Seven Year Struggle


Pounce Ninja

Character Information


Alright the fun part! This is a fandom RP so there are some restrictions however creating a character is fairly open pending on what you want to do. Please make sure you read all of the information below. It will answer a lot of questions and I can tell if you didn't bother reading it.

General Rules

? Race options will be limited to
Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask

? No relatives to canon characters. Training under a cannon character or knowing of them is a possibility.

? Connections to Royal family: Possibly a castle guard or something similar, however once Ganon took over the royal family was either killed or went missing.

? Please be original no Hylians from Kokiri forest. It was a rare occurrence for Link only

? Only hybrids allowed are between Hylian Human and/ or Gerudo

? Monster races are monsters, no humanized versions.

  • Main Races

    ? Hylian: Pointed ears and magically inclined! This race is rumored to have ancestors who lived among the goddess Hylia.

    ? Human: Rounded ears and do not possess any Magical abilities.

    ? Zora: An aquatic race who have the ability to generate and manipulate electricity, Can breath under water, They need regular access to water weather it by by pond, ocean, lake or waterskin. Do not do well in dry hot environments.

    ? Kokiri: The children who never grow up. They live mostly with int the Kokiri forest. They mostly wear green and are ALWAYS accompanied by a fairy.

    ? Gerudo: A female only race of thieves who reside within the desert. They are known for their crimson hair and amber eyes. They are skilled at stealing, wielding scimitars and using magic (Primarily fire and ice)

    ? Goron: humanoid, rock-eating race that dwell in the mountains. They are hardy and can take quite the beating for a peaceful race. They have the ability to curl up and resemble rocks with spines along their backs. In other words they can become a rolling ball of spikes and pain. They are resistant against intense heats but do not do well in freezing climates.

    Monster Races

    Monster races all have natural weapons and abilities however they can not wield any weapons or wear normal armor.

    ? Deku Scrub: Coming in many shapes and sizes, The Deku Race are commonly short beings made of wood with red eyes. They are usually blessed with plant-like growths on their head that allow them to helicopter themselves into the sky. They also possess the ability to spit Magical Bubbles and Deku Nuts from their cylindrical mouth. They cannot swim without drowning, but their light frame allows them to hop short distances of water. They have a severe weakness and innate fear of fire and perish quickly if they come into contact with it.

    ? Poe: Lingering spirits of the dead who reside in the living world. They appear as cloaked specters and are nearly always seen carrying lanterns with them, which serves as a container for their Poe Souls. As ghosts, Poes can disappear and reappear as part of their strategy, and can easily move through walls. Most Poes are known for being wicked, vengeful spirits, however some Poes are helpful and serve as guides.

    ? Keaton: Mysterious three tailed fox creatures who plays tricks with illusions and burrow underground. They hid in the grass looking for poor souls to mess with and generally make miserable.

    Restricted/Limited Races

    ? Imp: a child becomes after getting lost in the Lost Woods. Little is known about this race other then they are often seen playing a flute of some kind and dislike adults. They have also been rumored to wear masks because they lack a proper face. (Skull kids race (as named in the Hyrule Historia) Only 2 will be allowed. One is claimed by @Godman873 [/b][/size]


    Claimed Spots

    @Mad Prince of Sanity - Imp


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Some good can be found even in darkness.

Basic Info


Age: 19

Race: Sheikah

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 160lbs

Appearance Notes: Lana is a fairly tall woman standing at 5’10 with a broad build. Years of training have lead to well developed muscles and the overall physique of a warrior. She normally wears a hooded cloak of some sort as not to immediately give away her origins.



Very lightly armored as to allow for full range of motion and unhindered mobility. Some pieces of armor protect vital parts such as her chest as well as her fore arms and shins however that is it.


  • Short Sword - Primarily
  • Daggers
  • Throwing Knives


  • Red Potion (1)
  • Flute
  • Lens of Truth



  • Stealth
  • Acrobatic
  • Trained in close and ranged combat (prefers ranged)
  • Very knowledgeable on topics of history and lore


  • Short range Teleport
  • Shield
  • Minor Illusions
  • Flash - Minor ability to create a ball of light which expands and blinds opponents for a few seconds. Normally used with teleporting.



Lana is fairly quiet and soft spoken. She holds her responsibilities to Royal Family above all else and has very little patience for time wasted. She is almost always on the move and while understanding that not everyone has their own weaknesses will sometimes push other to hard. Lana also has a fairly morbid sense of humor.


- Very Stubborn

- Tunnel Vision

- Impatient​


- Driven

- Loyal

- Strong will​


Lanas background is the same as many of her ancestors before her. Raised the small village or Kakariko. Educated on the history and lore of the land and the legends of her people and how so many died. It was instilled at a young age her task to protect the royal family which she didn't mind. She found it an honor more than a burden. Lana understood that everyone had their own destiny and path to follow some just had more choices than others.

Like many others there was distrust for Ganon. Perhaps it was just that he was a Gerudo from a culture of thieves. So when his grand betrayal was reviled it didn't surprise her as much as other though she was not prepared for the power the Geruden King wielded and the amount of monster at his control. She aided in trying to protect the castle but it was clear that his power was unnatural and unrivaled. Following the orders of her mentor Lana aided in Castle town helping others escape, before making her own escape to the village where she grew up.

