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Fandom Seven Year Struggle


Pounce Ninja


Seven Year Struggle

A Legend of Zelda RP

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Music is at the bottom

A dark evil has fallen upon the land taking over where light once ruled. At the moment its influence is contained to its origins but has shown signs of spreading. Aiming to consume the entire land and bend its inhabitants to the will of the new Dark King.

Though the times may seem dark there is hope. A few spots of light have been hidden away, given time to grow and mature to their full potential. However the King is not simply waiting for such a thing to happen. These sources of light are constantly being sought out to be destroyed.

One source has been found and Shattered. Whether to hinder the lights return or protect it from being found, its pieces have been spread to the furthest reaches of the land. Locked away where very few dare to enter.


These fragments of light must be found and joined before they can be destroyed. If lost the light will fade and the land forever cast in darkness.

Rejoin the shards and set free the light
Mysterious Voice






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The drop to the bottom of the "known world" to the Goron had been rough indeed. After having woke up who knows how long alter the young brute had made his way to the nearest source of something to eat. His stomach having been the major factor that had woken him up. Looking around he finally settled on a rather sizable patch of gravel that was covered in some kind of moss. " Dey don't had dis up on da mount", he murmured to himself while scratching his chin and inspecting the minerals with a slight pondering look upon his face. Deciding the pain in his stomach was more important then the thought of contracting some kind of weird hoodoo from the moss he grabbed the gravel and tossed it into his mouth. Taking a stand he tried to get his surroundings as he munched on his meal for the afternoon.

" Maybe dis be da way", he pointed towards a spot in the clearing of the grotto he was in. Taking a quick look back to the spot where he had landed he gazed up at the sun and visored his eyes with his hand. " Don't worrie ma....mffff.... and pa. Bruto be...mffff..... back soon", the Goron promised in between mouthfuls of the new snack of his. Shifting slowly back around he made his way down the path to what he though would be the right direction, but obviously the young giant was not really paying attention for he was going in the opposite direction of the mountain. If his older brother was here, Bruto would most certainly never hear the end of it. Many a times Bruto had gotten lost just walking out the front door and always had to be found.

Trudging along his new path, Bruto began to hum a tune to himself. The deep and almost harmonic sound wafted about the immediate area as he went through the clearing and came upon the site of a massive field. Looking about he had no idea what he was supposed to do, but was brought back from his moment of bewilderment by the sound of something or someone crying out. Getting closer to the sound, his massive foot falls resounded in the area as the Goron approached the spot where he had thought the sound had come from. " Who dere", he called with a simple questioning tone? Honestly it could have been an animal, but he knew not if it was that or someone else.

Deku Sprout

In a forest, pi.

In the thick woods north of the Goron away from home, Deku Sprout tottered through the forest, his small feet making small, but sure headway into the forest as he grew ever closer to his vague destination. He was supposed to be searching for the boy of destiny, but he had very little knowledge on what that meant and how to do it. His plan for now was to get to a town and regroup, and maybe buy some supplies. He didn't have much money, as he really didn't have many pockets, but he would make do. People were charitable last time he came around and he only hoped that they would be willing to lend a few supplies.

Currently, his head was held low in the folds of his map, wondering what he had been thining when he made the sharp squiggly lines randomly in place of the hill he had just placed. When he made maps now, he made curved lines for hills, and he had been expecting to come across a mountain where the lines were. He was relieved, but he realized just how outdated his skill was back then. If he had the time, he would fix things, go around the places near the Kokiri forest, but he had no time. The touches of paranoia were plucking at his nerves, and all he wanted to do was get a town.

Looking up from his map every so often to make sure there were no baddies in sight, he continued to walk, taking some time now and then to make sure the straps holding his book in place on his back did not slip off. It was probably one of the few possession heheld in the entirety of his trip, his Enquiry of Plants. It was a book that held almost endless knowledge on the plants of the world and was famed for it being one of the largest bestiaries of its kind. Deku Sprout had made great headway into the book, and had been surged with emotion to find the magnificent plants it spoke of. It would be heart crushing to lose it. Snapping out of the small mental pondering, he went back reading his map, trying to decipher why his younger self had made the sharp squiggly makrs for a mountain where a slightly large hill was. Maybe he had been smaller back th-cluck.

Deku Sprout's nerves erupted as the sound peirced the silence that he had been surrounded with. His entire frame turned and his mouth quickly ejected a Deku Nut the size of his mouth, quite large for someone his age. As the Deku Nut erupted, he looked into the blast zone, unable to see what he had hit, but also immune to the blinding effects of his own projectile. As the light died down, he took a step back as he saw a chicken shaking its head to clear its sight of the light. Deku Sprout began to scoot away, making sure not to turn his back, but he jumped as he saw the chicken quickly recover. He had never been glared at by a chicken before, and as it clucked and bocked loudly, he subconciously took another step back as he saw a hoard of chickens join up with the leader of sorts, their eyes just as murderous as the first.

Deku Sprout took a step back, followed by the chickens closing in, before turn tailing and beginning to run with all of his dear life, breaking out of the foliage and into a large field. A loud harmonious hum was present in the field, but his cries did their best to break over it, his little mouth screaming, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, help me, pi!" and things along the line of, "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp, pi!" He only hoped that he was running towards the town he knew was nearby, from the map.

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Meeting of a Sheikah and a Wizrobe

It was almost heartbreaking to see the ominous clouds looming not to far off in the distance. A place she had once considered her home and responsibility to protect taken over by a traitorous gerudo. How he had managed to get so much power was still unknown. For now all that mattered was protecting what remained of Kakarioko. It was her task and she had gone out of her way to make sure the little minions and monstered stayed out of the town.

Lana stood perched in one of the trees adjacent to the entrance to the village. Ruby eyes scanning the horizon. All seemed calm as the sun started to rise. Then she saw a figure approaching the villages and tensed. At a first glance it appeared to be some humanoid being wrapped in robes. the give away though was the golden mask which gleamed slightly with the morning sun. It was a look which cause much anger. For it was the same mask worn by the Wizrobe who had been antagonizing the land doing Ganons bidding. Still she held off on a death strike remembering the later which had been sent to her. She didn't really trust this clan but up until recently there had been no bad blood.

