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Fandom Shatter Your Reality


Outer Science

Character Creation




Universe/Fandom From:

Canon or OC:










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Name: Shinonome

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Universe/Fandom From: Fire Emblem Fates

Canon or OC: Canon


Personality: Shinonome is incredibly friendly. He's easygoing, lax and doesn't judge others easily. He's judgment free and will never make a solid opinion on anyone just by looking at their first impressions. He understands that people have bad days and will always give second chances. Shinonome is sociable and does have a lot of friends, because many are attracted to his charismatic attitude. Many find that he's just really easy to talk to, as he never really judges anyone, and understands that people have their flaws and cannot be perfect. Shinonome is willing to help others. He's definitely willing to assist people in anything from minor favors to pairing up with them on the battlefield. However, he knows when people are trying to take advantage of him and will always put a quick stop to it. He is in no way shy and he won't let anyone walk all over him. Shinonome is a prince with many goals. He understands that he does need to work hard in order to fulfill them. He's always working to improve his strength and stamina, and is always working to better himself. At times he does suffer from slumps of self-consciousness as well as envy, but he does always manage to pull himself out of those slumps. He's firm in his goals and will do anything he can in order to achieve them.

Shinonome may be insecure and envious, mostly of his father. He often doubts that he can successfully inherit the leadership of the Hoshidan kingdom. He is jealous of his father's ability and due to this, looks at his father as more of a heated rival than anything else. He desperately wants to beat him in a duel. Shinonome is also very eager to prove himself to everyone around him. He becomes envious of others who are not royalty, but are mere soldiers, because they don't have to deal with the weight of an entire country resting on their shoulders. Shinonome rushes into combat. He doesn't think about any of the dangers that come alongside battles. He's always eager for the fight and never holds back. He will also take any challenge, despite who has challenged him. He is a very, very competitive young man who will go to reckless lengths in order to win at any competitions. Of course, he'll never cheat, but he can tend to actually get harmed during some of these challenges, causing his father among other soldiers and medics to scold him. At times Shinonome may not take his duties too seriously, and may approach serious matters in a lax manner. This is usually when he believes that he's not worthy of inheriting the Hoshidan throne. This is a more minor flaw of his, as it rarely ever surfaces.

Likes: Fresh fruit, fish, being punctual, sunny days, autumn, music,

Dislikes: Being nagged by anyone, liars, cheaters, most vegetables although he'll eat them anyways, dust


  • Strength - They don't call him the best arm wrestler in the army for nothing. Shinonome has an immense amount of physical strength. He's a good weight lifter and is easily able to overpower enemies with brute force. He's constantly training to increase his strength as well as his stamina.
  • Lance Handling - Shinonome is amazing with a lance and spear. He's been using them for so long that he's utterly adept with them. He's one of the best fighters around with a lance.
  • Memory - Shinonome has a rather good memory. He's good at remembering appointments and scheduling. He's just about never late to any appointment, and any romantic partner he has will find themselves charmed when he remembers every anniversary and plans weeks in advance. Of course, just because he has a good memory it doesn't mean that he won't arrive late to an event he's not eager to attend.
  • Fishing - Shinonome is amazing with fishing. He can fish using spears due to his diligence and utter skill with using lances. He can also use rods of course, but he thinks the challenge of using his spears is better.


  • Recklessness - Shinonome has a habit of rushing into battle without really thinking about the consequences. He wishes to be powerful on his own, and wants to become stronger. But he tends to go the wrong way about it, blindly rushing in. He does this whenever challenged by anyone else either. He will take any challenge, no matter if he knows he's strong enough to take it on or not. He'll run in without a second thought, eager to prove himself.
  • Insecure - At times he does severely doubt himself. He doesn't think of himself as much of a leader figure, despite his status as a prince of Hoshido. He sees himself as unfit to inherit the throne from his father and at times wishes that there was someone else who could take the role from him. He feels like he has no great talents like his father does, and is constantly comparing himself to his father.
  • Slow in Combat - He is definitely not the fastest fighter around. He can easily be hit multiple times without retaliating, as he has slower reflexes than other enemies who may be speedsters.
  • One-Track Mind - He tends to believe that pure strength is the only thing that really matters. He believes that strength is the key to protecting his allies as well as saving the world. He honestly believes that no matter what strategy an enemy has, he can win if he gets stronger than that enemy.