While she had failed in mission to protect the royal family she knew there was still hope. Tales of legends past where similar dark times took over. There was always a light that would rise and rid the land of the evil, it was just a mater of time.



Because its a bad ass song...



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Ashthorn Laurelroot

No traps? No danger? No baddies? C'mon, let's get to the fun part!

Basic Info


Age: 24 winters

Race: Deku

Gender: Female

Height: 3'7'

Weight: 72 lbs

-Physical description: Thorn is among the Autumn Leaf-fall Deku, her colours a bright and vivid red-orange, while her hardwood bark is solid and scaly as an oak. She is of middlng birth in the Deku City, not as loftily grown as the Elders and Chiefs, but her heritage grants her relatively long limbs and slender features that are known for their willow flexibility and ash-wood sturdiness.



  • Unarmoured due to size and weight restrictions, though her solid wooden body can take a few denting blows.
  • Wooden Deku shield strapped to one arm, light-weight, meant more for deflections and to catch piercing arrows than for defense against heavy strikes.


  • Wooden Boomerang, though unpracticed at retrieving items with it.
  • Deku Sticks for melee combat.
  • Deku Nuts thrown for stunning miniature explosions.


Cloth Satchel; contains the following:

  • 2 Glass Jars; (2 Empty)
  • Deku Pipes in the shape of a small, 8-tubed panflute.
  • Journal and ink.
  • Small shovel and pouch of Deku seeds, possibly enchanted(?); Given to her by her father.
  • Compartment for various loot to sell; (empty)



  • Precision and resourcefulness with mundane weapons.
  • Persuasive; manipulates with clever bluffs and flatteries for misdirection of motive.
  • Agile feats of dexterity; sleight of hand tricks, thievery, dodging heavy blows.
  • Flight through Deku Flowers.


  • Deku bubbles and nuts from internal resources.
  • Floral growth enchantment; accelerates plant growth to days' time, rather than weeks'
  • Camouflage foliage; buries self in leaves and brush; holds completely still to become magically hidden for short periods of time.


-Personality: Cheerful and chipper, Thorn's outlook on life is typically bright and sunny dispositioned. The world is her Deku Baba and she rarely misses the chance to take the seed from it; or was that oysters and pearls? Small details like that don't bother her, Thorn happily bounces from one task to the next with much enthusiasm, eager to be active and "helping", though more often than not she is causing mischief. Her mother called her the "Spawn of a Skull Kid" when she was a seedling, for her tricks and endeavors for attention, but being the only sprout in her family tree, she often was let go with little more than a soft scolding, if even that. So, Thorn could be thought of as a spoiled child, but she's actually self-sufficient enough to live on her own and fend for herself, by means of beg, borrow, or steal.


+Cheerful and optimistic; never a black cloud in her sky

+Helpful and friendly to her allies; fiercely loyal to those she trusts

+Self-reliant on her own talents; never asks for assistance (for better or worse)


-Always getting into trouble; curiousity is her plague.

-Somewhat selfish and greedy; won't hesitate to take and keep anything not nailed down.

-Mind-numbingly oblivious; Her optimism can blind her to dangers right in front of her... snout(?)


Born in Deku City to a middle-grafted family, Thorn was her father's angel and her mother's distress. Being the eldest sprout in her sap-line, as well as the only sprout, she was expected to take over the occupation of her father and was trained as such; his duty as Captain of the Deku Capital City Guard. Her father patiently taught her the art of Deku-styled combat, though she was always overly energetic and typically ignored or forgot the lessons he had taught to her not a fortnight before.

Her mother was exasperated, loving but not withholding her disapproval of Thorn's behavior, while her father assured her she would blossom out of it. This happy fantasy all changed when Ganon seized Hyrule, the threats of monsters and roving forces of evil multiplied literally overnight. Thorn's future became uncertain, and she volunteered to become a scout for the Deku forces, realizing that her pent-up energy would have a purpose at last, roaming the countryside and logging indications and reports of attacks and enemy movements, all in the guise of a wandering Deku selling various items she "found", though usually not her own.

This information she logs on a simple scroll, often replaced once the previous one is filled, passing them off to Sales Deku acting as messengers at their sales-brush to send back to their city; but the most important notes she keeps copy of on her own personal scroll, the records and stories of her long and incredible adventures.



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Name: Bruto

Age: 16

Race: Goron

Gender: Male

Appearance/physical description:

Height: 7"

Build: Very broad, muscular and stalky.

Hair: White.

Eye Color: Black.

Bruto wears a white speedo of sorts with a crimson colored wrap/skirt over top. His body is littered with tribal tattoos, especially on his arms and stomach.


Weapons: Mainly the brute uses his fist to move "things" out of his way. His strength mixed with his gentle persoanlity making it the easiest way to not really hurt someone. Though if the situation calls for it his fist hit like boulders.

