Silence Hollow

Character Template

[image of their creature]


Age at death

Current age


Human Appearance (Will come up later on in the rp. Current age and age at death)

Cause of death


Brief description of death

Brief back story

Creature name and information and/or link

@Gilmoregirl12 @Sukiyaki
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William Bo Duffin

Age at death


Current age




Human appearance



(At death)


Cause of death



William is a rather independent person. He has never relied on others to help him through his job, but has never hesitated to be the one lending the aiding hand. On Earth and as the horseman, he is merciless and leaves no target unscathed. He prefers quick jobs, though he does occasionally enjoy a nice hunt.

+Efficient, helpful, reliable

-Cynical, ruthless, stubborn, short-tempered

Brief description of death

William had been with friends, dressed up as the headless horseman for a Halloween party. The costume limited breathing abilities, just as the crowded halls and rooms did. He got caught in a swarm of people for too long and the next authorities were there not much later.

Brief back story

William had been the son of a wealthy congressman and his lawyer wife. He grew up with one younger sibling, but they weren't very close. He rebelled against his parents with underage drinking and troublesome misbehaving, which ended up coming back and biting him in the behind. He had a reputation of violently lashing out and spending over-nighters in the city holding cells.


Headless Horseman - (Wiki. Grrr.)

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Name: Katerina Danvers

Age at death: 17

Current age:31

Gender: Female

Human Appearance:




Cause of death: drowning

Personality: Katerina was always one of those popular girls. She was never a solitary creatures she needed the attention. Which is probably what got her in trouble in the first place.

+adventurous, funny, loyal, smart

-sarcastic, cold, cunning, and hotheaded
Brief description of death: Katerina was at a party on Halloween night. She had gone to one down town and attracted the wrong kind of attention. When she went to follow this guy home, he grabbed her and took her to the park, where he drowned her the lake.

Brief back story: Katerina had it all looks, family status, and money. She went to a prestigious boarding school and always got good grades. She was popular along with smart, which made her a wicked combo. She would tease and make fun of other's. She had no true friends. So the night she was killed, her wicked ways finally caught up to her.

Creature name and information and/or link: Vampire

Other: long"Live the dead"

Irish Ice Queen
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Name: Dacker Vermont

Age at death: 14 yrs

Current age: 28 yrs

Gender: Male

Human Appearance:

-At death:


Cause of death: Car accident

Personality: Dacker has become quite mean over the years, the fact that he's stuck in between life and death is slowly driving him into insanity, though he tries to keep lid on his inner demons they always seem to escape him and make his life a living hell, well... Life might not be the best word.

-Short tempered




Brief description of death: Dacker and his friends had gotten into a car driven by his older brother, all planning to go to a Halloween party and have fun, show off their costumes, eat candy, just an average day with an average Halloween plan. But not long after they began to drive it started to rain, fogging up windows, slicking roads, it was an icy battlefield for drivers, no matter their experience darkness and rain were two things you wouldn't want to drive in. The five passengers learned that soon enough but it was too little, too late. Dacker, his brother, and his best friend Arduo were all killed that night, the other two narrowly escaping death when the semi rolled over the vehicle, it was almost as if whatever force controls death only wanted those three dead, as the two others left without a single injury.

Brief back story: Dacker lived in a stable home with a single father to raise him, and despite not having both parents his life was smooth and his work in school never went below a B grade, especially when it came to English and art, which he excelled in and always strived to be the best in those two subjects, hoping that some day he might become a famous author, though as you know, that day never came.

Creature name and information and/or link: Devil/Demon


Name: Arduo Saselli

Age at death: 14 yrs

Current age: 28 yrs

Gender: Male

Human Appearance:

-At death:

Cause of death: Car accident

Personality: Arduo, unlike Dacker, has only become more calm as the years passed, but his bipolarity lingers as his sanity decays with time.





Brief description of death: When the semi hit the car that Arduo and Dacker were passengers in, he took the brunt of the impact, as the large truck had impacted directly with the passenger's side, the side that he happened to be sitting in.

Brief back story: Arduo was, in life, a skilled athlete with a picture perfect family and an artistic eye that had given him the opportunity to befriend his fellow teen artist, Dacker, who eventually became his closest friend after his mother was killed in a 9.5 earthquake.

Creature name and information and/or link: Mummy

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[image of their creature

Name: Kawazoe Hirota

Age at death:19

Current age:33


Human Appearance

At death:

Cause of death:a drunk driver crashed into him


Kawazoe is someone who thinks of others more than himself, caring deeply for others despite having his own problems to deal with. He protects what he feels should be protected.

Live the dead

Brief description of death:he was driving to the bar to pick up on his friend on the way there he got hit by his friend

Brief back story:he was born in a middle class family went to school and just live a normal life.