  • Ryouma - While he at times does look up to his father, he largely regards him as somewhat of an obstacle. Shinonome aims to be equal to his father or even better than his father. He knows that Ryouma has a variety of talents, and due to that, Shinonome views himself as rather bland in comparison. Due to this, Shinonome is constantly trying to outdo his father and be better.

Past: Shinonome was born to prince Ryouma of the Hoshido nation. He remembers spending time with his parents at a young age, such as taking walks with them, going on picnics and even sneaking to watch his father train. His memories of his parents are all very pleasant. But he was born in a time of heavy war and devastation, when strife was all around. Dangers loomed around each and every corner, and his parents were so busy with fighting that eventually, they feared for his life. As a result, he was sent to a pocket dimension with many caretakers. They took care of him as best as they could possibly manage, but he was a rowdy child with a habit of getting in trouble and being antsy. Eventually, the soldiers that had been sent there alongside him decided to train him.

He was never told of his father's status as a prince. Thus, the reason why he had been sent away was unknown to him. He trained relentlessly with other younger soldiers, and was rather adept at combat. He put many extra hours in of training. But he did find out his father's status when he heard it from one of the younger soldiers. Believing it to be a rumor, Shinonome took it with a grain of salt. He also found it rather hard to believe as well. But his father hardly ever visited as he grew older, leaving Shinonome to develop and grow in his own. Shinonome eventually left the secluded realm, landing in the world he was originally from. He was amazed at how average it was, in comparison to how amazing he had thought it would have been. He also had no knowledge of where the kingdom of Hoshido was.

Eventually, he came across several, threatening bandits who attempted to mug him. Shinonome challenged him, and his father's forces showed up. After the bandits were defeated, Shinonome was punched and scolded by his father for his utter recklessness during the battle. Ryouma confirmed that he was indeed Hoshidan royalty, and he had hidden it because he had felt that Shinonome was experienced, even with all of the training he had done. Shinonome then revealed it was his first time killing real people, leaving his limbs feeling like lead. The two have a discussion about what a king's truwe strength is. Shinonome joined the Hoshidan army afterwards, introducing him to the many people involved in his father's army.
Name: Shiki Ryougi

Gender: F


Universe/Fandom From: Kara no Kyoukai/Type-moon

Canon or OC: Canon



Personality: Children born into the Ryougi family are generally male and are artificially induced with dual personalities. Shiki primarily displays the personalities of SHIKI, a male personality customarily called the "yang" personality, and Shiki, the female personality called the "yin" personality. The two share memories, but they can't communicate. While one is active the other "Shuts off" and remains dormant until it decides to take control again.

Shiki can seem extremely cold and mean to those who first meet her, and for the most part people are right to feel that way. She's very judgmental of others and doesn't see much of a point in making friends or socializing with those she doesn't already know. Shiki can be very rude at times, and doesn't seem to care about the emotions of others at all. To most she seems to care about nothing in the world except for herself. She's still polite, however, and unless provoked will simply ignore people she doesn't want to affiliate with.Shiki rarely puts her trust into others unless it's necessary. For most of her life she's been alone and fought for her own survival, and doesn't see the point in putting herself at risk by trusting others. Although under her cold facade lies a person who deeply cares for those close for her. She simply won't let herself fail and decides to shut out others in fear they might stop her from getting to her goals. Shiki does care for the well-being of others, and would gladly put her life on the line for a stranger. Shiki would never betray a friend, and becoming one of hers is a completely different experience. She truly opens up to them and isn't afraid to drop her facade and have fun with others. Shiki tends to be the personality in control most of the time. However, the general inhibitions she puts on herself leave her somewhat weaker than in her SHIKI persona.