Amazing to see the fact even though it was so close to Castle town, Kakarioko village was still untouched. The population seemed a tad bit more panicked than usual, and the town was still attempting to deal with the influx of people from two years ago. Still chimneys let up a puff of smoke every so often showing clear signs of habitation. The night sky was still clear, there was a slight chill in the air. But in all honesty. having robes mitigated it. Though still a chill ran down the back of Koros' neck, for different reasons. He was in "Unfavorable territory" No, this was Shiekah territory. And that message that the Grand-Master sent was going to be the only sort of assurance that he was going to have against having a Needle thrown into his jugular. Hopefully that message got through, or this is going to be a short visit. They know i'm here... they never don't know when someone enters this town. Especially now, I'm not dead yet. I suppose the secrecy is called for...we're guilty of it as well. But I can how this would be very inconvenient.

She pulled a pair of throwing daggers from her pouch. Before the Wizrobe could get too close the two knives whizzed through the air striking the ground with a heavy thunk, pinning the robes to the ground as a warning.

Koros had been looking around, Come on you have eyes everywhere, you have got to see me, where are yo-He train of thought was thrown completely off by the whizzing of daggers through the air, that quickly pinned his robes to the ground. He looked around, for the source, and not seeing it sighed in resignation, "You know...if you wanted to talk to me...you could have just appeared out of nowhere. Gotten the shock value, not damaged the robes. Anyway i'm not shooting off bolts of ice...am I not a threat now, and can I get the common decency of a face to face discussion?" This is why our groups don't work together well... we would politely talk with you via an illusion if we wanted to do it for a distance... they throw a knife...Great diplomatic skills those.

Lana quirked a brow before suddenly disappearing and suddenly reappearing before the wizrobe. "I believe one must see anothers face for the conversation to be face to face." She replied. Her tone lacking any tone of aggression or threat. It was a risk being so close to the caster but chances were she could stab him much sooner than he could cast a spell.

The sudden appearance of the shiekah didn't surprise Koros much at all, when you belonged to an order of teleporting wizards it tended to be a non-factor. He stared blankly at her comment. "To me it's face to face. Anyway, I don't have a needle in my throat, and I'm not drowning in my blood at the moment. So I can surmise the message got through." He tapped the side of his staff in contemplation. "So from the letter you probably know of the situation Our order faces. Your order has had plenty of time to formulate a strategy or a plan in dealing with the pressing issues at hand. I'm here to assist."

He looked at the rising sun and looked back at the shiekah. "Now judging by the time, I would suggest we head to somewhere that there is a...less potential chance for prying eyes. I assume you have a meeting space secured. It would be a good thing if we could head there." With that he disappeared in a cloud of blue smoke reappearing in another puff right next to where he stood. He motioned to the ground, the knives still stick out. "I assume you'll want those back."

Lana blinked twice as the Wizrobe disappearing and reappearing two inches to the left. She knew teleporting could be used for minor things but that was kind of unnecessary. Still she swiped up her knives and slid them into her pocket. "Fair enough" She muttered before motioning for him to follow. The Sheikah speed off into the village reaching a fairly run down windmill. The attendant getting some fresh air outside.

Koros watched as the woman sped off at high speed, I'm in. Excellent. I'm not dead, even better! With that thought in mind he followed her to a windmill. The dilapidated wooden structure had see better days alright however, he cared little, it would detract any unwanted attention. He followed her into the structure, the creaking of the gears and wooden mechanisms making a dull rumbling sound. "Alright, now let's get down to business, First off allow me to be the first, as it is the...Polite thing to do in a conversation I believe? Koros, Ice Mage of the Order, at your service."

There was an innate distrust for Wizrobes. The whole idea of working with one disturbed her, mostly because of who was working for the kings. Despite her lack of trust it was a request of her mentor to work with the mage to find a way to bring balance back to the land. She put her faith in the woman and hoped things would turn out for the better. With a soft sigh she stared at the masked man a moment. "Lana" She replied with a nod. Her conversation skills were not the best when it came to awkward situations. "Plans are in motions far off from here. Not even I know where or what exactly is going on. My task was to protect this village. How much about the situation do you know?"

There was a bit of a grumble from Koros as his eyes shut, and recollected "Currently Ganondorf is exerting control on the surrounding area from castle town. His dark Magic is currently on par with nothing we have ever seen before, and our records go back...almost as far as your records. We had no interest, in the situation until recent events occurred. Now our orders are in a similar position in both numbers...and in goals, I was sent to aid in any operations as a token of good faith and because our goals are in order. Our Orders haven't..." He paused for a bit knowing full well of the awkward situation, "had a great relationship historically. However, with both of our orders working against this force I believe we can deal some sort of damage to the machinations of a dark god-king. Though, not outright stop him...that goes far beyond our powers."

Lana nodded slightly his notes mostly matching her own. "Alright. As far as we know there are very few things which can stand up to our common enemy..." She muttered softly "A few have been put in safekeeping however there is one which needs to be.... unlocked." She replied trying to find the right words for the situation. "There are shards that need to be collected, eight of them. If found they will bring about the one who can stand up to Ganon."

Koros' eyebrow raised, though Lana wouldn't have seen it. "Shards...you say...There are few things in this world that come in...shards that are important." He closed his eyes and sighed, this one sounded particularly troubled. "IT Shattered didn't it." His words reflecting the weight of the situation. "You don't need to play Obscure this time. We're well aware of the existence. And as a sign of trust I will tell you, we never figured out how to access it...however the point still stands. IT was shattered, am I correct?"

The Sheikah nodded slightly seeing figuring he knew what IT was in reference to. "We don't know who or why though. Honestly it was probably for the better seeing as his influence has spread to the most sacred of spaces." She replied with a sigh. It was worrying to say the least. "Regardless. I know where one peice is... or at least where to look."

Koros gave a quick nodded though his voice was still exasperated from the revelation, "Alright then. So we know where to start, that's something. But we're going to need more than just a Shiekah and a wizzrobe. Far more. I assume something is in the works there as well? Because if it's just us, our skill set does not really say durable Melee fighters."

Lana nodded slightly once more agreeing with the Wizrobe. "As strong as we are the place we have to go to will be difficult at best to enter. Hopefully, if my mentors words ring true, other who can help will be arriving soon..."

(PLOT!!!! A collab with @Der Kojote )

The road from Gerudo Valley, nearing Hyrule Field

Mounting her massive axe on her back, Azriel slowly trod her way through the granite and sandstone valley, leaving a Tektite shell lying in a broken heap behind her. The beast had put up a decent battle, its agility surpassed her own, but it could not break her heavy armour with its teeth or claws alone, though it nearly knocked her onto the ground with its pounces on several instances. But, in the end, she had planted heavy blade through its carapace, crushing it in almost a single blow.

