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Fantasy Seven Silver-moon Servants


Elder Member
As Jinnizal handed the last letter to the guild courier he turned around to see Angeline Zorander, the Silver-moon servant's leader, giving him a peculiar look. "Can I help you Angela?" Jinn asked, knowing full well why she was here. He had broken the rules and sent out eight letters instead of seven. "How many letters did you give to that courier?" Angeline asked, her voice stern. "Well, it was eight...but two of them are twins so they count as one unit right?" Jinn replied, trying to laugh off the situation. She thought for a moment, then threw up her arms and turned back to the castle. "They're your responsibility Jinn, come tournament time one of them could take your place..." She called behind her, disappearing into the complex maze of a castle that the Silver-moon servants called home. Jinn grinned to himself, knowing that more member under his allegiance would increase his chances of becoming leader one day, and getting the power that came with it.

The letters that arrived to the assorted potential guild members were always the same. "Dear ____, You have been summoned to Castle Harlston and invited to join the Servants of the Silver-moon. Arrive within one week for this invitation to remain valid, as such an invitation only comes once in a life time. Should you choose to accept this offer to join the prestigious guild, then you must be prepared to risk your life to keep it's secrets hidden, and it's values upheld. With this in mind if you are still willing to come, bring all of your belongings and make sure nobody knows where you are going or why you are leaving. The Servants hope to see you soon."

@Embaga Elder @The Endergod @Magical Squid Senpai @Nano @Branden2396 @LilyannaGaming @JPTheWarrior
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It was a dark night in the middle of a forest. Kyos stood in front of small sized fortress. Kyos yawns. Alright let's go kill some bandits. Kyos places his mask on and kicks the door open and walks in pulling out his smallest blade. He holds it as if it's a dagger. He covers himself in dark aura and sticks through the shadows traveling through the fortress stealthy killing the bandits inside one by one. A few minutes pass and only one bandit was left standing. The bandit stood in the middle of a circular open room, fully illuminated, and only one entrance. He stood sword ready and fully terrified. He heard footsteps walking towards him. He was shaking with fear.

Kyos came around the corner and stood in the middle of the entrance, he sheathes his sword and stood there without saying a word. Kyos' quite stillness terrified the bandit Chief even more.
Pl-pleased leave. I-i won't d-do anything bad a-again. Please ju-just let me live. Kyos said nothing. Wh-who are you anyway? Kyos chuckled. Who am I. Hehe, I'm the one who's going to nail you in the ass. The bandit Chief winced and soiled his pants. Kyos ended up laughing out loud, pointing towards the bandit Chief. Aw man I was only joking. He walks towards the bandit Chief and takes his mask off putting it on his waist. He stands side by side of the bandit and wraps his arm around him in a friendly manner. So you promise right?? You won't do anything bad anymore?? The bandit starts nodding yes vigorously. Uh-huh yes I won't do anything bad anymore. Alright good, then we're all done here. He said as he pats him on his face. He removes his arm from around the bandit Chief and walks towards the door. Wait is that it? Seriously? Kyos chuckles. He turns his head to the side and looks at the bandit through the corner of his eyes. Of course not. He says coldly. His dark aura instantly covers the illuminated room trapping the bandit in darkness. Darkness tendrils begins impaling the bandit Chief, while Kyos walks off leaving the fortress.

Kyos walks out the fortress seeing the note on the ground. He picks it up and opens it reading the letter. When he finished he burnt the letter on the torch that was mounted outside the fortress.
Looks like I'm joining a guild master. Hopefully I can work well along side of them, like I did with you. He begins walking with plans on joining the guild.
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Forewarning: Apologies for the obnoxiously long post

Linnea Reim Eldridge

There had once been someone who had told her that once you found contentment in something, you never wanted to let it go as if you had an addiction to it. She had never understood what that person had meant until her teacher had gone missing one day, leaving only a cryptic letter and his prized tant?, both of which she still carried to this day. Sometimes, she wondered what her life would have been like if she had never met the man known as Freud Eldridge. Perhaps she would have simply followed the same miserable fate that the rest of the children in her clan were subject to, but that would have left her ignorant to the better things in life. Now that she had discovered things like "hope" and the warmth of having somewhat of a real family, she constantly craved it. If she had just agreed to discard her emotions, then she wouldn't have had to suffer what it felt to lose someone. However, she didn't regret it, not completely anyway.

