. He'd never seen anything like this before, none of the other monsters he'd fought over the years were even remotely similar.
"So, quick question. How do we even know if we're hurting the damn thing?"

SilverFlight SilverFlight Feywild Feywild
20/20 hp
Damage: 4
3rd painting

“Who's he? What's happening?"
Zoya cried out, sounding half demented as she snapped her head back and forth between the newcomer and the painting, dismissing the stranger with the wave of a hand, her eyes fluttering back to whatever baleful creature awaited them. After all whilst seeing a stranger and Jophiel apparently know each other was a little startling, it was not as shocking as the creature they were up against and how she was at an utter loss of what to do. An unflattering squeak escaped her parted lips as she watched the angel get slammed into the wall, leaning onto his sword after he’d cut off an arm but missed the other that lunged behind.

“I really need to start bringing a bow on these missions.” Zoya moaned quietly, seeing how Gabriel didn’t have to get close just because he had a gun. If she wanted to maintain distance she’d have to be quick. Propelling herself forwards, she delivered two quick strikes with her talons to one of the paintings that oozed inky blackness, easily jumping back to the centre of the room where she waited for the creatures retaliation with a poised stance. Listening to Gabriel’s question, she found herself also wondering how they were meant to know if the creature was truly being hurt as she’d never encountered anything like this. Whatever this was it was terrifying, not very comforting whatsoever.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Naberius Naberius Inheritance Inheritance
HP: 20/20
Damage: 6
Bird Face

"Surrender the child...and no one has to die." The demon barely got the words out before Hino hurled his long knives towards bird face. Before it could make contact, the Thunder God was already mid-air. The blades landed with a *thud* *thud* in the demon's chest while Hino kangaroo kicked the demon through the broken window from whence he came. However, he did not go through it nearly as gracefully as he came in and took a large chunk of the wall with him. Hino followed bird-face in the open alley-way, darting past the other two demons. He was concerned about leaving Ayramis and Hayle to deal with them considering the odds were not in their favor, but there were no other options.

Glass crackled under his feet as he neared the bird-faced demon who had recovered quickly and was getting to his feet. The familiar feeling of rage veiled over him. The sunlight of the alley slowly started to fade away as thick, dark, and angry storm clouds rolled in at a supernatural rate. Harian had taken the silver bolt very hard, and he wasn't even sure she was still alive. John and the old woman had also taken a hard hit and he didn't know the status of their safety either. What he did know is that the thing before him was responsible.

"Oh, someone's gonna die alright," The words came out like venom through his gritted teeth. Though, to be fair, he too wasn't certain who it would be either.

SilverFlight SilverFlight GamerCarrot GamerCarrot andujarprime andujarprime
Maliyah’s bare feet padded against the wooden floor of the art gallery, as she carefully trailed after Jophiel- the angel who had contacted her previously. She started analysing the the group from afar, calculating and pondering whether they were trustworthy or not. Her head remained held high whilst she stalked the halls, as though she was confident in this strange environment, however her emotions betrayed her, and she quickly became unnerved after making eye contact with one of the many portraits.

Becoming absorbed in their curiously mysterious gaze, Maliyah paused her trek and stood rooted to the spot, perplexed by the painting, and unaware at the fact that she was now alone. She squinted her autumn amber eyes as she attempted to come across as threatening, but the paining seemed to ignore this, and continued to stare. Having never come across anything to brush off her intimidating expression, Maliyah felt her anger burning, bubbling and flaring up through her body, wanting to harm this worthless picture.

However before she erupted, she suddenly became aware of her surroundings, and was ripped out of her trance by a loud ruckus seeping from a room down a long corridor. Sweeping a lock of dark curls behind her shoulder, the goddess took one last glance at the portrait and scoffed, before quickly making her way towards the commotion.

Once she arrived, she watched with an amused raise of her eyebrow as Jophiel was slammed into a wall after severing an arm to protect a stranger. Two others stood in the centre of the room, battle ready as a blonde retreated from slashing a painting. After watching for only a few moments, she quickly realised the severity of these paintings, as there was a disgusting dark substance oozing and flowing from the pieces of art.

“How strange...” Maliyah thought as she calculated the situation “Oh how I will enjoy destroying these fiends.”