Now, she had set up camp on the far side of the Gerudo canyon. Ahead lay Hyrule field, but she already saw the red glowing eyes of the Stalchildren as they emerged from their day-sleep, and she had worn out her stamina navigating through the rocky gorge behind her. So, here Azriel set up her tent, rolled out her bed, and lit her fire, preparing herself for the trials to come.

She had seen the boy who assisted her master, he had the definite look of a Hylian, so she figured the best place to begin her search would be Hyrule Town. Though now overthrown by Ganondorf, the thrice-accursed tyrant, many Hylians still lived within its walls, hoping to subjugate themselves to his power in return for sparing their lives. Azriel scoffed, she knew Ganon's ways, he would throttle them for everything they owned and all that they knew, and then either banish or slaughter them all.

Azriel clenched her fist, she would not allow his reign of terror to succeed, not for what he had done to her Lady Nabooru, he would pay for his atrocities with his life, she swore on the Sand Goddess' bounties. Smothering the fire in dirt and having removed her heavy armour, she fell asleep with these plans of revenge in her mind, silently sending prayers to the Desert Mother for her success.
TRAINING and BREAD- Outskirts of Kakariko

She had been at it since early in the morning. A target a few meters away, its painted bulls-eye toying with her from the distance. On the ground in front of it lay a few throwing daggers, resting idly a banner of previous failed attempts. There were a few laying behind it, or off to the side, and there were a few on the target itself, though none were really close to the centre.

It didn't frustrate her, though it was frustrating. If that made any sense. There she stood, in her black plated armor, Ellian at her side with her Anelace on her lower back, both sitting securely in their sheath. They weren't her issue, they weren't the reason she was training. The sable metallic mask covering the lower half of her face, hid any expression that might display frustration, and the black hood of her cloak helped hide anything else that would give off a sense of frustration.

Those cold blue eyes seemed emotionless as they remained fixated on the target before her. A hand rose as she held the throwing knife, and with a quick motion the bladed weapon left her hand and flew through the air. It whizzed right by the target and into the background, catching a few snickers of those walking by, including a few patrolling guards. The guards chuckle did get to her, though she didn't react with anger, but instead kicking up one of the throwing knives off of the ground with her foot, and simultaneously removing her Anelace in swift draw from the sheath. In a flash, all you could hear was a metallic clang as the Anelace hit the knife, and it flew through the air whizzing past the two guards, ripping the the cloth of their clothes and flying into the distance.

It must've been menacing to see those cold eyes stare at them, but not have of any of those other features to read her. They couldn't tell if she was making a friendly point, intimidating them, or just being an ass because they couldn't piece together any of her body language. So, they just left her a bit of fear stemming as their reasoning for leaving.

A smile grw under that mask, before it was interrupted by her grumbling stomach. That was right, she had been out there for a while and had not anything to eat. It was time to go steal. Well, it couldn't really be called stealing because she always left the money there for whatever she took, but it was just always more fun to sneak.

With a deep breath, she twirled the balde a round her hands a few times and returned it into its resting locations before taking off. She wasn't the fastest in the village by any means, but she definitely could hold her own. She dashed through the village before leaping up to an edge on the side of a building, and then leaping to the edge of the roof and pulling herself up. Her mouth started to water as the aroma of fresh baked goods hit her nose.

It was a natural bodily reaction for her mouth to water, but it also told her that the oven was lit and the chimney or what have you, would not be an appropriate entrance. She growled to herself a bit, slowly creeping across the roof before she slid on to the edge of the roof, and used her legs to swing through an open window.

When she landed, she was able to lift her eyes to see that she was in the main room of the bakery, and immediately rolled under a table as the baker walked by. She took in a deep breath watching his feet pass, and he leaving to the back presumably to get something out of the storage closet. So she moved quickly, eyes glancing over a loaf of bread that he just removed from the oven, and she swapped it out with the necessary money, before running back to that window she came through. It was a bit high, and she only had one hand while the other had bread in it. So she had to think fast.

She looked around placing the loaf of bread on a table for a second, moving a chair near the window. This was a start, but wouldn't be enough to propel her out the window. Well, she could only think of an escape that would announce that she was here, but her identity would be unknown. So she moved the chair out the way, and leaned a table against the wall at good enough angle for her to vault off safely. IT was wedged tightly, and so she nodded grabbing the bread and looking towards the door as she could hear the baker's footsteps.

Without hesitation, she ran up the table and scurried up the wall a little bit, enough to where she could reach her arm through the window and hook her armpit on the seal, using her strength to pull her out. She flipped out the window, and his the ground balling up and bracing herself, as she rolled a little bit. She got to her feet and ran as fast as she could in no particular diection just away from the bakery.

She had gotten far enough to where she felt comfortable and stopped. What an unnecessary thing she had just completed, but it was the only joy she got when she wasn't on a mission, or on patrol. Breathing heavily, she put the bread under her arm, and reached up to pull her hood down, a single long blonde braid falling out and down her back. Her pointed ears were now also visible, she reached up to untie the mask that was covering her face, swapping it out for the loaf under her arm.

She didn't smile, though she was pleased, instead she took a bite into the bread. It was good, as always, though she couldn't say it was worth rupees, but she always convinced herself she was paying for the adventure and thrill of sneaking in. When she took another bite, she noticed a particular Sheikah running by, Lana, who was followed behind by a magic fella with a mask. Curious. That Lana never seemed patient enough to speak with someone of that association.

Just something new to investigate. When someone walked by, she stuffed the bread into their stomach, and let them have it. Returning her mask and hood to their rightful places, before dashing off. It wasn't hard tracking Lana, well it wasn't like she was hiding either.

She was sure Lana would pick up on her tailing her. That was the thing about the people who knew the shadows, they could always tell when a shadow was following them. She wasn't concerned with hiding her presence from Lana, it was this unknown person she curious about.

She quietly slipped into the windmill, using the cover of the noises of the gears to hide what noise she made that the magic didn't conceal. She had found a position to keep herself comfortable in, and had just got there just after the start of their conversation.

It. What is this it? Koros? The Dark God-King? THE MAD-KING. They're going on a looking party? Her memory loss had prevented her from being able to piece together (haha wordplay) what this it they were talking about, but if Lana and her mentor needed assistance? Asha was sure her skills would be of use, so when they concluded their conversation she made her way from the shadows.