Inventory: n/a


- Bruto spent most of his life as a bomb farmer. Cultivating and keeping the naturally occurring Bomb Flowers of the mountain. Needless to say he can handle a bomb.

- Skilled at high speed maneuvering when rolling or other activities of that nature.

- Goron's are famed for their slap/push fighting. Young Bruto is an adept. No beginner, but far from a master.

Magic: Goron Body Manipulation


Bruto is a individual who would always make the perfect friend. He is stoically loyal to the core, and would never go back on his word to a freind or compatriot. The Goron's mentality is that of like a younger kind in this sense. Keep as many freinds as you can so as to not be alone. In this sense when he befriends you (which is easy) you will have no greater ally. Though he is friendly and such, should you cross him or his allies well lets just say you will have to deal wit hthe wrath of the mountains. He is feircely devout in the protection of his friends and will not hesitate to stop anything that gets in their way or goals. Bruto loves to eat rocks of any kind, but his favorite are those who have sat in mud for awhile and then dried out creating a cruncy, crusty taste. To a Goron it is very rustic like.

- Easy to get along with.

- Loyal to a fault.

- Positive outlook.

- Too easy to trust others.

- Not so street smart.

- Can't pick up on sarcasm easily.


As a young Goron, Bruto would always play around all day long. He'd go rest in the hot springs, or play near the lava pits, and even his funniest activity mountain rolling. He'd roll and roll and roll all day long until he sun went down. Not having any friends at all to play with he would spend most of his time alone doing his favorite activity. One day a few years later a group of other Goron men saw Bruto doing such a childish thing as mountain rolling. They thought he was stupid of something for still playing that childish game. So the group coaxed Bruto on with promises of friendship if the oblivious dummy would roll down the eastern side of the mountain.

Not knowing that the group of guys were messing with him Bruto went to the eastern slopes the next day. Now Bruto had been warned many times before by his parents and elders that the eastern slope was perilous because of its multitude of turns. Not heeding his elders warnings the young Goron took of into a run before jumping and tucking his legs and arms in. The massive rock creature toppled down the mountain at break neck speeds taking every turn as tight as he could. But his luck soon ran out as he came to a very short almost fifty degree turn about half way down. As the young Goron approached the turn he could not make it in time and went over the edge soaring across landscapes before crashing into the ground.

Crash landing somewhere the Goron awoke hours later after taking a nap. Looking about he saw he was in some area he did not reconize and was startign to get homesick. After a day or two of munching on rocks and milling about the countryside he would stumble about towns and villages helping out those who needed it. For the time being Bruto forgot about going home, not knowing what kind of state he would have left his parents in.



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"What!? You were stolen from!? You lost like.. SEVEN rupees!! What? Don't mind how I got mine! I'll help you look......

Basic Info

Image Here

Age: Unknown

Race: Skull-Kid/Imp

Gender: Male

Height: 4'2

Weight: 110 Ibs

Appearance Notes: Generic Skull-Kid outfit with a light purple tint, usually wears a festive mask that much resembles a swirling purple mass and sparkles in the right lighting with little glittery specks.


Armor: Clepta wears no armor, unless you would consider his colored clothing "armor".


Mask of a Deku Scrub

Festive Party Mask

Mask of a Dodongo


Backpack of Masks and various stolen items

Flute of some individualistic design

Pouch of Deku Nuts (20)

Slingshot with ammo (25)




Very, VERY good pickpocket (Capable of stealing from even the most alert people, and anyone less while speaking to them!)


Excellent at hiding

Very good at navigating confusing places such as mazes or the Kokiri Forest


Short range Teleport

Throw Voice



As with most Skull Kids, Clepta is very childish and LOVES to play pranks. Though Clepta is a bit trickier than most Skull Kids by actually KNOWING what loyalty is! Clepta has very, VERY often employed falsely betraying an ally, only to reveal it had all been a fallacy all along. While not normally one for combat, Clepta is more than willing to allow someone ELSE to "fight", while Clepta plays "Support" with his Slingshot. Still, he often opts to run like most of his kind and avoid direct confrontation. Depending on how in control of a situation Clepta feels, however, he can get VERY mouthy and even moon people.


- Childish

- Easily distracted by new or interesting objects. (Particularly shiny ones)

- Throws tantrums when things do not go his way


- Clever

- Actually Loyal!! :o

- Creative Thinker


Clepta does not know how long he has been a Skull Kid, but boy does he enjoy it! People are so gullible and boy can you get all sorts of shiny things from them when they aren't even looking! Unfortunately for Clepta.... the folks in the Gerudo village he had been trading, and stealing in, did not take too kindly to him taking things. Given that he was the only outsider in the village.... and well... a male... they did not exactly trust Clepta all too much to begin with. Anywhoo, after being threatened with curvy swords and the mean ladies trying to burn his butt, Clepta now wanders the land alone. Stealing and selling at his leisure, and simply enjoying life, oh! Also he tries not to die or run into any of the scary creatures usually associated with Lord Ganondorf.


This is why I do not do BBCode Shura


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"Power is one thing, but you need the wisdom to harness it, and the courage to use it for good. Or alternatively you can blow up most of your order in a fight of mad rage...I've seen that option before. Not a fun day."