Back when she had been someone who wasn't "Linnea Reim Eldridge," she had simply been a doll that couldn't do anything other than follow orders. She neither feared for the well-being of her comrades nor for her own life. The only times when she felt anything even remotely similar to emotions was when she killed someone, an innocent person who probably didn't even have the capability of defending himself. It was an endless and mindless cycle that repeated itself over and over. Living such a life, she couldn't have even really considered herself human.

Freud Eldridge had been the one to liberate her from such a life. He was strange person who was completely different from herself and the others from her clan. He laughed, he became angry and he cried. Freud was strangely childish, yet had the air of an adult at the same time. He had been the one to show her a new and different kind of strength. He had been the one to give her the things that she had unconsciously and unknowingly wanted whether it have been the hand that stroked her head every time she had done something right or the gaze that watched over her with concern or even the voice that would tell her that everything would be okay. Unlike the clan that she had come from, her master never viewed her as a tool but rather as a human being. Most importantly, he was someone who was strong even without killing off his emotions, something that allowed Linnea to see that her clan was wrong. Even though she had been something that he hadn't expected in his life, he had still always been there waiting for her to catch up if she ever stumbled. At least, until that certain day...


Linnea's eye flicked open as she sat up in the bed. She gave a quick scan of the room before dropping her body back onto the comforts of the bed and covering her unbandaged eye with the back of her hand. It had been a while since she had reminisced about the past in a dream. It wasn't unpleasant, but it didn't leave her feeling very well after waking up either. After all, it was a dream that almost taunted her for being able to gain information on everything but the whereabouts of her teacher. It was frustrated to admit, but her teacher was even more elusive than herself.

After quickly getting dressed and going downstairs to hand her room key back to the innkeeper, Linnea stepped outside of the inn. She didn't get to take many steps down the road when a hawk landed on her shoulder. It was Ruen. Noticing that a note had been tied to his foot with a string, Linnea removed the small letter and quickly read it. It was an invitation to join the Servants of the Silver-Moon specifically addressed to her, but where had Ruen received this letter or rather, from whom? It was possible that one of the couriers or people from the towns that she had gotten acquainted with had been told to pass on the letter to her, but even that was unpleasant. The person who had sent this letter had somehow managed to get information on how to contact her. While she was someone who gathered all sorts of information, she didn't appreciate someone gaining information on her own self. At least this was fortunate for her, in a way. A high-end organization such as the Silver-Moon Servants would allow her to access greater amounts of information.

Linnea neatly folded the piece of paper back up and placed it into her bag. Based on the map of the area that she had memorized, Castle Harlston was a bit far from her current location, but it wasn't a place that she couldn't get to with plenty of time to spare based on her traveling speed. With her decision to join in mind, the white-haired girl lightly stepped forward before disappearing, leaving nothing but a gentle breeze in her place.

Cas sighed as she read the invite. She hurridly ran back into her hideout to gather any stray items.

She headed out with her town gear and headed to town. She heard whispers about people and the Silver moon servents. Ignoring them she

Continued doing what she did everyday. Exchange items. She handed her fellow buyer her latest batches of potions and she bought food and other nessicities. She headed back to the base to see Ray, Reading their invites.

Ray got up after his sister did, Just like everyday. Sighing he began tending to their garden. Once he finished he heaed into the kitchen.

He looked on the table and read the invite, He saw his sister came in and smiled. "We are going." He said and headed to pack their things. He listened to his sister sigh.


They srrived and walked in quietly to not upset the already quiet setting. Cas sighed as she frank a bit of water and followed her brother insie.


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