"I'm sure I can't do anything against the mad-king myself, but I know I am skilled enough to help in whatever it takes to bring about the tools to defeat him," she said gently as she made her way out, resting her right hand on the hilt of her sword. Her ice cold eyes glancing at the one with the mask, smiling underneath her own because the situation intrigued her greatly,"I'm sure everyone can agree? "

@Shura @Der Kojote (really just focus on the end if you wanna lol)

Kakariko village

Zhar floated on his back along the river near Kakariko village. The water was warm and welcoming, completely void of any debris. Due to his recent banishment from the domain he found himself homeless and wandering the fields of Hyrule, usually staying close to the river. Zhar reached to the sash that hung over his shoulder and detached one of the six canteens. All six of them were almost always filled with water but in this case there was one that had been emptied during his trip from the Hylian lake to Zora's river. As the empty canteen was detached from the sash and had the lid pulled off Zhar dragged the canteen through the water letting it fill. Once the canteen was filled Zhar replaced the cap and returned it to the proper spot on his sash. The river was relaxing and Zhar closed his eyes for a quick nap.

Less than five minutes later a loud thud was heard as the back of Zhar's head had hit the bridge with enough force to wake up up with a minor headache. He turned around and began tread the water for a moment before shouting out in anger and punching the side of the bridge. Once his fist connected with the side of the bridge he felt new pain through his hand. His anger only rose as he pulled out his polearm and made a quick uppercut from the bottom of the bridge successfully penetrating one of the wood planks. Zhar finally let his rage fade as he detached his polearm from the bridge returning it to its proper spot on the back of his sash.

Looking around he noticed he passed the entrance of Kakariko village. Zhar pulled himself out of the river still dripping wet. The feeling of grass on his bare feet used to be incredibly foreign to him but as of recently had started to become normal, even if he hated every moment of it. He climbed the steps that led towards Kakariko village as they had began to show their age, some of the stones were cracked and others and dulled to a more brown color from whatever it once was. Once the steps finally came to an end he saw the entrance to Kakariko village and headed inside the town. A few of the townspeople noticed his presence were either unfamiliar with Zora's or had never seen Zhar's unique coloring before.

Deku Forest, Lost Woods Outskirts

A few lilting notes carried from the thin pipes of the Deku flute, away on the light breeze through the heavily wooded forest. Thorn lowered the instrument, it was a curious tune, one she had often heard carried through the darkness of the Lost Woods, though the sound she heard was of a voice singing, a girl's by the high notes. It reeked of magic, a way-finding tune, one that seemed very close to Thorn's own heart, a young soul seeking guidance and direction.

Thorn had never found the source of the music, but she often mimicked it in her playing, regarding it as a message sent on the winds, a tune to find hidden things and recover lost paths. She found the twisting trails of the Lost Woods were navigable when the music still drifted in the air, the Woods were a crossroads of sorts, connecting a variety of places, an ornate granite doorway lead into the Goron Kindgom, though none of her race went there often unless on business, while a pool was said to give passage to the Zora's Waterfall, but her inability to swim for more than a second made this path useless. So, here she took the most common path of travel, leading around the Kokiri Forest and towards the Great Deku Tree.

Suddenly, beyond the edge of the forest, in the open fields beyond, Thorn heard cries of distress, "Help me, pi!" They were in her own native tongue, a fellow Deku was in danger! She snuck to the edges of the wood, peering out from under a patch of foliage, trying to decide whether to rush in recklessly or to stay hidden for the time being. Not too far away, she saw the source of the cry, a young Scrub fleeing for his life from an entire flock of cuccos. Despite their innocent appearances, these common birds were demonically possessed, Thorn had seen them take down enormous monsters who dares disturb their nests. Perhaps it would be an interesting endeavor to tame one, they were certainly worth their weight.

But, now was not the time to contemplate pets, her kin was in need, and she must answer the call. She rushed from her concealment, Deku Stick raised above her head and a war cry of "DEKUKUKUKUKU!!" streamed from her rigid mouth. She neared the horde of rampaging poultry, and using the stick as a sort of pole-vault, launched her way to the front of the flock next to the unfortunate target of their aggression. She ran alongside him, pointing to a patch of leaves up ahead, a Deku checkpoint, a burrow where the salesmen of their tribes often set up shop. This one was thankfully near the road to catch travelers, so it was a clear open field from their position towards it. As they ran faster and faster, Thorn dived for the brush-covered burrow, grabbing her new companion's hand and pulling him inside along with her.

It was warm and cozy inside of the burrow, the thin fingers of light filtering through the leaves that covered the entrance. The cucco flock had dispersed, as they were not the most intelligent species in existence, and they forgot all about something once it left their sight. So, they had bought time to rest and recover their energy spent running. Thorn greeted her new friend, or at least she hoped he would be friendly, seeing as she had possibly just saved his life. "Hallo," Thorn said in the Deku language, "That was quite the run, ku. What did you do to that cucco, ku, drop a Goron on it?" She said this jokingly, hoping to lighten the mood after the danger they had just narrowly escaped. "How about it, ku, what's your story?"

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Fleeing Gerudo Valley

Clepta yelps as one of those sharp, short, throwing swords whizzes by his mask. "Gaah! H-hey cut it out! I just took some food!" Unfortunately for our wayward thief, the fierce warrior-women did NOT seem intent on listening to him. Another throwing dagger whizzes by him and Clepta ducks his head, the dagger nearly hitting him. "Hey! Watch the mask! I DIDN'T steal that!" Clepta rounds a corner and could see Hyrule valley WAAAAAY in the distance. He sighs, turning around and mooning the women, laughing at them before teleporting a few more feet ahead. Watching as the women stop pursuing him once he reaches the end of their valley he shakes his mask at them and if he had a tongue he would be blowing them a congratulatory raspberry.

Now that he was mostly out of danger, Clepta takes to a more casual pace. Though he was well aware of how late it was getting. He REALLY needed to find a more secure location to do that... resting thing. Gah, it was so boring falling asleep, usually he went and went and went and went until he just.... woke up someplace. Clepta yelps as a Stalchild thinks it's funny to come out with it's bony head all beneath his feet! Clepta harrumphs and kicks at the thing, not really hurting it save for knocking it's bony head upside down. Giving the little thief pause before he spots the remains of a campfire and a tent in the darkness, Clepta scampers off towards them both. Quickly ducking into the tent and almost shouting out at seeing the sleeping Gerudo woman inside. Granted he did not expect to just FIND an empty tent, but given who he was just running from... he could have found a better inhabitant to stumble across. He sighs, setting his bag down outside the tent and sits in the cramped confines of the tent rather easily given his small form. Finally settling down for the boring process of.. falling a-.. aslee... Zzzz....