Basic Info


Age: 23

Race: Wizzrobe

Gender: Male

Height: 6'

Weight: 175

Appearance Notes: Like most Wizzrobes, whatever Koros actually not apparent, What can be said is that for sure he is 6 feet tall, his cloak never seems to trip him up, sometimes one can hear the sound of shoes, so apparently he does walk, and doesn't float much. His eyes are an eerie blue color that pierce the darkness from his cloak. The mask serves an actual purpose, weighing down his hood so that it doesn't move. There are various runic designs on the back of the cloak mimicking the pasterns on the front.



Armor is a very foreign concept to Koros. The Wizzrobe Ceremonial robes are not meant for combat. For Koros, range is his armor, Or if there is a really pressing need to block an attack he can use his magical abilities to either summon ice to block for him...or blink backwards. The mask though can take a hit. So... head armor is a thing.


  • Staff: Oh this is much more than a hunk of wood! it's a hunk of wood that Koros can hit people with! Yeah...aside from making it easier to channel spells, there is not much else he can do with it.
  • Sword: To call this a weapon would be accurate... To call this a weapon that Koros can use well...would be a massive lie. The purpose seems to be ceremonial in nature, though apparently it does still have a cutting edge. Though if he's had to take this out, in lieu of using a spell, there is a problem that need to be addressed, and fast.


  • Empty bottle(s)
  • Blue potion (1)
  • Tome of Spells (incomprehensible language to most Probably not to the Sheikah)



  • Trained extensively in Magic and it's application in combat.
  • Can brew basic potions. (red and green potions, though...they are not up to the same quality as more...Professional shops. You might need to pinch your nose when you drink it down)
  • Eidetic memory
  • Very knowledgeable on topics of history and lore and artifact of magical creation.


  • Short range Teleport
  • Hovering
  • Ice blasts/ frost rays
  • Walls of ice



Koros is secretive. Concerning information about the Wizzrobe, or himself, he gives not a modicum of information. Some would call him off putting. Others would call him incredibly distant. If You somehow get closer to him, he's...friendly enough? Truth be told he's very out of touch with social norms, being a wizzrobe does not provide a really good environment for social development. One thing though that many can tell is that he's dedicated to this mad quest to try and restore the shards of the triforce. Almost desperately so, something is driving him hard, whether it is actual concern for the land, or some means to support the order of the Wizzrobe, or both, no one knows.


- Secretive

- Off-putting

- Vengeful​


- Persistent

- Brilliant

- Dedicated​


"So how many of us are left?" The wizzrobe clad in blood stained orange looked at the others. Many looked wounded, Red stains showed through many of the other members of the chambers ornate cloths. Some of the robes were torn, showing Zora fins, Hylian arms, even the red hair of a gerudo could be seen from some.

One of the Wizzrobes answered back, "15 of us...The pupils were fine and are still in their rooms." The figured coughed up blood. "Nearly the entire order destroyed in a fight that lasted only 5 minutes. Goddesses above, curse that man..." Another figure spoke up, "That man is no longer a man, he's an abomination that made a deal with an even greater one. He wanted power...he got it. The idea though that so many would join with him. What they did just because they didn't get their way..."

"Enough!" A white clothed wizzrobe looked at the other 14. "We have won...we can maintain ourselves in secrecy as we always have done. The Next generation is safe, and Wizzro only had adults join him. They're dead, he's still alive. He's betrayed the order, killed our brothers and sisters, and sided with the force that threatens the stability of the world at large. This is a dangerous situation that needs to be handled...however, most of us can barely stand. I fear we have few other options. Koros!"

The Wizzrobe in orange turned, "Yes Grandmaster?" "I present you with this task. The means are up to you. There are to be no restrictions on use of magic. We of the older folk must try and rebuild this order. Your task is simply to do one thing. Undermine and if you can kill the Traitor Wizrro. Avenge our order. Take what supplies you can and go. I'm going to send a message forward onward." Koros tilted his head blue eyes squinting. "Grandmaster, to who?" The older wizzrobe clutched his side as he walked to the exits of the now destroyed grand meeting hall. "I'm going to send word to another organization...They're probably formulating a plan right now...I think they would appreciate your help...and you would appreciate not getting a needle in your throat. We haven't been on the best of terms in the past, So a bit of forewarning is required."

When someone strong in magic is's fairly noticeable. Sometimes the whatever passes for the government finds them, and they are trained in the ways of magic. Sometimes they can be a court mage, sometimes a soldier in the army. Other times though, something else happens, figures in robes and cloaks appear in the town. Sometimes they leave with nothing. Other times...they leave with a child, sometimes they leave with a baby. Koros didn't have this happen to him, he was born into the Order of the Wizzrobe. There he was schooled in the ways of magic. There he was taught the intricacies of spell casting, the history of Hyrule, and knowledge that few outside of other secretive orders would know.