Creature name and information and/or link:clowns what else do have to say

if you are interested
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If anime ain't your style

Name: Chocolate Cartel

Age at death: 16

Current age: 30

Gender: Female

Human Appearance:


Viva the Dead!!


Cause of death: Extreme and Rapid Diabetic Attack

Personality: Chocolate can be very pushy at times, especially when food is considered. She likes everything sweet and fattening. She's a great cook and a better tank (being like a Frankenstein cannibal and all xD ) She is fun and outgoing when she's on a sugar high, and moody when she is hungry .

Brief description of death: Over indulging. Chocolate finally kicked all her weight with an odd fast acting diet. At the Halloween party her metabolism snapped and she consumed every candy and sweet in her sight. She wasn't gaining any weight back and was super hungry. She ate and ate till she went into sudden diabetic shock and died.

Brief back story: Chocolate was a average poor girl who went to a rich kid school. Her parent's were doctors and her siblings were pre-med or pre-law. She was the youngest and felt insignificant compared to the others. She was picked on because she was heavier than the others and had very few friends.

Creature name and information and/or link: [media]
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Ivy Winters

"That's my name..."

14 Years Old At Death


28 Years Old Currently

"I know..."


"You're stupid if you don't know..."


Brutal Murder - Unknown

"Not my best night..."

Ivy is a naturally curious, stubborn and sensitive person. She always gets in trouble because she is off exploring somewhere alone with her inner conflicting and often confusing emotions that get in the way of everything. With little time to make any friends, none really, Ivy can be sarcastic, snarky, smart, constantly looking for a new challenge, mopey and depressing. However, when it come's to anything spooky or horrifying, she is immediately interested and stops at nothing to see what ever it is through. She has a gift for the supernatural.

"I.. um... yeah..."

Ivy wasn't at a party, nor was she Trick 'Or Treating. She was running up and down dark, crowded ally ways scaring the crap out of kids who'd walk down the streets of downtown Sydney, Australia with some friends from school. The Australian's didn't celebrate Halloween, making it that much more enjoyable to see the frightened faces of innocent bystanders. However, when they split up to cover more ground, Ivy came across a blood soaked man in an abandoned alleyway on the outskirts of the city. He held a crimson red stained knife loosely in his hands, his face wearing a crazed expression. It had been by chance that she encountered this mysterious man, a man bent on blood. She had rounded the corner, and didn't see him until he looked up at her from the disembodied, unidentifiable body at his feet. The old brick floor ran red with virgin's blood, the pure red of the thick liquid creating the only colour against the harsh blue moonlight in the darkened alleyway. Not exactly frightened, but still cautious, Ivy had froze, contemplating what to do next. However, she didn't have much time to think before the man thrust toward her, falling on her hard, the sharp blade swung left and right, cutting up Ivy's body with large, deep cuts to her soft skin. It's unknown whether or not Ivy bleed to death before he finally stabbed her vital organs. The whole time, Ivy did not scream. She struggled, providing a kick and shove of the heavy man, but was unsuccessful in defeating him. At least he crushed his man parts, gave him a black eye and scratched up his arms with her nails. It was a shot, her last defiance as a teenager; as a human being. Her last dying wish? To kill this man and save the countless other souls who would be unfortunate to cross this murderous man's path.

Ivy was born in Sydney, Australia with her Single Mother who worked as an Insurance Broker, causing the duo to move constantly to various places in the world. Ivy and her mother had a Respectable Relationship; Mother and Daughter. Her mother was flexible with her, letting her get Piercings, Tattoos and Colouring her hair every time they traveled to a different country to represent the society in that said place. During her travels, Ivy grew accustomed to Halloween and all things Supernatural, experiencing all types of cultures that celebrated Halloween in different, unique ways, further enhancing her interest and excitement for the holiday. In a way, Halloween was every day of the year for Ivy. Through her travels, she also experienced different arts and music in these cultures, sculpting her into an die hard all things Art and Music fan along with her creepy and scary interests for Horror. Ivy was planning on forming a band, and travel the world as her mother does to experience even more of this world. However, at one point Ivy moved back to her birth city, Sydney and happily spent her last Halloween, her last day as a human being on this living Earth unable to follow her dreams. A tragic ending of a privileged life. Yet, Ivy has no regrets.


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Elizabeth Yates

Age at death


Current Age




Human Appearance

(At death)


Cause of death

Internal Bleeding


Elizabeth would prefer hovering in a room by herself than interact with other creatures. She is quiet and rarely ever speaks up in groups consisting of more than three people. Being reserved makes it easier for her to be observant. However, she has a habit of letting her emotions go wild and gets very angry, extremely easily.

