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Fantasy Seven Silver-moon Servants


Elder Member
Members of the servants of the Silver-moon specialize in missions that normal mercenaries will not or can not complete. Groups of seven are sent out when word is received that a job has been left open, and they complete it and take the payment. A highly selective group, only those with supernatural abilities are accepted. Members receive many benefits and rewards in exchange for persevering through the tough training daily and surviving the difficult missions. To make sure only the best members are in the program a semi-annual tournament is set up and the participants have to complete one of numerous tasks before their opponent or better than their opponent. Only the top 40 members are allowed to stay, the rest are executed since they can not leave and be trusted with the knowledge of how the group operates.
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No Godmodding, your characters are green at the beginning and most things should challenge them

No killing other people's characters except in the tournament

Get along OOC, the IC group can be dysfunctional

Be somewhat literate, and keep OOC in the appropriate section

Your character's weaknesses must be respected​
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