SHIKI is her more masculine personality. He contains the more negative and murderous side of Shiki Ryougi's impulses. While SHIKI is in control Shiki Ryougi's voice drops a few vowels and she speaks in a more monotone and expressionless way. SHIKI shows absolutely no mercy and violently heads towards it's goals. Murdering anyone or anything in his path until it gets to what it wants. His language is a lot more brash than Shiki Ryougi's other personality. He doesn't mind openly speaking about another person's shortcomings, and doesn't care about authority in the slightest. SHIKI tends to be the most repressed side of Shiki Ryougi's personality. It usually only shows itself during dire combat, during which she shows no limits and fights at her strongest. However controlling herself during this can be quite difficult and reverting back her Shiki persona can take longer than wanted.

Likes: Strawberry Ice-cream, Killing (as SHIKI), Dogs (as Shiki),

Dislikes: Witches, Liars, Wasting time,


Magical Prosthetic Arm: Shiki lost her arm a while ago due to an accident and thanks to a sorceress friend she has a remarkable prosthetic arm. It functions mostly in the same way a regular arm would except the magic infused with it allows her to grip things she normally wouldn't be able to. Things such as ghosts for example. Besides that it functions and looks the same as a regular arm in every way, aside from the fact that removing/breaking it doesn't cause her to bleed out. However, it still hurts like hell when it is.

Mystic Eyes of Death Perception: Shiki Ryougi has special eyes capable of seeing death itself. It's visually represented by several "lines" that spread across any object she can see. A cut along a line will bifurcate the object, no matter the sharpness of the tool used and result in instant death. Depending on the object it can have more or fewer lines. A regular human is surrounded in them while a truly perfect being has absolutely zero lines. Shiki Ryougi has to be able to perceive the death of the target, and if she can't realistically see it dying then no lines will appear. This ability works on inanimate objects as well, instead of killing them it simply splits them apart in whatever way Shiki cuts them.

Swordsmanship: While Shiki is usually only seen with a knife she has been trained for years in using a katana. This training makes her a very capable fighter with her speed being her best asset. She feels at home using a katana but chooses not to use one since knives are easier to conceal.


  • Speed: Her constant fighting against demons and other supernatural enemies have increased her reaction time and agility to the peak of human conditions. When specifically targeting someone's "lines" her brain can seemingly go on autopilot as she slashes away at inhuman speeds.
  • Knowledge of the Supernatural: Shiki has seen her fair share of supernatural events and these have left her fairly knowledgeable on most monsters and how to combat spellcasters.
  • Composure: Shiki can stay calm even in dire situations. She rarely cracks under pressure and even when she lets SHIKI take over she still thinks out most of her actions and plans ahead in fights.


  • Frail: Shiki didn't get much training in her physical strength and can easily be overpowered up close by enemies. She's also far from the best at taking hits.
  • Single-minded: Shiki's fighting style promotes dueling another person one on one. Where she can more easily single out a targets lines and dodge their attacks.She can quickly lose herself when surrounded by enemies.
  • Lone wolf: Shiki in combat can be described as the stereotypical "lone wolf" of the group. Preferring to take an enemy on by herself than rely on others. While she doesn't mind having allies she can be overly confident in what she's capable of by herself.
  • Disarming: Shiki requires a cutting tool to use Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and without one she's a rather weak fighter compared to most.



(Still haven't fully finished, but figured I might as well post now in case you decide you don't like it or something. I was a little worried she might have come out a little overpowered, but I think I balanced things out enough while still staying true to the original).
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Name: Hikaru Harishi



Universe/Fandom From:
Baka to Test

Canon or OC:


Hikaru, or Japanese wise Harishi-san, mainly has a calm demeanor. He has a long fuse, meaning he may go ballistic over something drives him over the edge, luckily that long fuse make it happen maybe once every six months. He also is the type of person who stays behind and observes rather than running into a situation being quite patient and wanting to watch the situation to understand it. He sometimes may seem antisocial due to his approach to things, even the people he talks to, making sure they are not someone who is overly bad in terms of their morals. He doesn't mean to offend when he moves away from another person, he just needs to figure out if he/she is a somewhat good person, making him simply having a of a antisocial streak. That again is mainly because he is rather observant about others and his hesitant nature to walk into new situations.