(P.S. Day 2: Clocktown
xD )

Forest Outskirts

Mink sat in a tree on the outskirts of a forest that edged over a large open field. The height of the tree was as magnificent as was the view of the field it gave. She had been relaxed up on the tree for a while as she enjoyed the sights of the field. But her relaxation stopped abruptly as she she heard leaves scrunching below her. Her entire body twisted slightly sidewards on the branch, turning her eyes below the tree. She noticed a Deku scrub teetering along through the forest.

Fascinated with the sight of a foreign looking being, Mink was ready to teleport towards him with the intention of politely greeting him. Mink straightened herself out from her lazy posture as she stood upwards on the tree branch. As she was ready to leap off the tree towards the Deku scrub, Mink suddenly paused for a moment. She realized the opportunity that she had to mess with the Deku scrub. What can a measly little Deku scrub do alone in the middle of a forest?

Her urge to cause mayhem to the Deku scrub was irresistible as was her curiosity at this point. Mink quickly looked through her leather satchel, searching for anything she could use to harm him. All she found was a few useless trinkets along with a few items that were too valuable to drop on the Deku scrubs head. Annoyed at this, she quickly teleported towards a tree branch closer to the Deku scrub below.

As she flawlessly landed on the branch, Mink's broken flute accidentally slipped out of her open leather satchel. Mink slightly cringed at the loud sound it made below as it landed. The Deku scrub underneath the tree made a fast reaction to the noise, suddenly unleashing a Deku nut on a lone cucco that Mink didn't notice before. The Deku nuts flash was almost completely nullified from Mink's mask, along with the height and distance she was away from it.

Mink began to watch the situation unfold as the Deku scrub began to back away from the enraged cucco. A large grin appeared on her face as a few more cuccos appeared out of nowhere. The Deku scrub had realized the trouble he was in as the cuccos began to chase him out of the forest outskirts and into the fields. Mink began to laugh out loud uncontrollably. The sounds of her laughter were concealed under her mask however. Mink quickly teleported on a higher tree branch, still keeping the Deku scrub in her sight.

Her view of the field was greater than the one before. Mink's bodily shaking and laughter stopped as she heard a war cry on the field. She noticed another Deku scrub had entered the scene. This Deku scrub was different from the plain wood one. Her colors were a fiery autumn orange along with a more healthier looking wood texture Before Mink could further examine the wild looking figure that appeared, the Deku scrub launched herself in front of the rampaging cuccos. The Deku boy from before continued sprinting away from the chickens while the Deku girl quickly caught up and guided him towards a small patch of unfamiliar looking leaves. Before Mink could make out what just happened, the Deku scrubs disappeared into the foliage.

Gerudo Valley Outskirts

Stirring slightly, a soft breeze had woken Azriel from her slumber in the middle of the night. She sat up, alert and ready for an impending attack, be it Stalchildren or worse. In the darkness, she saw nothing, the flaps of the tent had fallen closed again, and Azriel lay warily back to sleep, keeping her hand on her long, curved dagger all the same.

The Breaking of Dawn

The early morning sun began to heat the sides of the fabric tent, alerting Azriel to the coming of the new day. She woke and stretched her arms, brushing the sides of the small tent with her fingers in doing so. It really was only a simple sheet of cloth spread over a simple but sturdy array of wooden poles, it had always fit her comfortably before. So why did it suddenly feel so cramped and small? She sat upright and rubbed the last traces of sleep from her eyes, opening them to see an imp, here in here tent along with her, fast asleep. She reached for her talwar, but hesitated, if this little creature had meant her harm, he would have done so in the night. Perhaps he was like herself, she a wanderer and he an outcast, both travelers on a lonely road. Azriel slid the weapon back into its sheath with little sound, the imp were a mischievous race, but could also be friendly and bring good luck, so she had been told in the stories of their pranks and jokes.

She slid out from under her thin blanket and exited the tent by the rear opening, then proceeded to get dressed in her armour. It was easier to travel without the heavy chest plate clanking around her body like a witch's cauldron, usually allowing her horse to carry it strapped to the saddle, but she had left Ronan, her beautiful black charger, back in the Gerudo stables. He was a well-bred war horse, not born for his speed of agility, but his stamina and strength, like herself. But, she had left him there in the stables for fear that she would not be able to care for him and maintain her search at the same time. She had planned to return, to sneak into the fortress stables and steal him away, but only when she had found a suitable place to keep him up.

Now that she was dressed, Azriel turned to the question at hand, what to do about the imp. She had left him in the tent, he was possibly still asleep, but with their quiet and tricky nature, he could have stolen her belongings and vanished by now. Deciding to try diplomacy, she leaned down to the tent-flaps, pulled one aside with her gauntleted hand, and poked her head into it, saying softly, "Hallo, imp, are you awakening yet?"

@Mad Prince of Sanity


Kakariko Village / 7 am


Asha's presence had not gone unnoticed nor was it unexpected. She glanced over as the woman made herself known and nodded slightly. "Koros, this is Aisha. Even so us three probably won't be enough in the long run. The first piece alone is in the crypt under the village. N0 one has been down there in ages so there's not telling what we'll find." She explained looking between Koros and Asha. Odds were they could find the first piece with just the three of them however, she had been warned that Ganons influence may have reached the crypt. It wasn't confirmed but the risk was still Problem was, aside from the two in the room she hadn't been told who to expect or how to even find them.

"Regardless we should scout out a way to get into the temple and see what we're up against. It may not be too terrible." She muttered before hearing some sort of commotion outside. Her ruby eyes looked over to the Wizrobe, "You were the only one from your clan coming right?" She questioned before going to see for her self what was going on. Opened the door to the rickety wind mill and faded from existence. A mili-second later the Sheikah appeared near the entrance upon one of the high up trees and looked down. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of an aquatic being approaching the village. It appeared to be a Zora but looked much different than what she was used to. He also looked fairly aggressive.

Many of the by standers muttered to one another, most retreating to their homes. Normally they wouldn't be as skittish however the years of strange creatures attacking the village had made them weary of anything that appeared odd. Jumping down from the branch she bounced down the steep sloped hill landing several feet in front of the new comer. While his appearance was overall intimidating and threatening he did look particularly... hostile. Not in a rabid monster sense at least. He could just be one of their warriors. With everything going wrong the races had started keeping to them selves to it was possible something was going on.

"What brings you here from the Zoran caverns?"