SilverFlight SilverFlight Feywild Feywild Naberius Naberius Inheritance Inheritance
Jophiel 15/20
Painting Ghoul: 22/30

Jophiel 4 dmg -> painting 2

Painting ghoul:
2 dmg -> Gabriel
5 dmg -> Jophiel
6 dmg -> Shawn
4 dmg -> Zoya

Jophiel watched the others and then moved in for his own attack, bringing the flaming sword straight into one of the paintings. Instead of being stopped at the wall the sword plunged right down to the hilt.
The painting Zoya had struck began to gush more black liquid and the creature screeched. Vine-like muscle strands began to wind themselves about Jophiel's hands, pinning them to the hilt of his sword. A hand shot out of every painting, striking everyone in the room.
The hands continued to drag at Joph and he fought with all his strength.
"We need to think of a way to lure it out of the paintings!" The angel cried, even as he was being dragged bodily into one.

((Free shot at the creature parts restraining Jophiel, only one person gets it though.))

Naberius Naberius Feywild Feywild Inheritance Inheritance Poenix Hunter Poenix Hunter
18/20 HP

Gabriel was used to feeling outmatched by his supernatural opponents, having been hunting everything that made kids cry for little over a decade. But this was a fairly new situation. He had never met anything quite like this 'paint ghoul' they now faced. His body reacted to the attack before he himself even realized he was being struck, managing to sidestep and avoid being completely impaled though he still took a glancing blow to his right side, a trickle of blood staining his torn shirt.
"That's gonna scar, asshole!"
He didn't notice Joph getting pulled towards the thing until he had already been forced further away by the grasping claws. From this angle, he couldn't get a clean shot and was afraid of striking Jophiel. Instead, he decided to go with a hunch. He ran to the nearest painting and grabbed the frame, ripping it off the wall and smashing it against the ground. From the broken frame he pulled the painting itself, and ripped it into small pieces.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Feywild Feywild Inheritance Inheritance Poenix Hunter Poenix Hunter
Shawn Whitemoon
There was no time to sit pretty and try to make small talk here, no sooner did he meet up with the group did shit begin to hit the fan. He bolted over to Jophiel, feeling now was as good a time as any to show his own potential. Lifting a finger to his temple, he focused his mind outward, feeling the other consciousnesses around. These ghouls were alien to his own mind, which made him that much more eager to blast one into infinity.

He drew in a breath, finger still on his temple, and focused his own psychic brainwaves to release a psychic burst that shot towards the creature holding Jophiel with perfect accuracy. Now was not the time to celebrate though, as this didn't kill the creature, or even do too much visible damage. He was proud of himself for getting that first shot off, though he knew in the back of his mind that his shot was sloppy, and it was only pure luck that saved the angel from getting a dose of the wave himself.

He didn't go too much closer, and tried to stay away from the paintings. He wasn't great in close combat, and would much rather stay at a range to make full use of his own abilities.

"What can I do?!" He yelled back, trying to not let panic creep into his voice.

Naberius Naberius Poenix Hunter Poenix Hunter SilverFlight SilverFlight
20/20 HP
Damage: 3 (Thing 1)

Hayle immediately turned around upon hearing the loud splintering sound of the door, panic shown all over her face not quite sure how they were going to escape this madness. As she moved her other hand to open the bottle of water she was holding she was distracted by the shattering of glass and the sound of a bolt piercing flesh, turning to look at Harian she saw the silver bolt sitting in her chest. Her face changed from panic to fear, they had silver bolts and had just taken down one of their members with one hit. She hesitated moving to help Harian, if she touched the bolt she would burn and would take damage as well and they didn't need two members being hurt or worse incapacitated. Taking a deep breath and regaining her composure she looked at one of the things that had just entered the room and looked over it, pouring out some of the water she froze it immediately before some of it even had the chance of touching the floor below her. Shaping it and bending it to her will she broke it in half and shaped one of the shards of ice into a spear whilst the other stayed nearby her, floating in mid air. Holding the spear in her hands she readied her aim and threw the spear as hard as she could, piercing one of them in the chest. She felt bad doing this in front of a baby but unfortunately she had no choice.