- Taking Time

- Nice People (..Obviously)

- Not Fighting (Lover not a fighter)

- Positive Atmosphere

- Honesty

- Being with his friends

- Soda


- Violence

- Judging on First Impressions

- Weapons

- Seeing Blood

- Knowing when he did something wrong

- When he is at 'the end of his fuse'


- Stealth: He can usually move around without people noticing him, mainly because sometimes he can blend in with his environment like a chameleon despite his unnatural hair color when he is thinking about how to deal with something. Although, he usually uses this to his own advantage in daily life when he doesn't want to participate in something trivial.

Intellect (overall) : Due to his test grades in that school, he was placed in Class A, and was ranked 6th, however, most people notice and know the top five students rather than the top 10.His scores are well above average all together, although some subjects are his weak point.

Teamwork: He was in Fumizuki academy, meaning when Class A was in a whole class war with another Class, he was someone who contributed to strategies and what to watch out for, or rather who. He usually stayed behind, again not someone who participated in these class wars, he might simply do so when the opposing class members are at their door step.


- Strength: He is basically mainly brains than brawn, although he does get a decent grade in Physical Exercise, he still has below average strength and probably won't be able to lift more than 25 Pounds with both of his hands.

Socializing: As said before, his observant nature doesn't really help out with his socializing, he mainly watches the other people who are talking to each other, mainly relying on eavesdropping on others, which he barely gets caught since not many people notice him to begin with.

Time: He barely recognizes time passing when he is...well doing anything, Time always flies for him. sometimes he gets the day wrong, sometimes even months. He only really cares about the hours and minutes and nothing else and even then he gets those wrong.


Daisuki Harashi - Father - 45

Ai Harashi - Mother - 44

Yuno Harashi - Younger Sister - 12

(I hope this is fine..)
Name: Rosabel Garden

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Universe/Fandom From: One Piece (island Zou)

Canon or OC: OC


Personality:Being cheerful and curious, she's easy to fool and manipulate due to her ignorance of the world, if she catches you messing with her, she's hard to forgive them. Affectionate, allowing people to pet her ears and tail, but won't tell you if your petting to hard. Be nice to her, and her need to make friends will make her do almost any favor you want (within reason). She rarely gets mad, but when she does, she cries a lot.

Likes: Pretty jewels, and cooking (though everything she makes ends up being sweet)

Dislikes: Spicy food, bugs, large body's of water (fear of drowning)

Skills/Abilities/Powers:Candy Candy no mi. Her whole body is made of candy that she can harden and liquefy at extreme temperatures. She can break off parts of her body and they can become sweets for others to eat in emergency. Depending on the type of candy she becomes, her weight can change along with her appearance. However this also means she has to eat a large amount of sweets, or sugar.

Strengths: With her candy powers she can superheat herself in cold climates. Can be eatable to others (even change flavors!) can carry items in her body but only up to 4 items depending on their size. If she loses a body part she can reform it. Can change her face and body to impersonate someone by melting her body and sculpting it. Can understand/speak to animals

Weaknesses: Animals can smell the sugar off of her making her a target of random animal attacks. She loves animals so she lets them. Bugs tend to swarm around her, which causes her to freak out. When she impersonates someone's appearance, her voice stays the same. She has to consume a lot of sugar or else she gets tired and spaces out becoming dull to her surroundings. Can't speak to bugs. Can be fooled and easily crushes on guys who are strong, pirates, or love animals.

Relationships: Bepo: a talking polar bear of the Heart pirates who also comes from the same homeland.

Law Trafalgar: Captain of the Heart Pirates, he currently doesn't know of her existence other than what Bepo told him, and that shes his friend.

Past(optional): She left her home Zou, an island of human animal tribes mostly isolated, to see the rest of the ocean blue. Learning of pirates and their grand adventures she became enamored with them. Since then shes been visiting island after island that the notorious pirates have visited. Sending postcards back to her friends, one sister, and Bepo to let them know she was alive. She holds her crushes so hard that she refuses to not help them if they are in need. Currently shes broke due to being swindled, and her love of purchasing shiny stones/gems.

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