Koros, Asha, Strange Zora Guy

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Deku Sprout

Running, running, running

The sounds of the chickens, their intense, unholy songs of war, had been following him for what seemed like forever, but suddenly, the sounds were dwarfed by a loud, grandstanding warcall that, while sounding unfamiliar to him, filled his heart with great confidence. He turned his head to see an almost magical object in the sky, quickly becoming larger and larger and-oh god it just landed it right next to him.

Now undetered by the sun, Deku Sprout was able to see quite clearly the figure that had begun to run along side him, his own short legs speeding up as he tried to keep up with the much faster person. The first thing he noticed was the amazing plumage the obvious Deku had on her head, the firey leaves that reminded him of autumn becoming enraged by the audacity of the sun. She seemed to about a good two feet taller then him and oh lord was he dumstruk by her aparatus. He had never known Dekus to be a fighting race, their strategies being more aligned to escaping and stalling, but she seemed to be outfitted for combat.

He looked toward where she nodded too, recognizing the telltale signs of a Deku Checkpoint. That was whne it all fit into place. He had seen and heard about the Dekus who grew up differently than the ones that orriginated from the Great Deku Tree, those who were bereft of the genetic wisdom of those made into being by the magical atmosphere provided by the towering wooden behemoth. He had never thought of going to the Deku Palace, as these other Dekus called it, and the idea of a Royal Family was a bit ridiculous to him, but you did not get around a conflict and monster infested place by bringing up your own personal beliefs.

Reaching the outpost, Deku Sprout's new companion grabbed onto his hand and had no qualms with pulling him into the leafy outpost. Her strength was far different than regular Dekus, but then again, that was Kokiri Forest Dekus. He landed on the soft ground and listened quietly as the sounds of the enraged chickens dispersed slowly, the lack of actual target to set their anger on giving little reason to stay mad. Looking down at the ground as he thanked his luck, he breathed a soft sigh of relief, the wind blowing out of his cylindrical mouth and picking up the leaves on the ground.

He glanced at the new Deku and was kind of surprised when he heard her speak. Though the accent was a bit different, and the diction used for the words, he could quite clearly hear the standard language used in Deku. His mouth curving slightly upwards, he said back, "I sort of hit it with a Deku Nut, pi." It was kind of funny now that he wasn't being chased after by the hoard, and a few soft trickles of giggling echoed from his mouth.

He tilted his head as he thought about everything that had happened these past few days. It seemed like just yesterday that he had tasked himself with finding the "Boy of Destiny" and even now the task hit a part of him that made him uncomfortable. He had just been adventuring before, no cause other than self satisfaction, but he now needed to live up to the Great Deku Tree's name!

He pumped the air in front of him as he got pumped, the safety of the checkpoint giving him the chance to really get fired up for finding...finding...He needed to actually know who he was finding, didn't he? A bit more lax, he said, "I'm going to the next town, pi! I'm going on an adventure, pi!" He stood up and looked at the Deku...the Deku..."I'm sorry, pi, I don't know your name. Mine's Deku Sprout, pi, nice to meet you!" He could feel his chlorophyll boiling as the excitement began to pick up again.

@Stickdom @ToTheNextTown! @ThisIsOurDeQue! @WeWillFindTheRootOfAllEvil!

Deku Outpost, Hyrule Field

Thorn listened to the chirpy little fellow as he explained about hitting the previously-enraged cucco with a Deku nut. The corners of her rigid mouth rose into a sign of amusement, and she put a hand over it to keep him from thinking she was laughing at him directly, rather than the events themselves. After a moment, he explained his situation and gave her his name, so simple and base, more of a label than a moniker, it seemed to her. 'He must be one of the Forest Deku, directly from the Great Deku Tree himself.' They often went without true individual names to show their relationship and dependence on the Tree for their identity. But, this one, he seemed a little different, almost unusual.

"Well, ku, it's a good thing, I came along when I did, wasn't it, ku? I'm called Ashthorn, little Sprout, but you can call me Thorn if you want, ku." His talk of going on an adventure intrigued her, what could such a small Scrub be doing wandering the wide world on his own? Cuccos were vicious when provoked, but if he was running for his life from them, how would he fare against other beasts who would eat him as soon as look at him? "Tell you what, ku, I just so happen to be wandering that way myself. What if I came along with you, ku, would that be alright with you?" She looked at him hopefully, considering patting his tiny head with one of her hands, but decided to not risk offending him. \

He had seemed most intrigued with her use of a Deku Stick, a particularly average one at that, no knobs for clubbing or forks for poking, just a straight rod of pure Deku wood. But, if he wanted to try, she could always get another one, and giving gifts was usually the way to win friends, she had found in the past. So, she handed it to him, saying "Here, ku, why don't you take this and we'll be on our way, ku." With that, she climbed out of from under the broad green leaves covering the entrance and then turned back around to lean in and offer her woody hand to help him up as well.

@DamagedGlasses @Mousie (in case Mink is still watching them and sees them leave the Deku Shop :3 )

EDIT: Edited for minor grammatical errors
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Kakariko village

The person in front of him looked to be that of a sheikah, one of the few that still remained. He looked at some of the townspeople retreated inside, clearly they were too skittish for their own good, perhaps even a running leaf could cause them to run away in panic. After a few moments he finally decided to respond to sheikah in front of him. "I suppose if you must know, I am banished from the domain." Zhar said in a nonchalant manner. "King avarice wants to stay at the domain even if it completely freezes over. I am glad I left." He let his explanation sink in as the memory of yelling at the king and his captain of the guard was still fresh in his mind. He had marched into the throne room and openly told the both of them that they were being fools who were dooming themselves and any Zora people that decided to stay with them. Needless to say the captain of the guard was angered and the king was shocked. Zhar meant what he said though, every last word.

He began to turn the conversation back to the sheikah. "So why aren't you dead like the other sheikah? What makes you so special?" Zhar said speaking his mind to the woman in front of him. While Zhar did not normally ask questions like that her case was a special exception, after all the sheikah were supposed to be dead and she was walking about alive. Perhaps she was just a pretender? That seemed to be the most likely case unless she was one of the very few to still be alive but it was highly unlikely given that she was just roaming around out in the open without a care in the world.

Zhar wasn't particularly sure why he came to Kakariko village but he had a feeling that this sheikah was up to something incredibly dangerous. He had no proof on the other hand and was going to just let it be but maybe it had to do with the voice he had heard a while back. Maybe she heard it too? At first Zhar had brushed it off as merely a part of a dream but there could possibly be something more to it, after all hyrule was filled with secrets and this could just be another one of them. So if this sheikah did hear of the voice then maybe it was worth it to work with her to find out what it meant, after all Zhar wasn't too fond of puzzles and riddles.