As she went to open her mouth to ask either Ayramis or Hino to help Harian, Hino had already jumped out the window and taken a part of the wall with him. She wanted to tell him not to run off like that just in case either of them got into trouble but it was a tad late for that. "Ayramis help Harian! Please I'll stay with the baby just help her get that bolt out." She spoke with increased concern, if she could touch silver she'd help Harian herself but she just couldn't do it not without hurting herself in the process. Holding her hand out towards the spear she had just thrown she summoned it back into her hand holding it tightly as she moved herself in front of Polinka.

SilverFlight SilverFlight andujarprime andujarprime KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe
Damage: Bird face (6)

Ayramis had turned back to the door when the glass shattered. He could feel a cold wave of dread before even looking back. Something was wrong, he just had to get eyes on. "Help Harian!" Registered just as he saw Hino flying out the window. He let out a furious growl when he spotted her on the floor, a bolt of silver protruding from her chest. Cursing in ancient Egyptian he threw himself to the ground beside her. With little effort he managed to pry the bolt from her. Her essence was burning where the silver touched, almost as if it was melting away. He winced when he finally dropped the bolt on the ground. The voices in his head were frenzied at the thought of death. They were a dull roar at the moment and slowly rising. There was a ward up, he couldn't tell how far it spread but that wasn't important. The source of the magic was nearby, if they could eliminate the source then they could get away. "That one! That one! The tall one!" The voices in his head were a cacophony of shrieks and nudges. They were warning him, guiding him to the source of the warding magic. And all fingers were pointed to the demon that Hino had chased out the window. "We need to drop this ward! We won't be able to get away if it's up. And we most definitely can't carry everyone fast enough to escape." He said to Hayle as he moved Harian behind him. The Jackal came stalking over to him, the mummy wrappings around John like a glowing cocoon, carried in it's mouth. It bared it's teeth at the two demons lumbering in the entryway. "Can you possibly make a barrier in the hall? The bird demon is controlling the ward. I need to help Hino put a stop to it. "He explained before standing up once more. A green Hieroglyph appeared in front of him and he pushed his hand to, and then through it as it vanished into the glyph. He pulled it back out holding a large Khopesh sword. It looked ancient, but the energy it gave off was extremely powerful. "He will help you guard them, I must dispatch the bird as quickly as possible." He said as he took off running. He was a much smaller shape than Hino launching himself out of the window. He saw Hino beneath him as he jumped upwards, connecting with the alley wall momentarily before launching himself at the bird demon. He caught it with a heavy strike to it's arm as it was righting itself, leaving it nearly severed. It hung useless at it's side as Ayramis crouched ready to attack. On the opposite side of the demon than Hino was. "Death calls, little bird." He whispered, his voice low but full of fury as his eyes pulsated an eerie green.

SilverFlight SilverFlight KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe GamerCarrot GamerCarrot
Birdface 8/25 -> 19 damage Hino + 5 self damage + 3 damage to Thing 2
Thing 1: 27/30 -> 16 damage Hayle
Thing 2: 27/30 -> 9 damage Ayramis

Harian: 5/20 hp

Harian yelped as the silver was pulled from her essence. She was in too bad a shape to voice her gratitude, but her face, which before had been twisted in agony, began to relax. She was bleeding essence badly. It seeped from the wound and soaked her front. With great effort she moved to pull her gun free from it's holster, but she fumbled it, barely able to grasp it.

The bird demon choked as ichor filled his lungs, and he bent over as the blades jutted from his chest like pins in a doll. He yanked them out with a quiet, surprised anger, only to have his arm slashes badly bu Anubis' Khopesh.
The demon actually retreated in three prepared steps, leaving a trail of black blood in his wake.
"Well, I wasn't expecting you gods to pack quite that much of a punch..."
He held up his good arm and snapped. Thing 2 turned from where the old seer lay, struggling to get up and walked to the window to slowly climb out of it. Glass crumbled under his massive fists. Once outside the demon began to charge, he crashed right into Ayramis, aiming to pin the god against the brick of another house.

Birdface glared at them, his mind visibly working behind his narrow, beady eyes.
"You've forced my hand..." He said as he reached into his jacket. What he took out looked like a small, charred stick, runes carved down it's sides. The rune began to glow. In a flash he was in front of Hino, and the wand shot forward and pierced the thunder god's side. An explosion of magical power rocked the house. The test of the windows shattered. When the smoke cleared, the demon's hand was no longer there, a charred stump smoked where it had been.
"We will be taking that baby..." He gasped, and moved to pass them. Thing 2 picked itself up from the rubble and moved to stand in their way as birdface made to climb inside the house.

