

Ten Thousand Club
Doesn't anybody love Siddies any more? I get the love of Infernals, as mechanically I think they've got the most interesting Charmset. I get Solars and the Dragon-Blooded. Even Lunars and Alchemicals get some love. But no one likes Siddies. I'm curious if this is because the charmset is frakked, or people have other reasons for disdain.
Everyone hates Siddies.

I even tried to chargen one once, I swear I tried!

Oh, the pain!
I hate siddies as much as I hate the Jedi Order... manipulative jerks ! :evil:

And don't get me started on the mechanics, they probably represent everything that is not cool in Exalted. Too many useless mechanics for things you don't even need.

Has anyone tried to make a Sidereal 2.1 by the way ?!
I like Siddies, it is just hard to play them sometimes between the incomplete charmset and the baggage from being the secret police.
Huh. I always thought of them as basically spies from heaven. Played straight with all the martial arts, they could be Exalted Jason Bournes. Intrigue, plots, that sort of thing.

Yeah, the mechanics are frakked, but the ideas always struck me as being fantastic.
I love them conceptually, it is just occasdionally a bit of a hassle to fit them into a mixed game because wherever they go they eventually bring yu shan with them.
Bardlebee said:
Miashara said:
Exalted Jason Bournes. Intrigue, plots, that sort of thing.
Oh. My. God.

That is such a great idea.
I always thought this was the original idea. Loved siddies then, love them now, and just wish the mechanics followed suit.

I'll probably rewrite their entire splat eventually.


Oh, they're not that bad. Yes, they offed a bunch of Solars, but let's be honest. The old Solars had it coming. And as for the Lunars, well, they didn't leave the Siddies much choice.
Miashara said:
Oh, they're not that bad. Yes, they offed a bunch of Solars, but let's be honest. The old Solars had it coming. And as for the Lunars, well, they didn't leave the Siddies much choice.
If you say so...
I think Haku's imagery was quite appropriate.

Siddies: stickin'it to the solars since 400 BC. 8)
There's a rewrite of their charm set here done by SrGrvsaLot which makes the mechanics at least functional. A Plague of Hats as one as well here though in a different media he said he liked SrGrvsaLot's work better. To those of a fonder outlook on the Siddies, they might be interesting.

The former looks more interesting, but I haven't play tested either yet.
Final thoughts before letting this thread die. You know what would be an awesome way to run covert ops?

A coven of Infernals decide to betray the Yozis. They link up with a Sidereal advisor, who uses them as a black ops team across creation. Being creatures outside fate, Yu Shan can't watch them directly. Since the Yozis A)don't really believe anyone can defy them and B) don't really understand how Exalts think anyway, the dark masters won't realize their pawns have left the reservation either. The end result would be some team of Solar level badasses whom no one really knows how to deal with who can't trust anyone in heaven, creation, or hell. Except their Sidereal handler. Maybe.

That way you get the secret agent and paranoia of the Sids with a charmset that works, more or less out of the box.
That can't be the first time you saw that image, Crasical. >_> And to post something on topic... This is my only Sidereal image that I think didn't come from Haku.

Hotuko said:
That can't be the first time you saw that image, Crasical. >_> And to post something on topic... This is my only Sidereal image that I think didn't come from Haku.
Yes, but due to an overwhelmingly short memory and general absentmindedness, I can be delighted by a sexy image several times in the span of a single month. :mrgreen:
I think the only real problem with Sidereals is no one once to play a starting one. I mean, why would any self respecting Siddie leave Yu-Shan before he hit Essence 5, got a whole Celestial Martial Art or two under his belt, master at least Terrestrial Circle Sorcery and have a solid Arsenal and huge web of Allies to fall back on when he goes down to Creation.

On the plus side, Sidereals could easily be the easiest to play the 'high school drama' type of games with, as they really should be in school for a couple of decades under this line of thinking. The only catch then is how do you get enough classmates?
Yeah, and under normal conditions, that's probably the way things go. That's boring, though, so people don't play in those times. In the time of Tumult, there's too much work and too few Siddies, so even the kids are sent out to get to work.
I'm about to start a Sidereal campaign with some friends and I like them. Especially for the "we're screwing with the Solars either by killing or manipulating them" part. Yeah, I guess I don't like Solars that much. And haven't played one so far.

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