The Rise of Gannondorf did not much effect the order. they were a secret organization that had little care for outside politics. They instead were more focused on accruing knowledge and magical research. It was very interesting to see him rise to power as an outside observer. However, he made no moves against the Order, so the order made no moves against him. However that all changed after a while. One of the Grand-masters of the order was sent a message. Side with Gannondorf and receive great magical power and knowledge. He shared this letter with many of the order. There Order was split, Side with the great force of magical energy, and receive all the benefits there within... Or choose to say no, seeing the potential risks.

The was a grand debate in the meeting hall of the place the order called its home. Calls for reason were rebuffed, arguments began. Impassioned pleas for calm were met with bitter rebuttals of sarcasm. That then were met with Rage fueled accusations. It was then that the two grand masters of the Order squared off with each other. Wizzro and Mikil. Their argument went on for hours but it ended quickly with the following words.

“You would refuse still! We move as an order! I shall not tolerate any different opinion in this! Submit to this great power, and you shall be rewarded! refuse and die! You and your faction must choose!”

“Wizzro. I would rather see this Whole order destroyed than see us be used as puppets.”

With that Wizzro let loose a spell at the other Grand-master. Within miutes the chamber was filled with blasts of fire, ice, and force. The choas was immense. the death toll was even greater. Within minutes, the council of the order, and most of the adult population was massacred. Wizzro managed to escape, but only 15 adults of the anti-pact agreement survived. Koros was one. Having suffered the least amount of damage and the rest of the survivors to wounded and old to do much than try and regather the order...He was sent out to try and do what he could do to undermine the new lieutenant of Ganondorf.

Theme Song



If you are attempting to fool me, it is impossible.

Basic Info


Age: 46

Race: Keaton

Gender: Male (Probably)

Height: 1'10" at the shoulder

Weight: 35lbs

Appearance Notes: "You mean you can't recognize me by the sheen of my tails?"



  • Uhh...


  • Wit



  • Stealth
  • Cunning
  • Wittiness
  • Very knowledgeable on topics of history and lore


  • Illusions



"Answer me this...

Pick one of the three choices...

What is my personality?

  • Mischievous, Conniving, and Troublesome
  • Intelligent, Cunning, and Witty
  • Lithe, Stealthy, and Greedy

Don't worry, I made this one super easy for you, you can't get it wrong"


- Mischievous

- Greedy

- Riddle-Obsessed​


- Diplomatic

- Kind-hearted

- Intelligent​


"You bipeds always trying to get free answers, investigate things for yourself for once, gossip, sleuth, it keeps the mind as agile as the body. If you must know, my kithood in the burrows was rather uneventful. I enjoyed a mild life, full of rats and keese. Good food, those keese, and rats drive one heck of a bargain. Learned to handle rupees like a champ trading with them. Not that I really need the money. Mostly I just like shiny things... Anyway, I lived, I laughed, I loved, and I learned. Hee-hee-ho! Did I learn. Go on, ask me anything, I do so love riddles. Nice necklace you got there, care to make our little game interesting?"


Theme Song


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Deku Sprout

I'm never alone. I have the blossoms of the apple tree I stand under and the blades of grass I stand upon, pi.
Deku Sprout

Basic Info


Human Age: 20

Daku Age: 10

Race: Deku Scrubs

Gender: Male

Height: 1'7"

Weight: 30lbs

Appearance Notes: A young Deku Scrub, Deku Sprout is average for his race, but not his sub-class, his young age being a common factor in his height. His lack of plumage is normal for his age but he is still rather ashamed of it. With a petite build, similar to a large doll, his cylindrical mouth makes way for his special racial attacks.



No armor, however skin is rather dense due to its wooden properties. Still acts as skin though.


  • His spitting capabilities


  • Handmade Map
  • "Enquiry into Plants" Written by Theophrastus



  • Extensive knowledge on botany
  • Very good at hiding in foliage
  • Possesses innate accuracy with spitting
  • Novice Cartography
  • Can glide using leafy plumage


  • Internal creation of Deku Nuts and Magic Bubbles
  • Magic Bubbles that stun for a short while
  • Deku Nuts can blind with intense light



Deku Sprout, as a child for his race's view on age, has his overall attitude of a child, but that doesn't stop him from having the wisdom that comes from being on the world for 20 years. His love of his roots, literally, brings him ever closer to his love of plants. Some might find that rather narcisstic, but he can't bring himself not to learn about the life that so closely resembles his species' own. He is very obedient, and doesn't do much to get in trouble on purpose, but he can be clumsy. He may be made out of wood, but he has a big heart. Can get rather attached to people he comes across and is also very likely to get frightened by dangerous things.


- Scared of fire

- Is rarely brave

- Insecure​


- Empathetic

- Curious

- Eloquent​


Being born from the Kokiri's rich natural forest like most of his kind, Deku Sprout spent almost 5 years of his life by the Great Deku Tree's side, which, while not unheard of in minor cases for the first few months of life, this intense amount of time was never heard of before in the race. This attachment to the Great Deku Tree branched off from Deku Sprout's almost innate curiousity of the plant life that he could feel, but it moved much differently then he or others of his race did. They were the wooden giants of his seedlinghood, and he would always find himself listening to the Great Deku Tree as it explained the mysteries of the world.