The demon inside the house staggered back as Hayle's ice magic struck him. He touched the end of the spear gingerly then grunted, and swung a huge fist straight at the ice demon.

GamerCarrot GamerCarrot andujarprime andujarprime KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe
Last edited:
HP: 4/20
Damage (Birdface): 10

Hayle looked at her two opponents whilst Ayramis and Hino had run off to deal with the birdlike creature that desperately wanted the baby, she was about to ready herself for an incoming attack when a giant magical explosion distracted her long enough for one of the things she had attacked to approach her and punch her directly in the stomach. The force alone was enough to make her stumble back and drop her spear, pain emanated from her body as she coughed up black blood. Her blood dripping onto the floor and down her chin, looking up at the thing that just punched her she glared. She was mad, the markings all over her body glowing as her temper grew. In the corner of her eye she saw the birdface creature climbing through into the room. From the explosion she heard she could only assume the worst of her friends praying they were still alive and in desperate need of healing. Raising her hand towards the Birdface, her face calm and serene. She looks at the blood covering the creature and watches it as it slowly starts to freeze over, her calm expression slowly turns into a devilish smirk as she continues to freeze the blood coursing through the creatures veins. She watches as the creatures face begins to change as they realise what is happening to them, she continues to use her magic until she can see the frost on their skin cover their entire body.

Lowering her hand and admiring the work she had done she moves it to wipe the blood off her face not wanting anyone to see what she was before focusing her attention back to the person she had just frozen. She was angry, angrier than she had ever been in her life. Her mind no longer making sense as she turned towards the demon. Raising both hands towards the birdface and slowly began pulling the ice in his body apart, she made it slow and painful before shattering the beast with her own magic. She could hear the ice drop to the ground from the sheer force of her power, sighing she looked up at the thing that just punched her and smirked silently telling them not to piss her off any more or they will suffer the same fate.
SilverFlight SilverFlight andujarprime andujarprime KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe
Jophiel 9/20

Painting ghoul 22/30

7 dmg -> Gabriel
6 dmg -> Jophiel
4 dmg -> Shawn
7 dmg -> Zoya

Jophiel fell back as Shawn's mindblast hit the creature's gruesome limbs.
He got to his feet slowly, watching as Gabriel destroyed the painting. He tried not to wince. "That was a Rembrandt..."
But the creature seemed more upset. In the two paintings that remained on the wall, it lashed out from one of them, limbs hurtling at Gabriel, but the damage had been done. Jophiel saw that the creature was no longer able to use the destroyed painting.
"The paintings!" Jophiel darted forward, bringing his sword down not to attack the creature in the painting, but to attack the painting itself.
The far left painting exploded in singed pieces, that glowed and smoked as they fluttered to the ground.
The last panting oozed black and something large and sinewy slithered forth. The creature was coming out to face them directly.
It plunged its hands to the floor, black ink spreading from them to cover the space in a growling pool. Dozens of tiny hands sprung from it, razor claws extended as they attacked the team.

((The creature can now be attacked head on))

Naberius Naberius Feywild Feywild Inheritance Inheritance
Dmg: 2(Thing 1)