It was seemingly apparent that the Shiekah's words were coming through. No sooner had Lana said such a thing that another member of her order came through the door. He found it odd what she referred to Ganondorf as. "Mad-king? No, Ganondorf seems far from that. One does not engineer the take over of the most powerful nation in these lands, in a long term plan mind you, gain tremendous power in the process, and then split the second most secret order in Hyrule, without tremendous forethought and planning. The man clearly is QUITE sane. And that is what is a terrifying factor in this equation."

He sighed thinking honestly what might have the Wizrobes done had they not just decided to sit and like most time just be content to observe the history of the era. The many days of watching his ascent to power were quite fascinating really, the sudden massing of magical power, the quick over throw, it was all quite amazing. But now, apparently the order was paying for this stance. He muttered under his breath, " He has long term machinations, and obviously has more plans for the area. He's been lying in wait for two years doing Naryu knows what in the shattered hulk of castle town. A mad man rapidly strikes with no recourse. Something that Ganondorf obviously is not interested in doing."

Snapping out of his thoughts, Koros listened to Lana As she told him Who this newcomer where the first shard of the Triforce was. He nodded, Though when he also started hearing commotion He turned his head to face the foor. "No...Zaja was the only other one that was in remotely well enough condition, and she was more interested in looking over the Young ones. Your guess would probably be better than mi-" Though Lana seemingly walked over to the door and vanished. Obviously to see what the source of the commotion was. Leaving Him with Asha. He looked over at her.

It was then he realized something, that in all his years of living in a secret order, that talking to outsiders except on maters of business was a skill he sorely lacked. Most conversations would deal with research or magic, rarely had there been an actual conversation outside that. His eyes slowly scanned across the room, as if looking for some answer that failed to materialize. So He looked at the other inhabitant of the room and said trying to stir some sort of talk of important matters,
"So...This crypt. Know anything about it?"




Deku Sprout

Leaving the hut

Deku Sprout looked at the stick in his hand, feeling just how ingrained it was with nature. It felt like the Great Deku Tree...Deku Sprout shook his head of the thoughts and looked at the Deku known as Ashthorn, which further proved her as a Deku Palace dweller. Those who mimicked the human way of living, families, spouses, and other things creating a more growing nation, but one that surely lacked the wisdom of a Great Deku Tree. Either way, he liked the big Deku was going to help him out with his adventure. He wasn't sure where the boy was, but with all the dangerous places in Hyrule, he was kind of worried. Speaking up, he said, "Of course, pi. Thank you for the stick, pi." With that, he tottered towards her in the exit, her hand firm as she lifted him out of the hut.

Landing on the soft grass, Deku Sprout kept low, well, lower to the ground as he looked around, trying to catch any white peices of fluff. He trusted the Deku, but you could never be to sure with these chickens. They were meanies, and meanies never quit. Especially when you accidentally ruined their eyesight. He would probably feel more bad about that if it weren't for what happened directly afterward in retaliation. Tottering along on his short feet, the blades of grass coming up to his chest, Deku felt like he was actually going somewhere. However, it was somewhere without a map. Deku Sprout heaved his book out of its straps on his back and pulled the paper that was held between the pages of the botany bestiary.

Unfolding it, Deku Sprout looked to the west, towards the now see road, and nodded. Putting back the map, Deku Sprout placed the book back in his straps, struggling a little bit with the contour edges of the behemoth, before finally placing the last ounce of wait that was needed. His withdrawn appearance brightened as he said to his new friend, "We need to go down that way to the town, pi." He began to totter forward, his tiny legs dancing through the grass, when a stray knotted blade got him, "Piiiii-uff!"

Deku Sprout's short cry of surprise was ended suddenly as he fell flat on the ground. He tried to get up, but the weight of the book worked against him, giving him nothing to do except look imploringly at Deku Thorn.



An amused chuckle managed to find its way from her hidden mouth when he commented on madness. Being introduced was more of an afterthought, but she now knew his name.

"Not mad? You think madness is illogical? You think usurping an entire kingdom, and turning it into darkness isn't mad? If that's how you truly feel, you're little use to me," she had left her left hand resting on her sword, a thing that was typical when she didn't see someone as a threat.

"A mad man does things that no one else thinks of, that is madness. Don't get madness confused with rage or whatever you're speaking about."

She had zoned out much of the remaining conversation, not truly interested in what either party had to say at this point. She was a fighter, and a battle planner, everything else was none of her business. So those ice cold orbs searched her surroundings, looking for an escape or a reason to vacate the vicinity until she was needed.

That plan was cut short. There was commotion going about not too far away from this place, and Lana had gone to check it out leaving her with Koros. "I know much about the crypt as you know about. If you'll pardon me...." she stated gently before heading out after Lana.

It wouldn't take long before she would finally get to where the Sheikah was standing, in her conversation with the Zora managing the only catch the last bit,"It's no business of your's what makes her special, or why she is alive." Those cold eyes glared at the "creature" before her, that hand that was only resting on the hilt of her sword, now gripping the sheath tightly in case she needed to quickly draw her blade.

@Godman873 @Der Kojote
Lana was more than a little irked by the Zoras response but it didn't show much since all but her eyes were was covered. However he did bring up an interesting fact. The Zora domain was freezing over? How was that even possible... unless Ganon was extending his power further than she feared. Something else that would need looking into. Lana sighed softly making a mental note to check into it. If it was true... there was no telling who else was already being affected. She crossed her arms in thought a moment posture still remaining fairly calm.

Before she could answer the questions Asha spoke up from behind her. Lana glanced back and motioned for the knight to stand down. "No need to draw you sword. yet anyway..." She replied before looking back to the Zora. "I'm simply looking over this village as I was asked to do. I'm sorry for the changes in the Zora domain though. Do you know why the freezing is happening?" She questioned.

@Godman873 @AkuNoOkami


Kakariko Village

"Sir, I find that mask offensive and I demand you take it off. You aren't fooling anyone... Sir? Sir, remove the mask, it is misrepresentative of me and all of my people... You realize the kingdom is in turmoil and you stand here guarding an open gate to a relatively peaceful mountain, no? You are a worthless excuse for a guard and a worse excuse for a person. I will spend no more of my time associating with the likes of you. Good day, sir!
I said good day! Bah, you aren't budging." Wiley hopped into the air and swan-dove into a burrow. Wiley chittered to himself as he dug away "Hee hee ho!" Poor sod didn't even see me take his wallet. Racist blockhead deserved that one, makes up for the lost satisfaction of not taunting him, I suppose. Peeking from the ground, Wiley spotted something odd. A Zora? This far from their lake? Hm... There had been some strange news from out that way, hadn't there? And it looked as though the poor fish-man had a run-in with a sushi chef, from the cuts and the charred look. Wiley made his way cautiously over, keeping up a glamour whenever he peeked from the ground to look like a couple sprigs of grass here, a rock there, et cetera, et cetera, until he was imminently behind the strange Zora.

