Shovel Knight: Lost magic.

Title: [Name of your Knight here]

Weapon: [What does your character use as a weapon?]

Relic: [What magical relic does your knight posses and what does it do?] (The more powerful the relic the more energy intensive it is to use!)

Knight Advantages: [This can be almost anything that gives your character an edge, 4 minimum]

Knight Disadvantages: [These can be almost anything that keeps your knight as a person and not a god, 4 minimum]

Appearance: [Picture optional, can be in shovel knight 8 bit style if you have the ability, one paragraph of description is required. ]

Personality: [self explanatory]

Biography: [Knight history, 1 paragraph minimum]

Goal: [What is the goal of your knight?]


1. Your Knight cannot be a copy of a knight from the game.

2. No characters from the game exist. At all.

3. No god modding or bunnying. No exception.

4. Please put effort into your posts, so one good paragraph. (5-6 sentences)

5. Posts that only reach 1-2 lines of text are NOT allowed. (if you're having trouble with typing a post just go into an overly long description about a butterfly that just landed on a blade of grass if need be)

6. Probably should have been #1 but follow the RPNation TOS.

7. Romance is completely fine, just don't turn the RP into a 1x1 for you and the romantic interest.

8. Have fun. If you're not having fun you're doing it wrong.

9. To prevent godmodding I can request for you to change/update your character's abilities at any point in the roleplay if you are godmodding. (This also goes without saying but I have to put it down anyway, no finding the relic instantly on the ground or something)

10. I can (and might) add rules.
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Hell yes. HELL YES. I just beat Shovel Knight yesterday so I need this bad.

Title: Sugar Knight

Weapon: Licorice Whip - Can wrap around things to swing off of, or grab things from a distance!

Relic: (I wasn't sure if it was THEIR relic, or if it was a relic they HAD, so I made one of both)

Gummi Tangle - A writhing ball of gummi worms that ensnares anything it's thrown at.


Jump Ring - A ring that, when pushed against something, causes the whole object to leap into the air. Can be used on yourself, but a safe landing is not guaranteed.

Knight Advantages: Inventive/clever

Small, hard to hit

Always has friends for backup

Fast witted and fast moving

Knight Disadvantages:

Armor isn't very strong


Short tempered

Sometimes eats her own tools

Appearance: Sugar Knight only stands taller than Tinker Knight in stature, and has a little extra weight under her armor. Then again, you try living in a candy castle and not nibbling all the time! Her armor is comprised of jawbreaker plating, Laffy Taffy chainmail, and an impressive hollow chocolate helm. Her greaves are made of hollowed-out Jolly Ranchers, capped at the knees with lollipop plates. Sugar Knight wields her whip proudly, snapping it at anyone who would try and snack on her throne. Under the armor, she has short pink hair, brilliant green eyes, and an inexplicably perfect smile. Rumors abound about her and the fabled Dentist Knight eloping. She has narrow shoulders, with somewhat of a triangular body shape, making her almost impossible to knock over in combat.

Personality: She's cute, feisty, and there's always a twinkle in her eye-- though it may just be the sugar in the air. She never backs down from a challenge, which she usually brought about by being reckless to begin with.

Biography: Sugar Knight rules over the Candy Kingdom with a candy-shelled fist. She protects the Sour Patch People with her formidable fighting prowess. When she was younger, she worked in the caramel mines with her father, but she chose the knight's path when her village was overrun by Troupple King cultists. Now that she knows there are other, equally powerful knights in the land, she seeks to recruit them into a protective coalition for the safety of the land.

Goal: To meet knights and befriend them, so she can have a fighting force to defend the realm.
Title: Pimp Knight

Weapon: Cane x sword

Relic: A pimp goblet: It produces albeit somewhat slowly limitless magical drink that can be used for healing or as a quick buff

Knight Advantages:

  • Able to wear 10x more magic rings
  • Every princess rescued can become a ho
  • Hos bring in treasure

Knight Disadvantages:

  • it ain't easy
  • Haters gonna hate

Appearance: Generic knight armor except the helmet turns into a wide brimmed hat with a large exotic poofy feather and tiger fur trim that follows on his velvety purple color armor. Also despite the helmet wears shades over the helmet even during the dark with no hindrance. Even his shield is purple with a trim. His can is somewhat understated as it is made of a sturdy ironwood with a silver metal knob and tip. Also he accompanied by a small group of interchangeable nondescript ladies at hand.

Personality: Mixing with business with pleasure Pimp Knight is always one to keep his cool while trying to further his goals.


Growing up in the mean cobblestone streets of Completon the young would be pimp knight dreamed of being like his hero Sir Loin one of the best and most legendary knights of Completon. So thus began his journey to be the best and most pimpenest knight of Completon. Coming into the tutelege of the Purple Knight he would become his own knight and acquire his signature armor and cane. However in the annals of Pimp knight history their existed a cane of great fabled status to even more legendary knight. His goal is to find it and become its new owner.

Goal: To retrieve the fabled cane of Maestro Flow

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