Ayramis grunted he picked himself up from the heap he had become. The demon had come out of the window and charged him while he was solely focused on the bird demon. Big mistake, and a slightly costly one. More costly it seemed, to his companion than to him. He shook the stars from his eyes as he looked to the burns rubble several yards from him. Hino lay there, seemingly incapacitated, and looking extremely hurt. The thunder god had taken that blast at close range. It was a miracle he was still breathing. "Divine intervention?" He asked aloud then shook his head. The glint of his Khopesh sword caught his eye and he bent to pick it up from beneath the crumbling brick. It was then he heard the sharp snap of something cracking and breaking, and a sickly wet thud as chunks dropped to the ground. He was afraid to look, afraid at what that sound could mean. But almost as soon as the sharp snap filled the alleyway, the voices in his head sighed in a collective relief. Signaling the end of the ward. He chanced a look up at the shattered window frame. The hulking demon stood before it, but behind him pieces of beak and viscera could be seen. Hayle stood there, her gaze fixed on the demon she was facing now. He took a sharp breath pushing himself onward. Sword in hand, he used it to right himself as he took several steps and dropped to his knees besides Hino. "Oh, no. No, no, no. You aren't leaving us today my antisocial lightning bug. We aren't losing you that easily." He whispered, forcing himself to hold back greif, and a cacophony of angry voices. They threatened to flood his head and in turn the world as he knew it. He bit back with effort as he shook Hino to rouse him. "C'mon, the wards down. We need to get out of here." He whispered when he finally made eye contact. He took a deep breath and stood up, Hoisting Hino to his feet. Allowing the Large god to lean against him for support. "Hey, Hey can you understand me? We're getting out of here. Like NOW!" He exclaimed then pressed his sword into Hino's hands. "Take this, Just hold it and swing alright?" He instructed him as he bent slightly for leverage. Within seconds he had a 6'4 battering ram slumped across his shoulder. "Remember, Just swing!" He instructed as he pulled his card out of his pocket. "Elsa!!!! It's time to get goin!!!" He called as he began moving towards the demon blocking the entryway. He kicked a rather large piece of brick towards the demon, aiming for it's head. It sailed across the alley, breaking apart into several smaller chunks. He was running full speed, or as close as he could to full speed while carrying a man shaped, lightning rod of swinging steel. Quite fast as it turns out, they managed to make it past the semi distracted guard, Hino grunting from the bumps in travel, or the effort of swinging he wasn't sure. His eyes pulsed and the Jackal that was standing guard with Hayle snarled. It let out a sharp bark and leapt into action. It dove between the demon's legs and began biting viciously at it's ankles. Ayramis dropped into a slide, with Hino rolling off of him. His eyes searching wildly for a door, any door and they landed on a smallish white door. Ayramis would have guessed it to be a broom closet, if he had the time to guess. But time was not on their side. He crawled the few steps into the hallway, placing the card on the door. A light filled the room as he pushed the new gateway open. " Let's go!!! Let's go!!" He shouted as he stumbled to his feet. He tripped, as he made his way back towards Hino in case he needed help. "Get Harian!" He exclaimed to Hayle.

KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe GamerCarrot GamerCarrot SilverFlight SilverFlight
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HP: 1/20
Damage: (5) Thing 2 and (1) Thing 1

Just as the demon began to recover from the knives Hino sank into his chest, Ayramis hit him with a secondary attack, nearly removing one of Birdface's arms in the process. It was strange, but Hino felt quite comfortable fighting alongside Ayramis despite only knowing him a short time. Their fightings styles appeared to be complimentary of each other as they attacked in tandem. The demon retreated to a safer area as the two gods closed in on the kill. He appeared to be surprised at the damage the two had done already, but already the demon was adapting to the threat before him. With the snap of his fingers, Thing 2 stormed through the window and slammed into Ayrmais leaving Hino alone with Birdface.

Hino's instinct was to leave and help the Egyptian, but he knew that killing Birdface was their only chance at escaping with an injured Harian, an old woman, and a baby. Against his better judgment, he glanced over at Ayramis only to see him being pinned against a wall by Thing 2.

"Ayramis?!" He shouted in both shock and worry hoping to hear a reassuring response about his safety. The thunder god's brief moment of hesitation was enough time for Birdface to make his move. Hino turned his attention back to Birdface at the sound of his deep, weaselly voice but it was too late, the demon was already upon him. In his hand was a wand covered in bright, activated runes. Hino didn't have to know exactly what it did for him to know it was dangerous. He made an effort to swat it out of Birdface's hands but the demon had already sunk it deep into his side. A great flashed flooded his field of vision, and then everything went dark.


Hino opened his eyes and was greeted with a very bright alley and double vision. He had to blink a few times before he was relatively oriented, though he still felt an overwhelming amount of dizziness and was still only semi-conscious. He was laying in a crumpled heap much closer to the house than he had been only a moment ago and it was quite possible that he had actually hit the house. It was then that he saw a beaten-up Birdface entering the house, or perhaps he had only imagined it. It was rather hard to tell. Hino called out to Ayramis and Hayle to warn them in the event it wasn't his imagination, but he couldn't hear anything come out of his mouth. In fact, he couldn't hear anything aside from a very loud and persistent ringing. Unsure if the others heard him, he tried to get up to stop Birdface himself. A blinding pain shot up and down his abdomen and caused his arms to turn to gelatin as he pressed his palms into the cement. Hino's hand shook violently as he touched it to his stomach and it revealed a thick, dark, red. The wand had exploded in a spectacular way, and it had taken a piece of Hino with it.