One day, Deku Sprout set out on his own journey, his penchant for knowledge being a driving force that drove him across the land. He even found his favorite book, "Enquiry of Plants" a very rare book that had almost endless knowledge on the land, and Deku Sprout made it his goal to find all the magnificent flora described on the pages. His content travels were interrupted, however, by Ganondorf's less than graceful rise to power, and out of worry he ventured back to the Great Deku Tree. Imagine his travesty when he found his respected elder dead, his wise features being beaten down by the erosive weather that now had now had no problem dealing with the corpse of the powerful Deku.

He remembered the stories that the Great Deku Tree used to tell him about the boy of destiny and with a desire to honor his master, he set out on a journey to find this person.



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I am honour-bound to serve my lady Nabooru. She gave my life worth, I must return the favor.

Basic Info



Race: Gerudo

Gender: Female

6' 4'

Weight: 185 lbs.

Appearance Notes: Azriel is not as lithe and limber as the other Gerudo. Her staunch build and weight is not meant for the acrobatics known among the rest of the Gerudo race, but she is a powerhouse of a giant, if lacking in grace.



  • Large, bulky steel armour of the Iron Knuckle Order; (Hand Gauntlets; Pauldrons; Leg-hip plates with Skirt; Jointed chestplate; Iron Boots)
  • Under her armour is the typical Gerudo outfit of fabric and silk clothes, padded to protect against armour chafing.


  • 200px-Iron_Knuckle.png
    Heavy Battleaxe, Double-bladed.
  • Gerudo Horseman's Compound Bow and Quiver of arrows (20).
  • Short talwar (scimitar-dagger), for unarmoured combat.


  • Holy book of the Sand Goddess from the Spirit Temple and a golden prayer medallion engraved with Gerudo symbol.
  • Horseman's Saddle-bag: Padded saddle, Bridle, Brush, Spurs; (not carried on her person, left in Gerudo at the stables.)
  • A small tent and bedroll, rolled up to contain a large canteen, flint-and-tinder, a coil of rope and bowstring, and a small bronze lantern with a bottle of oil.



  • Armoured combat; Able to move with relatively normal range of motion in heavy armour, but with reduced speed.
  • Survivalist; Able to scavenge food, pitch camp, or start a fire in almost any inhospitable terrain.
  • Linguist; Ability to read and speak many foreign languages based on ancient rock-carved Languages; Ancient Hylian, Modern Hylian, Gerudo, Goron.
  • Rider; Able to ride and control any properly saddled and dressed horse or similar mount.


  • Enchanting arrows into Ice Arrows, though prefers to not use it on most occasions because of the drain on her stamina.



Azriel is the iconic stoic guardian, emotion evades her grasp and silence is her ally. Not to say she has no feelings, but they are constrained and restricted, let loose in controlled streams and only when necessary. Honour is a bond stronger than death, and she would rather die the most painful of deaths before soiling her good name. Honour to her master, Lady Nabooru, the Gerudo leader, honour to the teachings of the Sand Goddess, to survive in the wastelands as she provides, and honour to her opponents, to fight with courage and fear no defeat, nor to humiliate those who are weaker than herself. She lives by a code of no surrender, that every action is a reflection of those she respects and serves, and she must do them justice by her deeds.


-Generally non-talkative; doesn't communicate well with others.

-Often challenges enemies to a duel if deemed worthy, dangerous to her in the fact that she will press no advantages to win.

-May punish allies if they perform actions deemed unhonourable or evil, even if for the greater good.​


+High respect for those who have earned her trust or are in authority, obedient and loyal.

+Always seeks justice and purity. Wrongs will never go unpunished.

+Exceptionally strong of mind and intuition; nearly impossible to fool or lie to and observant of her surroundings.​


For her large, strong body, Azriel was selected at a young age to be entered into the order of the Iron Knuckle, a sacred sect of Gerudo culture that guards the Spirit Temple, the shrine of the Sand Goddess. The heavy armour made practicing the usual agility and swiftness of the Gerudo assasssins' guild nearly useless, and instead Azriel was honed as an armoured behemoth of steel and fortitude. She was eventually the personal sentinel of the Prayer Shrine, a portion of the temple with a giant statue depicting the Goddess they served. She watched over her kin as they came to offer prayers, and one girl caught Azriel's attention, the soon-to-be Gerudo chieftess, Nabooru. She befriended this young and fiery woman, and over time enjoyed a companionable friendship with her, promising to protect and serve her as she fulfilled her role as their leader.

Then, Ganon's campaign against the whole of Hyrule commenced, and Nabooru confided in her friend that she wished to overthrow the tyrant, their hundred-year male, the god-king. Nabooru attempted to enter the deeper recesses of the Temple, long sealed and said to hold an artifact of their past. Azriel did not aid her searching, but turned many a blind eye to Nabooru's searching and scrabblings among the Temple's passages. Then, a young boy clad in green found his way to her, offering his help. He found tunnels long hidden from knowledge, and Nabooru professed her confidence in his abilities to Azriel, who silently watched the events unfold.