"Hello, sir. That wallet of yours looks heavy. I'm in the same predicament, funny enough. How about we play a little game and one of us could lighten our load a bit?" Wiley said, flicking his tails in anticipation of another haul of shinies for the hoard, uncaring for the conversation he was already having.



Clepta yelps as he jerks away, flailing his feet and arms as a sudden, inquisitive voice jerks him from his dreams "Gahh!" he blinks behind his mask the the Gerudo woman, tilting his head to the left, then the right, then the left, then the right before laughing at her question "Am I awake? Well now I am! At least.. I THINK I am, I could also be dead but.." Clepta shrugs, rolling out of the tent on the opposite side and he looks around "Why in the WORLD death would look like this seems impossible so... yes.." he gives a definitive nod "I am awake." Clepta clacks his mask against his beak a bit before he scuffs the ground with one foot. He scratches the back of his head as he studies the surprisingly-stocky woman "So uh... where are you going? Not much to do out here but be Stalchild food." he clacks his mask a bit in displeasure.

Clepta hefts his things back onto his shoulders and begins to walk off, waddling his way along before looking back at the Gerudo "
Thanks for the nap! Umm.. I here Kakariko is... " he scratches his mask awkwardly "Well... not NICE... what with the weird sneaky ladies who lived there, everyone suspicious even before I st-.. err... well it's not all bad... but.. everyone there isn't dead yet so... I guess it is nice! You're welcome to walk with me if ya wanna, having someone along who knows how to use a sword when you don't is always a good idea. hehehahaha!" he laughs, before turning and continuing to walk.

Clepta suddenly jumps as he passes udner a tree and pulls out his slingshot, shooting it at an owl standing on the perch above "
Oh no no no no NO! Get boutta here you annoying owl! I am NOT putting up with you talking my ear off for a solid ten minutes! Gahh! Not to mention if I don't tell you I COMPLETELY understand you repeat EVERY, SINGLE, THING!!" Clepta shakes his fist at the large brown bird as it flaps away, calling after it "Who could put up with you anyways!?" Clepta sighs, today felt like it was going to be a LONG day.


Kakariko village

Zhar noticed the knight's hand move towards the sheathe, if they tried to draw the sword he would defend with his weapon. The tension was a little eased when the sheikah told the knight that perhaps the action was a bit too early. His attention turned back towards the sheikah as he listened to her response and question. So Kakariko village had a silent guardian? It was certainly interesting but it was still a way to completely dodge his question. Guarding a small village didn't make her any degree of special, in fact, all it did was make her qualified to guard his fat do-nothing glutton of a king. Zhar ignored the growing irritation at the two of them and answered her question. "Why is the domain starting to freeze? I don't have a clue and neither do the rest of us. Only person that might is the captain of the guard and he is in just as much denial as the king himself." Zhar's voice held a small touch of irritation though it was impossible to tell who it was directed at.

Then another unfamiliar voice chimed into the conversation but his question was completely off the topic. When Zhar looked at the new arrival he laughed. "So you want to play a game so one of us can lose our wallet? As a matter of of fact I think I saw you the other day who swindle a man out of his money over one of those childish games." Zhar took a step closer. "So how about you go swim in that volcano over there or I shove my polearm somewhere the sun doesn't shine?" His irritation had hit the max but just one more stupid person walking up to him and he was going to hit something.



@The Kaosophile


She wasn't eased by Lana's request for her to stand down, but removed her hand from her sheath nonetheless. No, the Sheikah did not command her, she had no authority for such things, but she listened either way. She was loyal to the Sheikah, even if Lana was the only one at the time being.

She didn't really care for the Zora, at least she couldn't remember caring for them, and this one was making it easy to continue that streak. She actually had turned her back, something she wouldn't have done to a threat -well at all- if Lana wasn't there. It wouldn't be long before she'd hear another voice, and immediately dismissed it being a threat. So from that point on, she didn't give it a second thought to pay attention to what was going on. It did catch her attention when he heard the threat of of stuffing a pole up the newcomer's...well...but it was enough to get her to turn with her sword halfway removed from its sheath.

"I suggest you watch how you speak to people, before you end up losing your t-...."

Asha stopped in the middle of her sentence when she saw Wiley and immediately returned the blade to its proper place, and shook her head managing to put some distance between her and the crowd that had just formed,"Know what. I no longer care." And with that she stopped some feet away from them. Close enough to be able to jump in if needed, but far enough they wouldn't increase her steadily rising irritation.

@Godman873 @Shura @The Kaosophile

The quirky little fellow jumped up as she watched on in bemused silence. He rambled on in half-uttered sentences which she could barely make heads or tails from, muttering about Stalchild food and Kakariko village. That wasn't such a bad place to start her search, actually, there was sure to be some news of the world's goings-on, she would find some hint on where to start looking for this green-clad boy. Azriel tore down the tent as the little imp clambered up the dead remains of a tree and began pestering a large brown owl who had been watching from a distance. He was certainly excitable, but perhaps a companion would make the trip more interesting.

One convenient timeskip later; that afternoon

They stood outside the gates of Kakariko village, the Gerudo and the imp, passing through the wooden gateway and into the seemingly quiet village. After the assuredly talkative journey across the great expanse of Hyrule Field, at least on the part of the imp, For almost the first time that day, Azriel spoke, "I am going in to find someone, you are need not follow me about if you wish to go elsewhere." She knew this town very little, but there were signs about that mentioned a small bar and tavern, or even a small potion shop where gossip was sure to collect. These were the places she would have to search for the clues that she needed to find the boy in green. As she entered, she noticed a group that was gathered near her location, a very interesting party. A Sheikah, a Zora, a Keaton, a Hylian, what was this, a circus? They appeared to be discussing amongst themselves a topic of great importance, and she attempted to slip past them into the town without disturbing or alarming them. She herself, a Gerudo clad in full armor rarely seen outside of the Spirit Temple itself, was not so conspicuous and she wished to avoid any confrontation directly.

@Mad Prince of Sanity
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