[Sidereal] Depth's of Quicksilver Ocean [Anathema Ascendant]


Name: Depths of Quicksilver Ocean

Motivation: Purify Solar shards.





Old Realm, Skytongue, FireTongue


Str 2 Cha 5 Per 2

Dex 5 Man 5 Int 5

Sta 2 App 2 Wit 5


Archery 2

Awareness 2

Bureaucracy 3

Integrity 5

Martial Arts 5

Ride 2

Investigation 5

Larceny 2

Lore 5

Occult 2

Stealth 2

Dodge 2

Linguistics 3

Performance 3

Socialize 3


Willpower: 6

Essence: 4

Compassion: 1

Temperance: 3

Conviction: 3

Valor: 2


Backing: (Gold faction) 3

Celestial Manse: 3

Familiar: 3

Salary: 3

Sifu: 3


Archery: Any Direction Arrow, Generalised Ammunition

Awarness: Prior Warning

Bureaucracy: Icy Hand

Dodge: Absence

Investigation: Efficient Secretary Technique

Performance: Perfection in life.

Ride: Ordained Bridle of Mercury

Martial arts:

2nd Excellency

Violet Biers of Sorrow:

Secrets of future strife

Quicksilver Hand of dreams Style:

Dream Ravager Hand, Fervent Night Phantasm, Quicksilver staircase


The sword 1

The Lovers 1

The Key 1

The Mask 1

The Sorceror 1

The Treasure Trove 1

The Shield 1
XP Tally

Creation (Done)

Starting xp (0/75) left (Done)

XP Spend Spread:

Attributes: 16

Abilities: 4

Astrology: 0

Essence: 45

Specialties: 0

Virtues: 0

Willpower: 0

Fav Charms: 0

Other Charms: 0

Martial Arts: 10
Troublemarker from birth.

Lost Orphan of the streets, the Sidereals came and collected him. The streets left their mark, enough for him to earn a mean streak.

Quiet and reserved at all time, plotting, thinking, lost to most around him.

His instructors though him without focus and without dedication.

In fact each act of defiance, insult, and of course most of his later failures, all part of a greater weave which was revealed to him upon his exaltation.

A secret given to him by the maiden herself with his spark.

A secret passed down from previous incarnations.

A strange little secret with no significance until the recent age.

Something know to him and the Maiden of Secrets.

His instruction took much longer then expected

Once complete He would go on to duties from the Celestial bureau only to return to heaven for corrective education and reprimand.

This lasted for 50 years. Cycled through masters, showing great potential but always bucking his masters will. He was passed along and along from one to the next. Until he ended up with Ko Fuk Chai.

Not the most talented or patient, a rather average Sifu, but his ideology was intriguing, He had tutored under other Golden factions Sidereals before but never was he so interested. It may have had something to do with the cryptic dreams he had been having for the last year.

Now with Creation in dire situation all hands on deck.

His chance to pull the rug from under the Bronze Factions feet was at hand.

All he needed were powerful Allies.
Purchase List

Bonus points: (0/18)


(4bp)Charisma 4->5

(4bp)Manipulation 4->5


(3bp)Integrity 2->5

(3bp)Martial arts 2->5

(2bp)Incestigation 3->5

(2bp)Lore 3->5

XP: (0/75)

Attributes: (16)

(4xp) Strength 1->2

(4xp) Stamina 1->2

(4xp) Appearance 1->2

(4xp) Perception 1->2

Abilities: (4)

(4xp) Socialise 2->3

Essence: (45)

(45xp) Essence 2->4


Martial arts: (10)

(10xp)Fervent Night Phantasm

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