Then, when the boy at last found what Nabooru sought, the witches Kotake and Koume discovered Nabooru and guessed her intentions to overthrow their adopted son, Ganon. They cursed her and sealed her away in the deepest halls of the Temple, dead or dyying for all Azriel knew, and she was forced to stand watch helplessly. When the events had passed, Azriel was filled with remorse at the loss of her friend, whom she had sworn to protect. She resolved to carry on Nabooru's plan, to overthrow Ganon's rule, and a new creed appeared in Azriel's heart; to honour her friend's memory by never allowing herself to stand idly by as evil occurred. She set out to find the boy who had helped her master and friend, and to absolve herself from her part in her friend's death.



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Hey stranger! I think we can be really good friends!

Basic Info

Age: Long Forgotten

Race: Imp

Gender: Female

Height: 4'3'

Weight: 61 lbs

Physical Description:

She like many other Skull Kids have bodies the size of children, but lack certain facial features which some hide under a mask. Mink was always recognizable with her skull mask that had a unique chipped tooth.



  • Despite the lack of armor Mink has, her mischievous finesse and knack for staying one step ahead of their opponents has kept her out of harms way most of the time.


  • Sturdy slingshot


Leather Satchel; contains the following:

  • 2 Glass Jar(s) - (Empty)
  • Broken flute
  • Sound making trinkets, such as small bells, harmless seeds, and stolen keys
  • Stolen damaged grappling hook



  • Clever about her surroundings, always scouting ahead of time
  • Highly evasive, preferring to avoid all direct confrontation
  • Very manipulative, often cheating people out of precious items/information
  • Has a talent for being resourceful with her 'borrowed' items.


  • Mid range teleportation
  • Capable of throwing her voice short distances



Mink is an extremely manipulative skull kid and is well known for always using people to her own benefit. Her selfishness is only paralleled by her greed for items she deems precious. The ways of obtaining these items have no limits whatsoever. She uses this lack of morality as an advantage against unfortunate kind hearted individuals. Appearing as a very friendly person at first, Mink often uses this mask of false companionship to get what she wants. Once Mink no longer deems her victims useful to her ambitions, she either abandons them or bullies them for her own amusement. The concept of loyalty is also considered completely foolish to her, as is trust.


+Has a talent for getting information from any source

+Very friendly to the people she tries to manipulate

+Expertise in distracting opponents


-Has a large lack of loyalty, and is far from trustworthy

-Is a kleptomaniac, always stealing items whether valuable or worthless

-Has malicious intentions once she's done with people she's manipulated


Mink was like any other imp found in Lost Woods. A trickster at heart, but very friendly with others, often becoming very close to them. While these friendships lasted a long time, many began noticing that some of her long time companions had become bitter rivals with her. As Mink's positive relationships with others began to grow, so did too her number of rivals. Many of her former friends had recalled that she was very fun to be around until they gave her one of their precious possessions. She then suddenly abandoned them, or became mean if they tried to remain her friend.

Her negative reputation grew across Lost Woods, and many of her would-be new 'friends' would often avoid her entirely. This led to her being isolated within her own home of Lost Woods. She eventually exiled herself from her home, wanting to explore the rest of Hyrule. One of her favorite locations to travel was Hyrule Field, a perfect place where she would find lone individuals traveling one location to another. She used her friend-making talent on these individuals, making them trust her with their valuables. But once they gave her their valuables, they found that the imp simply disappeared and was never to be seen again. These tales of treachery hadn't spread so fast like the ones in Lost Woods.

She finally had a place to call home, but noticed less and less travelers across the Hyrule Field over the years. When she looked upon Hyrule overall, Mink had finally noticed a darkness that surrounded the land. Although she chose to remain completely oblivious to the darkness, it had now affected her way of life. It had to be stopped.



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Name: Zhar Koars

Age: 84

Race: Zora

Gender: Male

Appearance/physical description:

Appearance Notes: He stands at a full 6' 11" with a wide scar across his back. His appearance is somewhat unusual for a Zora, though his family believes to have some relation to the river Zora in his ancestry.

Weapons: Polearm

Inventory: Has a sash around his right shoulder to his left hip that can hold his polearm on the back and carry six canteens filled with water on the front.

Skills: Swimming, Spearfishing, Lying, Excels at close quarters combat.

Magic: Uses the Zora electromancy to empower his polearm attacks.

Personality: Unlike most of the Zora people Zhar is impatient and short tempered. The general relaxed attitude of his people bothers him to an extreme amount. Combat is his natural response as is his inability to accept retreat as an option. To Zhar retreat is only used by the cowardly and the brave will fight until they emerge victorious. He is always open to new allies and accepting help, even if he may offend those helping him. While Hostility appears to be his nature towards others he merely expressing his aggressive thoughts out loud giving very little care to those who take offense.

Strengths: Quick thinking, Knowledgeable about various 'monsters', Chooses his strikes carefully.

Faults: Hates riddles and overly complicated questions, short tempered, has no consideration for people's feelings.

