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Alex began his day as the new kid at school. He was of average height and had his hair in a spiked up look. No one paid much attention to him or his baby blue eyes. While walking into the school his was tripped by some senior students and all hos books fell. He picked them up and just continued with his day.
(Sorry, I've been busy)

Sam looked out the window, twirling a lock of red hair and only vaguely listening to the music echoing through his headphones. His cat-like yellow eyes stared at the formless mass outside, seeing who he could and couldn't recognize. There was that prick, the one he had in a few of his classes and didn't fail to make some comment or another- about his rather long hair, currently red nails, or something of the like. Some days he didn't mind returning the insult, but today was not a day he wanted to deal with that.

The aforementioned prick and his band of lackeys bumped into some kid, completely ignoring him.

'Doesn't stand up much for himself, does he?' the redhead thought absently as the kid silently picked up his books and walked off. He probably would have told him to shove off. Not that it really mattered.

He stopped his people-watching and leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes and paying attention to the lyrics in his ears.
Alex reached his class and noticed the rows of seats turning to face him with complete stares. He could feel them staring through him right into his soul. An open seat was seen next to a boy listening to music. All his books were placed under the seat and he placed his bag behind it. Alex's hand started to shake when he saw thatthe rest of them continuing to look at him. All of his attention tried to focus off of thrm and on the class but he saw them still staring at him. He slimped into his seat and tried to wonder why he had to come to theis school.
The problem with having a mixed-grade class, Sam thought, was that there was the chance to have to deal with new kids. But he kept his eye-rolling inside his head, giving a half-hearted wave to the blue-eyed boy.
Alex calmed down when he saw the yellow eyed kid wave at him. He had a half hearted smile and waved back before returning to class. Then the kids that pushed into him earlier walked in and sat near him, they threw taunts at him but just ignored them.
The redhead couldn't resist a small smile when the target transferred from him. Sure, that was mean, but he simply didn't give two craps at the moment. Then the teacher walked in. His older brother- best teacher, right? Yeah...

His brown-haired older brother walked up to him, "Really? Take out your headphones. You know better."

"Shut up," he rolled his eyes, tempted to show him his red-nailed middle finger, but decided against it. He took off his headphones nonetheless, "Happy now?"
Alex lies behind him and just watched the confrontation between the red head and the teacher. He turned to him and asked him a question "Are you two related or something, he seems to know you real well and vice versa." His eyes focused on the red head and didn't move even when a paper ball was thrown at him.
"You mean my obnoxious older bro-- ah, screw you too!" Sam said, adding the last bit when said older brother hit him with a book spine. Then the brunette turned to the troublemakers, "You guys stop messing around too, since if your homework's not done, you'll fail this class. And it's due in about four minutes."
"I can help you with that if you help deal with these idiots behind me. I don't want to go through my school year with me in garbage cans or locked in lockers. Do we have ourself a deal." Alex held his hand out to complete the deal "you can accept or fail this class and take the class over again."
(here it is)

Alex watched as the idiots behind him shut their mouths and sat back in their seats. "I guess he's the strict teacher that takes nothing." He pulled out his folder and book waiting for class to start. "The name is alex by the way." He said before looking ahead of him.
"Sam," the redhead replied, "Trust me, he doesn't suffer fools gladly."

Three minutes or so later the bell rang, signalling the beginning of class. The teacher said good morning, happy Monday, and that he hoped they did their homework because it's due.

There were a few groans from the people who forgot or 'forgot', but the brunette ignored them. Once the papers were collected, he quickly began the lesson.
Alex raised his hand to ask a question about the class. "Excuse me sir but what have I missed, I'm new here and I will be confused about where I am" He stood up without thinking and got a few laughs from the class when he did. 
"Oh, yes, Alex, right? I forgot. See me after class and I'll give you an overview," the teacher replied, "If you're confused, just read your textbook while go through the lesson."

With that, he went straight back to the lesson like nothing happened.
"thank you mr." Alex sat down and continued to read through the textbook. When the class had reqched the midway point, he closed the book after finishing it and went to answering some of the questions that were foind in it.

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