He felt himself drifting in and out of consciousness as the pain began to grow exponentially. Blurry movement in the corner of his eye jolted him awake briefly as Thing 2 stood up recovering from the blast. With as much energy he could spare, he summoned a small funnel cloud that descended onto the demon. It contained him only for a short time before launching him down towards the entrance of the alleyway. Hino slipped back into an unconscious state just as he could see the demon hitting the pavement. The next time he opened his eyes, two of Ayramis were standing over him. His mouth was moving, but again Hino could only hear the ringing.

"I can't... I can't get up." He mumbled. He knew it was time to go, but there was no way he could get up to leave. It appeared that his answer was not sufficient for Ayramis who was now hoisting the Thunder God to his feet. He grunted in pain, not only in the act of getting up, but also at the uncomfortable position he was having to lean against the Egyptian God due to their height difference. As his blinks grew far and few between due to the heaviness of his eyelids. Hino only caught mere glimpses of the scenery around him. A sword that was suddenly in his hand that he began swinging (he might have made contact with something but he couldn't be sure). Hayle standing over ice shards that resembled Birdface. Thing 1 blocking their escape. At one point he ended up on the floor again. Had he fallen over? Everything was far too chaotic and went by far too quickly for him to fully grasp what was going on. The last thing he saw before drifting off one last time was the sight of home base through a doorway and Ayramis running towards him frantically.

SilverFlight SilverFlight GamerCarrot GamerCarrot andujarprime andujarprime
HP: 4/20

After the birdface demon had been dealt with Hayle stood there clutching her stomach now feeling the pain of being punched since the adrenaline was now gone, her entire body ached. They needed a healer and desperately, Hino was practically unconscious and barely able to do a thing, Harian was still laying on the floor and Hayle was trying to keep herself up right and not collapse from the sheer pain. Letting out a heavy breaths and staggering a little as she goes to turn around she stumbles a bit and lands against the wall, groaning a little she looks over at Harian. She pushes herself off the wall and wanders slowly over to Harian knowing how much pain they must be in Hayle knelt down beside them and grabbed one of their arms, wrapping it over her shoulders she places her hand on Harian's hip. "This is gonna hurt a bit..." she says as she tries and helps Harian up to her feet. As much as Hayle was feeling the pain in her body she pushed herself to get Harian and herself up. Biting her lip hard from the pain she slowly starts moving but makes sure Harian can keep up with her steps. Looking towards the exit she smiles a little exhausted "I've got Harian!" She looks around a little and looks over to Ayramis "Wait what about John and Polinka?!" she asks with slight concern in her voice.
SilverFlight SilverFlight andujarprime andujarprime KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe
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Thing 1: 25/30 -> 3 dmg Ayramis

Thing 2: 22/30

Birdface: 0/25 deceased.

The two remaining demons seemed to pause as their leader was reduced to frigid powder, unsure of what to do, this allowed the others to recover and for Ayramis to open a portal. Thing 1 was suddenly accosted by the jackal and let out a grunt of displeasure. It shook off Ayramis' jackal like an insect, picking up a section of wall, plaster dust rising in a cloud, and hurled it at Ayramis.
Thing 2 recovered at about the same time and instead of going to stop them at the portal, it slowly made it's way over to Polinka, who had the baby clutched to her chest.
To her credit, the old woman tried to stop it, but the demon wrenched the child from her arms. John began to wail as the demon knocked Polinka away.

Pain. That was all Harian felt. As far as pain went, this was pretty up there. Her human masters were experts in inflicting pain on djinn bodies, but they needed those bodies to be functional afterwards...this shot had been meant to kill her. If the bolt had stayed buried in her essence much longer, it would have.
She had felt the bolt come free, the sudden spike in the pain and the release, but it was still there, almost as bad. She could feel her essence dissolving. She needed the healing pool.
Harian had the vague feeling of someone pulling her up. She tried to hold onto them...Hayle. Hayle was trying to help pull her to...the portal reared up in her blurring vision. They could make it back. But...
"J-John." Harian forced the name out of her mouth, almost like a word of power. Her legs grew a big more sturdy and she looked sluggishly about the room for the baby.
He was there, and he started crying just as Harian's gaze landed on him in the hands of the brutish demon. The rage inside her flared. Her body screamed in protest but she forced herself to stand. She had her gun, picked up from where she had failed to grasp it but she couldn't fire. The baby was in his arms. Harian stood there, arms shaking until the demon took out a small orb from its pocket and shattered it on the ground in front of him. He leapt into the spiraling void it created, the other demon following soon after, leaving the pieces of their ally behind to fade in the sunlight pouring through the shattered windows.