Backstory: Zhar's life early on was generally quiet as his father and mother both pressured him to join his family's heritage in joining the royal guard. From a young age his father trained him and treated him as if he would be the captain of the guard. At first it seemed like a game to him, marching like his dad and playing 'soldier' but as he got older his father began to frustrate him more and more. His mother was a very relaxed person while she usually let the father run whatever training he wanted with Zhar, though despite his hatred for his father's 'marching orders' he followed along and joined the royal guard.

The time at the academy made his hostility towards the guard even worse but he lied his way through it eventually making it into the ranks as a low ranking guard. The job proved to be boring, spending day after day staring at the gluttonous king sit upon the throne do nothing but eat the fish that had been retrieved for him. Though, his hatred was only towards the guards and the king, not Zora people so he did as he always did, stay quiet and move along.

Not long after Ganondorf had usurped the throne of hyrule the Zora's began to notice the change in the water temerature, it grew colder with each passing day. Some Zora had left the domain to look for somewhere else to live as they feared the worst. Unfortunately the king had demanded he stay with his kingdom as the royal guards were obliged to stay with him. This practice angered Zhar even further. No longer able to hold back his anger he had yelled at the king in front of his captain trying to convince them that they were being short sighted. The king was upset and the captain was infuriated as Zhar had been banished indefinitely.

Misc: [media]


Only those who can traverse darkness can find the light.

Basic Info



Age: 25

Race: Hylian/Human Hybrid

Gender: Female

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 175lbs

Appearance Notes: Asha isn't the tallest of women, but she is fairly tall for her race. Her unknown past training has shaped her body into a fit form, very muscular and toned, but still maintaining a bit of that feminine physique. Her eyes are ice blue, giving the feeling of a river flowing through the artic with chunks of ice floating along. (Note:***her eyes are not really this color, it's from a spell). Long hair that reaches her lower back, as blonde and as bright the sky's sun. She usually is wearing a hooded cloak, so her hair is never usually seen.




Interesting enough, unlike her Sheikah companions, she wears heavier armor than they usually do. Plated armor usually covering her entire body. Even her mask and part of her hood are armor pieces. Though it prevents her from being as agile, she has managed to be able to limit the noise her armor makes while she moves through a blacksmith and a little magic. However, when the occasion calls for it, she does go with out any of the heavy plate armor, and she is as nimble as they come.


  • Elliand- A two handed great sword that she can swing with one hand (but at a much slower pace than with two). She uses this for large battles.
  • Elliad- An arming sword that she usually uses as a main melee weapon during stealth missions.
  • Ashton- An anelace short sword she uses as her close quarters melee weapons, and uses it a lot during stealth missions.
  • Garrote- metal wire used to choke or even sever body parts.


  • Red Potion (1)
  • Flint and stone
  • Shield



  • Stealth
  • Acrobatics (sans armor)
  • Skilled in close quarters combat.
  • Extremely skilled at problem solving.
  • Great battle tactician.
  • Horse riding.


  • Short range Teleport
  • Temporary Invisibility.
  • Minor illusions.



Asha doesn't speak much, but when she does, she let's you know her presence. She's extremely blunt and to the point, and usually does her best to keep everything business. She's extremely loyal, but ever since she's woken up with her memory loss, she has had no ambition. Despite her often menacing nature, when she's vulnerable, she's REALLY vulnerable often succumbing to the weight of her emotions and regrets, but usually in private.


- Blunt

- Stubborn

- Lacks Ambition


- Precise

- Loyal

- Persevering


A strange background she has. She doesn't remember anything before the day she woke in Kakariko and was assisted by some of the Sheikah. From that day, she showed loyalty to them and their desires.

What was her life before? Well. She was a knight apart of the King's Guard, sworn to protect the King and follow his order to their death. She had grown up to a Hylian father, who served on the King's Guard also, and a human mother who was a house wife. Her mother did her best to attempt to raise her to be a lady, but Asha always wanted to play with the boys in the kingdom, ride horses, and fight. Her mother never approved, but to see his daughter happy, her father began to train her personally.

As she got older, she'd eventually become a better fighter, even befriending a few of the Sheikah. They had always joked that just because she was a fighter, didn't mean she couldn't still be nimble like the woman she is, and would take her time to train in her in stealth. Eventually, she had earned herself a right to be a Knight on the royal guard, and took her role seriously.

She trained daily, trying to get better and better before eventually finding her way on to the King's Guard. That had been the happiest of her days, being along side her father. She had actually been concerned she wouldn't be allowed, because she couldn't remember a woman on the guard before, but here she was.

It was days of joy until she "The Mad King" as she called him, had started his siege. She fought along side her father, they doing well, but the monsters were too powerful. He instructed her to escape, but she resisted, yet eventually turned to leave but everything went black.

She didn't remember any of that when she woke. She didn't know her eyes were naturally brown, and not the ice blue that they currently posses. She just knew she owed her life to the Sheikah. She knew she could fight, she knew she could sneak about. Yet, she had no idea that there was a spell over her and her sword, that was keeping her from remembering her time as a Knight.

There were even Sheikah who'd tell her of her past, but she did not believe them. A particular one, Lana, constantly told her and after a few times, Asha just refused to even give her the time of day.



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