+Observant, timid, wise, quick-witted

-Bipolar, reserved, accusing, suspicious

Brief description of death

Elizabeth had been walking home after a horror movie marathon at a friend's when she heard the sound of a motorcycle engine roaring up beside her. The rider had been an upperclassmen at her school, one who happened to live next door - one who she happened to be crushing on. He had offered her a ride, but ended up taking a detour much to Elizabeth's chagrin. A few winding roads later and a bit of speeding had the two teens skidding against the pavement, into a lamppost. Elizabeth took the blunt as she rammed against the lamppost, receiving cracked ribs and a pierced lung. It was too late when she complained about the pains, as blood had already began to fill her lungs. She died in her home, with a fit of bloody coughing and spluttering. Her grandmother had been dressed up as The White Woman.

Brief back story

Elizabeth grew up a shy country girl, living in Nashville, Tennessee with her grandmother and younger brother. She spent her days going to school, fixing things around her grandmother's farm, and then wasting her downtime sitting in a large oak tree in the middle of a field.


The White Woman

"White Woman myths are extremely common and popular throughout Western Europe and the United States. The White Woman in question is normally a woman who has been spurned by her lover only to remain on the world to constantly haunt the living. A White Woman can be benign or destructive, so your best course of action would be to run away."

I can't do that fancy pantsy html stuff, so forgive me.


Gregory Spiro Elias

Age at death


Current age




Human Appearance (Will come up later on in the rp. Current age and age at death)

Age at death:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c09048d93_59thBerlinFilmFestivalEnglishManNew6nNmWmSPkiDl.jpg.ece35c31631dafeee5106035dc971327.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c09048d93_59thBerlinFilmFestivalEnglishManNew6nNmWmSPkiDl.jpg.ece35c31631dafeee5106035dc971327.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Current age:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/2719174853_f3814d8879.jpg.227c2f1fa810a664ec184a8527e41f4e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31888" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/2719174853_f3814d8879.jpg.227c2f1fa810a664ec184a8527e41f4e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cause of death



He was never the social butterfly or anything close to it. He changed recently, but that just made him want to strike up conversations with people and embarrassingly fail. He is scared of most everything a child would be scared of, this trait disappearing when in his creature form. He hates being alone and will do drastic things if he thinks people think of him poorly. So basically, he's depressed even after death. He has a haughty attitude though, which shines through almost always. Unless you prove yourself to be an intellectual equal on the first impression, he will treat you as a lesser person for the rest of time. He is stubborn and unwilling to change his ways unless really need be. He hates Halloween because he's set upon the mortal world where he could hurt people. When blood is nearby, he can't control himself and goes into a frenzy.

Brief description of death

On Halloween, he stood, prepared with a bowl of candy, near his door for some kids that were going to pass by. He lived in a cozy wooden shack, something a lot of people in the village lived in, so it wasn't unusual. In fact, he had a nicely carved pumpkin outside his door to show that he was into the spirit of Halloween. The kids went to every house, even the ones that didn't seem like there wasn't anybody home. But when they came to his house, they stopped. One little boy, dressed as a werewolf, puffed up his chest and started strutting towards his front door. The rest of his group watched in awe as their friend showed so much courage, knocking on the door of the infamous Gregory. You see, he was known throughout the entire village as the loner" or "the crazy man". Kids were discouraged from playing near his front door or making eye contact with him. So he was excited that someone was finally visiting. He opened the door for the kid, and was about to give him a big handful of candy when the boy looked extremely shocked then started crying. He tried to make him stop crying but giving him a friendly smile and some candy, but he just threw down his bucket and ran back to his group. Gregory's heart broke. He got a rope, a ladder and hanged himself on that very spot. The group was moving onto the next house after the boy stopped crying, but the aforementioned went back to grab his bucket just as Gregory killed himself. Thus, the werewolf was closest.

Brief back story

Ever since he was a little boy, he had thought himself better and smarter than the other boys, and chose not to have anything to do with them. This led to many people thinking he was awkward and anti-social, and avoiding him well into his years of high school. He later found that this lack of socialization has created an aura around him that no one wanted to be around, and decided to turn his life around in University. But no one talked to him and he quickly became depressed. His work suffered, and he was eventually dropped out since he was failing almost everything. He blamed it on the teachers not being able to handle his genius, and lived with that thought for the rest of his life. He got a job and bought a house for himself, where he lived by himself. At around the ripe age of 40, he realized that his life had been messed up because of his childhood, not being social enough. So he decided to rebuild people's opinions of him by pretending to be a kid again. He hung out at the parks, trying to talk to the other kids and inviting them over to his house for playdates. This, of course, led to people thinking that he was dangerous to the children, and was told to stay away. This all built up to that fateful Halloween night when he scared that poor boy and decided that his life wasn't worth living anymore.

Creature name and information and/or link


Also live the dead.



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