Suddenly, everything was quiet. There was no breaking glass, no splintering of wood...and no baby crying. John had been taken.

Harian collapsed, she slammed a fist onto the floor, droplets of deep, black essence stained the old wood. She had not been ordered to protect the child, but it was still a failure. She had failed. It was a new sensation. In her world, failure meant one simple thing: death. Harian did not fail. The pain she felt only added fuel to the rage that was building quietly. She was too weak to find them...they'd all nearly been killed. Harian turned to her teammates and for the first time since knowing them, she wore a look of utter helplessness.

KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe andujarprime andujarprime GamerCarrot GamerCarrot InsanEleven InsanEleven
Yin stirred his overpriced cup of coffee with a decorative teaspoon. He did not usually prefer coffee - especially not of the sugary, latte variant, but what was a man to do when he had been dragged all the way to Moscow for a conference? He sighed and took a sip as he unfolded his notepad and looked through his prepared notes. It was barely more than a few drops, leaving a vaguely coffee-ish taste on his lips, before he had to set his cup down and take up a fountain pen instead to correct a word here or there.
It was easy enough to make coffee last that way, and by the time he finally took the last, by now cold sip he was satisfied with his notes. Anyone who knew him would understand that was not a simple feat - but then again, who really knew him when he spent nearly all his time on either surgery or travelling the world for conferences. It had been months since he'd spoken his parents even. Some part of him longed for a different time, and he couldn't help but wonder if it had always had been that way? Vaguely he seemed to remember that success used to come with friends, a faded knowledge in the back of his mind telling him about times past he shouldn't have known about - not all too dissimilar to the flavour of coffee that had been lost on the drink he just finished.

- and then he felt it. Darkness.
Like the echo of a distant mountain bell that rang through the world, except it was the sound of pain - of torment - of death. Without a second thought he calmly closed his notepad and put it back in his briefcase. He flung his dark coat around his shoulders, only closing the top two buttons. There was no reason to believe he would be back, so he put a few hundred roubles under the saucer that came with his coffee. He took up his shoulder bag, and then the briefcase, before leaving the cafe into the direction his instincts pointed him to.
A decade earlier, he perhaps would have questioned why or how, but now he embraced the strange sense - it saved lives after all.

Yin walked through the Russian back-alleys with purpose, his steps echoing through the quiet but he did not hesitate. His eyes scanned the streets from behind his glasses, the closer he got to the epicentre of the wave of evil - and he knew he got close because it send chills down his spine.
The sight of a small home at the end of another alley caught the interest of his sight. It made him oddly nauseous. He has seen death before, smelled it - even been elbow deep into a cadaver. But this was another sense of death altogether, as if someone had concentrated the very essence of murder and unleashed it upon the world. For just a second his sight was overcome with the faces of patients that had been shot, stabbed; the victims of that very same intent, and knowing what it could do his training took over. A calm, well-trained urgency took over, and his steps changed into a determined jog down the alley.

The broken glass and splinters ground below his shoes, as he entered the building. For a moment he took in the carnage, assessing what had gone wrong. It looked like a bomb had gone off, but the details told a slightly different tale; a silver bolt in the corner tipped with a strange black liquid, the odd paraphernalia, and this strange taste in the air of evil metallic and nearly sulphuric. Whatever it had been, he would fix it.
With sure steps he walked up to what he assumed to be the victims, a soft golden glow in his eyes as he fought the evil that clung to the very air. The darkness still attempting to claw it's victims into the grip of death - but he would not stand for it.
"I am a doctor."
John had been taken. Harian didn't know who this new being was, but she was in no condition to fight anyone. He didn't attack however and when he told them he was a doctor, she guessed he didn't mean the mortal kind.
Polinka had suffered severe internal injuries, she was beyond help now. Harian gritted her teeth against the pain to get to her and cradled the old woman's head in her lap.
The seer coughed, lips stained red with the blood welling up from inside.
"Listen to me...zey vill find a way to kill ze child...open ze vay to...Spring of Power...you must get to it...stop zem from going through...I..vill tell you vere it is..."
Harian looked at the others, worry now mixed with pain. She listened carefully.
"To find ze spring you must go to Ze Gates of God..."
That was all the woman had strength for. Before she could finish, he body went limp, the breath flowing from her as her soul fled.
Harian placed the body gently on the earth. In the distance, sirens could be heard, someone calling in the disturbance and the authorities finally responding.
"We need to go." Harian's voice was shaking as she fought her way to her feet. The way through the broom closet was still open.
"Hey, doc, you better come with us."

KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe andujarprime andujarprime GamerCarrot GamerCarrot InsanEleven InsanEleven


The ghoul lay in a heap on the floor, body already fading in streams of dark smoke. They had not found much left of the contact that was supposed to have given them the lead: a few scraps of clothing, bones, but as the ghoul's corpse receded, something else appeared in the mess. Jophiel wrinkled his nose and reached for it. It was a card, set into a plastic protector. The business it advertised was a cleaning service, nothing out of the ordinary, save for he had seen the same logo on a white van outside the gallery. He made a mental note of it and was about to propose they investigate when his phone rang.
He answered it, but not before accidentally putting on speaker (he really was rubbish with technology).
Harian's voice came through, ragged and pain-soaked.
"Harian? Harian what on earth happened?" Jophiel's voice was sharpened with worry.
"Attacked...get home now...they...they took the baby."

Feywild Feywild Naberius Naberius Inheritance Inheritance


Harian refused to go to the healing pool before Jophiel and the others returned. She sat on one of the bar stools at the kitchen counter, bleeding essence, which turned into acrid smoke as soon as it hit the floor. It was only thanks to their new friend that she'd been able to walk at all.
Jophiel burst through the door, taking in the scene of the injured beings, god and demon alike.
Harian shot him a dark smile. "We...got our asses kicked."
There was a wallet on the table, Harian had found it in the ruin of what had once been the bird-faced demon. The card poking out of the top was from the same cleaning service that their lead at the gallery had had, though for now, Jophiel hadn't seen it. He was focused on his team.
"Get to the healing pool now please." He instructed quietly. "Then I want to hear exactly what happened."

Feywild Feywild Naberius Naberius Inheritance Inheritance KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe andujarprime andujarprime GamerCarrot GamerCarrot InsanEleven InsanEleven Crazy Trey-n Crazy Trey-n The Velveteen Rabbit The Velveteen Rabbit Lioness075 Lioness075


"Well," a cold voice spoke into the shaft of light that rained down into the gloomy chamber. The two demons who had attacked the seer stood in the light, the baby screaming in the arms of one.
"Altazeus' plan was just a little too dramatic...and now he's dead."
The two demons looked uncomfortable as the slender, human figure descended a small flight of steps and joined them under the light. He took the baby carefully and began soothing him. John didn't quiet immediately, but fussed and moaned, sensing that these beings were not friendly.
"So, he failed. The babe lives, and the gate is closed...but fortunately, I've begun to put my plan into motion."
Something moved in the shadows. Something was listening, something more powerful than all the rest of them in the room. It listened.
"You two, you killed the seer correct?"
The two demons straightened, more than a little afraid. One of them nodded vigorously.
"Good...however, as confident as I am about our success, the angel's little hero team is becoming an annoyance. They slew the pestilence demon, and bested my automaton armoured djinn...now they've killed the ghoul before we had a chance to power him up and they killed Altazeus too...we are nearly out of the water from the Spring...it took me 200 years to collect that. Unless the gate is opened, we will have no more than the single drop that escapes every hundred years...if your army is to be completed...we need the Spring...Nothing can go wrong, so, I propose we set up a little distraction to keep them off our scent."
The thing in the shadows twitched. "Sssseee it done."

Feywild Feywild Naberius Naberius Inheritance Inheritance KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe andujarprime andujarprime GamerCarrot GamerCarrot InsanEleven InsanEleven Crazy Trey-n Crazy Trey-n The Velveteen Rabbit The Velveteen Rabbit Lioness075 Lioness075

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